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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Graduation, High School or College

    Last day is Monday, May 24th, and that's only two finals (for me, it's Statistics - a class I never needed and just slept through all year - and English - the only class I ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY, 100% NEED TO PASS OR I DON'T GET OUT), and then "rehearsals" until the actual commencement. Now...why the fuck do we need rehearsals? We get up when our name is called, get our diploma, shake the hand of that dumbfuck we call our Principal even though what we really want to do is punch them in the fucking face, and then walk off the stage only to toss our caps in the air, bury our gowns in deep storage in the attic, and never see our high school diploma again. Of course, this could just be because I'm not going to college, but fuck high school. It's done nothing but turned me misanthropic. And on May 28th, three days before I turn 18, I'm out. And on May 29th, I'm getting PISS-ASS FUCKED at my friend Emily's house as a way to not only kickoff my post-school life, but also say goodbye to a bunch of people I probably won't see for another ten years.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Kerry May Not Accept Nomination

    Wait...THESE THINGS ARE NEW TO BOSTON?! Meh. Massholes love dem liberals.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestlers dumping water on themselves

    It's to cool themselves off. Seriously. Try it. Exercise extremely hard for 12 minutes (cardio) with dry hair. You'll be pretty hot, no doubt. Do it with wet hair. Won't be nearly as hot, because the water will evaporate when your body heats up, cooling off the blood near the skin, and thus cooling down the rest of your body.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA notes from observer site

    Yeah, I remember that feud. AND HOW MUCH IT FUCKING SUCKED! And it was all Kazarian's fault, too. The guy's charisma is practically in the negative regions. He has a cool moveset, and that's about it, really. Ah, Eric Young. . . . Fuck Eric Young.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    "TNA Wrestling" News

    Yep. TNA becomes worse and worse than WWE every week, it seems. Hey, remember when we all said TNA was going to be huge because they were putting out a product that, overall, was the best in the nation? Yeah. I remember those days too. I miss those days.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA notes from observer site

    Should be good. Why? Because Team NWA fucking rules. Seriously. Lynn is the epitome of X-Division, be it in spotfest form in the beginning or the slowed-down form we have now, and deserves more credit in TNA, despite not getting along with the Jarretts. Sabin is the future, just as his name suggests, and he's already learning at an incredible rate for somebody in the business for only three years. Skipper is good in tag matches, which he seems to only have been in this time, as he can come in, hit his spots, and then leave. Daniels is just fucking amazing, as there's really nothing the guy can't do: he can go spotty, he can go technical, he can sell like a mother, and he's charismatic to boot. Team Japan needs to impress me, because I'm not familiar with any of them besides Nosawa, and I dislike Nosawa's work greatly. Team Mexico is...eh. Hector Garza I like because he's got this natural charisma to him, and he's good at wrestling, just not the X-Division style. Abismo Negro is bland and awful, considering he always tries to fly and can't do it well due to his size. Mr. Aguila ain't too bad, but he's definitely let himself go in the few years he's been gone from the WWF. Heavy Metal is a poor substitution for Juvi, but that's what visa problems do for you, I guess. It's not that he's bad, per se, as much as he's not too good. Team Canada...well, let me say this: I don't like a single worker on the team. Petey Williams can't work the X-Division style, Bobby Rude is an old-school wrestler that doesn't fly at all, Johnny Devine is also an old-school wrestler...and I have no idea who the fourth guy is. Honestly. I forget his name, because he doesn't stand out one bit.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Complete World X Cup spoilers

    Yeah, I'll take y'all's word for it, since I don't have the money to get indy and puro tapes, so I really don't know anything about them aside from their TNA work. And, honestly, this just makes me hate TNA even more. They tell the X-Division workers to slow down and tone the work down...but then refuse to let them tell a story, which many of them are superb at doing (ESPECIALLY Daniels). TNA, either allow them to go all out like they used to back in '02 and the first half of '03, or allow them to tell a story. Spotfests are only good when you don't put restraints on what the workers can and cannot do.* Aside from, of course, using finishers of workers on the rest of the roster and treating them like transition moves. That shit pisses me off.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Complete World X Cup spoilers

    Teddy Hart has at least some sense of "it." Bobby Rude is, as Nevermortal said, Velocity fodder. Displays no charisma in the ring, and seems to just work WWE-style...which is wrong when you're not in WWE.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Today's Smackdown Thread

    Haha. THis thread is getting less posts than the TNA threads in that folder. Anyways...yeah. Just felt like making that comment. VOTE FOR ME.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Complete World X Cup spoilers

    We're jumping to conclusions because, well...the last X-Cup was pure shit, and this World X-Cup has, aside from Team NWA, extremely weak teams.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Complete World X Cup spoilers

    Dammit! I was gonna ask that first, Nevermortal, but you beat me to it. BASTARD! Anyways, Ultimate X for this one WILL suck. I mean, look who else is in it: Hector Garza, who is basically a punch/kick guy that can do a powerbomb and a nice corkscrew moonsault, and Petey Williams...WHO BOTCHES EVERY FUCKING MOVE HE TRIES. Ugh... XXX/Devine & Rude should be REALLY solid, as Devine and Rude seem to go old-school in the ring, and XXX is the best tag team of the TNA era (and dare I say in the United States for the past two years).
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Movie Tournament First Round

    For some reason, a poster named "DrVenkman" voting for Ghostbusters doesn't surprise me...hmmmm...
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 5/19 Thread

    I'd rather JJ not get the belt at all. I still stand by my word that I'll stop ordering if/when Jarrett wins the belt back, and I hope others join me.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Funny article on German couple

    ... That's all I have to add. ...
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Movie Tournament First Round

    And once you get past the special effects and great fight scenes, ROTK is all about elves and other such fantasy crap that got you beaten up in high school for talking about. See what happens when you generalize? I gave Pulp Fiction the nod because Tarantino's a great writer of dialogue, and a decent director. Jackson is one of my favorites, don't get me wrong, but I can't rate LOTR as high as I would other Jackson films (Dead Alive, Bad Taste, and The Frighteners especially) because it's an adaptation of works that have been around for nearly 80 years.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Movie Tournament First Round

    A Clockwork Orange A Nightmare on Elm Street The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Pulp Fiction Braveheart Reservoir Dogs Dawn of the Dead (1978) Psycho (1960) The Crow (although I have a feeling the Tolkien fucks won't recognize that this is better) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Predator Goodfellas Ghostbusters Schindler's List Casino Rocky L.A. Confidential The Godfather Part II Back to the Future Jaws X2: X-Men United Blazing Saddles American History X Dogma Almost Famous Chasing Amy Aliens Scarface Die Hard The Shawshank Redemption The Matrix Mallrats Fight Club The Royal Tenenbaums Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Kill Bill Vol. 2 Platoon Seven Samurai Full Metal Jacket Seven (Se7en) Memento The Evil Dead Raiders of the Lost Ark Office Space The Usual Suspects Army of Darkness Taxi Driver American Beauty Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn North by Northwest The Breakfast Club Terminator 2: Judgment Day The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Raging Bull Kill Bill Vol. 1 The Terminator Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Citizen Kane Heat Forrest Gump Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Halloween Donnie Darko Clerks
  17. Rob Van Dam WINS 1. vs. Jerry Lynn, ECW Guilty As Charged 2001. The very last ECW Pay-Per-View, and the last match between the two in one of ECW's most famous feuds. 2. vs. Jeff Hardy, WWF InVasion 2001. The match that got Rob Van Dam over in a more mainstream sense with the WWF audience. He already showed signs of being over from the ECW Mutants cheering for him the moment he appeared, but this match showed fans that had never seen him before what he's all about. It's also a rarity, where the heel turns face because of their performance. 3. vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, ECW show in April 1998. Why is this match important? I'll tell you why: it's the match where Van Dam won the ECW TV title. If that doesn't mean anything to you, then you know nothing about ECW. Van Dam had the longest reign for any singles title in all of ECW history, forfeiting the title in March 2000 due to a broken leg. He held the title successfully for 23 months, and made it worth more than the ECW World title. Honorable mentions: vs. Eddie Guerrero (RAW Ladder Match), vs. Sabu (ECW Guilty As Charged 2000, last match in ECW for Sabu), vs. Taz (ECW November 2 Remember 1999, when RVD defeats the former ECW World champion), w/ Sabu vs. Hayabusa/Jinsei Shinzaki (ECW Heat Wave 1998, defeats two of FMW's top stars). LOSSES 1. vs. Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle, No Mercy 2001. At the height of RVD's popularity in the WWF, he's the one jobbed in this match. Many people (not most, mind you, but definitely a sound number) believed that RVD should have won this match, as it was the best time to capitalize on his overness. 2. vs. HHH, RAW. RVD was starting to get over like mad again with the WWE fans. He was pushed to the top of the card, and faced HHH for the World Heavyweight title. What happened? He lost. It was a good match, no doubt, but he lost to a move he's taken so many times: a DDT on the ramp. 3. vs. Sabu, Stretcher Match. Anybody that says this match is anything but a classic spotfest is bullshitting you. The two men tore into one another, blew very few spots (very rare considering the two), and actually used some minor elements of psychology (RVD working on Sabu's previously injured neck; Sabu working over Van Dam's leg, which RVD actually sold a little). The fans were HOT for it, and this is the match that got RVD noticed by most ECW fans as something to look at. Defining moment: Debuting the Van Terminator at ECW Heat Wave 2000 vs. Scotty Anton.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 5/19 Thread

    Dude, Red/Dutt tonight was MOTM so far for TNA. Best match TNA has had in a while. ***1/2. Each spot built off of the last match, and both men just went all-out in this one. Honestly, if TNA were to have just made Red/Dutt one time, I'd wish it would have gone like the last three matches went, only all in one big 25-minute match. Would've blown the socks off of the Asylum.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 5/19 Thread

    Yeah. Fuck the chat. It was going to be me and LFV doing a new Rush, but it wasn't working too well.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 5/19 Thread

    If you go to the AIM chatroom TNARush (you have to invite yourself), you can join me and LFV in a PBP chat.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 5/19 Thread

    I dunno. I think Truth is probably one of the top 10 workers in TNA right now. His ringwork is solid enough, he has a decent sense of psychology (he sells well, and all of his moves focus on the same area - the head/neck), and he's loaded with enough charisma to carry a bad match so that the fans can like it. TNA dropped the ball with him a long time ago, and just now they're starting to pick it up.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 5/19 Thread

    It's one-fall, as the subject makes it seem that way. Otherwise, they'd add that it's elimination. I don't expect too much out of TNA, since it seems they always give the bad matches more time than they do the good ones, limit their workers drastically (which they used to say they'd NEVER do), and give me very little reason to order anymore. It's been this way since Dutch took over, honestly. And when Jarrett regains the title, like it's being reported he will? I won't order any non-XCup shows until he loses the belt.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 5/19 Thread

    I think Rude's okay. I'm hyped on Lynn right now, though, because I make it a habit to watch TNA tapes from a year and a half ago when they were kicking every other company's ass in terms of overall quality of the show, and the Lynn matches were usually the best of the night. The guy might not know psychology for shit, but hey, his work is SOLID. If the tag bout doesn't involve Nosawa or Negro, it shouldn't be too bad. Meh. Red's not 100% yet, and Sonjay doesn't strike me as anything special. Plus, TNA has been on that whole "you cannot overshadow the main eventers' work" lately, and aside from Truth and Styles, it's not hard to overshadow the main event (yes, I honestly believe Truth and Styles are, right now, the best workers in the company with any sort of continued push). If they're allowed to just go all-out and are given 12 minutes, this could be a solid *** match, though. Likelihood? 10%, since Dutch hates cruiserweights, or something. You know it won't be given the time it needs. They have too many matches booked, and every match is around 10 minutes long. While that works in the case of the good pairings (Storm/Kash worked surprisingly well, as well as most of the tag team matches), it sucks because main-events should always be longer than any other match on the card, IMO.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    I agree

    I think he meant to hit "post reply," but hit "post new topic" by accident. I've done that a couple of times, but always noticed the lack of thread recap at the bottom of the page. But yeah. TSM needs the QuickReply option at the bottom of the page again.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM TV~!

    "The Rush" Corey Lazarus plays himself in this semi-autobiographical horror sitcom. Laz is after the Friendly United County Kitchenware coporation for closing down his place of employment. Along his journey, F. U. C. K. Inc. will send their army of zombies after him. ...yeah...I suck as a show writer, shut up.