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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus


    Here's my reason for smoking: stress. You know how stressful your day is? An average day for me is dealing with the huge loads of shit thrown at me from my girlfriend, dealing with orders for pizzas and calzones for 5 hours, trying to find money for gas since my job pays for shit, coming home to find that there's no food left in my house because nobody's been shopping in three weeks, and getting shit from every single person I know for things that aren't my fault. Sounds like an average day for most people, right? Maybe not the specifics, but the gist of it, right? So how do you deal with your stress? I smoke. I smoke because it helps me calm down. I smoke because I actually do enjoy the flavor. I smoke because I want to. I'm not going to smoke in a non-smoking section. I'm not going to smoke in front of people that ask me not to. I'm not going to try to pressure somebody into taking a cigarette. Stop preaching, boys.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    SHO NUFF! Jacuqes, I have but one thing to say to you: woosh. The point of my little "essay," as you called it (but if it were an essay it would have gotten an F, since it's more a recap until the last few sentences), was to demonstrate how Jarrett made Raven - a person the fans wanted to see win the title from day one - appear to be a jobber. He kicked out of Raven's finisher, which is the only DDT people sell these days. He kicked out of a move even Hulk Hogan would have sold like death: the double superkick conchairto. He made Raven look like complete shit, which is not something you're supposed to do to your top heel. Face it. Jarrett cannot draw, does not know how to put anybody but himself over, and does not realize that new fans tuning into TNA would prefer to see Truth or Styles over himself. He has always been a midcard-level talent, is still a midcard-level talent, and always will be a midcard-level talent. The sooner he himself learns this, the better off he and TNA will be. Booking somebody that was made to look like a complete joke in the biggest company in the world (when they don't have a hardcore fanbase behind them) as your top talent is only acceptable if the company you are running is a small, independent promotion. TNA is trying to become a large competitor to World Wrestling Entertainment. This will not happen until they learn how to book a company again. The main event is "The Jeff Jarrett Show," and Jarrett does not have the aura of having been in the main event during the most profitable era of any large company to warrant such booking (as even Triple H was the top talent in the WWF during its record-breaking run in 2000, thus earning him the right to at least believe he is a draw). I want you to point out why Jarrett is a draw and is good for TNA as its World champion. And be civil about it, because the TNA folder is under heavy watch by the mods now, so it would not be a wise idea to flame.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite Concerts

    6. Summer Sanitarium '03 I was up front until Linkin Park started, where me and my buddy Petone went to the back for food, and I almost got into a fight because somebody standing near us said Linkin Park was better than Shadows Fall (and I was wearing my Shadows Fall shirt). Went back up for Limp Bizkit, where I shouted all kinds of slurs towards Fred that got a bunch of people standing around me laughing (including one where I held up my lighter during a cover of "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" and yelled "THIS IS BECAUSE YOU'RE A FLAMER, FRED!" as loud as I could). Metallica kicked ass, so good show. Had fun parodying the opening bands. 5. Misfits, December '02 Chaos, a local punk band, opened up. Pretty good stuff, but generic punk, ya know? The A-Team then came on, and they fucking ruled. The vocalist uppercut the guitarist in mid-song, and the guitarist flew back, not missing a lick while doing so (in other words, it was choreographed), and also hocked a lugie at me and my buddy Jason (but we moved, and he looked mad). He also said he felt like he needed to puke, and pointed to me and Jason and said "if I do, I'm puking on YOU!" Then Dirty Water came out. They're a pop/punk/emo band from Boston. This was their first show ever. They SUCKED COMPLETE ASS. Then Jerry, Dez, and Marky (Misfits '98 as some call them). They fucking rocked. Jerry, for as bad as his voice is compared to Graves and especially Danzig, has incredible stage presence. The first third of their set was played on equipment that was fucking up and wasn't fixed until they started playing songs from American Psycho, and after all of the covers of the final third of the set...they played the first third all over again because the equipment was fucked up. Now THAT is cool. Jerry then went out of his way to sign EVERYTHING people wanted him to, which is why I really can't side with Danzig over the whole Misfits thing. 4. H82K2 downthesun opened. They sucked. In Flame came on next, and they were pretty good, but overall just kinda bland. Then Soulfly came on, and the place went apeshit. I stood still while people were moshing and jumping around near me, and didn't move until "Refuse/Resist" was played. Then Slayer came on (and this was my first time seeing Slayer in a smaller venue, since I only saw them open for Pantera before)...and the place went CRAAAAAAAAAAZY. Bloodshed, titties (this girl in the balcony was telling people she wouldn't show her tits, and so Tom was like "show us your goods, doll," and she did, and everybody was chanting "slut" before that, and Tom goes "is she a slut now?" and the people yell out "YES!" but Tom just smiles and shakes his head and goes "NOOOOOO" before thrashing it all up again), and satanic thrash. What could get better? 3. FiendFest '03 The bill was Balzac, Agnostic Front, The Dickies, The Damned, and Misfits '98. Balzac took forever to set up, but the set was fun. Japanese Misfits-influenced punk rock is sooooooo good. Singer sucked, though, but after every song he'd bow and say "THANK YOU!" Agnostic Front was okay, but I didn't really know any of the songs but "Riot Riot Upstart." The Dickies were hilarious, and the singer (I forget his name at the moment) called the guitarist "the best BISEXUAL Muslim guitarist in all of punk rock." He also had a hand puppet of a talking cock. The Damned took too long to set up, and were okay. Not really into them too much. Then Misfits took the stage, and it was basically the same set as the prior show, but hey, it was still fun as hell. I got my ticket stub signed by Jerry, so I'm happy. 2. Jagermeister Music Tour '03 Dry Kill Logic opened up. They suck. Arch Enemy took the stage and owned all of our asses, but their set was short since they didn't play any pre-Angela material. Hatebreed went up, and me and my friends just hung out in the corner smoking butts until they were done. Boring set, and the only songs we cared for were "Before Dishonor" and "I Will Be Heard." I think they actually played "Before Dishonor" twice. Slayer came on. CRAAAAAAAAZZZZZAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!! They played the entire Reign In Blood album to finish off their set, and my friend Petone had to leave mid-"Angel of Death" because his dad was being a dick about him going to a show. GRRRREAT set, and Slayer get better each time I see them. 1. Headbanger's Ball Tour '03 First off, this show was on Halloween, so all of the bands were dressed up. Unearth opened up, and one guitarist was dressed as an 80's punk rocker, the other as a witch. The one dressed as a wich was on a skateboard with a broom held between his legs, and would roll across the stage to "fly." Funny shit. Awesome set, too. Killswitch Engage came on next, and the singer was dressed as a cop, with one of the guitarists dressed as a KKK member. Too bad they're boring. Lamb Of God, and they're fucking starting the circle pits and stuff, and the singer is in this inflatable cowboy suit that just fucking rocks because he's taking forever to move and he floats a little bit. Shadows Fall comes on...and the place goes nuts. An hour-long set with the only notable exceptions of tunes being "The First Noble Truth" and "Pure" (which happen to be two of my favorites). They ended the set with a cover of Motley Crue's "I'm Alive" (at least I think it's by the Crue, and I think that's the title, but you know the song I'm talking about). During the set, Brian Fair came out dressed like Skeletor, pretty much. He had a skull mask, skull shoulder pads, and a belt with a big "stone" medallion in the middle with crossbones. In between two songs, he took off the shoulderpads and mask, but left on the belt, and he was like "this is like the Metal Heavyweight Championship belt, or something." That'd be a cool gimmick, actually. Awesome, AMAZING show.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    Jarrett's drawing powers can be summed up with one example: Destiny. The very first Raven/Jarrett match. April 30th, 2003. Signs all over the arena read "Tonight, Jarrett," and "Destiny Fulfilled" and other such pro-Raven slogans. I think I saw maybe two pro-Jarrett signs (and this isn't me being a Jarrett-hater, as I actually liked him until this point), and they were both from the same two fat girls in the front row that cheer for all of the faces and boo all of the heels (read: the two marks in the front). The TNA Asylum is jam-packed, and a solid show occurs. Every match is heated. Then the main event occurs. What goes down is the single reason why TNA continually lost fans and viewers from the summer of 2003 until very recently. Raven has Jarrett knocked down. He calls for his Extreme Revolution allies. Out comes The Sandman, Perry Saturn, Justin Credible, and New Jack. New Jack and Sandman beat on Jarrett with Saturn and Credible get chairs. New Jack and Sandman stand Jarrett up and hold a chair each to the sides of his head, allowing Credible and Saturn to superkick the chairs, sandwiching Jarrett's head in between them. Normally, this would be a death spot, and anybody - even Hulk Hogan - would have jobbed to this move. But no. Sabu came out and single-handedly ran the Extreme Revolution off, and when the referee came to, Raven went for the Evenflow, but Jarrett - clear-headed as could be - reversed the DDT into The Stroke and won by pinfall in the middle of the ring. Fans threw trash into the ring (and not all of it was from the Heel Section, just the majority of it), as they wanted Raven to become champion. RAVEN was the draw in this feud. He wrote it, he hyped it, and people wanted HIM to be the winner on April 30th. When Jarrett's booking of the match essentially made Jarrett into God Almighty by withstanding punishment no other wrestler would have been booked to withstand, and finishing off Raven with the weakest of finishers in all of TNA, the fans turned on him. Sick of seeing Jarrett being the headliner of the shows when it was obvious that the X-Division and Raven were bigger draws (the hottest matches were X-Division or Raven matches, and most signs in the arena were for X-Division workers or Raven), the fans started leaving. First, it was the standing room only crowd. Then, the most diehard of TNA supporters, the Heel Section, left. After that, it became apparent that fans didn't want to see the show, even for free, because Jarrett was still booked as if he was the top guy, even though he wasn't drawing, wasn't incredibly over, and wasn't champion. Jarrett is anything BUT a draw. He's a wasted space in the main event that is only there because he has the pencil. TNA's PPV shows don't break even, and haven't since first quarter 2003. TNA's live audiences are comped, meaning they are given free tickets. Jarrett's reactions when he enters the ring is near-silence. The only heat he gets is by feuding with somebody the fans care about. Basically, what it all comes down to is the fact that Jarrett is not a draw because TNA had to pay for their FSN timeslot instead of being offered it and have to give free tickets to fans so they come to the show. If Jarrett were a draw? I doubt either of these would need to happen. Now shut up and learn just what the hell a "draw" is in this business.
  5. Corey_Lazarus


    It's a generalization saying we're healthier for some reason, just like "if you're a smoker you're going to die of a cancer." If you're a non-smoker you're probably going to die of a cancer too. Now shut the fuck up.
  6. Corey_Lazarus


    Please cite the part where I said you called smokers "assholes." I'm looking, and I can't find it.
  7. Corey_Lazarus


    Nobody's telling you to NOT smoke, guys. Non-smokers should shut the fuck up, because smokers are obviously making a conscious decision. Next time you taste alcohol? Realize that alcohol fucks up your system worse than smoking. Next time you eat a steak? Remember the cholesterol, bitch. And, if you're a vegitarian? Keep in mind that you're probably a lot less healthy than a lot of smokers still, because at least we eat balanced diets, more often than not. Snooch to the motherfucking nooch.
  8. Corey_Lazarus


    You're entirely allowed to. You're also allowed to not go over to a group of people if many of them are smoking, and are allowed to ask people around that if they do smoke to move away until they are finished. We're really not as big of assholes at LotC is making us out to be. If you ask us to either put a cigarette out or move away and finish it, most of us will. Try it sometime.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Desired Concert tours

    I'll definitely agree that 1919 Eternal is the best BLS album (and my 2nd best album pick of 2002, with the first being obvious to anybody that knows me at all), mainly because Zakk worked on writing good songs (lyrically and musically) as opposed to showing off his solo abilities and how many pinch harmonics he can hit in a minute. But I disagree with "Mass Murder Machine" being the best off that album, as I feel "Demise Of Sanity" is better, with maybe "Another Bridge To Cross" topping it in awesomeness.
  10. **smears poop all over LFV's bed**
  11. Pink Floyd has a song called "The Wall"...but I do believe it's an instrumental. The song you are looking for is "Another Brick In The Wall, Part II." Fagosaurus Cox.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    Not unless you were in a panda suit doing the macarena, Mike.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    The only flaw in this is that Russo doesn't make the final decision, and never did. Jerry and Jeff Jarrett always have, and always will. So blaming two green workers for putting on a shitfest when it's Jerry, Jeff, and Dutch Mantel telling them what to do in the ring, and Russo just giving guidelines for what to do outside of it? That's bullshit, IMO.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Let's Play Clue!

    Pyromaniac, cueball, right socket.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    The Official What I think You Look Like

    Throw me into the mix, bitch.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Let's Play Clue!

    Kotz, cheesegrater, gooch.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    T-shirt sayings that you can't stand

    Yeah. That's pretty ghey. I'm also going to voice my distaste for JTHM shirts. Sure, it's cool and all to know that JTHM has such a large fanbase...but you do do realize that Jhonen Vasquez is making FUN of you, right? JTHM regularly makes fun of goth kids, and yet the people that are devotees to the short-lived series (dammit, it should've been a whole lot longer, just so Johnny could escape Hell and rescue that chick he liked) are the same faggy, pretentious goth fucks parodied. UGH! FUCK YOU, CUNT! Also...this kid I went to school with regularly wore Misfits shirts. Me and my friends Jay and Petone, all pretty big Fiends, asked him what his favorite song was. He didn't know any songs by them. He never knew it was a band. He didn't know shit about Danzig, Only, or 138. I hate that kid to this day.
  18. Corey_Lazarus


    If you get pissed off at somebody blowing smoke and it comes NEAR you, then you're a fucking pussy. Sorry. I smoke because I want to. It helps me deal with stress. Plus, it's actually a hell of a way to meet people. There's an entire group of people that my girlfriend hangs out with simply because they all smoke, and they wouldn't have met otherwise. Not to mention smoking makes you popular and attractive. You're just mad because while the smokers go out and get laid, you're stuck at home with your 20-sided die and your Dungeonmaster is screaming at you to roll a 16 so you can slay the dragon. Faggot.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Coming Soon?

    Yeah. Because AAA or whatever promotion he used to work for owned the name "Psicosis," and he lost his mask anyway. I didn't see it, but I'm willing to bet it's either somebody that we've all wanted in TNA for a while (Kanyon, Kanyon, or Kanyon), or somebody we won't give a fuck about (take your pick).
  20. ...you're talking to yourself...fag...
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Desired Concert tours

    Grr gr roar grr grr rar roar grr.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Question

    I think it was revealed that the plan was for her to be collecting payment for sexual services, but I'm not sure if that's true. It probably is, considering in the early stages of TNA, Jerry was booking stuff that Russo would've been ashamed of booking (and Russo even said that Puppet the Midget Killer beating off in the trashcan was something even HE wouldn't have written, but he knew that since he was involved with the company, the 'net would blame him for it).
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    T-shirt sayings that you can't stand

    EDIT: Well, since this is a double post, might as well make the best of it. This shirt fucking sucks too.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    T-shirt sayings that you can't stand

    Basically, I hate people. I've made so many of my own shirts it's funny. I have a homemade Beyond The Embrace shirt (Massachusetts melodic death band that's decent), a homemade Pro-Pain shirt (New York metalcore band that I'm infatuated with), and a couple homemade shirts for my old band The Wesux (yes, we sucked). Saves me money on having to find shirts and buy 'em. Although I wish there was a Pro-Pain shirt that had the lyrics to the chorus of "Fed Up" (a song of theirs, obviously) on it.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Desired Concert tours

    I am being easy. But putting KoRn and Zakk Wylde on the same bill? On the same STAGE? There'd be a death on the hands of the promoter.