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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Oh no! Louiemon and a killer ferret on Mountain Dew! Save me, Melvin! "MY TROMATONS ARE TINGLING! DIE, BITCH!" **cues awesome hardcore music as massive amounts of justifiable homicides ensue**
  2. Corey_Lazarus


    When's your graduation?: May 28th, 2004 (last Friday) Are you going to your prom?: Happened Junior year. Didn't go. What are you doing afterwords/that weekend?: Sex. Booze. More Sex. When's your prom?: Already happened last year. Got a limo?: No, because I didn't go. A tux/dress?: You don't listen, do you... A date?: God dammit... What college are you going to next year?: Not going to college. What's your major?: Ahem... Are you commuting or staying on campus?: You really don't listen. If not college, what are you going to do?: Work. Lots of it. Did you get any awards/scholarships?: Why would I get any scholarships if it's been known I'm not going to college?
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Do you play an instrument?

    Guitar, bass, minimal keyboard instruments, minimal drums, vox (growls and screeches and the occasional clean vox, but I sound like an asshole clean), and the spoons.
  4. Corey_Lazarus


    Where the streets have no name... And every generation, across the nation Is dancin' in the streets... CHAOS AD! TANKS ON THE STREETS! ...sorry...
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    nwatna.com to offer free Match Of The Week

    They'd do that better if they didn't have a billion run-in's and ref bumps in every main event each week. Seriously. You know the booking of the matches is terrible when you see THREE ref bumps in one 12-minute match. If you can't create drama without resorting to those easy tools, you suck as a booker. Dutchy boy, I'm looking your way...
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    **pimps fed in his sig**
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Well, I didn't want to embarass Swigg TOO much by showing everybody his sugardaddy.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Musicians selling-out

    ...you listen to Shania Twain...
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Slipknot Volume 3 (The Subliminal Verses)

    Take out KSE and Machine Head, and I'd agree. BLS really became a powerhouse with 1919. Not a bad song on that album, IMO.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA World X-Cup Thread

    Or if you've never been exposed to workrate like the X-Division usually offers, you'll overrate them. Seriously. I overrated, like, every cruiser match from 2001 to late 2002 because the WWF/WWE was all punch/kick (aside from Benoit, Angle, Jericho, and Guerrero). Nobody really did anything else (except for Mysterio, but he was in second half '02, around when I stopped focusing solely on workrate). I still stand by my ****1/2 ratings for XXX/Lynn & Red/Cross & Shark/Sabin & Storm and Ultimate X 2, but I've re-rated a lot of other TNA matches I gave over ***1/2.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Dave O'Neill

    Well, this is the forum where the reason he was banned came up (needless flaming of other posters), so yeah. Over to Hardcore.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    And let's not forget that Swigg was OBVIOUSLY teasing it by wearing a thong with a t-bone steak hanging out the back of it.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    True or False

    Chavo was so good just three and a half years ago, too. I actually loved the fued he had with the Misfits In Action after leaving the group, and thought the feud he had with Shane Helms leading up to WCW's purchase was great.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Okay, you're hitting below the belt now. Nobody talks ill of my girlfriend like that, dig? But, surprisingly enough, one of my ex's does look like that, and if you shorten the nose, fatten the face, and darken the skin, that IS my mom.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Movie Tournament Third Round

    Pulp Fiction Raiders of the Lost Ark Scarface Terminator 2: Judgment Day I finally saw Scarface for the first time in full last night. It's pretty boring unless everybody's dying. Kill Bill Vol. 1 Psycho (1960) Goodfellas Reservoir Dogs Rocky Taxi Driver The Shawshank Redemption Fight Club The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Back to the Future The Usual Suspects NO. FUCKING. CONTEST.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    I'd thought you guys would enjoy this

    Suckaz gotz ta know, Tony!
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA World X-Cup Thread

    Devine is definitely a talent I could see searching tapes of. He has a natural presence in the ring, and the spot in (I believe) in the Canada/NWA tag match where Daniels (or Skipper) DDT'd him and he flipped right back up, only to superkick Daniels down and collapse himself...ownage. Also, excellent finisher. Moonsault Frog Splash. Petey Williams shined last night as well, as he didn't completely suck. I think this might be attributed to the fact that he was working with Sabin for most of the night, and the two trained together, so they know each other pretty well. Team Japan sucked the meat whistle, as did Heavy Metal and Abismo Negro. So nothing else is new, haha. Overall, worth my $10, but not nearly as good as the NWA/Mexico X-Cup (the first one), or Lynn/Juvi, Hart/Juvi, and Sabin/Juvi from the Super X tourney last September.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    ...DK has now lost 12 points.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    I'll see your Michael Moore and raise you...
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    I knew she looked familiar. Anyways...Jeff Jarrett, you better damn well recognize that while I may hate you, even loathe you at times...there is one man that is more evil than you could ever be. One man that even you, Double J, fear more than God himself. And that man is... VINCE McMAHON! And, Swigg, pal, you just barked up the WRONG tree. For you see, I reached into your nightmares, Swigg, and I pulled out the single most feared, evil, and disgusting being known to mankind. BARBRA STREISAND. BIATCH!
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA World X-Cup Thread

    You're thinking of the Penalty Box match between Team Canada and the Misfits In Action. Once somebody was pinned, they were sent to the penalty box. Once every member of the opposite team was pinned (I think it was a straightforward 2-on-2 tag match, though) and in the box, the next pinfall against them won, or something. I dunno. Russo's booking.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    **waves a bag of Doritos in front of you** See this, BigSwigg? A bag of crunchy, scrumptious, delicious Doritos. Now fetch, nxgga, fetch! **tosses the Doritos into an alligator pit**
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    On your birthday

    **lights up a cigarette**
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Slipknot Volume 3 (The Subliminal Verses)

    I heard "Duality" and mistook it for a song by Motograter or whatever flavor-of-the-week nu-metal shyte has a song out. What does THAT tell you? I'll borrow it from my buddy Drew, because he, no doubt, bought it. He loves them. He alos loves a lot of shitty bands. I'll give it a full listen eventually.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA World X-Cup Thread

    I spoke too son. Gauntlet sucked, but this tag match between XXX and Rude/Devine rocked. **3/4-***, definitely. Solid work by all (including the two strongpoints to Team Canada).