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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Scary Thing I've Noticed

    Actually...that's a good point. But alas, TNA's bookers **cough, cough**JJDutchyBoyVinnieRu**cough, cough** aren't smart enough to pick up on it...EVEN THOUGH THEY ALREADY BOOKED IT.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    We Are 138

    This has been bugging me for a long time. "We Are 138," by The Misfits, is one of my favorite songs by them. Glenn's voice is great on it, the riff is simple and catchy, and there's even a very short solo. It's heavy, but also somewhat soft. I just have one question... What the fuck does "138" mean? It may be the most commonly associated symbol with the band, aside from the Fiend, and I haven't met anybody that knew what it meant. Is it something to do with New Jersey? Is it an old b-movie (since a lot of old Misfits songs were based on b-movies)?
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    The Return of GWAR

    SICK! OF! YOUUUUUUU!!! I'm so sick So sick of you!
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Fantasy Cast: Ghostbusters

    Actually, I think Bob Odenkirk and Crispin Glover would do good in those roles, but that's because Odenkirk is practically a comedic genius (Mr. Show ruled), and Glover can handle his own in ANY role. I'm with kkk on this one, as GB is my favorite movie of all-time, so I'd never want to see a remake. But, as the thread goes... Venkman: Vince Vaughn Spengler: Liev Schreiber Stantz: Patton Oswalt (I think that's his name; I know he's a stand-up comic and appears on some sitcom regularly) Zeddemore: Michael Jai White Janine: Janeane Garofalo Dana: Jennifer Aniston (sexy, good actress, started off in horror movies...just like Sigourney) Louis: That kid from Rushmore...I always forget his name Peck: Michael Wincott
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Hardy/TNA update

    I can name a few guys from local indies that would have been better signs than Hardy...although Hardy's drawing power (since his fanbase IS diehard) might say otherwise... Maverick Wild Frankie Arion Michael Sain Eddy Edwards Chris Venom Vertebreaker Mike Thunder (although he's retired now) My cat Chowder
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    From Even Further Outside

    Why not have him do a quick and easy, yet seemingly devastating, move? I dunno, give him an Emerald Fusion, or something.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    From Even Further Outside

    Good read. One thing though, and this isn't necessarily to you Baddboi, but to all that say Monte sucks in the ring. It's only because he's being booked as a monster. If you saw his early TNA work, he was VERY fluid in the ring, and although still green, at least knew when to make his comebacks and he sold like a champ. His match with Elix Skipper during (I believe) Week 7 or Week 8 was a **1/2 affair, and it was mostly Brown doing the work.
  8. Corey_Lazarus


    I like Bret Easton Ellis, but maybe that's just me. What are your thoughts on him?
  9. Corey_Lazarus


    We're a democratic republic. Thus, two-party system. Oh, and you'll be tossing my salad now, ho. Nothing personal, mate, just business, initiation, and that sort.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Official "I saw Fahrenheit 9/11" thread......

    Yeah. I mean, c'mon. "Friends" was a popular show! Never trust the collective intelligence of the general public. NEVER. Kotz, I took that joke from the old Trey Parker and Matt Stone show "That's My Bush." Very, VERY underrated comedy, and the only reason people didn't watch it is because it was a parody of sitcom's more so than a parody of George W. Plus, the guy that played George W. had him dead-on. Didn't he also play Bush in a serious made-for-TV movie about 9/11, or something? I haven't seen F9/11 yet, but I have seen Columbine. And Columbine sucked. Moore went from trying to figure out why Americans were so violent to walking around and entering people's houses in Canada, and then he tried to say we're violent because we're white and scared of the black folk and the Native folk, and then it all turned into how Charlton Heston is evil for standing up for what he believes in (no limitations of the 2nd Amendment) and how K-Mart shouldn't sell bullets. I mean, Jesus Walt, what the hell are you doing? You know you're just going to get that cat stuck up your ass again. And then he said "Brodi, man: how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?" My cousin was a weird guy.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA News from the 6/28 Observer

    Please, do not call him JJJ, or Triple J, or whatever comparisons to Hunter you may come up with. Aside from perhaps "The Lame." HHH is a better worker than JJ is, a better politician (since it's not his dad that runs the company, it's his wife's), and just a better overall character. As for Russo on-air, I don't mind him as much as others do. I think he shouldn't have been booked nearly as strong as he was during the Tradition (AKA Jeff Jarrett and America's Most Wanted) vs. SEX (AKA Vince Russo and occasionally the Harris Bros.) angle, but if he were to be a more Paul Heyman-ish manager, the kind that stirs up the shit, sells the faces as if he were scared to death of them, and then hide behind his troops? I'd dig him. Just don't let him be the focal point of the product, like he was then. I find Russo to be a decent promo man, and although his accent hinders it, listen to the words he actually says. Not too bad of a talker, in my eyes. Then again, I also think Jerry Lynn isn't too bad of a talker, and it's just his voice that doesn't work.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Society's ever changing gender roles

    These people do realize that an ass is more germ-free than a face is, right?
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    We Are 138

    Well, I guess there isn't much of a significance to 138. My friend Jason, who is a bigger fiend than I am, said it was a code from when Glenn and his friends pretended to be robot assassins as children...but Jason also thought "Play That Funky Music White Boy" was originally by P Funk instead of Wild Cherry...
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Official "I saw Fahrenheit 9/11" thread......

    Yeah. I mean, c'mon man! In Bowling for Columbine, he made fun of Charlton Heston! HE IS A TRAITOR TO OUR NATION FOR DISRESPECTING THE GREAT MOSES! **picks up People magazine, George W. tries to take it away** LET MY PEOPLE GO!
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite match for 6/25 Impact!

    "You're looking at the real deal now." That was what was in his old WWF entrance music from when he just left The Nation. Could always just call the team Sky High, since it's the name of one of D'Lo's signature moves, and AJ is also a high-flyer. You know, if they gave the "That 70's Guy" gimmick to somebody that had charisma and could cut a promo, then maybe it wouldn't have been so awful. Still would have been pretty bad, but maybe in that "so bad it's great" way...like 3 Count! Dammit...TNA NEEDS TO HAVE THEIR OWN 3 COUNT!
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA News from the 6/28 Observer

    Here's an idea: go back to the original booking team of Russo and Jerry Jarrett. Aside from the midget beating off in a trashcan, the shows while those two were in charge tended to be extremely good. Even the shows that were less-than-stellar were still can't-miss episodes, since they built to future shows. And with Russo now wanting a cleaner product, but still having the ability to make even undercard wrestlers have a meaning to be there? I guarantee you the shows would be more enjoyable. And why would Monday's be ideal? So they could get slaughtered compared to WWE, possibly pose a threat one day, and then have their talent raided? If anything, I'd say have a 2 or 3 hour special on Monday night of the best matches in TNA (voted by the FANS, so we wouldn't get every single Jeff Jarrett match to date), with maybe an hour dedicated to each division (first hour for the Tag division, second hour for the X-Division, and third hour for the World title division). Would definitely show some new viewers what TNA is about and recap them on how they got to their current state. Then, have the actual show on Tuesday or Wednesday, and drive that fact home so that the possible new viewers would tune in. There. It's not rocket science, people. You hype the product, then tell people how they can get it. Putting them against WWE would be like putting a salmon next to a tiger shark.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite match for 6/25 Impact!

    The Pounce would be more convincing if it wasn't just a diving shoulderblock. Maybe if it was a lariat or something, but just a shoulderblock? Fuck that noise. And he's "Irish" Pat Kenney because...uhhh...because Dutchy Boy sucks at life, or something.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite match for 6/25 Impact!

    But Lynn and Red were crowned "F'N Amazing" (by ME, not Dames, as I was using that at least two weeks before he used it in the Diatribe) because Jerry Lynn was called "The New F'N Show" in ECW, and Red's full name is The Amazing Red. Hence, F'N Amazing. So...let's call the team of Styles and D'Lo, ummm...Down With The Phenom, or something. I dunno how to mix AJ's nicknames with the "Down with the Brown" phrase too good, and there's nothing else of D'Lo's that'd be good to mix it with.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA News from the 6/28 Observer

    The Mexican workers can't seem to get their papers because TNA management, I guess, realizes that they picked the wrong promotion in Mexico to work with. Aside from Garza and Juvi, not a single Mexican worker they've brought in has been worth shit.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Questions on TNA wrestlers

    They should have Slash in the ring, dammit! Fuck Synn. SLASH IS AWESOME! JAMIE DUNDEE 4 LIFE! WOOOOOOOOOEEEY!!
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    ROH has lost a ton of money...

    I'd also say booking some of the biggest indy stars in North America, as well as routinely bringing in international talent, has hurt them, too. And let's not even get into dwindling tape sales and live attendance from the RF scandal.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Best "Old School" Action Cartoon

    Exo-Squad. I really wish Universal would release it all on DVD, because I'd buy it in a second. I still have all of my old toys of it, a few episodes on tape, and remember almost everything about the series. The characters were so much more well-rounded than any other action cartoon of my youth, the animation was great, and the premise was damn fine. I've gloated about this often, but I once got a B+ on an essay in 10th grade for comparing Exo-Squad to World War II. The show was that in-depth, and best yet? They didn't care about killing off main characters. Lord knows Emperor Phaeton died a shitload of times, as did Typhonus (although cloning sucks), a few of the jump troops were axed, a couple Earth Resistance members, and even Able Squad's communications officer, and JT's second-in-command, Alec DeLeon was gunned down. The show wasn't afraid at all to not pull their punches, and the characters were those that you actually cared for. Even though it seemed as if the stories went to all hell towards the end of the show, they were still interesting and you wanted a final resolution. Plus, the end of the first season was incredible, with the commander that hated Marsh flying the Resolute into the Neosapien mothership as one last attack, sacrificing himself to help save his fleet.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    DeVito used to do a moonsault all the time in ECW, Lucharesu, so if that's the first time you saw him do it...wow. He did one that looked REALLY good at, I think, Hardcore Heaven 2000 onto Nova. He also did one off of the perch where Joey and Cyrus were commentating onto somebody, too.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Ken Shamrock Returning Next Week!

    Uhhhh...TD...I'm talking Asylum. That wasn't heavily papered until late 2003. Also, how elsew are you going to measure somebody's success in TNA than how the fans took to it?
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Ken Shamrock Returning Next Week!

    The difference is, TD, that the Nashville fans back then PAID to get in. That didn't stop happening until TNA drove away its fans in droves around the same time, oh...a certain booker that worked in Puerto Rico joined the staff.