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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus


    He better. It's like Tom Araya unleashing a high-pitch shriek turned into a guttural scream, or Rob Halford releasing the vocal screech he's known for.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Desert Island Draft: Movie Edition

    Yeah. I can't get PMs for some reason. Sorry, I had band practice from 4 until 8, and then me and my girlfriend went out for a bit with a friend up from Texas. Aliens (1986) I chose this over Alien because I honestly feel that it's the better movie. It's easier to get into, develops the main side characters better, and if you've seen the special edition then you know more about the matriarchal relationship Ripley feels for Newt, more than just a "woman's motherly instinct," as was inferred to with the theatrical cut. This movie is one of James Cameron's classics, alongside the first two Terminator flicks, True Lies, and the Award-winning Titanic, although I would put money on this being his best movie. The special effects were ahead of their time (something Cameron would become known for later on), the acting is top-notch, and how many of you don't quote Hudson's famous "game over, man, game over" line once in a while? This is the epitome of what a sci-fi/horror/action film is: emotional, fantastic, and the action scenes were intense.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Desert Island Draft: Movie Edition

    I think my strategy is going to be going for the underlooked films of the last 30-35 years, the ones that might not be award-winners or legendary, but good enough for a look, and ultimately entertaining. I'm guessing most of my choices will be movies most people haven't seen or just wouldn't want to see, so I'm not going for anything close to a "these are certified classics" list. Expect more off-beat comedies, gory horror flicks, and underrated action or sci-fi films.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    So...anybody else a little sad at how far Arch Enemy have fallen, quality-wise, since replacing Johan with Angela on vocals?
  5. That's funny, because I thought it was pretty decent. It didn't have constant shots of the video game, lame-as-fuck "bullet time" effects, and there weren't any decent actors that had to lower themselves by being in the movie. It also had a couple interesting ideas ( ), but overall it was a piece of shit. Not Zombie Chronicles or Dead Life bad, but not even as good as the Resident Evil flicks.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Desert Island Draft: Movie Edition

    I do believe I'm up. CITIZEN TOXIE: The Toxic Avenger IV This is THE Troma movie. It is everything that Troma has ever wanted to achieve one Lloyd Kaufman embraced his limitations as a filmmaker and his audience, and is everything that is righteous in the world of (truly) independent cinema. Right away, the movie denounces (via STAN LEE voiceover) parts 2 and 3 as being horrible, even by Troma standards, and states that this is the true sequel: the ones that diehard Troma fans have been waiting for. With a preposterous plot (a bomb planted by another odd gang that goes on a school rampage causes a shift between dimensions, and now Toxie has to both find a way back to his dimension and defeat his evil doppleganger, the Noxious Offender), star cameos (Lemmy of Motorhead fame as a citizen of both Tromaville and the bizarro Amortville, the Sklari brothers as Troma's newscasters, James Gunn as a crippled scientist, and Ron Jeremy as the mayor of Tromaville), and more politically incorrect humor than one could shake the proverbial stick at (including the first 20 minutes almost entirely devoted to parodying school shootings and the media's coverage of them, as well as sophomoric jokes at the expense of the mentally handicapped), Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV is the ultimate experiment in lovely, lovely bad taste.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Desert Island Draft: Movie Edition

    Ahoy, matey. My picks will be atrocious, but they will be fun. Raunchy with a heart of gold-painted lead! ...I'm in...
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    George Romero talks "Diary of the Dead"

    I think it's more that he may have bitten into his own shit due to how successful Night and Dawn were, especially Night in ushering in more graphic horror. Re: Day social critique (fuck spoiler tags, the movie's almost 25 years old) The soldiers are all macho, egotistical pricks, but they honestly believe that the only way to deal with the zombie threat is violence and force, resorting to military order in all remaining civilization, threatening violence and rape as punishment for not following orders. The scientists, however, are all logical and calm...but wrong. Just look at Logan: everything he does makes sense, technically, but he's lost all remnants of humanity just by trying to be entirely logical about the situation. The only people who are remotely wholesome are the Irish pilot and the Caribbean tech guy: both are simple-minded, and are only looking to survive, not to cure the world. It's only after Sarah escapes from both the military and science that she ever finds any semblance of peace. Jingus, I'd say pick up Gospel of the Living Dead (Kim Paffenroth), because it shines some light on Romero outside of the generally accepted "he's against the military and the government, man" beliefs regarding the Dead films. It's a little more religious-based, but there's still solid analysis in it. EDIT: My order of preference for Romero's zombie flicks: 4. Day of the Dead 3. Land of the Dead 2. Night of the Living Dead 1. Dawn of the Dead Land and Day are neck and neck, but Land pulls through for me due to Dennis Hopper, John Leguizamo, Asia Argento, and Robert Joy. At least decent turns from all four, which is more than can be said from anybody but the guy who played Bub in Day.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA spoilers for 29.05.08

    This actually sounds halfway decent. From the little bit of Impact over the last 2-3 weeks I've been able to catch, Booker may just be the best heel near the main event in quite some time. And having 3D at his side? It's perfect. They all just have this smug aura to them, that they're really above TNA because they held the Tag and World belts in WWE. And they've been dominating. I'm digging it. And Styles going back to being a more straightforward character instead of a retarded chickenshit? Sounds good to me. I like him as the retarded chickenshit, but it was a pretty solid 180 from the character he had from when TNA started.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    The Highschool Thread

    Freshman year was tight, if only because it was that much better than middle school. I liked the bulk of my classes, actually did my work, and got in one fight that actually ended because the cops showed up. This big fucking douchebag (who I hear is a horrible, life-wrecking alcoholic now, so I actually got the last laugh) was giving me shit one day, so I told him to knock it off or I'd kick his ass. We agreed to fight later that week. I show up alone, he brings two friends (who I'd actually known since pre-school), and then my buddy Jeff (who was crazy and could probably have taken all three of them by himself) walked by and decided to watch my back. Kid swung twice, I dodged both and just started laughing at him, just making fun of him because he was acting all big and bad and here I was, a fucking lame-ass "goth kid" (I never understood how somebody who wore Metallica/Slayer shirts and torn bluejeans could be considered goth, but oh well), making him look like an ass. He got one shot in on me, off the side of my head, and I just got into his face and stared at him. He locked me in a headlock and then ended up dragging me to an area of the parking lot where we started blocking cars, so somebody called the cops. He was choking me pretty good, and I hooked his knee and was about to flip him up and into the wall when the cops showed up. Him and his friends bailed, I just told the cops we were fucking around, and that was that. The next day he was acting all tough and shit...until I told people that he ran when the cops showed and I stuck around. We just stayed out of each other's ways after that, but I know for a fact that if the cops didn't show up he'd have a nice couple of scars from getting his head slammed into a brick wall. Sophomore year was fine for the first half. Then my Honors World History teacher, who acted more like a little puppy than she did a person, gave me shit grades even though I did most of my homework, got at least a B on every test, and at least a B+ on every term paper. That's about the time I stopped giving a shit at all. Towards the end of the year I was also involved in my first little love triangle, possibly my only, as there were two chicks I had the hots for, who were both friends, and both had a thing for me, but only one of them acted on it at all...while the other was passed out on my couch. So their friendship ended, and so began a lot of shit between me and the other one. We had a sorta on-again/off-again relationship up until just before my current relationship started, when she was dating my best friend and then broke his heart, so I told her to fuck off. So yeah...one afternoon of sexual experimentation while watching Dead Alive in March '02 lead to 3 1/2 years of constant flirting and occasional hook-up's before ultimately mutual distaste. That summer was great, though, as me and a couple of my other friends spent almost every night staying out until dawn and just chilling at one another's houses in the driveways. Junior year sucked. I decided to give myself a mohawk one weekend while the folks were away about a week before school started and it came out looking like shit, but I kept it a little and tried to make it work anyway. It didn't, so I had about one year of short hair in high school. I had two friends (Timmy and the aforementioned Jeff - who were cousins, ironically enough) and my grandfather die all within 6 months of one another (Timmy in November, Jeff in February, and my grandfather in April), so if my sophomore History class didn't kill my ambition, that certainly did. I wish it didn't, because I was involved in DECA, which is a sorta business class for high school kids, and the teacher said that I was the only one who really got the material, but I never did any work beyond what was just passing. Me and that girl tried a serious relationship, but that lasted all of about four days before she said she wanted to date somebody else. That summer was decent, but in hindsight it was pretty shitty since I got together with my now-ex (Heather) and didn't do much else. Senior year was, as it is for most, the fuck-all year. I had nothing but bullshit classes since I decided about halfway through junior year that I wasn't going to college, but I almost failed. See, Franklin school requirements say 3 years of health/gym, and in order to pass either the grade requirements changed about twice every schoolyear. First it was you just had to show up for gym, then it was you had to show up and participate at least once every activity, then it was you had to show up and be dressed appropriately all the time, then it was you had to show up dressed proper for physical activity AND pass the standardized physical tests (run the mile in under 13 min, mostly). And health was just dumb, considering it was the same "don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs, be abstinent" BS that's been forced down our throats, but with the added bonus of "current events" (which was a 3-page paper due every three weeks on a current health-related newsbit). They kept changing the criteria, so I failed health junior year and had to repeat it senior year, so that was fun. And I had an English teacher that was a bi-polar mess who I argued with every single class, even going so far as to call her a cunt. She tried to congratulate me when I graduated, but I just showed her my diploma, gave her the finger, and walked to my car to grab my cigarettes. Well...I wish, anyway. In actuality the last time I saw her was the last day of classes, when she was crying hysterically because she said we were her favorite class, and I just started laughing. Luckily, she couldn't do shit, because the bell rang and I was already gone. And then my friend Tina died that summer. So yeah. High school was meh. I don't talk to anybody I did then, maybe 2 or 3 people regularly, but at least it wasn't middle school.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    George Romero talks "Diary of the Dead"

    I think the problem with saying nothing regarding the 'net and such might come from Romero not really understanding it. It's not even a knock on him, because you can't knock on one of, if not, the most iconic horror directors of the 20th century, but it is a generational thing, big-time. It'd be like when your grandparents ask you to hook up their brand-new TV set, DVD player, etc., and then ask all of these questions about it that actually have nothing to do with it. That said...I still can't wait to see this.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Middle School/Jr. High backtrack

    6th grade: I was a total fucking tool. Even more so than I am now. I had this lame crewcut, was the fat kid that everybody picked on (which was funny, because I wasn't even the biggest kid in most of my classes), and was just generally a punching bag for everybody. Then I flipped out, ran down the corridor after some kid that was giving me shit all day, and just punted the back of his knee. He limped for about a week afterwards, so people stopped fucking with me to the extent that they were. Outside of that? Not much really happened in 6th grade. It was bliss compared to 7th and 8th. 7th grade: I started getting an attitude, starting growing out my hair, and really got more into heavy metal and wrestling. Somehow, since wrestling was HUGE and I was regarded as the biggest fan in the school, I was kinda popular. I never understood it, considering I hated everybody but the five people or so I hung out with (one of whom decided to try a sex-change procedure and then died of cancer, one who is a pretty damn successful college grade working for EMC, one who just does construction and gets high, one who is a total art fag and allegedly moved to Texas to be with some 16-year-old chick he met online, and one that I still hang out with now and then but don't really like), but whatever. I remember getting an ISS for getting into a fight with somebody because they were giving me shit, and then getting another one for making a joke at a teacher's expense during lunch. The latter pretty much came about because the teacher told us all to quiet down, I just mocked how he said it, and then he got in my face and asked me if I thought I was funny, and I said that I did. Bam: in-school suspension. Fun times. 8th grade: Oh my...I made a list of people I just did not fucking like one bit. Some were teachers, some were other school faculty, some were kids, and some were people who didn't even go to the school but lived in my neighborhood (older/younger). A substitute found it after it fell out of my pocket and turned it in, since this was following the Arkansas school shooting with the two brothers and their grandpa's hunting rifle. 1 day ISS, and a conference with my parents, and the whole situation was debugged. Then Columbine happened, and I was given these weird stares from students and faculty alike. Probably because I wore all black, hand long hair, and carried a duffel bag instead of a backpack (because I had it and I liked it due to the increased carrying size). So me and my friends (the one who went to Texas and the one who was transgendered) made this newsletter about a month after Columbine, the "Firebrand Times," with the agreement that none of us would have our real names on it. The "editor," Sean (dead tranny), decided to put our names on it anyway, and then we put three copies on every table in the lunchroom (about 20-25 tables). The principal started yelling at us and came close to pushing one of us before the vice entered the room, explaining that he could have us thrown in prison for a federal offense (something about disruption of the school learning environment). 1 day OSS, 2 day ISS for me, 2 day OSS for Jason (who "moved to Texas" in the last year), and 3 day OSS for Sean. The last day of 8th grade, the principal asked me if I liked middle school right before I left to head to the bus, and I just shook my head and said "hell no" before walking out the door. High school...pfft, high school didn't really matter. Freshman year was tight, senior year was great, but the other two sucked balls. Friends/family died, lame fucking teachers who didn't know how to do anything but act like a puppy (literally), drama with girlfriends/close friends, and just shit in general.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    You both deserve the shamed looks. How you can grow up and not see the Indy flicks is preposterous. Don't give me the "I was too little," because I was 3 when Last Crusade came out. Home video is amazing, people. Kinda hyped for the movie. More hyped for a few movies later this year (all of which I forget the names of right now, too early in the AM), but wanting to see it.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA ratings drop

    Or hey might be doing them because that's what the RoH audience wanted to see, which is what he got used to...
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA ratings drop

    I think if Joe just changed up his tights he'd be just fine. True, he doesn't have much personality, but really: his gimmick is that of a no-nonsense ass-kicker. Why does he need to be booked as anything other than somebody who can come in, kill you, and then leave? It's true that it doesn't help his cause of being pushed as a bonafide main eventer in a non-indy without having a semblance of a captivating personality, but it could also be that the writers are trying to pigeonhole him into being a generic babyface instead of doing the right thing and letting his own personality shine through. I come to this thought following the whole bullshit "you harmed my girlfriend" angle they did during the feud with Kurt Angle. It made no sense, especially since there was no build-up besides about a 30-second backstage vignette that even said Joe had friends, much less a lover. Step 1: Have the writers work WITH Joe, not FOR Joe, in developing his character. Step 2: Find a better pair of tights. Hell, since he's meant to be a "real" fighter, why not a pair of trunks similar to boxing/MMA? Step 3: Treat him as a champion, not just an indy guy who happens to be in the #2 company in the States and hold their top belt.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    House: Season 4

    I will tell them that your dying wish was to have a sex-change operation.
  17. Oh, c'mon. Out Cold and Bubble Boy weren't THAT bad...
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    The Dark Knight

    I actually completely forgot to count Dark Knight, mostly because it hasn't actually been released yet.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    The Dark Knight

    ...there are five Batman films, albeit this new series is a whole different story. 5 > 3. Spider-Man may have top-gross, but Batman is still the one who reigns supreme, bitches.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    The Dark Knight

    Eh, I'm banking on at least 95 million. Lot of hype, biggest superhero franchise film-wise...yeah.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Let's Talk About...Vince Russo's first stint booking WCW

    The latter, especially Benoit. It was regarding his wife, who was Kevin's ex, and his belief that the World title he was given was just a "stay here" tactic and they would stop pushing him the moment he re-signed. Dean and Eddie were already set on leaving, more so Eddie than Dean, and Saturn was fed up with how he had been treated following the Flock and tag team with Raven. So they left primarily due to Sullivan, because you know Russo would at least have pushed Benoit (which he WAS doing), and prolly even Saturn. Maybe not Eddie or Dean, but he would have tried to at least give them something to do. That's about the most positive thing I can say regarding Russo in that stint, and in any stint in WCW or TNA: he tried to give everybody something to do, oftentimes to less than desirable results, but at LEAST he tried. Oh yeah, and I can pinpoint the perfect example that Russo can, at TIMES, be a halfway decent booker: TNA, October '02 through October '03 when he was replaced by Dutch to try to appease Hogan. Most of what he did went nowhere, but this time saw the rise of AJ Styles to a semi-believable main event talent, the push of Chris Sabin, Jeff Jarrett being interesting for the first time in his career, and Glenn "Disco Inferno" Gilberti being treated as a semi-serious character for once. Of course, most of it all went to shit, but at least the RIDE was fun, eh? Even if the destination was ultimately a tree on the side of the road, at least it was fun to drive from your house into it down the road, right? Right?!
  22. You know, before I read of Dickinson's involvement, I got his song "Chemical Wedding" stuck in my head. I hope there's a decent amount of that album on the soundtrack, because it's a fucking TIGHT album. And so we lay, we lay in the same grave, on chemical wedding day... I have a feeling that listening to the album can give me some insight on what the plot's about.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    The Dark Knight

    Batman Begins suffered from some dumbasses thinking it was merely a continuation of the prior series and no knowledge of its quality, despite 'net hype of it being based more off the comics than any of the other films. Dark Knight is coming off of the prior movie's critical (and box office) success, nearly a year's worth of solid viral marketing, the death of a main actor (Ledger), and hype for said deceased actor's portrayal of the main villain in the title's history. So now, I ask you: with all of this, do you REALLY think this movie, being released in the middle of the summer blockbuster season, won't beat Iron Man, a flick that has gotten rave reviews but with little following?
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Let's Talk About...Vince Russo's first stint booking WCW

    Lost cause, if only because the establishment known as Turner continued to change who was running the show, and the "top tier" talent was uncooperative to the point where they refused to put ANYBODY over (the only minor exception is Nash/Booker from Fall Brawl '00, which was so past-due it didn't matter).
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Promoting Pro Wrestling

    Pay homeless people to fight for your enjoyment.