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Insane Bump Machine

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Everything posted by Insane Bump Machine

  1. Insane Bump Machine

    Mozilla Firefox error/problem

    Google it without the last line, like this: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22xml+parsi...:De-DE:official Use Add/Remove program to uninstall. Restart your PC. Then locate the Firefox folder and delete everything that's still there. Backup your Bookmarks of course. Then reinstall.
  2. Insane Bump Machine

    Mozilla Firefox error/problem

    did you just install a new extension? That could've caused the problem. You'll probably have to reinstall Firefox anyway. And I mean a complete reinstall, deleting everything except your bookmarks and install everything again. The problem is quite common, just google the message you're getting.
  3. Insane Bump Machine

    Favorite TV shows that lasted a season or less

    CLERKS Berserk (although there is still hope for a second season once the manga's finished)
  4. Insane Bump Machine

    Upcoming DVD releases

    Some nice Studio Ghibli releases coming up: Features: Behind The Microphone-Voice Talent From The Film: Alison Lohman, Uma Thurman, Patrick Stewart, And Edward James Olmos Complete Storyboards -- Get An Insider's Look At The Film's Artistry Original Japanese Trailers The Birth Story Of Studio Ghibli Featurette Release Date: 2-22-2005 Features: Behind The Microphone - With Voice Talent From The Film: Michael Keaton, Brad Garrett, Kimberly Williams, Susan Egan, And David Ogden Stiers Complete Storyboards -- Get An Insider's Look At The Film's Artistry Original Japanese Trailers Interview With Producer Toshio Suzuki Release Date: 2-22-2005 dunno about features, probably similar to the other ones. And here's something completely awesome: Release Date: 3-29-2005 SPECIAL EDITION DOUBLE-DISC SET FEATURES: - New, restored high-definition digital transfer enhanced for widescreen televisions - Audio commentary by Kurosawa scholar Stephen Prince (The Warrior’s Camera: The Cinema of Akira Kurosawa) - A 40-minute documentary on the making of Kagemusha, part of the Toho Masterworks series Akira Kurosawa: It Is Wonderful to Create - Helping a Master: Coppola, Lucas, and Kagemusha, new video interviews with executive producers Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas - Image: Kurosawa’s Continuity, a new video piece that reconstructs Kagemusha through Kurosawa’s paintings and sketches - A booklet featuring new essays by scholars Darrell Davis and Peter Grilli and biographical sketches by Japanese film historian Donald Richie - New and improved English subtitle translation - More!
  5. Insane Bump Machine

    Title for Bond 21 announced

    that would rock, btw.
  6. Insane Bump Machine

    Entertainment Sucks

    Three Extremes, Oldboy and Kung Fu Hustle = Greatness
  7. Insane Bump Machine


    Features: 10 Additional Scenes Includes Intro with Spike Lee Commentary by Spike Lee, Ernest Dickerson, Barry Alexander Brown and Ruth Carter Academy Award Nominated Feature Length Documentary Malcolm X (1972) By Any Means Necessary: The Making of Malcolm X Theatrical Trailer Looks good.
  8. Insane Bump Machine

    WMP Problems

    I don't have WMP10 so I can't help you there, but you should really try an alternate player like Media Player Classic or BSPlayer. It's better in pretty much every way.
  9. Insane Bump Machine

    So, you want to share files with your friends?

    You download the XBOX DVD-ISOs via BitTorrent and then either burn them on a DVD-R or transfer it to your XBOX Hard Drive via FTP. All of that only works with a modded XBOX*, of course. * http://www.xbox-scene.com/tutorials.php
  10. Insane Bump Machine

    Battle Royale released in US?

    There is no Battle Royale anime.
  11. Insane Bump Machine

    True Events, Remakes, & Sequels: Your Picks

    True Event - a big biopic about the life of Nelson Mandela would be interesting, I guess. Can't think of anything else right now. Sequel - Die Hard 4 is in the works already, that would have been a good choice. Peter Jackson could do 'The Hobbit', I'd love that. Still waiting for a sequel to Pulp Fiction. A sequel to Léon The Professional called 'Matilda' with Natalie Portman as the killer could be great. Oh, and I'm always 100% for additional Cowboy Bebop stuff, so I wouldn't mind a sequel to the great first film.
  12. Insane Bump Machine

    Battle Royale released in US?

    What region is it? Runtimes: 114 min / Japan:122 min (director's cut) / South Korea:122 min (director's cut) It could still be the normal uncut version because of the fps difference between PAL and NTSC, depending on what region you have.
  13. Insane Bump Machine

    Playing DIVX files on the comp

    You could have just asked here and saved yourself the trouble. To prevent future confusion about what codecs you need to play a file just download GSpot*, a fine little program that tells you everything about your video files, tests playback and gives solutions/download links. * http://www.headbands.com/gspot/download.html
  14. Insane Bump Machine

    Are Horror Movies Becoming Repetitive?

    Hadn't heard of Kairo until now, but I checked on IMDB and it looks interesting. Edit: Audition is great of course, but also 5 years old.
  15. Insane Bump Machine

    Are Horror Movies Becoming Repetitive?

    The majority of horror movies has always been a few ideas used over and over again. That's not a new trend. But you always get some great stuff amidst all the rest. Some recommendations out of the newer crop of horror: Shaun of the Dead (obviously, although not a pure horror film) Three...Extremes (three short films by three of Asia's best horror directors. Great stuff if you can get your hands on it) Haute Tension aka High Tension aka Switchblade Romance (French slasher film with great atmosphere, plenty of blood and gore and some really creepy scenes) Ju-On (the japanese TV original, not the lame US remake)
  16. Insane Bump Machine

    Need "Ray" via Bit Torrent

    check your PMs.
  17. Insane Bump Machine

    The 2005 Oscar Nominees

    I'm fine with almost everything, but why is Shark Tale nominated for Best Animation when Ghost in the Shell 2: INNOCENCE is not? It's not even my personal bias or anything, it's just plain obvious that Shark Tale isn't even in the same league as Innocence. IMDB ratings, just to further illustrate: Shark Tale - 5.8 Innocence - 7.7
  18. you mean Wes and Paul Anderson, not Paul W.S., right? Payne and Coppola don't really have a big body of work to judge their skills, haven't they. And if we're talking international directors we can't forget about guys like Wong Kar-Wai or Zhang Yimou, who are both bringing the goods with everything they're working on.
  19. Hitchcock himself didn't like a lot of his earlier films. And he did make some forgettable stuff like Under Capricorn or Topaz (although I kinda liked that one). But still, Hitchcock is probably one of the most consistant directors. I agree with the topic, Eastwood is one of the best living Amercan directors. Scorsese is still ahead of him, but there's not much else. Altman maybe.
  20. Insane Bump Machine

    The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

    Kung Fu Hustle is very high on my 'MUST WATCH SOON' list.
  21. Insane Bump Machine

    The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

    Puni Puni Poemy - pure insanity with some hilarious anime parodies. Hell, the whole thing is one big parody of every anime cliché there is. Don't look for a story in this one. ***1/2 The Butterfly Effect Director's Cut - strange that this movie slipped off the radar during its theatrical release. Intelligent film with some good performances, even Ashton Kutcher was decent. **** Deep Impact - I like it as a companion peace to one of my favourite guilty pleasures Armageddon, and it's OK as far as disaster movies go. Certainly in another league as crap like Day After Tomorrow. FX have aged a bit. ***1/2 Twister - part 2 of my disaster double feature. I didn't expect much but was pleasently surprised. The FX still hold up today and the main characters are very likable, something I missed in Deep impact. ***1/2 Friday Night Lights - Good football film with a once again great performance by Billy Bob Thornton. He's one of the best American actors right now. Still liked Any Given Sunday better though. **** The Life of David Gale - I could see the big twist coming, but the film is still very suspenseful and enjoyable. The fact that I love Spacey's work and Kate Winslet being in it certainly didn't hurt. ****
  22. Insane Bump Machine

    The Ultimate Fighter

    by Dave Meltzer [email protected] Raw last night drew a 3.8 rating. The debut of the Ultimate Fighter did a 1.4, which has to be considered a huge success as no show in history has ever retained so much of the modern Monday night wrestling audience.
  23. Insane Bump Machine

    The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

    Oldboy - ***** incredible film, just incredible. The acting, the story, the music and the visuals combine to form one of the best films I've seen.
  24. Insane Bump Machine


    I've already seen it. It's a fun action movie with some good plot points, but the main reason to see it are the amazing visuals. The CG animation in this one is awesome.
  25. Insane Bump Machine

    Oh god why can't I find Stella Artois in this town

    ^^best beer around.