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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Is it just me?

    Oh, fuck. MARTY'S here. Guys, be prepared to be told nonstop that TNA needs to become all about T&A. He does have some valid points usually, though. Marty, some ground rules for coming to TSM: 1. Do not act like your opinion is FACT. 2. Do not openly flame and flamebait any other poster. 3. The L-A-Z is formerly the D-R-E-Z from TNS, so toss my salad and peel my potato, ho~!
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA news

    It's still a valid comparison. They both do the exact same things in each match. The only big difference is that the fans ate it up, and continue to do so, for Flair. For Jarrett? They get bored.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    More News

    I really wish TNA would smarten up about which international promotions they deal with. All Japan sends shitty wrestlers. AAA sends shitty wrestlers. What the FUCK...
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA news

    Jeff should not berate anybody for not being able to improvise, considering he has Ric Flair Syndrome: all of his matches are the fucking same, and around the same quality. I say again: FUCK JEFF JARRETT.
  5. Corey_Lazarus


    But I thought the Crusades were happy times...you know, like flumes, rollercoasters, hot dog stands, ferris wheels, Ferris Bueller... ...oh, wait...that's Disney World. Aside from Ferris Bueller...that's just Matthew Broderick remembering when he had a career.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    What beverage are you drinking right now?

    Arctic Apple Kool-Aid. Second only to Strawberry Kiwi, bitches. I also drank an entire six-pack of IBC root beer in, approximately, two hours today. That shit's sooooooo good.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Getting into Megadeth's music

    **never takes either's opinion seriously again**
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Backyard Wrestling Promotion ideas

    The only backyarders that made it big have been The Hardy Boyz. Jeff is so screwed up that he's not worth shit anymore, and Matt Hardy seems to never get a push despite being solid in the ring, most likely because of his reputation of being a backyarder. Please, do get training. And yes, I've backyarded from time-to-time. I think everybody has once or twice. But there's a difference between doing fake punch/kick like I did and trying various complicated maneuvers like a bunch of backyarders try to do.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Let's pretend

    Production values are more important than having midcard talent tour Japan. Plus, why keep talent from making more money unless you're going to compensate them? TNA lucked out by offering the shared talent they had with RoH (Daniels, Styles, Red, etc.) by compensating the losses in pay for booked dates, but I doubt the crop that does tour Japan (Ki, Daniels, D'Lo, Red, a few others) would stand for taking MORE of their money away from them. If TNA starts making a profit? The first thing they should do is pay off their company debts in installments to Panda. If they don't have a debt because TNA is considered just another part of the company? Then focus on paying the workers more (NOT Jarrett, since he already gets twice the pay of anybody else on the roster, at the least) and increasing production values. Maybe hire some better people for the entrance music branch, since a whole chunk of their themes absolutely suck.* Also, hire some new video guys, because the videos TNA use are often laden with cheap titles and special effects that just SCREAM "bush-league" to me. The only good themes are Styles', New Church's, Michael Shane's, and Jeff Jarrett's. 3LK's was okay, but Truth's production music from when he first joined TNA was eons better, which shouldn't be the case. The undercard is littered with songs that are rip-off's of popular songs, or just plain terrible tunes. EDIT: As for Japanese workers they should bring in? Hands-down, Marufuji and KENTA. I've seen three matches, all from mid '03, involving Marufuji, two of which he tagged with KENTA, and they were all great. I hear nothing but good things about these two lately, either. They're making a name for themselves amongst puro fans in the States, and I can definitely bet that bringing some more recognized Japanese names into TNA would get some more people watching.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Impact Spoilers

    I'm going to quote Mike here, DK: If a wrestler in TNA doesn't impress me, I won't want to search out his other stuff. So, while in TNA? Fuck Miyamoto. TNA should've just tried as hard as fucking possible to get a deal with New Japan or NOAH. That way we'd get KENTA and Marufuji, who ROCK THE FUCKING CASBAH.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Getting into Megadeth's music

    Lyrics about Dave Mustaine getting laid in the backseat of a car vs. lyrics about the end of the world. Metallica wins, sorry. "Four Horsemen" over "Mechanix."
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Impact Spoilers

    So, wait...Impact is focused on the X-Division, and I see one X-Division match-up that won't even be that good because Nosawa and Miyamoto suck the meat missile? Grrrrrreat. I don't know Alex Shelley. I don't like Sabu. I don't like Monte Brown's current style in the ring (I really liked him when he was greener, surprisingly). I don't like Nosawa or Miyamoto. And I HATE HATE HATE America's Most Wanted. Fuck this show.
  13. Corey_Lazarus


    Head... Shoulders, knees and toes. (Knees and toes!) Head... Shoulders, knees and toes. (Knees and toes!)
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Land of the Dead...

    Yeah. If I remember correctly, when Land of the Dead was still being talked about as Dead Reckoning, the whole purpose of the movie was that there were societies built in shopping centers and apartment buildings with all classes, and people just sorta "dealt" with the zombies outside the safe zones. Basically, a commentary on how people eventually just ignore the problem rather than solve it.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    DVD's obsolete in ten years?

    So, wait...if I have a paper DVD and somebody drops it, it crumbles up...and then I can't watch it anymore. FUCK THAT!
  16. Corey_Lazarus


    ...so you think bears being raped is "cute"...
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    The Misfits

    My top 10 (beware: Newfits included) "Last Caress" "TV Casualty" "We Are 138" "Saturday Night" "Descending Angel" "Dig Up Her Bones" "Scream!" "We Are 138" "Where Eagles Dare" "Don't Open Till Doomsday"
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Land of the Dead...

    After a re-visioning of one of his movies did great at the box office, whatever studio is distributing this would be NUTS to not do it full-on nationally. Dawn '04 was the first movie to upset Passion from the #1 spot, right? They'd be fools to not have Land go all over, and pimp the fucking hell out of it.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Help Save A Wrestling Promotion

    An online petition won't help if the company has no cash. Promotions don't just shut down because somebody in the company no longer feels it's right to have it around. They close down because they run out of money.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    wwe signs new talent

    I'd guess not, considering Antonio Thomas is a pretty big name on the New England indy circuit, so it's not like somebody without any sort of following has been signed.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    wwe signs new talent

    Antonio Thomas is a decent enough talent. He has a really great look, and can hold his own in the ring. All the more power to him. This makes more sense why he didn't defeat Alex Arion at NECW's United We Slam last Saturday night, too. No point in putting somebody in the main event of the biggest NECW show of the year when he's going to WWE in a few months.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    The Misfits

    Yes. Yes you should. And don't be sad because you don't know about the whole legal ordeals with The Misfits. Few do.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Video Game Liquidation

    They should come to my house. The really good ones that I never actually bought, I mean.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    The Ring 2 (SPOILERS)

    Is this the plot of Ringu 2? If not, they should've just stolen that plot.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Bradshaw's Newest Column...

    And I'll have Voice rename The Rush to the "Unfunny Teenage Wrestling Fan Report On TNA." And if you hate to say it, why did you? And I'm not making this up: you suck, fatty. I'm sure you said it politely, right? Because you've never been less than perfectly well-mannered, correct? I don't think he'll be reading this, or has any idea that this has been written. Well, most of the time, when they don't worry about the facts? They're opinion pieces. It's not like YOU need to worry about the facts. I mean, this is an editorial, an opinion piece. You're voicing your opinion that Internet reporters aren't important enough to be on a talk show. Yet I'm sure Meltz has been on a few talk shows. Hell, he's featured in THE movie about professional wrestling! But no, he's lying through his teeth about everything. Yet, amazingly, most of what he says is TRUE! But he must DIE! I'll agree. I'd make a gun and send it to a troop if I knew how to make a gun, and how to send it to a troop without getting myself thrown into a federal prison. Well, Europeans DO tend to be smarter, on the average, than Americans. And why? I have no idea. Most of the Europeans I've talked to are more articulate and more well-educated than my friends over here. However...praising France? INEXCUSEABLE! But...didn't HE get out? I mean, you did say he's in England. Besides, you tell people all the time how you hate the internet fans, and yet you make ALL of your money because of us and our internet-lacking brethren. Who's the bitch now? Unless their home continues to fuck them and their family and friends over by passing laws invading their privacy to create a false sense of "security," all the while having people that don't understand the public in office. And I'm sure the Jewish population in Germany is SO sad at that fact. Didn't they learn anything from Clinton? You need a charismatic politician to win the election. Not one that talks like he's a Speak-N-Spell (Gore) or looks like he has some untreatable illness (Kerry). Not quite. He hasn't gotten rid of that stupid look on his face yet. I know some of my friends in England wanted him to do that. I'd have to agree here, actually. The UN is only a little more intelligent than the AN was pre-WWII. Germany and Japan were allies. Following the declaration of war on Japan, Germany declared war on the United States. We retaliated. He's still in office, is a certifiable idiot, and gave tax breaks to the rich while it's the poor that need it. I believe he also cut research for HIV/AIDS vaccinations. Well, what IS best for France, Johnny? They have a shit military, so how would they help us win a war? This is because people don't realize that there needs to be a difference, and it's all the times we live in. Religious popularity comes in cycles (at least widespread openness about religious practice), and right now it's on the rise. Give it 15-20 years. Actually, we celebrated July 4th because that was the day the founding fathers of this nation signed the Declaration of Independence. Sheesh, for a patriot, you sure know jackshit about history.