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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Daredevil movie vs. Hulk movie

    Actually, I saw The Crow without the knowledge that it was the movie Lee died while filming. I knew he died filming a movie, but I didn't know it was The Crow. And I loved it anyways. It's not so much the fact that he returns to avenge his and his loved one's death, as the sequels can point out. It's the fact that the characters are well-crafted and well-portrayed in the film, and the entire "is he doing the right thing?" subplot had to be nixed because Lee died so he couldn't be in the sequels (in the comics, Draven does not return to the grave, but remains a wandering spirit because he wasn't brought back to avenge, but for a more deeper, almost sinister purpose...which is something the sequels and most of the other comics missed out on). The whole atmosphere of the movie was great, and Lee actually showed that he was not JUST a martial arts actor, but also a serious actor. Let's not forgot how cool T-Bird and Top Dollar were. Or even Tin Tin and Fun Boy. Each death had some purpose with the characters, which just made ME mark the fuck out. **SPOILERS** Tin Tin, the knife expert, was stabbed to death by Draven. Fun Boy, the morphine addict, was given an overdose by Draven. T-Bird, the lover of his hot rod and explosives, was strapped to his car which was then blown up. Skank, the lackey, was thrown out a five-story window, much like Draven was. Top Dollar? Tossed off the roof of a church and impaled on the horns of a gargoyle. **END SPOILERS** Personally, I just connected with the characters and the imagery. The movie made you feel for Draven, since he had to try to limit his relationships to continue with his "mission" of revenge.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Guitar freak simulators for the PC

    I'd rather actually play a guitar...
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Talent Pulled From ROH Shows

    I feel worse for TNA. Look at the names of people that do both TNA and RoH shows. Notice two of their biggest stars, Raven and AJ Styles, work with both companies. By preventing them from doing so, they're losing a BIG paycheck. I feel bad because now TNA management (read: Carter and Jarrett) are going to get LOTS of shit from two of their biggest stars, especially since Styles has publically stated he prefers RoH to TNA.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Lazarush update - X-Cup 3

    It's up now, bitches.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO Bullshit thread

    Tonight, everybody's favorite comedic magicians take a swing at PETA. Who's up for some HIPPIE BASHING?!
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Steve Corino Question

    I'm definitely more a fan of the Heat Wave '00 beating, seeing as how Lynn used Corino's blood as warpaint (!) and then wrote "DIE" on his stomach with Corino's blood. I mean...WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT BUT A PURE METALHEAD?! Jerry Lynn uber alles, man. And Corino...for some reason, I always think he has some Asian heritage.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Daredevil movie vs. Hulk movie

    The Crow = greatest comic book movie EVER. Not only is it a great translation of the comic, but it's a tremendous movie too.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO X-Cup 3 4/7/04 TNA thread

    There ya go. The Lazarush won't be up until Friday around noon, because I'm a little busy tomorrow, but at least it'll be up DEFINITELY on Friday.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    A tough one...

    I'd compare it to eating something that looks disgusting, but you've grown a taste for. I dunno. Smoking in and of itself is something entirely different than anything you could think of. Aside from the health detractions, it's an amazing feeling when you get that "dizzy" sensation after smoking a BUTT.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Advice on concerts...?

    Exodus rules. Seriously. Download "Piranha" and "The Toxic Waltz" if you've never heard their stuff. Oh, and Paul Baloff was out of Exodus for a while, I do believe, until returning for the live album. After his death, they went back to their vocalist from before Baloff returned. I base this off of the fact that the vocals sounded different from Bonded By Blood to everything else, but they could have produced the music better for all I know. **poot**
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO X-Cup 3 4/7/04 TNA thread

    See, I don't think Robbie Dynamite was that bad. His first round match with Heavy Metal was 5 minutes of good mat wrestling, but that's it. Terrible, terrible show.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO X-Cup 3 4/7/04 TNA thread

    I'm going to need alcohol tomorrow afternoon when typing this up...OY VEY...
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Mock my taste in women.

    I'd SO tap the OpIvy chick. She just seems to be incredibly cute, and if she's into punk, man...I'd make sure she could fit a fucking wine bottle between her legs from how much tappage... And yes, the first one looks like a 70's pornstar. I think it's the makeup and quality of the picture. ...you look like Fozzy from the Muppets...
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Help me identfy more movies

    Well, Satanico, if you replace "sister" with "mother," it's practically the exact same plot. It's easy to see how they got the "desert" setting, since the house where the two boys live is isolated and is in the middle of what could pass off as a desert. As for the second one...definitely no idea. Maybe Pumpkinhead? But I'm getting that one just from the dirtbike/camping thing.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    3/31 Lazarush

    It will be up tomorrow. I'm eating dinner at my sister's tonight around 5, and I usually don't finish the Lazarush until around 6-6:30. Tomorrow afternoon's all free, so I'll do most of it then. About a half hour into the show already (roughly 1/4), so it's cool, dig?
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    NWA North American Title

    Sure, Siaki's reign was to show that you can be a big guy and still work X-Division style...but why didn't they just bring in a taller flyer? The X-Division was all about high-impact, fast-paced wrestling, and Siaki and Michael Shane didn't work either style (although Siaki could when tagging with Yang and Estrada in The Flying Elvises). I think an upper-card, non-X title would be good, but you'd have to name it right, and make sure you keep it separate from the X-Division. Not make it its own division, but just make sure people know that it's about card placement.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    3/31 Lazarush

    Just like Bob Dole said to his hooker for the evening when the Viagra kicked in... IT'S UP! IT'S UP! IT'S FINALLY UP! Special thanks to Goodear, without whom I'd have never known...well...that his...uhhhh...yeah! Tell 'em, Glennward!
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    What was your quote

    I forget what I actually put, but here's what I SHOULD have put... Fire under crimson kings, true honor embraced, world of reality lying done.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    3/31 Lazarush

    Don't worry. I'm used better at other sites. Hell, I got a main event push at SmarkTown for a while! Figures. I become a top-notch writer, with workrate as great as anybody, and JHHHawk holds me down. Fucker...
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Most Annoying Wrestling video game losses

    This actually happened on Thursday. I'm playing HCTP as my Cliff Young CAW, who is 8 in everything, and I'm in Season Mode (just started a new Season with him after three seasons of building up my Laz CAW). The second week of April is Cliff/Christian against HHH/Rock. The match is ALL Cliff/Christian, with me just suplexing the shit out of Rock and HHH as Cliff, and doing tons of dropkicks and inverted DDTs as Christian. Then, HHH comes in, does the short-arm whip, and nails a Pedigree on Cliff (who was only in the yellow for his head). 1-2-3. What-the-FUCK?!
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    3/31 Lazarush

    <--Victim of the TSM plexiglass ceiling.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    DDP Coming Out Of Retirement

    Raven's lowest match in the past year, in my eyes, has been *1/4, and that was with either Sinn or Vampiro. The first Raven/Douglas match I penned at **3/4, but the crowd heat was phenomenal, so I should have rated it ***, in all honesty, because I was captivated. But alas, that was when I rated a match purely on workrate instead of how good the match was.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Your most prized possession

    My collection of wrestling tapes from Badd Blood 1997 until the most recent TNA. I can watch these tapes and remember what was going on in my life at the moment.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    The Greatest Horror Films Of All Time

    My top 10... 10. Dead Alive 9. Ginger Snaps 8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre ('74) 7. Dawn Of The Dead ('79) 6. Alien 5. Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn (this movie has gotten me more pussy than you'd ever believe) 4. Return Of The Living Dead 3. Night Of The Living Dead ('68) 2. John Carpenter's The Thing 1. The Evil Dead ...it's hard for me to find a non-zombie horror movie that I adore, honestly... Like, TCM is, personally, very boring to me until the last 20 minutes, when it shows the most intense scenes I've ever witnessed in a film. Just the whole "kill 'er, grandpa!" scene gets me, and I'm legitimately shocked by it every time.
  25. Corey_Lazarus


    Well, at least we have the good news in that Russo has returned, is agreeing with the "keep it wrestling-oriented" approach, and the shows have been very good for the past month or so.