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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Alice In Chains and Slayer

    Damageplan and Superjoint Ritual on the same tour, eh? Wonder how that'd turn out, considering Darrell and Vinnie kinda hate Phil and Rex for ditching 'em...
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Better Bring In Kanyon

    Go, WWE Cast-Off's, Go!
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Johnny Fairplay A Weekly Writer For The Star

    And? So? Unless TNA gets a weekly free TV show instead of the weekly PPV, nobody's going to become a regular viewer that isn't already. Hell, I don't plan on ordering many shows after tonight because the product hasn't warranted $40 a month.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    2/4/04 Lazarush

    Feedback me, you bitches.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Where can I d/l a copy of Zeus Pro?

    As a fedder (and one that knows of people that have been in your fed{s}, such as Thurston "Nightmare" and others), I can honestly sit here and tell you that Zeus Pro is what turns away MANY people from feds. Hand-typed results have more of a feeling for the characters to them, and if you want the best quality roleplayers possible in your fed, type out each match (and if you can't type each match by yourself, request assistance in the matchwriting process).
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Low Ki back in RoH

    Fucking girlfriend and her insistance upon spending Valentine's Day together! GRRRRR!!!!!
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Uncensored 99 main event

    IC: Nash and Hogan formed the "nWo Elite," which was basically just the original nWo under the Wolfpac colors. Sucked. OOC: To try to get ratings, and to put the belt back on Hogan with Nash losing in the eyes of the fans.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Alien/Predator novels

    The Predator books aren't nearly as good as the Alien books. I own one Predator novel where it takes place in Siberia (forget the title), and an AvP book I also forget the title of. The best Aliens books, however, are all done by SD Perry. They are Earth Hive (based on the original 12-issue comic series done by Dark Horse entitled, simply enough, Book I), Nightmare Asylum (based on the 4-issue Dark Horse series entitled Book II), and The Female War (which SD wrote with his wife, based on the 4-issue Dark Horse series entitled Earth War). Those are all intertwining stories (in the comics, the main characters are Hicks and a teenage Newt, so keep in mind that the comics were all released between '89 and '92, before Alien 3 was released, and in the novels the main characters are similar to Hicks and Newt but with different names), and are quite epic if you're into the Aliens mythos like I am. ALL AvP COMICS KNOWN BY ME: Aliens vs. Predator Aliens vs. Predator: Deadliest Of The Species Aliens vs. Predator: Duel Aliens vs. Predator: War I own at least one issue of each (both issues of Duel, and three issues of War). Decent work, but they were all done when Dark Horse started to drastically drop in quality (since every other comic company was taking their more adult-oriented style).
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    New Bat-Toon Due In Fall

    Call me when a new Ghostbusters cartoon comes out.
  10. Corey_Lazarus


    I haven't really dug any Incubus since, like, they're first album (when Brandon still had the dreads), as it had a nice funk thing going. Wow, what a surprise, Corey Laz doesn't like something.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Best moment from 24 Season 3

    I was not digging Season 3 at ALL. I don't know why, but nothing had me interested in the least. Is it still going on?
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Hey Kids, Like To See Fred Durst Play Guitar

    Well, I dig One Minute Silence, but we were talking GUITAR bands. OMS' guitarist is your generic nu-metal/hardcore guitarist that can write some decent riffs, but that's it (and yes, I know the guitarists for Sunna and Buy Now...Saved Later were different). And I've been prescribing Iron Maiden to myself ever since hearing that wretched noise produced by Fred's hands and his guitar.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    I got the questions,do you have the answers?

    1.Best Smackdown series? SmackDown: Here Comes The Pain 2.Worst Smackdown series? SmackDown: Just Bring It 3.Best wrestling game on N64? WWF No Mercy 4.Best wrestling game on Dreamcast? Don't have a DreamCast, so I'll go with Fire Pro D judging by reviews 5.Best wrestling game on PS? The original PS? Probably WWF WarZone due to no other game being half as cool (not including imports I haven't played). PS2? I'd have to say HCTP or Def Jam 6.Best C.A.W. in a wrestling game? WWF No Mercy 7.Worst C.A.W. in a wrestling game? Backyard Wrestling 8.Best wrestling game cover? ECW Anarchy Rulz (Justin Credible with a Singapore Cane, Rhyno goring somebody through a table, and I believe RVD hitting the Van Daminator) 9.Worst wrestling game cover? WCW Mayhem. It's just Goldberg. 10.Best wrestling game intro? WCW/nWo Revenge 11.Worst wrestling game intro? HCTP 12.Best season/career mode? Shut Your Mouth 13.Worst season/career mode? SmackDown 14.Best wrestling game on Gamecube? 15.Worst wrestling game on Gamecube? Don't have GC 16.Best wrestling game on X-Box? 17.Worst wrestling game on X-Box? Don't have X 18.Best name? Def Jam Vendetta 19.Worst name? SmackDown: Just Bring It 20.Best game play? Any number of Aki games 21.Worst game play? ECW Anarchy Rulz 22.Best graphics? Here Comes The Pain 23.Worst graphics? ECW Anarchy Rulz 24.Best characters? WCW/nWo Revenge 25.Worst characters? WCW Backstage Assault
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    2/4/04 Lazarush

    The funny thing is that I COULD book TNA better than Dutch. Barring politics from JJ, I know I could make the product a hell of a lot more logical and exciting. For starters, if you don't wrestle or manage somebody, you're fired. Next, just because a feud is going to have a slow burn doesn't mean it can't be interesting each week. They seemed to drop the whole "I'M WATCHING YOU" thing from the Gathering/Sandman/Raven angle. That made it interesting for me. Oh...AND MAKE THE X-DIVISION SOMETHING WORTH WATCHING AGAIN. Ultimate X 2 was a very, VERY good spotfest featuring two of America's best indy workers (Daniels, Ki), one solid up-and-comer (Sabin), and one guy that can be awesome when he tries (Shane), and it's the best match TNA has produced since September 3rd. World title scene? Okay. AJ chooses his own partner, they defend the tag belts for a month, and then drop it back to Redshirts (because they're getting better each match). AJ gives Jarrett a countdown, and the new DOA forces Jarrett to defend the World title on a given date. Say, oh, April 4th. AJ vs. Jarrett, April 4th, Bound For Glory, for the NWA World Heavyweight title. AJ wins in a 100% clean match (as the new DOA laid out the stipulation that anybody who interferes gets their contract terminated), Jarrett shakes his hand in an uncharacteristic act of sportsmanship. This plants the seeds for a Jarrett face turn, and AJ will be the pure babyface champion against a plethora of heels (including Christopher Daniels and Abyss) to defend the belt against. Yes, I just said "The Fallen Angel" would get a short main event run. Raven defeats CM Punk in a Last Man Standing match at BFG. DONE. END OF FEUD. Raven goes on to face Jarrett in a series of 7 for the #1 contendership. But the rest is all fantasy booking. Balls to that.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Match 2/4

    Redshirts/Styles. The match had me into it from bell to bell, and Northcutt was the fucking MAN in that match.
  16. I'm surprised Bon Jovi didn't comment, considering he's friends with Diamond Dallas Page...
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    What kind of old person will you be?

    Only got a year and a week left before I stop trusting you. Oh, and my grandmother is in her 70's, has Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and is in a shitty nursing home because it's all we can afford. Trust me, you don't want to go that route. So eating a bullet sounds pretty cool.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    0A0 TNA 2/4 thread

    Yeha, it all goes here. I might not do the Lazarush this week (VERY hectic weak, both scholarly and personally), or if I do one it won't be the usual format (PBP, sum up the promo's, etc.) but will instead talk about what I liked and didn't like about the show, as well as the results. You bet your sweet ass that I'm doing a full Lazarush for next week's X-Cup, though. I probably WILL do the usual Lazarush for this week's, but it'll be up a little later than usual because I am DEAD tired this week (7 hours of sleep TOTAL from Saturday night to Tuesday).
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    More kids killing each other

    Uhh, lomas...Sandman9000 would bleed for shits and giggles... Anyways, this all reminds me of "Come Out And Play." Yes, the song by The Offspring. Welcome to my generation, eh? Kids stabbing and shooting each other in school, being told that the best way to solve something is with words but they can't say what they REALLY feel because that wouldn't be PC, and the kids that just don't care are considered idiots and put on drugs. What? Oh, my point? These kids be fucked, yo.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Japanese Alien Quadrilogy Box Set Pic

    Well, when you think about it, the direction of Resurrection and Amelie were very similar. The shots were very alike, the coloring of the film was a lot like City Of Lost Children, and I think the guy that plays Vriess (wheelchair man in Resurrection) was also in Amelie as the ex-boyfriend of the waitress, and in City Of Lost Children as one of the many cloned "sons." Ron Pearlman was also in City Of Lost Children.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    What kind of old person will you be?

    I'll be one of those cool old guys that all the kids ask to buy booze and cigarettes for them, and I'd do it, too... ...only to call the police and tell them of some kids boozing it up and making noise while I'm trying to sleep. Basically, I'd be the jaded ass of the neighborhood, sitting on my porch in my rocking chair while smoking a pipe and drinking tea, telling everybody else what's wrong with them when I hate my own life. Yep. Just replace "pipe" with "cigarette," and that's how I am right now.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who shares the same initials as former WWF/WWE office member KEVIN KELLY...
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    0A0 TNA 2/4 thread

    Just sent the Lazarush to Dames. Not the best one, but I've been exhausted this past week, so yeah. I think a few of you will get a kick out of the ICP vs. Gilberti/Young match, as I go into JCW mode and call nearly every move by some odd name.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    0A0 TNA 2/4 thread

    Jarrett just retained the NWA World title after interference from The New Franchise. Meh. UBER-DULL SHOW. EDIT: The NWA Board Of Directors has named a NEW Director Of Authority as their final act. If it's Erik Watts again, fuck...