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Insane Bump Machine

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Everything posted by Insane Bump Machine

  1. Insane Bump Machine

    20 new HCTP movies

    IGN Wrestler of the Day: Batista Entrance: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...sta_01_free.mov Deacon no more: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...sta_02_free.mov Who has the power: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...sta_03_free.mov Setting up for the inevitable: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...sta_04_free.mov It's all over D-von: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...sta_05_free.mov
  2. Insane Bump Machine

    20 new HCTP movies

    I think there are some players who can play quicktime files (Aceplayer or something), but mostly very slow and in very bad quality.
  3. Insane Bump Machine

    20 new HCTP movies

    IGN Wrestler of the Day: A-Train Entrance (Work in progress): http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...ert_01_free.mov Steph dominates early: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...ert_02_free.mov slams, slams, and more slams: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...ert_03_free.mov Elbow fever: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...ert_04_free.mov It's all over: http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/smackdo...ert_05_free.mov
  4. Insane Bump Machine


    Oh, I get it. He's doing his Scott Keith impression now.
  5. Insane Bump Machine

    Bomb explodes at UN HQ in Baghdad

    UN ENVOY DIES IN ATTACK A huge truck bomb at the UN headquarters in Baghdad has killed at least 17 people including the UN's envoy to Iraq, say latest reports from the scene. Sergio Vieira de Mello died of the wounds he suffered after being buried under a pile of rubble. Intelligence experts said this may mean Senor de Mello could have been the main target of the attack. Witnesses said a yellow lorry rolled up to the front of the building in the Iraqi capital before exploding, although UN sources said the bomb had been in a car. Initial reports accounted for at least 53 injured people, but more dead and wounded people were still trapped under the rubble. Residents up to one mile away from the building had their windows shattered by the explosion. Journalists had been in the building at the time attending a news conference given by the head of the UN's oil for food, Benon Sevan. US Blackhawk helicopters were soon circling around the building, ploughing through the thick wads of smoke billowing hundreds of feet into the air. Coalition troops and armed police quickly surrounded the scene and cordoned it off to prevent any secondary attacks. Terrorism experts around the world are still drawing up a list of possible suspects and one Pentagon official said the group Ansar al-Islam was among the strongest possibilities. Around 300 UN staff work in the building as do many Iraqis and it was considered a relatively easy target compared to the more heavily defended American sites. It had been home to UN inspectors called to scour Iraq for weapons of mass destruction before the Coalition's invasion of the country. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, cutting short a holiday in northern Europe, labelled the attacks an "act of unprovoked and murderous violence". British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the attack had been carried out by "very, very ruthless people". He said: "What makes this all the more appalling is the UN was there simply for the people of Iraq to help the humanitarian situation and ravages of Saddam Hussein." And American president George Bush warned: "The civilised world will not be intimidated, these killers will not determine the future of Iraq." On August 7 this year, a truck bomb shattered the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad killing 17 people. Ansar al-Islam has also been identified as a suspect for this attack.
  6. Insane Bump Machine

    Bomb explodes at UN HQ in Baghdad

    One more victim, U.N. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello just died from his injuries.
  7. Insane Bump Machine


    *paging Tiffany Malibu*
  8. Insane Bump Machine


    That's so lame. Yeah, I know. Stating the obvious.
  9. Insane Bump Machine


    And our cocks are?
  10. Insane Bump Machine


    Maybe that should tell you something.
  11. Insane Bump Machine


    You could counter that by posting your boobs.
  12. Insane Bump Machine


    ...yeah dude!
  13. Insane Bump Machine


    not if you're whiny bitch who immediately starts crying when someone else gets some shots in.
  14. Insane Bump Machine


    Oh come on, you can do better than this. What kind of argument is that supposed to be? If you don't want us to take part in 'all this fun', why didn't you just PM Inc about your little problem instead of starting a thread for everyone to barge in?
  15. Insane Bump Machine


    I'm going to take a pic of my cock as soon as I get my camera back from my sister.
  16. Insane Bump Machine


    Hey Stennick, I think we need to see your cock before we can further evaluate the relevance of your problem. Please click here: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...59&t=38563&st=0
  17. Insane Bump Machine


    What's your point again?
  18. Insane Bump Machine


    That would only be further proof that you have, in fact, no life and make you look even more retarded.
  19. Insane Bump Machine


    You're threatening that you'll do the same thing you're accusing him of doing if he doesn't stop it? What is this, kindergarden? Either show some balls and flame him the right way (ie with wit and not by saying fuck a lot) or don't bother. No one cares.
  20. Insane Bump Machine

    new Raw 2 movies

    Damn, IGN is slow and buggy today. Some of the movies may not load or may be broken. That's not my fault, the links are correct. It's just that IGN seems to fuck up more than usual today. http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/evenm...raw_04_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/evenm...raw_01_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/evenm...raw_05_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/evenm...raw_02_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/evenm...raw_03_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/evenm...raw_06_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/evenm...raw_07_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/evenm...raw_09_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/2rawi...ros_06_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/2rawi...ros_02_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/2rawi...ros_03_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/2rawi...ros_04_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/2rawi...ros_05_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/2rawi...ros_01_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/raw2n...ess_04_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/raw2n...ess_02_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/raw2n...ess_01_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/raw2n...ess_03_free.mov http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/raw2n...ess_05_free.mov
  21. Insane Bump Machine

    20 new HCTP movies

    No, you got that wrong. The submission meter only appears when you attack a body part that is already hurt (hurt body parts turn red on the small body icon aside the Smackdown bar). In the video Jazz uses her Single Leg Crab finisher, but Trish's legs aren't hurt yet. That's why the new submission meter doesn't appear. Later she uses the STF which also attacks Trish's injured neck, and then the meter appears. I know that the Single Crab should actually hurt the back, but what can you do. That's WWE for you
  22. Insane Bump Machine

    new Raw 2 movies

    Rock entrance is this one, I think: http://xboxmovies.ign.com/xbox/video/2rawi...ros_06_free.mov
  23. Insane Bump Machine

    new Raw 2 movies

    I just have to say that this game has got to be made by idiots. The female ring announcer (Garcia?) is the worst EVER. Example? She pronounces John Cena like John Sinner. WTF? The sound effects have got to be a joke, especially the chops and the bone-crunching(?) when submission moves are applied. Do these people actually watch WWE programming? The punch and kick animations (vital in a WWE game ) are pure crap, too. At least it is the first game that has The Rock's new entrance nearly perfect.
  24. Insane Bump Machine

    Hey, how do you know what version of XP you have?

    You have 32 Bit. The 64 Bit version isn't sold in stores, it comes preinstalled on high-end workstations and servers.
  25. Insane Bump Machine

    20 new HCTP movies

    Even more new movies (high resolution, 640x480): Steiner vs Flair, new submission system in effect (Flair grabs the bottom rope to break a hold), Flair sells back and head http://swiki.che.gatech.edu/CHE-SPORTS/upl...airsteiner2.zip Jericho vs Nash Part 1 http://swiki.che.gatech.edu/CHE-SPORTS/upl...erichonash1.zip Jericho vs Nash Part 2, Y2J finishes with the Lionsault http://swiki.che.gatech.edu/CHE-SPORTS/upl...erichonash3.zip Trish vs Jazz, some moves on the outside http://swiki.che.gatech.edu/CHE-SPORTS/upl.../jazztrish1.zip Trish vs Jazz, even better look at the new submission system. As soon as a hold hurts an injured body part (red on the status icon), you have to make it to the ropes to break the hold. Otherwise you tap out, like Trish is doing here. http://swiki.che.gatech.edu/CHE-SPORTS/upl.../jazztrish3.zip The download speed is kinda slow though.