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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Back From The Dead...

    AMC should be showing The Evil Dead instead of Army of Darkness. Uncut. That movie proves that with talent, dedication, and a few bucks, you can make a classic.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Back From The Dead...

    Thing is that Myers has never died. He just has an inhuman tolerance for pain. If only the stupid teenagers would find a 9mm and peel a few into Myers' skull, then maybe he could become superhuman. Until then? Just another guy on PCP with a William Shatner mask and a big fucking knife. Oh, and Ash could take him, too.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Who should Jarrett lose the title to?

    If he was over enough? Yes. Remember, the general trend in wrestling is towards smaller workers that are charismatic and can actually wrestle.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    I need the lyrics to AJ Style's Entrance theme...

    You shouldn't be THAT fedder. Find a real song, dude.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Official 8-18-04 Preview

    Chinlocks, armbars, punches, and bodyslams done well are better than hurricanrana's, flying headscissors', tornado DDT's, and tilt-a-whirl Russian Legsweeps done poorly.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    And you thought you could escape mid-90s grunge...

    I want Ice Cube not sucking. NATURAL BORN KILLAZ, MOTHERFUCKER!
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Promotion Wars 1.3 Released

    What's the gist of Promotion Wars? Is it just like EWR?
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Back From The Dead...

    That's because Myers is mortal, and Pinhead is a demon. At least Jason Voorhees can't die, and Freddy can't either. F/J/A could be really good if done right. In other words, let Sam Raimi and the person that wrote the FvJ script collaborate. Hell, just give the whole project to Raimi and that guy. You won't find many better directors than Raimi, in my eyes.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Tell of a time when someone said

    Yeah. You should've been like "hey, asshole, go read a newspaper," consiering Owen's death was all over the news.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Official 8-18-04 Preview

    At least Shane doesn't botch half of what he tries. You have to give him that.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Who should Jarrett lose the title to?

    Well, when you get buried in your first big match and then get sent to the lower midcard, you tend to not be motivated anymore. No emotion? You haven't seen the matches against Abyss, then. He was ALL emotion in those matches, and that's what made them so good. He just needs the right program to show emotion, and when you're stuck in angles against Jeff Jarrett and your character is changed every two months? It's hard to properly display emotion. The problem would really be his gimmick. He hasn't really had one in TNA outside of SEX and a few promo's after his return. That...and three of the four former NWA champions have been heels. We need a face champ next. He is taken seriously. The dancing is him celebrating. Besides, he doesn't do it as the focus of his gimmick, he just does it in celebration or in taunt. Keep the dancing, since he's good at that too. So? As the feud with Styles proved, Abyss is fine working with cruisers. He's the best big man in the States today with national exposure (Samoa Joe might be the only one rivaling him), and he has a face turn just waiting to happen. It SHOULD have happened when Jarrett was a heel champion for the first time, and whoever won that Styles/Abyss match got the shot at the World title (most of us here were clamoring for an Abyss face turn), but no. D'Lo has passable mic skills. His problem is that he's trying to go too Strong Style, and it's not working since he was brought up on WWF Style. When he first entered TNA, he was pretty damn good, but now? Burned out from constant touring, and he's trying too hard to do something he's not that good at it. Only people that might be able to even slightly cover up Hardy's faults are Styles, Kash, Daniels, and maybe, MAYBE Abyss. Let him learn how to wrestle better first. He has the natural charisma, has a natural presence in the ring, and even his uber-green matches from 2002 were pretty damn decent. Tell him to stop being the snarling beast and focus on doing the "predator/prey" gimmick SUBTLEY. Kash is 5'8". Eddie Guerrero is 5'7". Tell me another one. He's the best heel on the roster, can work a solid match, and generates heat without even really trying. In TNA, no champion has been taller than 6'2" (Shamrock was 6', Truth is 6'1", Jarrett is 6'2", and Styles is 5'10"). Height is NOT a factor in whether or not a wrestler can be champion, as proven by Guerrero and Benoit in this year.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    I need the lyrics to AJ Style's Entrance theme...

    Why? They're fucking stupid. Alas, when I upload my MP3s again, I'll be able to tell you. I switched computers, so this may take a while. And yes, I downloaded it. The music is good, but BAH GAWD, the lyrics are t3h suxx0rz.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Official 8-18-04 Preview

    Michael Shane >>> Petey Williams. Shane actually grew into an acceptable worker once he was taken out of the X-Division. Williams is still bland, and has the most over-exposing finish I've ever seen.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Best feuds/angles in ECW

    The Dudley Boyz were feuding with Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman, stemming from way back during the Raven/Dreamer feud. Suddenly, Buh Buh Ray and D-Von make it extra personal by 3D'ing Beulah McGillicutty, Dreamer's girlfriend, and breaking her neck. Dreamer enlists the help of friends Sandman and Spike Dudley to get revenge on Buh Buh Ray, D-Von, and Dick Dudley.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Official 8-18-04 Preview

    I predict Kash/Styles and AMW/XXX being the only good matches...again.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Holy Grail of wrestling

    A tape of the original Intercontinental title tournament from Rio de Janeiro.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Aug 13-15

    So? A few Sundance movies suck royal balls. Just because a bunch of pretentious pricks like it, doesn't mean it's actually a good movie. I mean, just look at Titanic. Critics loved it, but it's still just a stupid fucking movie with little meaning. I don't think being compared to one of the biggest let-down's for horror fans EVER should be a positive thing...
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Did TNA ruin AJ's TNA career?

    I'd rather fans vocalize how much they don't like what they're seeing than just sitting on their hands. A live crowd, even if they're live with distaste, is better than a dead one.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Does RVD deserve a chance....

    I'd push him as a top contender, maybe hold the belt once or twice, but never as a truly dominant champion like he was in ECW as the TV champ. Tell him to buck up and go at it faster, maybe even work a little stiffer if need-be, and try my best to get him over as much as possible as a heel (tell him to channel his 1996/1997 persona, if need be). If that fails? Fuck him. I jumped off the RVD bandwagon in 2002.
  20. Corey_Lazarus


    THEY RENEWED IT?! WHYYYYY!?!??!!?!??! **murders all of your fucking mothers**
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Albums Listened to Today

    Morbid Angel - Domination The first time I've listened to this album in a year or so. I used to hate Morbid Angel because I thought they were the most generic death metal band ever, but I'm really starting to dig them now. I'll have to borrow some of their CDs and burn them (because I'm poor).
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Alien vs. Predator

    Soldier is underrated. I dug it. Would have been better if it were longer, but Kurt Russell's performance as Todd was pretty good, especially since he couldn't talk or show any real emotions.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Aug 13-15

    Open Water prolly didn't do so well because it looks like it's fucking boring. Two people in the water for 90 minutes? Hooray. AVP so deserves to be #1...and then fall off the charts next week.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Is it really worth hurting people over?

    People are just stupid fuckers who don't realize that not being an asshole will make more people tune in to what you're saying.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Tell of a time when someone said

    Soembody told me Foley's ear was fake. You know the one I'm talking about. I actually did a report on Foley and why he is one of my idols for Psychology. When I went down the injuries he's sustained over the years (at least the ones talked about on the back of the Have A Nice Day hardcover), somebody raised their hand and went "but isn't wrestling fake?" I just looked at her, and went "scripted, not fake."