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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Did TNA ruin AJ's TNA career?

    Actually, TNA did have two big feuds. Lynn/Styles and AMW/XXX. AMW regaining the titles from XXX was memorable (as was the cage match), and the Lynn/Styles feud put TNA on the map. Every other feud has been pretty shit, though.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    I want to purchase The Smart Marks.

    They wouldn't want Quebec, either. Fucking Frenchies.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Dumb American

    She's almost as bad as a Canadian. See, here in AMERICA, we have BACON. You have ham. And French people. So, for having Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, and Frenchies...you lose. America could be filled to the brink with jackoff's quoting the Bible with their thumb up their ass and their dick in the mouth of a young choir boy, but you'd still lose. Oh, wait a tick...
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Alien vs. Predator

    It was...okay. I liked how much better the Alien model looked in this one than in Alien 3 and Resurrection. That's the extent of my liking of this film. Well, I lied. I also loved the Alien/Predator hybrid at the end of the film, as that was the basis of the final issue of Aliens vs. Predator: Duel (which is a 2-part miniseries, but entertaining nonetheless, and helps link AVP with AVP: War and Aliens: Berserker). Scenes I fucking hated: -The first Predator dying, since it made no sense. AN ALIEN'S TAIL IS NOT 12 FEET LONG! -The second Predator death. Uh, sorry, but if an Alien can just waste a Predator that easily? Then these are some dumb fucking Predators. -The third Predator being impregnated by the facehugger. He'd have realized the thing was coming at him, seeing as how it WAS making noise. -The Queen suddenly going from 12 feet tall in Aliens to 30 feet tall. -ALIEN HEAD AS A SHIELD. FUCK YOU. *1/2 out of a possible 5*. Entertaining in a sick sort of way, but ultimately leaves a bad taste in your mouth, just like Chinese food.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Holy Grail of wrestling

    The entire Raven/Tommy Dreamer feud, from January 1995 until the blowoff in the summer of 1997. The feud that made Raven, the feud that made Tommy Dreamer, and the feud that made ECW.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Did TNA ruin AJ's TNA career?

    I think he was hurt the most by never winning any big match cleanly after his first winnings of the X-Division and Tag Team titles. When you don't let a wrestler win cleanly, the fans begin to think that he CAN'T win cleanly. See: Jericho, Chris as Undisputed Champion, WWE. AJ has so much talent - both as a high-flyer and as an all-around wrestler - that it downright sickens me how TNA treats him. Although, to change up the flow of things, I won't even mention whose probably doing this on purpose to make himself look good (but his picture is my avatar).
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA News & Notes from the 8/16 Observer

    The only truly well-built matches in TNA that I can think of have been: -AMW/New Church blowoff -Raven/Jarrett -AMW/XXX blowoff -World X-Cup event So that's 4 things that have gotten a build worth a damn in TNA. And even then, the World X-Cup build-up sucked, but I included it because they built it up constantly. TNA doesn't know how to build to something, and this is because of conflicting idealologies on the booking committee. Mantel is an old-school booker that likes to slow down and simplify terrible SE angles, Russo is a "deliver now, but keep it going" SE booker, and Jarrett is an "I'm the only important one here" booker. Until TNA can get somebody to supercede all of them, and make them all go into the proper categories of booking (Mantel for pacing of a feud, Russo for what happens when, and Jarrett should be kicked off indefinitely)? The booking will continue to suck.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    I want to purchase The Smart Marks.

    Nevermortal will purchase TSM, and I shall purchase it from him. With what, you ask? My collection of CDs (as well as some stolen from Agent's closet, including his autographed copy of St. Anger that he hides from everybody).
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Dumb American

    Oh, wow, look! I'm Canadian! My country has given you maple syrup, ice hockey, and the Hart family and their students, and nothing else positive! You American's have BIG PENISES and are our superiors! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Alien vs. Predator

    I'm seeing this movie tomorrow. I'm thinking of finding all of my copies of AvP comics, and letting the people I'm going with read them before and after the movie. That way they can be let down too. Hey, I'll admit it: I am kinda psyched for this movie. I was also psyched for Resurrection, though, so it's my fanboy side taking over.
  11. Which Troma movie? Because I will find Lloyd Kauffman and ask him to get his Tromaville freaks to murder you. Especially Beowulf. He'll eat you whole. MAJOR PAIN, MURRAY!
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA News & Notes from the 8/16 Observer

    The difference being that almost everybody on the "Heroes of Wrestling" card at least helped sell out a big arena show in their career before. TNA? Not a single person on the active roster can say such a thing. Plus, Jake Roberts > Jeff Jarrett. In EVERY...SINGLE...WAY.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Best of 2004?

    Actually, Diamond and Swinger WERE a good tag team...in ECW...three years ago...when they were both in shape...and had feuds...and were in a promotion where the pace was fast instead of telling everybody to slow it down...and they were against some really good tag teams... ...man, I hate Johnny Swinger, and I'm disappointed that Diamond let himself go so much.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Impact Spoilers

    It's only Dids and that other guy.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Dumb American

    That's okay. You're just mad at us because we didn't unleash Celine Dion and Bryan Adams onto the world. It's okay, we feel sorry for you, too.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Alien vs. Predator

    Re: Why the Predator let the human live: Predators are bound to a code of honor. If the Predator is hunting an Alien, and another entity helps in the destruction of said Alien, then the Predator is bounded by honor to not kill them. Sure, it's a cop-out way to have the human character survive, but this has been true since the first AvP comics were published in the early 90's. I have both Batman/Predator and Batman/Predator II. They're both extremely good titles, with the sequel the superior in my opinion. The gist of the first one is that a Predator comes to Gotham City to go hunting, and Batman is pissed because it's killing off innocents and scumbags left and right (similar to in Predator 2). So Batman hunts it down, and it breaks nearly every bone in his body. He recouperates, and develops a new suit made mostly out of armor that amplifies his strength and speed, making him a suitable foe for the Predator. It ends when Batman beats the living fuck out of the Predator with a baseball bat in the woods, and then the Predator kills itself in dishonor while others watch him do so, record it (using whatever technology they have), and then honor Batman with a sword from the 1600's. Batman/Predator II builds off of the first one very well, as a young, hotshot, renegade Predator views the footage of Batman defeating the first one, and sets out to hunt Batman down. A team of Predators are dispatched to apprehend him, as Batman has been proven an honorable opponent, and killing him would dishonor the clans. This new Predator is vicious, dishonorable, and will kill anybody that comes too close: armed or not. I forget how Batman kills him, but it's quite a solid read. AVP sounds quite a bit as if it were influenced heavily by the original AVP series. In that, a woman is identified as the human hero, the Alien problem gets too out of control for the Predators, and the woman aids them in the destruction of the Aliens, thus proving herself to be an equal to the Predators. She is accepted into the clan, and provided armor, technology, training, and devices to aid in her breathing of alternate atmospheres. Like I said: a cop-out? Yeah. Sensical? Yes.
  17. Corey_Lazarus


    WARNING: This whole thing is one big spoiler, so fuck the code. Skip over this post if you don't want to be spoiled (although, if you're in this thread, you've probably already seen the movie). But...she didn't break away and come into her own as a young woman. Evie left her out to dry after Brooke found out about her drug problem, and Tracey just kinda took it and cried, and her mom fell asleep next to her. That's not "Tracey breaking away from Evie and becoming her own woman," that's "okay, so Evie's a cunt...now what?" There was no redemption, no further descent, nothing. It just...finished. That's poor writing. Seriously, everything about this movie makes it seem like it could be great. The acting is superb, the cast is perfect, the direction is tight...but the story makes no sense at points. Don't you think Mel would have caught on to Evie's lies eventually? If not, then the character of Mel is poorly written. Also, what was Mel going to meetings for? Alcohol? Hard drugs? Former child abuser? That was never explained. Also, WHY did Tracey want to be popular? That was never explained. Is it because somebody made fun of her socks? That's it? FUCK this movie. If I wanted a drama about the pitfalls of trying to be popular, or even just the self-destructive lifestyles of young men and women, I'd re-read The Rules of Attraction and then watch Kids.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Can the NWA President do anything about

    **mentions something about restricting how wrestlers can work, pushing people the fans don't care for, and the whole RoH situation** I wouldn't put it past TNA for one second to try to buy the NWA name, and succeed in doing so. Why? So then they could become just like WCW: a piece of shit company with a piece of shit champion that has direct ties to the piece of shit booking team, and the best wrestlers are always hindered because of some piece of shit in the main event with an ego the size of a giant piece of shit, and when the piece of shit contracts are up (which are all that keep a lot of the more talented workers from leaving) the roster decreases in size, talent, and overness. Man...if you replace all of the mentions of the phrase "piece of shit" with "fuzzy nipples," it's fucking hilarious.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Impact Spoilers

    No, you're fucking short. See that in front of your ass? It's my ass. Toss my salad, ho. And just as Bob said: I'm not paying $10 a week to see a "decent" show. If I order (ever) again, there are certain criteria that must be met: -One 15-minute (or right around 15-minute) match featuring X-Division workers (this includes XXX and AJ Styles) -Jeff Jarrett without the NWA World title (meaning he is no longer champion, not just left the belt at home) -Monte Brown not squashing workers that have done more in this business than he has -America's Most Wanted NOT treated as the Gods of tag team wrestling when they haven't held the belts in some time now -The Truth in either the main event or the upper-card When all of these happen? I'll order. Although these haven't been met since last summer (and, even then, the shows started sucking).
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    The Chileans are ten years late on everything

    that's just Cradle of Filth. Nah, it's pretty much all black metal. Venom started it in London, but then Scandinavians took it waaaaaaaaaaay too seriously. Venom was just making fun of how the religious right called rock n' roll and heavy metal "devil music," so they decided to write songs that outright worshipped Satan and called it black metal.
  21. Corey_Lazarus


    This movie fucking sucked. It really did. Maybe it's the fact that I couldn't relate to the characters, although I know people just like Tracey and Evie (and even dated a few of them). Maybe it's because I'm not 13, but I used to be, and that was just 5 years ago. Or maybe it's just because this movie is nothing but poor attempts at shock value with some good acting and some good direction. The story sucked. It had no real ending, only a poor attempt at being metaphorical (with Tracey on the merry-go-round, and then screaming). The only actual relation I could feel with the characters is that Tracey was an insecure bitch trying to be cool, and Evie was a lying cunt. That's IT. How anybody can really think this movie is anything more than an after-school special is beyond me. I give it ** for effort (on a 5* scale), and I give the writers of the movie (supposedly it was a teenage girl and her mother) the hope that they'll learn how to end a fucking story.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Official TNA Preview for 8/11

    I can understand why. Of the few matches I've seen with Devine, he's been the shining star. Uber-charismatic, seems to know when to hit his moves, sells everything, and just comes across as a generally good wrestler.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Alien vs. Predator

    You can direct questions regarding the Aliens, Predator, and Aliens vs. Predator comics towards myself. It always seems that every forum I go to has me as the BIG fan of the comics (considering they were the only comics I'd read for at least 5 years). Predators only work in groups when necessary. Usually, this will only be when they need to capture a queen to use as a breeder (and they will then plant the eggs on a planet with wildlife and possible human colonization), or when an elder is training younger ones in how the hunt works. One human has been accepted into the tribe, her name always escaping my mind (she was the main character of the original AVP series, mentioned heavily in the two-part AVP: Duel, and a main character of AVP: War*), and this is because she helped a team hunt down Aliens on her colony when the hunt became too much for the Predators to handle. If a human appears to be an equal of a Predator, the Predator will not kill them, but will rather give them a trophy and their alliance. Think when Apollo Creed became friends with Rocky Balboa due to Rocky finally defeating him. Aliens are much easier. They kill everything in sight, can breathe any air, can survive for long periods of time in outer space, have no remorse, no pity, can be bred in any living organism, and create their own surroundings to blend into. Although they are scared of flames, they are seemingly impervious to small arms fire (pistols) unless an entire clip is emptied into a soft spot on their head (as seen in Aliens when Vasquez empties the entire clip of her Beretta into one Alien in the airvents, spilling the acid onto her foot and trapping her inside before Lt. Gorman comes to her aid). Shotguns do little damage, but larger rounds (particularly explosive rounds, as found in the standard USCMC weaponry) are a great weakness. Oh, and the only reason the Aliens lose time and time again to Ripley? Because Ripley is smart, bitch. She knows how to handle herself, and got PISSED THE FUCK OFF when she found out her daughter had died while she was in Cryo after destroying the Nostromo in the first film, not to mention all of her friends and crewmembers being killed by ONE of them, and was the cause for the deaths of Newt and Hicks. * = Along with the three survivors of the Berserker team in Aliens: Berserker.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite TV Series

    Oz, Penn & Teller's Bullshit, Family Business, Charmed, and Law & Order.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Toys R Us may stop selling toys?

    Last time I went to one, I was disturbed by the lack of actual TOYS they had. Just bikes, baby clothes, and video games. Fuck 'em. I go to KB anyway.