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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    The Perfect Pop Song

    Bloodhound Gang's "The Bad Touch" was a hit for a month or so when it was released, and it's blatantly about sex. Lyrical content does not matter. Otherwise I doubt the song "I Touch Myself" would have been considered a pop hit.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who managed J-E-double-F J-A-double-R-E-double-T as Tennesse Lee...
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    More inconsistencies with Kane

    1. The fact that it was revealed to be nothing more than psychological scarring is actually a testament to the WWE writers, in my eyes. How often do we get something like psychology in wrestling angles? Just because a lot of people don't get it, doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. It just means a lot of people don't understand that psychological scarring runs deeper than physical scarring. 2. There was an angle about how he didn't need it anymore because he got the device implanted into his throat, but as answered in number one, it was all psychological. A cop-out, yes, but still sensical. 3. Yes, this part does not make sense at all. Big goof on the writers.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    The Perfect Pop Song

    SCATMAAAAAAAAN!!!!! Also, I'd challenge Inc's definition of pop music. In my opinion, pop music has changed from music that was popular to music that has been designed to be as popular as possible. With the inventions of rock n' roll and rap music, I feel that definition (music designed to popular) works best. It still encompasses many of the same songs you were thinking of, Inc, but does take out "artsy" music and music done by artists who just want to write the song.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Official 8-4-04 TNA PPV Preview

    They could simplify this by either extending the PPV to three hours, or not having a few of the undercard matches be on the PPV. It's simple, really. Keep all lower-card matches under 10 minutes, and all title matches between 15 and 20. You'd get one hour (about) of title bouts, and one hour with 4 matches and a bunch of interviews. Really NOT that hard. Always, ALWAYS make sure the main event has at least 15 minutes to go before post-match shenanigans and whatnot. But no, TNA wants to be Sports Entertainment/Wrestling Reinvented, yet they don't understand that their peak (of both good-great matches and exciting programming) was when the matches were based on WRESTLING and the storylines were SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT (although not as over-the-top as WCW and WWF/WWE have been).
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Monty Brown to be on Best Damn Sports...

    So...the generic hoss that TNA just started pushing a couple months ago is getting the national television interview, whereas the second legitimate superstar of TNA (with Truth being the first) and former two-time NWA World Heavyweight champion AJ Styles gets a local channel... Unless this was just by their own choosing (as in AJ decided to take the Atlanta station), I'm in awe of why they'd send a rookie when a veteran that is waaaaaay more over (and also not likely to cast the stigma that all wrestlers are roided up dumbasses who growl during interviews) is right there.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    New Lance Storm Commentary

    Actually, I just think the feud with Lynn made both look better than before, because Lynn was always that close to winning each and every time. Van Dam was already a big name in ECW, but the feud with Lynn just came at a time when nobody else was really feuding (aside from Dreamer/Douglas and the Impact Players, but that ended when Douglas left for WCW), so it made them look better. If anything other than the feud with Sabu "made" Van Dam? It was the fact that he held the TV title for over a year, and made his opponents look great by bumping his ass off for them (regardless of who they were). Plus, his persona is just so cool and so laid-back you can't help but like him.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    The L-A-Z 6000th Post Spectacular

    A week and a half ago, because she just got off the rag. Well, I completely forgot that post counts were frozen in HD, because I barely come in here. Oh well.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    The L-A-Z 6000th Post Spectacular

    Not familiar with the post above yours, are you? My post count was frozen at 5,999 for three posts in a row, so yeah. Delayed or early, get to it.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    The L-A-Z 6000th Post Spectacular

    And yet my post count seems to have frozen at 5,999. BITCH!
  11. Corey_Lazarus


    Doom 3...mmmmmmmmmm...
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Good Documentaries

    I'm seconding Paradise Lost. Free the WM3. Also, if you really like Metallica's music, check out Paradise Lost 2 after seeing Paradise Lost. It's about the WM3 primarily, focusing on the mistrials and biases towards the accused as opposed to the murders themselves. Also talks about how the stepfather of one of the murdered kids is suspected in the death of his wife, and he hams it up for the camera so much that you'll start to believe he's guilty as shit.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Vote for Kerry

    Mike came to my aid when Goober and Jerry Nutzick, better known as the Marvelous Prostate Brothers, were beating me up. Luckily, I was able to reach into our corner and tag him in just in time, watching him clean house and then pin Goober while I distracted Jerry, winning us the True Hardcore Competition Tag Team titles.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Nice Loss = Thumbs Down

    Shoulda poked 'em in the bung. My friend, find a nice, tight bottom for yourself, bear or twink or whatever, and go at it wild. ...I feel so gay...
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Last Words

    Last time you punched somebody: Last night, when I punched my friend Emily in the arm after she starting making jokes about the fact that I trim my pubic hair. Last time you ate meat: Last night. Steak tips from the Main Street Cafe. All Massholes should order from there. Delicious. Last time you got arrested: The first time will be the last time. Last person you sent an e-mail to: I think to somebody about looking for a drummer to be in my band. Last regret: Throwing a Jenga block into Suzy's face, giving her a huge blood blister on her lip. Last time you wore a suit: Saturday for my cousin Jaime's wedding. Last country you visited: Been in the States all my life. Last injury you suffered: Scratch on my finger from Suzy throwing a Jenga block at me. Last family outing: To my cousin Jaime's wedding last Saturday. Vacation-wise? Virginia three years ago. Last item you put on your credit card: Don't got a credit card, bizzatch. Last beer you drank: I don't drink beer, but the last alcoholic beverage I had was a pineapple juice/vodka blend two hours ago. Last movie you watched in full: George Romero's The Crazies Last time you lied: Last night, when I told my girlfriend that I was going to bed when I was really going out late at night. Last meal you ate: Half a dozen donuts (two chocolate frosted, two strawberry frosted, one Boston cream, and one chocolate lemon). Last time you laughed: When me and my buddy Jason went into Honey Dew an hour and a half ago to order a dozen donuts from my friend Sam. Last video game you played: SmackDown: Here Comes The Pain for PS2. Last album you listened to: Danzig's 6:66 Satan's Child Last time you said 'I'm sorry': Two hours ago, when I busted open my friend Suzy's lip with a Jenga. Last sport you watched: Wrestling on SpikeTV if you consider it a sport, otherwise baseball last Friday night. Last time you said 'This is the last time': Two hours ago, when I put down a Jenga.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who used to tag team with Mike Sanders in TNA...
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Nice Loss = Thumbs Down

    So...what was it? Oral? Mutual J/O? Bukkake'd some college guy that needed the money to support his newfound coke habit?
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    A trite and cliched thread...

    Feminazis Suck Dick
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    I Guess Liberalizing Isn't a Good Thing

    Uhhhh...so? They wanna get their twats turned into cocks, or vice versa, let 'em.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Trivia news of weak sources

    RVD would have probably been able to pull in just a little less than what he's making now on the indies and touring Japan. He'd have a more relaxed schedule (working 2 days a week as opposed to 4 or 5), and would be able to go back to doing his 20-minute plus matches that he's always loved (although he'd undoubtedly do his stalling routine for the first 10 minutes, which would suck). It's not like he doesn't have a business to fall back on, either, since he owns Five Star Comics.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Distrubed Brawls With Finch

    Meh. For Finch to comment on the lack of quality for any other band's music is downright asinine. Disturbed >>>>>>>>>> Finch.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Official 8-4-04 TNA PPV Preview

    Another can miss show right here. Styles/Kash looks to be the only thing that'll be above average. Jarrett/Hardy? Gonna suck because Jeff Jarrett AND Jeff Hardy both suck. But at least Hardy has the Sabu Factor, meaning you know it'll be a trainwreck, but you still want to watch anyway. Raven/Sabu? Raven hasn't been worth a damn thing in TNA since the feud with the New Church peaked in the summer of 2003. His ring work has vastly decreased in quality, and he went from the character everybody knew and love into just another face/heel. I am glad, though, that he's actually been RAVEN lately and not Scott Levy. Sabu might help make this entertaining with table spots, but alas, TNA has something against the usage of chairs and tables these days, and since all of Sabu's moves involve both...ugh. I don't think I need to voice my displeasure at seeing Kazarian/Shane vs. Lynn/Sabin. Lynn and Sabin are both talents that should be pushed towards a Tag title run, maybe even towards the World title scene. Kazarian? Blows ass. Shane? Acceptable when he's carried by a far superior worker. Fuck this match up the ass. AMW vs. Team Canada is another surefire "why did I ever like this company?" match. Bobby Rude blows ass, Chris Harris rapes sheep, and Petey Williams is an overrated blunder who didn't have a single good match in TNA that didn't involve better workers than he'll ever be. James Storm? Meh. Kenney vs. Vito is just another match in the neverending-but-should-have-ended-before-it-started Kenney/Siaki vs. NYC feud. Glenn sucks. Swinger sucks. Vito is tolerable in garbage matches. Siaki is decent. Kenney's ringwork has been so poor since the folding of ECW that I would think he's an incredibly green rookie, and the character has taken away everything from him that made him cool. Siaki vs. Abyss will be enjoyable. Abyss can seemingly put on good matches with any opponent of any style, and Siaki can be carried. In conclusion, another reason why I'm not losing $10 each week.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Cutting Down On Drinking

    Then pick up a fun habit, like murdering hookers.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Pimp me a PS2 game...

    Actually, it's more like Tekken with swords and shit. Imagine Battle Arena Toshinden, only good.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Cutting Down On Drinking

    Get new friends. Try smoking. Nobody ever fell into a ditch and broke their thumb because they had too many cigarettes to smoke.