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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Phenomenal: A.J. Styles DVD

    It could. UPW has their DVDs nationally distributed, and they're just an indy fed with no national exposure. TNA has a weekly national cable television show and a weekly Pay-Per-View.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Albums that are widely disliked that you enjoy

    I love Scatman John and the Bloodhound Gang CD I have.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Four questions

    BBCW, lick my gooch, dig? Northcutt actually sells and bumps for his opponents, and shows this thing called "promise" when in the ring. He sucks on the mic, but is learning how to progress in the ring. Plus, aside from Abyss? Only HOSS~! I really like.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Preview 6-16-04

    Glad I stopped watching. That's really all I can add. The show is usually solid to great when it's not the Jeff Jarrett Magic Hour, and by Voice's recent reports (considering we usually have very different opinions on TNA)? Not worth ordering anymore.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    If I may return

    Yet you say nothing of your cell phone...
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    LOL, you dumb bitch!

    ...it's supposed to be tar, fuckass...
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    I am going to a New Found Glory concert next week.

  8. Corey_Lazarus


    He picks the right scripts, that's all. If Tom Cruise were in Ghost Ship, it wouldn't have mattered.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Four questions

    Magus...never compare suckbag Dallas to awesome Northcutt again, dig? Northcutt had a great moveset, was becoming a master at being a heel tag wrestler with Joe Legend (Northcutt's mannerisms in the ring - his facial expressions, body language, and selling - made me love him more than anything) until they got rid of the Redshirts, and uses the half nelson wrist-clutch Michinoku Driver for a finish. How can you NOT love the guy?
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    My new hair cut...

    I'm just expecting to see Kotz on an episode of What Not To Wear, or some equally ghey fashion show where the "fashion experts" where the most hideos looking garments I've ever seen.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    I am going to a New Found Glory concert next week.

    I blame a bunch of SoCal punk bands from the mid-80's for the merging of pop and punk, personally, seeing as that's when a lot of pop/punk bands formed... Oh, and NM? Go wearing corpsepaint and just kill EVERYBODY.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    Didn't Jerry Lynn used to do it? At the start of TNA. No. Lynn just used the regular TKO, where he swung them off behind him, holding onto their head. Juvi swung them off in FRONT of him, like for an F5, but then twisted his own body and hit a Cutter.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    New England Pro Wrestling TV recap

    Antonio Thomas is somebody I'm surprised hasn't been signed to OVW. He has a great look (his body is almost comic book-level of ripped), is pretty solid in the ring, and has a decent enough amount of charisma. In NECW about four months ago, Antonio Thomas faced Maverick Wild for the NECW Heavyweight title, and the match just tore the house down. Aside from a weak grasp on psychology, Thomas gelled well with Wild. Pretty damn solid bout, about ***.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    THE RUSH now up on the main page.

    That's my fault. It's easier to format by just having it be one chunk. Also, his summaries are VASTLY shorter than mine were. I did mine move-for-move. He just summarizes how the match goes.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Byte This! Report

    Considering Stevie is happily married, ain't he?
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Student Whose Hair Set Afire Told To Stay Home

    Nah. It'd need a title like You Got Served 3: School Servings.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    One thing I admire about America....

    A flag's a flag. I'd hang the Portuguese and Scottish flags if I could find 'em.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Recommend something to somebody else

    I'd recommend Sound Like The Hu-Man to fans of...well, just about any style of remotely heavy music. The songs they have out right now are poorly produced, since they were all recorded as live sessions in the basement of a friend of the bassist, and you can barely hear the vocals, but the songs are actually quite good. Sort of like a more metal-ized Fugazi, if you will. Funny part? The drummer was only playing drums for a year, if that, when they formed. He's really good for his level of inexperience, too.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Punk Essentals?

    If it's been said already...fuck it. The Offspring - Smash. Open-to-close, a great punk album. Has the classics "Self Esteem" and "Come Out And Play" (which was Raven's ECW theme), if you didn't already know.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Chad Collyer signs with TNA..

    ...which is exactly what I'm saying. Just call it the fucking Cruiserweight title already, considering the only people in the division are Cruiserweights, and only half of them work the X-Division style. And I could make a stretch to fit Siaki in. Tenay used to say how the X-Division was about innovation. Siaki had the somersault swinging neckbreaker, Siakolypse, and a few cool-looking powermoves. But that's stretching it. TNA fails to realize that when you make a title for high-flying wrestlers and high-flying wrestlers ONLY, you need to make sure only high-flying wrestlers compete for it.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Chad Collyer signs with TNA..

    TNA used to be able to pull off the fact that the X-Division was about the style of wrestling over the size of the wrestlers. Then Dutchy came in.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Unexpected Title Wins

    ECW... Awesome over Tanaka, Taz. Awesome wasn't advertised at ALL, so him coming out of nowhere and getting in the match, much less winning it, was outstanding.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Ridiculous pigheaded-ness of unions

    Could be a plan by the Boston government to replace police officers with cyborgs and robots, and then tear down the properties polluted with excessive crime and build a new, safer city...a city for our children...
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    One thing I admire about America....

    While we're banning flags, let's ban the American flag, since it represents a group of people committing treason against the United Kingdom. Sure, we're not run by the UK now, but they're still a strong ally, so we should honor them, right? Hey, while we're at banning flags of nations/groups of people that have done wrong to us, why not ban the German, Japanese, Russian, and Mexican flags as well? I mean, sure, none of them committed treason against us, but quite a few of them did declare war on us, and the Russians were the enemies of the US for 50 years. The reason the Confederate flag isn't banned is because that would be a First Amendment issue. If somebody were to display a Confederate flag, be it because they believe in Southern freedom or have a great deal of Southern pride, let them. Government cannot pass a law denying the right of free speech and expression, right? Also, I'm not so sure if I'd consider the Confederates to be guilty of treason. Does it not state in the US Constitution that the people have the right to revolt if they feel the government is not doing its job?
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Punk Essentals?

    Don't forget Linkin Park. They represent what punk is all about. I mean...CHESTER HAD A MOHAWK!