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Insane Bump Machine

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Everything posted by Insane Bump Machine

  1. Insane Bump Machine

    CDs question

    http://www.audioholics.com/techtips/specsf...VDlongevity.php as long as you treat your discs the way it's supposed to be you don't have to worry too much about the longevity. Read the link above if you want extensive info about the topic. Just one tip: always check the disc after you burned it. Most burning programs like Nero offer the option to check the burned disc afterwards.
  2. Insane Bump Machine

    Turn me into an Elvis fan

    Here's a list of his songs that I love: Heartbreak Hotel Don't Be Cruel One Night Trouble Stuck On You Fever Are You lonesome tonight (oh yes!) Devil In Disguise (my favourite) Guitar Man In The Ghetto Suspicious Minds You Don't Have To Say I Love You
  3. Insane Bump Machine

    CDs question

    I don't know what a 'sharpie' marker is, but as long as you don't write on the wrong side of the disc it doesn't really matter what you use. Format? For normal CD backup use standard CD-R, or CD-RW if you want to be able to overwrite the disc at a later time. Just keep in mind that even CD-Rs don't last forever, but they should keep your files safe for a couple of years.
  4. Insane Bump Machine

    The return of Dr. Who

    The first episode leaked to the net about 3 weeks ago, you can find it on P2P, plenty of torrents around. Haven't seen it myself, but the responses I read are very mixed.
  5. Insane Bump Machine

    Okay, I need this program

    I found it on eMule, but 2.0 is about 650MB and 1.5 200MB. I don't think you'll find a HTTP download for a file that big.
  6. Insane Bump Machine

    "New" Astroboy trailer 2003 series

    http://www.dvdasian.com/cgi-bin/dvdasian/1...tml?id=Nt2PTiEu ???
  7. Insane Bump Machine

    "New" Astroboy trailer 2003 series

    Can't believe I'm still remembered for that old avatar But I don't quite get your post. That DVD box contains the first series from 1963-66, not the 2003 one. Or are you referring to another picture and I'm just blind? I agree that he looks too angry on it, though.
  8. Insane Bump Machine

    "New" Astroboy trailer 2003 series

    Astroboy Picture of the Day: My precious
  9. Insane Bump Machine

    Any good ghetto movies?

    It's not about a US Ghetto, but you need to see City of God.
  10. Insane Bump Machine

    The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

    Blue Spring Films about the alienation of the youth are a common theme in Japanese cinema (see Battle Royale, All Night Long, Suicide Club any many, many more). I expected this one to be brutal and over the top after I read some reviews before, but was surprised to find a film that is beautifully shot and acted with the violence taking place slightly off-screen most of the time. I loved many specific scenes, especially Kujo always hanging out on the roof overlooking everything, all the boys waving at the one girl in the movie, the scene with the two guys in the toilet stall, and most of all the suspenseful 'clapping games'. The only real drawback for me was that the film is a bit too short at 83 minutes. After taking its time to flesh out characters and scenery (beautiful cinematography btw) for most of the movie it suddenly rushes to the finish. It could have used about 10 more minutes.
  11. Insane Bump Machine

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    speaking of Bull Durham: 'Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. [pause] Goodnight.'
  12. Insane Bump Machine

    The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

    Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle Hilarious movie, consistently funny throughout. Doogie Howser snorting coke off a hooker's bare ass is a sight to see.
  13. Insane Bump Machine

    DVD Rippers/Encoders

    http://www.doom9.org/ has all you'll ever need.
  14. Insane Bump Machine

    Nausicaa, Porco Rosso, and Cat Returns

    No. Spirited Away, Castle of Cagliostro, Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro.... plenty of great films that have nothing to do with saving the world. Castle of Cagliostro is still his best work IMO.
  15. Insane Bump Machine

    If women where hamburgers...

  16. Insane Bump Machine

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, Feb 11-13. 2005

    Everybody should watch Ong Bak. It's awesome.
  17. Insane Bump Machine

    Windows Media Player Upgrade problems.

    you can change brightness/contrast in the options of the used codec (example: right click on video--->filters--->XVID for XVID videos). For MPEG it can be changed in the MPC options itself. I use version
  18. Insane Bump Machine

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    He could get a girl that has more than looks going for her. And Torrie isn't THAT beautiful anyway. Trish on the other hand
  19. Insane Bump Machine

    WWF Piledriver Album

  20. Insane Bump Machine

    The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

    That's not yet finished though But yeah, great series.
  21. Insane Bump Machine

    Anyone know where I can download the Royal Rumble?

    forget maketorrent and download Azureus. It's the torrent client with the easiest interface, at least of the ones I know. After installing you restart your browser, go to pwtorrents.net and click on the small red icon on the right of the file you want to download. Open the .torrent file with Azureus and you're good to go.
  22. Insane Bump Machine

    True Events, Remakes, & Sequels: Your Picks

    Why would Tarantino do a Daredevil movie? And why even a remake, the first movie (Director's Cut) was pretty good except for the awful playground fight. I agree about The Hulk though, I'd like to see a better big screen version of it.
  23. Insane Bump Machine

    True Events, Remakes, & Sequels: Your Picks

    Well, they DID give the oscar to people playing serial killers before (Anthony Hopkins, Charlize Theron last year), so it isn't that far off. Still a difference, but who knows...
  24. Insane Bump Machine

    Mozilla Firefox error/problem

    What do you mean? If you don't have the Firefox setup files on your computer anymore just download it again from their homepage: http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/all.html
  25. Insane Bump Machine

    Most Disturbing Image
