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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Iann Robinson

    \m/ Many infernal hails to Iann.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Movie Tournament Final Round

    You sons of bitches. Seriously. You choose a Tarantino movie over a bonafide classic in Back To The Future. You make me fucking sick. Pulp Fiction Kill Bill Vol. 1
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    "Sometimes Vince Does Things to be nice"

    Actually...they do.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    "Sometimes Vince Does Things to be nice"

    Tell me what happened during the chapter he said that, and I can tell you what he's talking about. I've read both of Foley's autobiographies cover-to-cover a total of 12 times (7 for Have A Nice Day, 5 for Foley Is Good).
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only 6/2 PPV Thread

    The fact that Raven didn't have a contract and wanted more money is a pretty damned good reason. I would say another advantage of having Jarrett as champ is that you can be sure he won't have contract problems like that. True, that is an advantage...but there are others that wouldn't leave TNA, and better yet? They're there because they want to be and the pay is good, not because daddy runs the company. There was a period over the last month or so where he wasn't on TV or even mentioned at all. I daresay a lot of his over-exposure is simply a conservative measure by the bookers - they know he's the only person they can really rely on to stick with the company. Gimme a good reason why he's champion. Not just "he'll definitely be with the company." And how many others in TNA have in singles matches? AJ Styles has had 4 (2 vs. LowKi, 1 vs. Jerry Lynn, 1 vs. D'Lo Brown). LowKi/Truth was ****. Both Lynn/Truth bouts were about ***3/4-****. To be truthful? TNA's best matches came from tag bouts and multi-man (3 or more) X-Division matches. That was a bad period overall for TNA shows. Smackdown is rating quite poorly - is it because Eddie is champ, or is the rest of the show hurting it? I don't think it's possible to place all or even much of the blame on one guy. But Eddie isn't the complete focus of every SmackDown. Jarrett was the complete focus of every TNA during the Dirty Dutch era. The booking was solid enough for the fans to stick with it should the workers stay interesting, but Jarrett was boring as hell in his role. So tell me another one.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Create your anime-self here!

    Meh...didn't have the haircut I have (sides and back shaved), so I had to have my hair down...still doesn't look much like me, aside from the sunglasses and the cigarette.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA needs to get REAL music

    They should worry about making the show good before worrying about making the music good.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only 6/2 PPV Thread

    And let's not forget: Jeff Hardy had more credibility than Chyna, even when Jeff was on coke and about to be fired. No matter how you look at it, the title should not have gone to Jarrett. Yes, it is his company...your point? As stated previously in this thread, even Verne Gagne had the common sense to not put the World title on Greg. Hell, I'll try to justify Jarrett being World champion. -A former multiple-time holder of the WCW World title. -A former WWF Intercontinental champion (several reigns). -Was a big name in the old Memphis territory of the late 80's and early 90's. -Routinely has **1/2-***1/2 matches. Reasons why he shouldn't, you ask? -Already held the belt twice before this third reign. -Is always the focus of the show, even when not champion. -Has never put anybody over clean. NEVER. -Is the head booker of the promotion. -Has never had a match in the last four years over ***1/2. -His last title reign was during a time when the vast majority of TNA's fanbase tuned out, even those in Nashville. -His gimmick has not changed at all since 1999. -Has booked himself as Superman Jesus the wrestler, where nobody can defeat him unless they cheat in some way. -Has the SAME match every week out, regardless of his opponent. Now, Jarrett in 2002? I loved that title reign. Why? Because he was fresh, he took a slight turn from the "Don't Piss Me Off" character in WCW, and was just a bad motherfucker that also backed it up in the ring. The turning point really was when he didn't job to Raven on April 30th, 2003, as it made NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only 6/2 PPV Thread

    One-eyed hater? The fuck...? Yes. I'm quite open with my hatred for Jeff Jarrett. So? At least I have reasoning behind it (pushed simply due to family ties in TNA, same match every time, holds down better talent, never loses clean, etc.).
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only 6/2 PPV Thread

    If they needed someone with recognition, why not Raven, who is not forever linked to the dying days of WCW and jobbing to Chyna and beating women and saying "don't piss me off" and being involved in the decision that pushed Hogan out of WCW for good? Raven is a bigger name, folks, regardless of what you may think. He has larger mainstream appeal, too, considering HE'S NOT A FUCKING HICK. Explain this. Seriously. I fail to see how Ron "The Truth" Killings, a black wrestler that has improved leaps and bounds since his days in the WWF with great charisma and mic skills, wouldn't attract an "urban" audience, or even the young white kids that love to pretend that they're "down." And how would AJ Styles, a young, charismatic wrestler that has a history of awesome matches and a good look, be worse than Triple J? Exactly. The only worse choice for the winner of the match would have been Harris, and that's only because he's more vanilla than Triple J. But, at the same time, he'd have been a better choice, because it would have been something new.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only 6/2 PPV Thread

    As promised, I will no longer order TNA PPVs unless they are X Cup shows. Why? There's one reason why... BECAUSE I FUCKING HATE JEFF JARRETT! Seriously. The man is NOT a draw, and only gets the title because his father runs the company. His matches are the same bland tripe over and over again, his promo's are as boring as the first 20 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey (with the monkeys), and his fan reaction is equal to Glenn Gilberti. The thing is? GLENN GILBERTI IS A FUCKING CURTAIN-JERKER, AND JARRETT IS IN THE MAIN EVENT! Fuck TNA. I hope they go under.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Great artists with terrible, terrible songs

    Metallica...too many songs... Iron Maiden - almost all of the Blaze Bailey songs
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Movie Tournament Semi-Finals

    We cannot let Quentin Tarantino win. Do the right thing, TSM. Back to the Future Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill Vol. 1
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    We're going to call the one group of people that can deal with this paranmoral phenomena.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Oy, shit. Now we done gone and made some zombies! There's only man we can call now...
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    THE RUSH~! on the Main page now...

    Yeah. No in depth PBP from me, because that takes way too fucking long (that, and the TV/VCR combo is up at my parents' trailer in New Hampshire now instead of in my kitchen). C'mon, people. FEEDBACK THE MAN!
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Two hobo's, eh? TWO HOBO'S?! Fuck you, prick. How about... SIX HOMO'S!
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Hey, Furbies! Janet! I think there's a party over in that pile...WITH ILLEGAL CUBAN IMMIGRANTS! RUN, JANET, RUN! ELIAN NEEDS YOUR HELP! HE NEEDS LOVE, FURBIES! DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY! Pancakes, bitch.
  19. Say what!?? That is the biggest pile of racist, sexist, insensitive crap I have ever heard. Or just an accurate insight on traditional Japanese culture. In that entire area of the world, and pretty much every non-Western culture, the focus of society is the man, whereas the woman is supposed to be subserviant and quiet. Only with age do the women gain power (unless I'm confusing this with Chinese culture), as the oldest female in the household is the one that makes the rules. Hirohito was the Japanese Emperor during World War II, and is the one that ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor and the invasion of China. Him admitting defeat was a huge cultural shock, as I do believe that, until the end of Hirohito's rule as emperor, Japan had a system of belief where the Emperor/Emperess was closer to God than others.* Hirohito admitting defeat, and thus admitting that he was just a normal man, changed the culture of Japan forever. So yes, naming the character Hirohito would have been a HUUUUUUUGE cultural mistake. Think of it as naming a Italian wrestler Mussolini, a German wrestler Hitler, and a Russian wrestler Stalin.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    One Year Ago on SD.

    I prefer "Beautiful Day"... ... I should probably check it out on KaZaA.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    nwatna.com to offer free Match Of The Week

    Yeah, I'm not doubting that you get one ref bump per WWE show. However...HOW OFTEN DO THEY HAVE MULTIPLE REF BUMPS IN THE SAME MATCH?! TNA does this frequently. If they want to please the IWC again, let the workers go all-out. If the main event guys get overshadowed by the undercard X-Division workers, then maybe TNA should question why they're paying the main event guys. Fuck, even when the X-Division workers were still allowed to go apeshit for 15 minutes, who was more over: The Amazing Red or The Truth? The Truth. Why? Because he's earned his main event spot by being good in the ring, good on the stick, and knowing how to work a crowd. THAT is what gets somebody into the main event: being GOOD. But instead, we get daddy's golden boy, a young legend-in-the-making that they'll never push properly, and random additions by guys that shouldn't be ANYWHERE near the main event.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Both: EMILIOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Steve: Doug, what are we gonna do?! Doug: I dunno, Steve! But Tony's pissed off! Tony: WHAT?! EMILIO ESTEVEZ?! YOU FUCKIN' COCKAROACH! Admit it. Owned.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Since when?

    And no beer may be smaller than one gallon.
  24. Corey_Lazarus


    Everybody owns Morrissey. Why? BECAUSE HE'S FUCKING MORRISSEY!
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Officer's Taser is used on girl, 9

    I take it many of you have never tried to wrestle down a 9-year-old...those fuckers kick, scream, bite, headbutt, whatever. They're dirty fighters with no sense of honor. And if it's a special needs kid? That means she's probably got a lot of mental problems. One of them might be an excessive amount of aggression, which my oldest niece has. They're vicious.