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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Perhaps Foley, only Foley knew when to call it a career. Plus, that'd be an insult to Flair if he ever heard people call Foley this generation's version of him (since Flair hates the hardcore brawling style).
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Bubba Ray Dudley calls TNA the"new ECW."

    Rhino Rhino vs. Rob Van Dam, Anarchy Rulz '00 Rhino vs. Spike Dudley, November 2 Remember '00 (These two matches have stiff shots, decent storytelling, great heat, and are at the very least entertaining, which is more than I can say for the majority of work in most other promotions.) Dudley Boyz Dudley Boyz vs. Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, and Spike Dudley (Yes, most Dudley Boyz matches were ultimately forgettable, and this match is only memorable for the feud that it blew off where Beulah's neck was broken. It was how good at being heels they were in ECW, regardless of the fact that they relied on cheap heat too much since the cheap heat oftentimes came close to starting riots, that makes their ECW work stand out.) Corino Steve Corino vs. Tajiri - Hardcore Heaven '00 Steve Corino vs. Jerry Lynn - Heat Wave '00 (Again, Corino's matches in ECW were ultimately forgettable, but it was his character and how he portrayed himself that made ECW fans watch.) Justin Credible Justin Credible vs. Jerry Lynn - Heat Wave '98 (and the whole summer series at that) Justin Credible vs. Tommy Dreamer - Guilty as Charged '99 Justin Credible/Lance Storm vs. Tommy Dreamer/Shane Douglas - Living Dangerously '99 Justin Credible/Lance Storm vs. Rob Van Dam/Jerry Lynn - Heat Wave '99 Justin Credible/Lance Storm vs. Tommy Dreamer/Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome/Raven - Living Dangerously '00 Justin Credible vs. Lance Storm - Hardcore Heaven '00 Justin Credible vs. Jerry Lynn - Anarchy Rulz '00 (Credible's way too underrated as a wrestler, in my book. Is he great? Hell no. He's just a bit above Billy Gunn in terms of talent, but even Billy Gunn had good matches with the right opponents - Jamie Noble, Mick Foley, The Rock - and Credible gelled VERY well with Jerry Lynn, Tommy Dreamer, and Lance Storm.) They, to be generous, were mediocre matches. I couldn't give one more than *** in good faith. Incredibly slow matches. I'll agree with you here wholeheartedly. I think the Van Dam/Lynn series is one of the most overrated feuds in the history of wrestling, and definitely THE most overrated in ECW. The only reason it's fondly remembered is because no other feuds during 1999 featured 20-25 minutes of insane highspots on a national level. I'll have to disagree with you here to an extent. RVD's early WWE work smokes his late ECW work. After the Guerrero feud, RVD hasn't done anything remotely worth watching, outside of a couple of good spots against Kane during their short feud, in WWE, and his late ECW was exactly what you hate about him: nothing but stalling and a few highspots. His work in ECW until mid-1999 was solid, and the stalling worked for the character, but after that? It ruined his matches, I agree. That's one of the reasons I like Rhino/RVD so much: Rhino didn't let Van Dam do much stalling. EDIT: And Vyce, the reason why so many love ECW is because of the overall atmosphere. Not even just the whole "oooh, we're fucking rebels" feel to it that became forced later on, but because you could tell that most of the workers were there because they wanted to be and not because they just needed a paycheck (since, you know, Paul E sucks at math).
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    The Toadies

    The Toadies are a Boston alternative/punk band. Good shit, too.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    High on Fire

    High On Fire is alright. I like how the vocalist does clean screams instead of the generic almost growling screams that's popular today. "Devilution" is a good tune, but something's missing from their music that I can't really point out. Maybe it's because I think they're too similar to Trivium, minus the ability to write some kickass melodic-yet-thrashy stuff (though I only like 2 or 3 Trivium songs, and think the rest is terrible). EDIT: Inc, check out the band in my avatar, Zombie Apocalypse. It's definitely not for everybody, and might take a couple listens to let it sink in, but I find their chaotic spaztastic hardcore to be quite excellent. http://mortiviventi.com http://www.myspace.com/zapocalypse
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Kurt Angle on a local sport show here in Nashville

    Can he even walk anymore?
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Green Day clean up at the Kerrang awards

    I didn't know little girls sounded like screeching bats... Funny, because the first time I heard Cradle of Filth I couldn't stand it because of Dani's voice. It grew on me a little bit. And hey, you can hate CoF all you want...but at least they're better than At the Drive-In.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Saw 2

    Halloween of this year. I'm not too excited about it, because though I liked Saw, I can't see a sequel being anything more than just the first one with a slightly higher budget and different gore scenes.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Bored? Got a minute?

    The Transplants - "Diamonds And Guns"
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Green Day clean up at the Kerrang awards

    Hey...Dusk and Her Embrace, From the Cradle to Enslave, Cruely and the Beast, and Midian are good albums, fuck you.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Bubba Ray Dudley calls TNA the"new ECW."

    Yes...because, you know, when only 2 matches on the card feature weapons, often very limited weapon usage, the whole card is filled with garbage wrestling. Mike, seriously. Your ECW hate is just pathetic at this point.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Green Day clean up at the Kerrang awards

    I love that Cradle of Filth haven't recorded anything good in the past 5 years and are considered one of Britain's top 5 bands.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    7 Police Officers Sue Over Hair Drug Tests

    Yeah. Sounds like Boston is out 7 cops because of a bad testing policy.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    What if....

    It wasn't the fact that Jarrett went over Raven at Destiny, it was the fact that he did so AFTER BEING COMPLETELY FUCKING MURDERED WITH A DOUBLE SUPERKICK CON-CHAIR-TO, A BUNCH OF SINGAPORE CANE SHOTS, NEW JACK BEATING HIM DOWN, AND RAVEN HITTING THE DDT 3 TIMES (ONE OF WHICH HAD JARRETT WITH HIS HANDS CUFFED BEHIND HIM). Then, Sabu comes in, hits a chairshot on Raven, and BAM! Jarrett wins with The Stroke. If Jarrett won after little-to-no interference from the Extreme Revolution, or won after the "Traditionalists" came out and beat down Raven (AMW, Styles, Lynn, and some of the other faces), then I wouldn't care too much, but as it is that match buried Raven and hurt his credibility as a serious World title contender for a long time.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Green Day clean up at the Kerrang awards

    System Of A Down > every other band at the awards.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    'Halo' is headed for the big screen

    My problem with Halo 2 is that I didn't care about playing as the Covenant at all. Whenever I'm playing, I stay away from Covenant weapons because I can't stand them (save for the sword), and when I play campaign I skip over the Covenant levels. I dig the storyline alright, I just don't care for how every Covenant level is exactly the same.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Something TNA Should Do More of!

    I'll have to see if it's on my cable system later today.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Why are the "bug-eye" sunglasses...

    Because people wanna look like old ladies?
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Emo kids -- I need an FAQ

    I'm not saying they're exempt from pain (hell, if you check the "cutting thread" in HD, I cursed out Fishy for saying people from well-off families don't know pain), I'm saying that they don't have a whole lot to bitch about. Most emokids I know come from families where they see their parents every day, they get along with their siblings (if they have any), and are encouraged in any practice they choose to do. But as soon as one thing goes wrong, they have a breakdown and cry about it. What's that joke Christopher Titus makes? I'll paraphrase...
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Sharon Osbourne sabotages Iron Maiden, cuts power

    So the man's country, which he was born and raised in and loves with all his heart, is attacked by terrorists on two consecutive Thursday's...and it's BAD to wave his nation's flag to show he loves and supports his country? Yeah, Sharon. You suck at trying to get people to hate the British when you, yourself, ARE BRITISH AND SHOULD REALIZE THAT A BRITISH PATRIOT IS GOING TO BECOME AN EVEN MORE VOCAL BRITISH PATRIOT WHEN HIS COUNTRY IS ATTACKED.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    New Blood for ROH

  21. Corey_Lazarus


    GET. MERCEDES. NOW. Thank you.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    What if....

    If we see a repeat at BFG, expect almost all interest in TNA to die until Samoa Joe wins the World title. Raven was the hottest thing TNA had going for it, since it was obvious to just about everybody that the guy could work enjoyable matches, cut great promo's, and was horribly misused everywhere but ECW (where he was given creative freedom, which he was given a little in TNA)...so why put Jarrett over? A contract dispute. Raven screwed himself by not signing the deal, since if Jarrett went over, the whole Extreme Revolution gang (Sandman, New Jack, Saturn, Justin Credible) wouldn't have been punked out after murdering Jarrett, but rather little interference would've happened, and it probably would've gone to either a draw or Jarrett going over after a ton of interference against Raven.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    'Halo' is headed for the big screen

    I won't be, since I find the game's plot to be fun. It's nothing more than "invading alien race gets their ass kicked by Mankind," but it's entertaining to say the least. I'm just trying to imagine the Flood on the big-screen, and whether or not they'll incorporate the plot of the Heretic from Halo 2.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Natasha Lyonne

    Apparently, after Detroit Rock City, he got pretty big into coke and heroin. Some leader of the resistance HE turned out to be, eh?
  25. Corey_Lazarus


    Oh yeah...she's the one that had a couple brutal matches with Ian Rotten, right? Still...GET MERCEDES.