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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus
I actually sent a fan letter to PWI once. It was shortly after Shane Douglas "passed on" the legacy of "The Franchise" in ECW to Tommy Dreamer. I was a mark for Douglas then, so hey...
With the inclusion of workers in the X-Division that do not work the traditional "X-style" (ie. lots of highspots), I think it's time TNA redefined the "X-style." Maybe, say, it's hybrid wrestling, where any and all styles of wrestling are welcome, with an emphasis on innovation and high-impact. That way, non-X workers like Michael Shane, Bobby Rude, Hector Garza, and Johnny Devine can be properly grouped into the X-Division.
It's up, biatches. LAZARUSH! I'm also planning on answering one big question about how TNA came to what is today (title-wise) by Sunday.
TNA...getting a non-X worker to come to the X-Division...hmmmm...why doesn't this surprise me at all? Seriously. The only good X-Cup team is Team NWA.
Well, let's say that Sabbath started metal, which they did. At the time, rock music had a blues influence, but it seemed that the blues-y sound wasn't there. Black Sabbath was a blues band before they were metal, and they just happened to heavly distort the music and play it a little faster. Oh, and since Tony only has two fingers, he had to dumb down the music a tiny bit. And the classical influence shouldn't need to be explained. Listen to Apocalyptica, which is a string quarter that covers nothing but metal songs.
Heavy fucking metal is DEFINITELY more than just "rock." First off, metal has its roots in blues and classical more than it does in rock, and considering a metal band (say, Slayer) will sound very little like a rock band (say, Guns N' Roses)...yeah. Other it is.
Re; BookEnd What are you talking about "weak"? Booker gets them in the head-and-arm position, lifts them up and pushes their legs back, and basically drives them up down on the back of their neck and upper shoulders. Looks eons better than the Rock Bottom, even if they're both the same core move just performed a little differently. Why don't they have Cena do the Godsmack? Fireman's Carry -> Airplane Spin -> Ace Crusher. Looks BITCHING, and very easy to do. Sure, doing it to a larger opponent would be a pain...but whatever.
WHY DO THEY KEEP BOOKING NOSAWA!? THE MAN FUCKING SUCKS!! NOSAWA = TAJIRI WANNABE (which translates to an Ohtani double) THAT SHOPS AT HOT TOPIC!! All Nosawa does is poor kicks and chops. FUCK Nosawa.
What is the last thing you spent money on?
Corey_Lazarus replied to TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe's topic in General Chat
My lunch at school. A chicken sandwich, two chocolate milks, a small cup of applesauce, and two PB&J sandwiches. $3. Next thing I buy will probably be a Gatorade tomorrow morning, then another school lunch...and then hopefully a pack of Reds. -
Huey Lewis & The News - "Back In Time" and "Power Of Love" Say what you will, but I lost my virginity to Back To The Future, so that says something. I've also screwed to the Master Of Puppets album, which was interesting in a "try to keep up the pace" sorta way.
1 Eddy Guerrero 1 AJ Styles 4 American Dragon 1 Chris Jericho
Feedback the FEEDBACK EDITION, bitches! HAHAHAHAHA! Also, I definitely messed up on the Tag scene during the late 2003 period when Mantel took over (the part that focused on the Redshirts, AMW, Simon & Swinger, and 3LK). Corrections would be appreciated (if any needed).
My problem with his review (although, admittedly, the only one I've read was the one posted here recently) is that he'll talk about why he liked or didn't like the match...but didn't give PBP or even a summary of what happened, so unless I've seen the match I'm lost.
...you stupid motherfuckers... What do you do while on the John? Take a crap. Hence "Robert John" turns into "Bobby Craps." Unfortunately, Drury, using the method explained in this thread, your wrestling name would be John Roberts. I like Bobby Craps better, though. Your finishing move can be the Boston Crap.
Motherfucking Corey. Hey, it kinda works... Actually, it'd be Kyle Andrews.
Cradle Back Suplex, also sometimes called an inverted Fisherman's Suplex (although it's not, since the head would have to be in an inverted front facelock and the leg bent the other way).
Looking for a Horror movie website......
Corey_Lazarus replied to NoCalMike's topic in Television & Film
sean, I go to Badmovies.org daily. I wish Andrew would get back from wherever he is (I think Iraq, as he's a marine) and do some more reviews! He posted an update a couple days ago... www.zombiekeeper.com has stillframes from most of the movies reviewed. They review some nice older stuff as well as the latest horror movies, as well. -
While I tink keeping the PPVs in order to make sure they get the long TV deal works...it's like Mike said: nobody will spend money on the PPVs because they get free TV, and the free TV won't have the calibre of matches that the PPV will have so few will watch it. They're fucking themselves over here, big time.
I'll have it known that I am VERY biased against Jeff Jarrett...as a booker. He's a solid wrestler, and as Mike said, usually delivers *** matches with everyone, but what REALLY hampers him (ring-wise) is the Southern style. It's all he knows how to work with, and seeing as how most of the TNA roster are either high-flyers or hardcore brawlers, with only SOME exceptions (Abyss and Brown do power wrestling, and are fairly good at it, especially Abyss), and Jarrett can do neither very good at all. If Jarrett would do the Southern technical style with somebody that can work the mat as good, if not better, than he can, such as LowKi, then I think we could get a damn good match out of it. Booker-wise, I hate Jarrett. While I think he and Mantel do book a good show, they're both terrible writers, and Jarrett does earn the Triple J moniker more often than not by placing himself as the focus for every non-X-Cup show. If Jarrett were to go back to the chair-swinging heel he was when TNA started, which is actually my favorite incarnation of Jarrett to date, then I'd have no problem with it...as long as he kept himself out of the focus of the show for a while. I have no problem with him being a World title contender, but let other people get the time you do, JJ. Definitely. The booking was leaning too much in favor of Jarrett losing the title for him to not to. However, the fault with this is that Jarrett should have never REGAINED the title last year from Styles, possible Hogan feud or not. He severely hurt Styles' credibility last year when he defeated him, and it was made to look like Styles lost because he didn't have Russo. I wouldn't have even minded if Jarrett won the title back, but not right then. If Styles had won the first Russo-less title defense, and then lost the next time he faced Jarrett, it would have been solid booking. Again, this all comes back to Jarrett being the head-booker for TNA, and Styles having the worst World title run I've seen since Jericho's reign as Undisputed champion. No doubt, which is actually a staple of Russo's writing/booking: have many contenders for the titles. It definitely will be smart to have Harris still in the hunt, but even booking him for the cage - regardless of whether or not they were actually going to put him into it - was a bad move, as Harris is only over with the live fans. The IWC (the people that buy the shows) aren't fans of Harris in the World title hunt, as the uproar that occurred when Harris defeated Raven a week prior can show. Truth should have ALWAYS been a contender. He's done nothing but improve since joining the TNA locker room in mid 2002, and has enough charisma to make up for his less-than-stellar-but-still-solid ring work. I actually, on some plane, was hoping Abyss would be in the cage with Jarrett. It'd be interesting, storyline-wise, to see Abyss break free of Jarrett and go with Psycholocks. There's no doubt in my mind that Raven will hold the NWA World title by the end of 2004. Raven vs. Styles has the potential to be a great feud with mind games and solid matches galore, but I only hope that they actually put off the title match as long as possible. Make it so that the actual Raven/Styles match for the NWA World title is scheduled for the 2nd Anniversary show, and then watch the live fans begin paying again, and PPV buyrates climb. Raven should win, honestly, so that when they go on FSN they can have a heel champion that the faces are trying to beat. Plus, Raven's work has never been overly risque (aside from the "Beulah is pregnant" angle in ECW), and the man can make ANY match seem bigger than it is if he's allowed to book enough of it. He'd have no problem putting anybody over, and would make the match seem grander than it would normally seem. Of course, I'm a mark for Raven, so hey. I agree that putting Styles into the cage made sense, and even gave us a solid match with enough drama to it to carry it. And yes, he was the one that deserved it the most storyline-wise. No real arguments here. The problem with the swerve was that they work on free TV so that people will either tune in mid-show and find out something happened, so they keep watching, not knowing what will happen next. TNA is on PPV. Nobody is going to order a PPV for $10 if they don't think the show will be worth watching. Swerves should not happen often on PPV, and if anything, I think Raven/Harris should have occurred earlier in last week's show, with Raven injuring Harris that same show and sending him to the hospital, and Russo state that he'd need a new contender for Jarrett this week. It's still shoddy booking, but better than a bait-and-switch on a PPV. I still think Kash should have chosen Kevin Northcutt over Dallas, since Northcutt was starting to show signs of being a good worker in the ring, and the Redshirts grew into a solid tag team before they split. Of course, I have no idea what happened to Northcutt, but hey. Putting the belts on D'Lo and Apolo in the first place was a terrible move. D'Lo is rarely in the States, and Apolo is shit. Kash at least can work his ass off, and Dallas has a decent enough moveset...but Apolo? Shit. Meh. Never cared for Desire in the first place, and I'm still not caring for the Simon/Swinger feud...SINCE JOHNNY SWINGER FUCKING SUCKS. Surprisingly good? Why? Michael Shane has been consistantly better since Ultimate X 2, and Christopher Daniels is great. And Douglas as a face will be bad, because it only worked in ECW due to Douglas being so over in ECW...and still being able to have a good match then. Agreed. Sabu has been decent enough since coming back to TNA, and Monty Brown isn't too bad either. Abyss, however, is being wasted by just being the masked monster. Give him an angle, guys. If need be, put him with Raven, and reform a Flock-like stable. I know that's always something that's brought up with Raven, a reformation of the Flock, but I really think it could work if he brought in workers that needed direction, just like in WCW and ECW. I don't think the finish was decisive at all. It looked like a fluke win is all, and like I said in the Lazarush, I think Jarrett should have kicked out of the crucifix, then hit the Stroke, and AJ kicks out of that, Styles hits the Styles Clash but JJ kicks out, and then a Spiral Tap (which AJ hasn't done in FOREVER) puts it all away. The pop would have been so much bigger, and the match would have probably been a little better with the uber-hot finish. Perhaps. But I just hope the X-Division gets used properly, and it's not all Frankie Kazarian and Sonjay Dutt. X-Cup 4 looks pretty good, but Petey Williams, Abismo Negro, and Heavy Metal may stick out like sore thumbs. I'm heavily looking forward to Jerry Lynn being in matches on TV again, though. Ditto Chris Sabin.
Re: HHHeavy Metal... I'm pretty sure Lemmy wouldn't care, since Motörhead and Metallica get along damn well. Fuck, James wrote a song about how much he loved Motörhead on Kill 'Em All (the song is "Motörbreath," by the way) back in 1983. It's actually one of my favorite Metallica tunes, too...even though it's a punk song.
It's kinda funny that you think Dutt/Red will blow the roof off the building when Red hasn't been much since returning from his knee injury and Dutt is Vanilla Cruiserweight #34, but yet you don't care for Monty Brown who has shown some charisma and promise in the ring. Anyways...why would they continue with the weekly PPV if they're having FREE TELEVISION? That's just more money out of their pocket, really.
Ravenbomb, maybe they're adding AT-AT walkers and pod racers in the background...
I remember the Raven/Ki vs. Corino/Sandman match, actually. I make it a havbit of watching my old TNA tapes since I started watching (have every show from July 10th, 2002 on tape) now and then, and I finished that week's show a while ago. I'd give it *1/2, but only because the brawling was done good. Corino didn't get to show his expertise (in-ring psychology), but Raven and Sandman showed theirs (brawling). LowKi...he was included out of left field, really.
Northeast Region 1 Eddy Guerrero 3 Rey Misterio Jr. Northwest Region 1 AJ Styles 2 Kurt Angle Southeast Region 4 American Dragon 2 Brock Lesnar Southwest Region 1 Chris Jericho 2 Christopher Daniels
Actually, dv, I'm a HUGE fan of brawls. My favorite matches have been brawls (hence why my favorite wrestlers of all-time are Foley and Raven, and ECW is my favorite all-time promotion). It's just I like it when brawls are done RIGHT, with PSYCHOLOGY and SELLING. Jarrett can't sell for more than a minute, and downright refuses to take any bump on the outside...which is NECCESSARY for brawls. Jarrett also works the Southern style, which I'm not a fan of whatsoever, and I don't think he should be in the main event, regardless of the promotion. FYI: I'd give Raven/Jarrett ****, Truth/Jarrett I ***1/2, Truth/Jarrett II ***, Styles/Jarrett I ***1/2, Styles/Jarrett II **3/4, and Styles/Jarrett III ***3/4 (mostly for the emotion). I'm not a fan of Jarrett at all, but I can still rate a good match.