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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Boston 5/15 ROH show

    ~!~!~!~!~!!~~!~!GRRR~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~~! I'm going to NECW on the same day in Framingham. Damn girlfriend and not wanting to see Ring Of Honor after War Of The Wire was a huge disappointment...!~!!~!~
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Name Change Coming?

    Vince McMahon: "Life sucks...AND THEN YOU DIE!" NP: Skinless - "The Optimist" Terrible move if they get rid of the NWA moniker. Then they'd also need to get rid of the NWA World Heavyweight title, as well as the NWA World Tag Team titles, considering they'd no longer be with the NWA. However, if they're dropping the TNA sub-name and just going by the NWA, that's a little better. Unfortunately, that could definitely hamper newer fans' opinions on "old-school" wrestling, since TNA has been pretty, well...fucking bland for the past, oh...8 months? Had some hints of genius and some decent matches since, but not a damn thing over ***1/2 that didn't involve two of North America's best workers.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite Iron Maiden Album?

    Piece Of Mind. C'mon...it just fucking rules. Not a single bad song on it, nothing overly cheesy (like "Invaders" from Number Of The Beast), and it's probably the best Maiden album in terms of Bruce's vocals. Oh...and I still think Brave New World blows Dance Of Death away. The "epic" songs on Dance are better, but the totality of Brave owns Dance's fucking ass.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    No Lazarush this week

    Sorry all. Haven't had the time. And once I get a job, the lack of a Lazarush may be a lot more frequent...or I'll have to cop out and do the "match summary with minor feedback" style that so many other reviewers use.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Loudest, most violent metal songs out there...

    I know the song "Ramses Brigner Of War" is on Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka, which is their debut LP. Seriously. Download more songs off of In Their Darkened Shrines. If you haven't heard "Unas, Slayer Of The Gods" yet...DOWNLOAD IT, MOTHERFUCKER! The best pure death metal epic, as far as I'm concerned.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Shadows Fall/God Forbid

    Shadows Fall is, without a doubt, the best live band I've seen. Brian Fair is NUTS live, and after he takes his shirt off...he gets even crazier. The dreadlocks (which, literally, go down to his ass) whip people in the face, the microphone chord is swung above his head, and he's just a great frontman. Jason Bitner just kinda drums, and Paul Romanko is all "booyah, I have a bass." Not much. But Matthew Bachand and Jonathan Donais, the guitarists? They trade solo's for a few songs, and are great live guitarists. I <3 Jon Donais. As for KSE's new album...does it sound like Alive Or Just Breathing, or do they actually decide to SOLO at some point?
  7. Hmmmm...this gives me an idea! See, Vince won't use WarGames, simply because the name isn't copyrighted and he wants to make cash off of it. So...why not have be in the Elimination Chamber? Each cell has TWO people in it, and instead of it being one-on-one to start, it's two-on-two Tornado-style. Could prove to be interesting, although a total clusterfuck.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Who would win in a fight?

    Mole would kick Morrissey's pussy ass, and New Jack would cut Rosie open so that her flub could fill his swimming hole. New Jack vs. Mole
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    GNR voted Greatest Guitar Riff

    I learned how to play guitar through "Iron Man" and "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)," so I'm biased as picking those as easily my most identifiable. But "Sweet Child O' Mine" has a riff that, while good, is nowhere near the best. "Louie, Louie," "You Really Got Me," and "All Along The Watchtowers" (Hendrix) are more recognizable, by far.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    PBP During Show

    Dutt/Red could have been more. A LOT more. They had the matwork of a long, epic junior heavyweight match...and then ended it right there. Seriously. Both men are flyers...AND NEITHER MAN FLEW THAT MUCH IN THE RING! I think there was a flying elbow, and that's it. THAT'S IT. What the FUCK!? *1/2. Shane/Douglas (heh) wasn't too bad. Better than what I was expecting. Michael Shane has become quite the self-sufficient worker, and the psychology was sound. The wrong man went over, as Douglas won the match by reversing Tracy's interference and KO'ing Michael with the chain-wrapped fist. *1/2. Team NWA/Team Canada I didn't see a lot of because I went to the store to buy coughdrops. My throat is SORE AS ALL FUCKING HELL. Ditto Trinity/Desire. I'm glad I missed it, though, since Desire sucks, and Trinity is sloppy. Watts/Abyss was about as I expected. Nothing special whatsoever, with Abyss carrying Watts. *1/4. Raven/Styles up now, and tonight's show has been very throwaway with a card that could have been damn fine.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Loudest, most violent metal songs out there...

    Hate's okay. But honestly? I'd call Nile their superior in every manner. EGYPTIAN BRUTAL DEATH...from North Carolina. How much better does it get?! Also... Exhumed - "Necromaniac" (I know one of Shadows Fall's members, either Matthew Bachand or the bassist whose name I always forget, used to be in a band called Exhumed; not sure if they're the same band, but if it is, VAST difference) Soilent Green - "Last One In The Noose"
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    I'm going to see Fozzy tonight...

    Not familiar with the Cockshots thread, are we? Check it out (or ask IDRM who won it), and then say I mosh to make up for my "small" dick.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Loudest, most violent metal songs out there...

    Murder Squad - "Slowly Burnt To Death" Murder Squad - "Sent Home In A Box" Murder Squad - "Return Of The Rotten" Susperia - "Illusions Of Evil" Susperia - "Of Hate We Breed" (not really TOO brutal, but good, blackened thrash) Skinless - "The Optimist" Skinless - "Tampon Lollipops"
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    I'm going to see Fozzy tonight...

    The corn in my shit > Satanico
  15. Oh. Add Jen (TSA09) and Ant (MX) to the list. AIM chatroom '01.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    I'm going to see Fozzy tonight...

    Where you're from, Banky, I'm guessing polka happens to be the best local music. That would explain a lot... I love Fozzy. Me and Choken have been saying since Happenstance dropped that their originals are better than the covers, and the next album is all originals. BOOYAH! Of course, I'm also a huge Rich Ward mark dating back to Stuck Mojo. Now if only I could find Cafu (formerly Sick Speed) CDs...
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Jerry Lynn matches?

    That's funny, because I liked the Lynn/RVD matches when they were happening, but I look back at them and I hate them. They're all the same, and the only differences are in how RVD beats Jerry Lynn (usually Five Star Splash, but once it was a Van Terminator). My favorite TNA match to date is Skipper/Daniels vs. Lynn/Red vs. Cross/Sharky vs. Storm/Sabin, ****1/2 by my watch, so there's one match to add. Let's not forget Lynn's awesome Summer Series with Credible in 1998 ECW.
  18. THRASH METAL, MOTHERFUCKER!!!! Ahem...anyways... -The metalheads -My fellow New Englanders -CanadianChick -MikeSC
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Mat Madness

  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Details On New WWE Writer

    Tell that to John Fawcett (Ginger Snaps), Wes Craven (do I need to reference?), George Romero (again, do I need to reference?), Peter Jackson (Dead Alive), Dan O'Bannon (Alien, Return Of The Living Dead)...should I continue?
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Bobby Rude

    Actually, we're offering ideas on how to alter the X-Division so that the workers they bring in it for it MAKE SENSE. So in a way, yes, they are altering the X-Division. And it's only going stale because the workers they bring in either A) suck or B) don't work "X-style." Frankie Kazarian falls under both A and B, whereas Sonjay Dutt and Abismo Negro fall under A, and Hector Garza, Team UK, and Bobby Rude fall under B.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM reviewers

    Who's reviews do you read often at TSM? This question just popped into my head while reading a thread in the Puro folder regarding Chris Coey writing for the site but not being let back in the forum.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Best athletes in wrestling?

    The Van Dam Lift is when you do a split between two chairs and then deadlift weights. Just FYI... I'd have to say Chris Hero must be a tremendous athlete. 90-minute Iron Man match.
  24. Corey_Lazarus


    A beaten up pair of black Chucks that have "Oi!" written on the toe of one in black permanent marker, and "BP is a tool" written on the other toe in black permanent marker. I also have a pair of white Converse XII's (I'll have to find a picture of these) that I call my "wrestling boots," seeing as how they look just like wrestling boots. And a pair of white Chucks that have writing all over them.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Scientists Working on Flexible Armor

    The question I have is whether or not the fabric soaked with the chemical goes back to being moveable after impact. Also...anybody else think of the movie BlankMan? Damon Wayans accidentally creates a similar chemical at his repair shop job, spills it onto a towel he has lying on the bench, and then leaves it atop a candle...but it doesn't burn. He tries stabbing it with a knife, and the knife gets bent in half.