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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    X Cup Spoilers

    Well, it's not an elimination-style thing, Broken. It's more like a Round Robin tournament, as there are those four singles matches, and then there'll be two regular tag bouts, and one big 8-Man to finish it all off.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Offical Show Thread for 1/28

    Just sent the 1/28 Lazarush to Dames. No school today (Professional Development Day), so I did half of it last night and half of it this morning. I have but one thing to quote from last night...
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Alice In Chains Greatest Hits Compilation

  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Ozzfest 2004

    Ozzy Osbourne - Decent, but most of his stuff is bland as hell, be it old-school or recent. Awesome showman, and this means Zakk gets some stagetime. Amen - Didn't know they were still around. Decent aggro/nu-metal band. Casey Chaos' lyrics are actually quite good, and their music is tolerable. As I Lay Dying - Meh. Damageplan - Meh. DevilDriver - Meh. Hatebreed - Already seen 'em twice. They can get the poserfuck "hardcore" kids going, but that's about it. In Flames - Pretty good live, and I'd dig seeing 'em again. Plus, more US exposure. Killswitch Engage - Decent live. Decent on album. Will help get the nu-metal fucks into the Mass Metal scene, where another awesome band on this tour is from... Lamb Of God - INSANE. INSANITY IN A JEWEL CASE. Slipknot - Blah. Unearth - One of the best untapped Mass Metal bands there are. Great live, and have a killer fucking sound. Velvet Revolver - I hate STP and Weiland's voice, and don't mind GNR. Won't like. Seems like a show I might go to just so I can see bands I've already seen live (Ozzy, Hatebreed, In Flames, KSE, Lamb Of God, Unearth).
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    The Razzies...

    Then explain, oh wise ones, what they WERE about.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Rating music

    Perfect Slayer Iron Maiden Motörhead White Zombie Greatly Exceeds Hype Shadows Fall Nevermore Nile Metallica Megadeth Acid Bath Fozzy Stuck Mojo Black Sabbath Alice In Chains Type O Negative Black Label Society Deep Purple Lynyrd Skynyrd George Thorogood & The Destroyers The Plasmatics Exceeds Hype The Beatles Biohazard Green Jelly The Misfits Theatre Of Tragedy Mastodon The Offspring Marilyn Manson Queens Of The Stone Age Toxic Narcotic Fu Manchu The Unseen Bile Memento Mori (sp.?) Rage Against The Machine Fear Factory Rob Zombie Eminem 311 PowerMan 5000 The MC5 Insane Clown Posse Steppenwolf Disturbed Acceptable Led Zeppelin Ozzy Osbourne (vast majority of singles work sucks) Zombie Apocalypse Twisted Sister Murder Squad Motley Crue Cannibal Corpse Six Feet Under Sucks KoRn Mudvayne Smile Empty Soul Nickelback Almost everything else heard on mainstream radio
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Well, YNA, look at it like this: Why settle for a second-rate, dumbed-down cracka wannabe goth rock band with a hot female singer, when you can have the two goth-ish bands with hot female singers that they ripped off? That'd be like buying a a fake Rolex for more money than a real one.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Dutch Mantell

    Can anybody show me the actual PWTorch column? Dutch could have said something remotely similar to what is being reported, as this says "DERIVED" from the Torch. Either way, something like this is going to be commented on in the Lazarush.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    ROH owner Rob Feinstein comments on Linkin Park

    ...wow...ummm, yeah... **cranks the Slayer**
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    Well, considering the guitarist of Body Count is dead, it wouldn't be the same. I think Stuck Mojo should have rode the wave of rap/rock bands. Awesome music, GREAT lyrics (especially on Declaration Of A Headhunter), and a frontman that could RAP. Fuck you, LB. I think the only thing that didn't help was that the "Rising" video featured Raven, The Flock, and DDP. Wrestlers in videos = bad mainstream exposure.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Anybody in the New England area been to...

    Where you from? Medway? Milford? Franklin? Attleboro?
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    Actually, they get hated on because they suck. Notice how 311 and Stuck Mojo are (in general) well-liked by rock fans, despite the rapped vocals (and in Mojo's case, an ACTUAL BLACK MAN to rap, OH MY)? Ditto for RATM and the Beasties. The problem with rap/rock acts is that so few can do them well, mostly because they get people with little-to-no flow as frontmen. Bonz (Mojo) had decent flow, and that's being generous, but it fit the music.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Submit questions

    Meh. Bleached blonde fake-titted bimbo's all look alike to me.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    I'm a fan of "cuntbox," personally.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Chick, save yourself the anguish and sell the Evanescense CD back. Instead, buy an album by the two bands that Evanescense shamelessly ripped off: Lacuna Coil and The Gathering.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    See, now you're talking passion in the music, and this brings up something I've been thinking for a VERY long time: rap and metal are the same, but only have different backgrounds. Think about it. Metal started off as a lower-class form of music that emphasized apocalyptic themes and murderous, depressed moods as a way of describing what it was like to live in a factory town with very little money. Ozzy Osbourne (the Godfather of Metal) had no running water when growing up. NONE. Rob Halford also lived in environments that would make even the harshest ghetto rapper go "DAMN, I feel bad for them" at. Metal started as a way for the lower-class, industrialized white world to rebel. Distortion, speed, technical procision, and vocals that didn't fit the mold. Punk started much the same way, but was VERY lighter at heart. Rap started off as a lower-class form of music that emphasized the lyrical value of every day ghetto life. The first rappers were DJs in clubs that would read rhyming poems over background music in between records. It caught on, and soon rappers were rapping about getting out of the ghetto and partying, the rap music itself, and politics. It wasn't until the gangsta rap of the late 80's where the "this is how ghetto life really is" theme became dominant, although rap artists were doing that theme since day one. Both have come under quite a bit of scrutiny from the conservative right and the liberal left. Both have been cited as being leading contributors in the decay of society. Both have been bastardized by the mainstream to sell records when the message is lost, and the idea an institution. But what was the common idea shared? Rebellion. The lower-class, blue collar whites from Britain rebelled against the order they lived in. The lower-class, "forced into poverty" blacks from America rebelled against the system that they believe caused it. The two genres are extremely similar, really, and I'm still having trouble seeing why they can't get along.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Submit questions

    At Go Funk Yourself, when you German Suplexed Homeless Jimmy off of the top and he missed the table, did you think he was okay or were you incredibly worried? Which was your preferred valet: Missy Hyatt or Veronica Caine? How did the "White Trash" gimmick come about?
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Mega XPW Merchandise Blowout Sale

    I might grab an old "White Trash" Johnny Webb shirt, and if they have any of the Homeless Jimmy shirts (the one with the shopping cart on it) I might snag one of those, too. What are the best XPW shows? I already have Baptized In Blood and Go Funk Yourself.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Terminator vs Predator vs Terminator II

    Terminator 2. For the first time in an Arnold movie, I felt actual emotional attachment to all of the characters. Term because he was trying to seem more human while protecting John, John because this is the first time he's seen his mother in quite a long time and Term becomes a father-figure to him, and Sarah because she'll stoop to any low to try to prevent the nuclear war from happening and is willing to give her own life if need be. When I was 8, I saw this movie for the third time, and I actually broke down crying at the very end (the thumbs-up got me). I still choke during that scene this day.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    I can't be the only person that immediately thought "ECW" when I read this, right? Of course, it will NEVER happen, because Vince hates us all (hmmm...sounds like I have a good Slayer/WWE parody with "Disciple" as the basis), but just imagine if Vinnie Mac brought back ECW and let Heyman go all-out with it, and let the workers go all-out in it... ...dammit, I got my hopes up again. Okay...if ECW was restarted with Heyman booking and Vinnie Mac as the financial backer, then we'd get "future legends" such as The Bashams, Matt Morgan, and Rodney Mack (when back from injury) all over the place. But hey, it might be worth it to see Rhyno do the "hickory dickory dock, I'll make her suck my fucking cock" bit again.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    A question for anyone who writes

    I'd say watch some movies involving serial killers that are abnormal. Like, instead of your typical slasher fare, check out American Psycho. Could help you formulate a solid reason as to WHY they kill if you haven't figured that out already. I've been working on a script for a horror/action movie called Necrominatia for the past month and a half now, but I'm only 20 pages in (and I'm aiming for a minimum of 60). This shit is damn near impossible work (although, in truth, I don't have enough time to dedicate to the script).
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestlers with the perfect theme music

    Tommy Dreamer (Alice In Chains - "Man In The Box") New Jack (Dr. Dre & Ice Cube - "Natural Born Killaz") Hayabusa Sting (the Crow theme from late 1997)
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    100 Greatest Heavy Metal Guitarists Of All Time

    I just scanned this for Donais and Bachand...even IF they spellt Matt's name wrong
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    See, now it's breaking down into sub-genres, and really, I doubt anybody here could truthfully point out the differences in the sub-genres of hip-hop (just like I can't tell the difference between "house" and "techno" or whatever). And we're not saying it doesn't take talent to rap. Hell, even AGENT said flowing and freestyling are some of the hardest things to do in music. But due to the nature of rap, where it's based more on lyrics than the music itself, it's an overall inferior form of music than many others. Everybody can rap, but not everybody can do it very good, and the vast minority are great. Everybody can play guitar (well, that has two fully functioning hands), but not everybody can do it very good, and the vast minority are great. I just happen to think rock is a superior MUSIC genre because it's the MUSIC that is focused on.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    I'd like to thank everybody for their support

    We have Marlboros, Camels, and even some Newports (in case you want to be a pussy about it). Nice to hear you're in the clear, though.