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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Thrash metal

    ...I think I speak for many people here when I say this... FAG
  2. Corey_Lazarus


    Thank you, my good man.
  3. Corey_Lazarus


    I tried to put the Lazarush for 2/18 on the site, twice, and its says that it's been submitted to the editors of TSM. Now I'm just wondering what that means, or if it's been sent to DrTom to post on the site now that Dames is gone or what.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    The next fed

    I'd prefer they do, like, "Team Independent" instead of just Team RoH. That way guys from Wildside that haven't been in RoH yet could join in, as well as some CZW and ex-XPW workers. Hell, they seem to want to fly in the Canadians, so why not bring in a few IWS workers? As long as Homicide finally appears in TNA, it's all good, though. BRRRAH!
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Official Ozzfest lineup announced......

    Yeah, Steviekick. Agent's name is based off of a band, part of my name could be a band name (I could have a band called Corey, you never know), Nevermortal sounds like a band name...bitch, you just got a username that is based off of a wrestling move. Change your name to "Steviekick Is Metal," or something. And yes, snuffbox, I asked myself that same question, since the only remotely "hardcore" bands (as in the style of music) on the lineup are Atreyu and Hatebreed (AKA hardcore for sissies).
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    High-Flying World Champions

    Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure Mike Awesome won the ECW World title with a Frog Splash. It was either that or an Awesome Bomb from the top (I haven't watched Anarchy Rulz 99 in forever). I'm sure Sabu must have won the ECW World title with a flying move of some sort. Maybe a Super Arabian Facebuster?
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Diamond Dallas Page added to LOW:SHOWDOWN!

    Any news on the gameplay?
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Official Ozzfest lineup announced......

    **prays that the Mass stop isn't in Boston, but rather Foxboro or Worcester**
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    The Machinist....

    Well, since Bale makes even the dumbest movies awesome by his presence (see: Reign Of Fire), I'll be sure to try to check this one out. Also gotta see Equilibrium for Bale. Anybody else get an almost Fight Club-esque feel from the plot?
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...and Norman was a great technician that was never pushed beyond the midcard and had a stupid dance that caught on, much like ALEX WRIGHT...
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    The One & Only NWA:TNA PPV Thread:

    Hey, it's cool. I'm a workrate mark, so I overrate a lot of matches if the workrate is there, and not too many spots are blown. The main didn't have a whole lot of blown spots, and I added a *1/2 on for how dramatic the final four falls were (even though I knew the results, I was seriously hyped for the final falls). I'm just waiting for DrTom, or whoever is in charge of the TSM main site, to approve the Lazarush I sent in.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    The One & Only NWA:TNA PPV Thread:

    It'll be up at 5. I forgot about the Raven/Funk vs. Gathering match, and I keep getting distracted thanks to my friend Chris calling me to ask about our WrestleMania plans. Just got Jarrett/Harris left.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Official Ozzfest lineup announced......

    I don't care if I have to whore myself out for medical experiments to get the money, I'M MAKING THIS SHOW. I made a promise to myself after missing the Slayer tour in 2001 (not the Extreme Steel Tour, the Slayer tour with Hatebreed) that I'd never miss another show Slayer was a part of again. GO, REAL METAL, GO!
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    The One & Only NWA:TNA PPV Thread:

    LAZARUSH UPDATE: I just have the Juggalo Streetfight and Harris/Jarrett left to do. Should be up by 4.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    The One & Only NWA:TNA PPV Thread:

    Again, I point to my sig.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Royal Rumble Delivers Strong Buyrate

    **mentions something about Vengeance '03 having two **** matches, two ***+ matches, and a fun undercard**
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    The One & Only NWA:TNA PPV Thread:

    After the first Lazarush at TSM, I was told by Dames to limit the cursing (since I wrote like how I really talk: extremely fucking profane), so I asked people for suggestions on what to replace "fuck," "shit," and "cunt" with. People suggest "baka" for "fuck," "chave" for "shit," and "huss" for "cunt."
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Mardi Gras

    Nope, just a quiet Saturday spent with my girlfriend, and then a Sunday with family as it's my sister's birthday.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    I might be interviewing Prong

    1. Pester him nonstop about "Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck," and how completely AWESOME that song is. 2. Ask Tommy if you can play guitar on the next album.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    The One & Only NWA:TNA PPV Thread:

    I'd just like to point out that my sig shows my true feelings about TNA booking.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    The One & Only NWA:TNA PPV Thread:

    NOTES: Hudson sucks on PBP. He miscalled Jerry Lynn's trademark move for the past 6 years, the Cradle Piledriver, by referring to it as a Tombstone. Jeff Jarrett is totally uninteresting anywhere but in the ring. As a heel in the ring, he is ON. Harris was ready to throw the Southpaw, and Jarrett poked him in the eyes. Kid Kash is STILL your new favorite wrestler. He tossed a loaf of bread to the Juggalo's. A LOAF OF BREAD. So Elix Skipper is the new captain of Team TNA? Why? He's the worst worker of the three, and we have X-Division champion CHRIS SABIN right there. Why not make the CHAMPION of the X-Division the team leader? Oh, right. It's be logical. PFFT! Styles/Abyss I wasn't feeling at all, which is a huge letdown considering I loved their first match a few months ago. This one basically played out like this: Styles goes for a move, Abyss reverses into a pancake, but Styles lands on his feet and hits an enziguri. Seriously. THAT'S THE WHOLE 10 MINUTE MATCH RIGHT THERE. And wouldn't the disqualification of Abyss thanks to Jarrett's interference mean AJ wins both belts, especially considering that a rule was set in place in late 2002 about how titles can exchange hands via DQ and count-out? Hey, Dutch, WATCH THE FUCKING SHOW.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    The One & Only NWA:TNA PPV Thread:

    'Tis a sad day when the only match I'm looking forward to in the least involves the INSANE CLOWN POSSE.
  23. I must be the exception, because Raven is my favorite wrestler of all-time and I've not cared for pretty much any of his matches since the Triple Threat where AJ Styles won the NWA World title last June. Everything since then has been your standard ** fare.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite horror movie themes......

    I agree 100%. The music at the end of The Evil Dead is creepy too. Not classic, but creepy. I also love the music that plays during the credit's of In The Mouth Of Madness. Almost a blues/thrash/goth sound. John Carpenter = the man.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    I am starting to lose touch with Metal......

    Unearth is awesomeness. Ditto Murder Squad. Agent? Agent, where are you?