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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Lazarush on TSM

    Hey, I'll give you a shout out next week, and even see if anybody can hook you up with your request that you PM'd me about.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Lazarush on TSM (1/21/04)

    Flik, thanks for the review, and I'll keep the suggestions in mind. "Baka" replaces "fuck," by the way. HUSS~!
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Going Forward On PPV Plans Without Hogan

    I'd say have Shamrock against Brown, and maybe even have Styles/Abyss instead of Styles/Sting (if only because Abyss is a better worker these days than Sting, and AJ and Abyss know each other very well from Wildside, raising the chance of having a great match that much higher). Outsiders/AMW I'm not too keen on, but I don't like either team, so I could just take a crap when that's on. Hmmmm...my Bound For Glory card, considering the direction I feel the current storylines are heading? I'll have to start from the opener, since two matches, in particular, I feel would be better off if I explained them in order... 6-Man X-Division Match for #1 Contendership to the X-Division title Elix Skipper vs. Chris Hero vs. Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Juventud Guerrera Starts the show off with a nice, fast-paced, multi-man X-Division bout. The restraints placed on the X-Division workers are taken off, and Dutt is allowed to go all out. No Disqualifications - if Raven wins, he gets a shot at the NWA World title later tonight; if Punk wins, Raven has to leave TNA forever Raven vs. CM Punk Raven wins, of course. Bloody match that sees both men nearly killing each other for 12 minutes. #1 Contendership to Tag Team titles Simon & Swinger vs. The Naturals Simon & Swinger win, but The Naturals destroy them post-match, making them practically THE heel tag team of the division. International X-Division Attraction LowKi vs. Tiger Mask 4 Very fast-paced, stiff, psychology-laden bout with the winner, be it Ki or Tiger, BARELY winning. Handshake post-match. No Disqualifications, No Count-Outs, Falls Count Anywhere 3 Live Kru vs. Redshirt Security It'd be a garbagey brawl, so all of BG James' in-ring weaknesses would be concealed in the weapon usage. Redshirts go over, and beat 3 Live Kru down HEAVILY post-match. No Inteference By Punishment Of Contract Termination AJ Styles vs. Abyss The two know each other in the ring very well due to their mutual experience in NWA Wildside. They've been proven to work well together in TNA whenever booked against each other. Would be a solid match. NWA World X-Division championship Chris Sabin © vs. Jerry Lynn Lynn, the man that put the X-Division on the map, takes on the current superstar of the X-Division in Sabin for his title. If Lynn stays with TNA this long, this match would be very good, and the winner (most likely Sabin) would benefit from this match. Post-match handshake is a must. NWA World Tag Team championship America's Most Wanted © vs. The Outsiders Assuming TNA can get Hall and Nash for at least this one show, I'll just take a shitbreak right here. NWA World Heavyweight championship - No Interference By Punishment Of Contract Termination Jeff Jarrett © vs. Raven Raven finally realizes his destiny in a nearly 30-minute, epic drama of a match. More blood is shed, and both men will go to every length to walk away with the title. Post-match, Raven celebrates with the belt as everybody that has ever been fucked over by Jarrett (in storyline) comes out to congratulate him.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    Outkast and Sean Paul I dig. There's something about Sean Paul's accent I find compelling in his music, and whenever my girlfriend has it on a rap station and a song from him comes on (she hates him), I tell her to leave it. But Missy Elliot and Jay Z? No. Uh-uh. Sorry. Nada. Mole, I don't hate you, and I also don't feel like having another Metal Crusade like I used to have to do constantly at WrestlingTalks and Mcrook and Wrestling-Titans, so I'll say this once: KoRn and Slipknot and Linkin Park and almost any other band you'll hear Rolling Stone call "metal" are NOT metal. The obvious exceptions to this rule are the big ACTUAL metal acts, such as Slayer and Iron Maiden and Black Label Society.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    Maybe because it takes some basic knowledge of how to write a song (harmony, melody, time signatures, tempo, etc.) more than it takes to say a few stanzas of a "poem" that happens to rhyme to rhythm. Pick up a guitar. Try to play "Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Iron Maiden. You can use guitar tablature and sheet music if you'd like. Now, pick up a microphone. Try to rap "California Love" by Dr. Dre and 2Pac. You can use transcriptions of the lyrics. See how much easier it is to perform a rap than it is to actually PLAY the music? Now, I'm not trying to insult rap, but overall, it's about 1/4 as difficult as it is to play rock music (and its branches). Yes, I know it takes a certain amount of ability to be able to rhyme good (which is a WRITING attribute, not a musical one) and make the words flow (which is a SPEAKING attribute, not a musical one). Hell, I respect anybody that can freestyle above the generic "I'm great, you suck" stuff immensely, because I can't. But I also think that anybody that can't do the intro to "Raining Blood" should respect people such as myself immensely for being able to not only play it nearly flawlessly, but also faster than it should be played.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    I can't actually think of any metalhead at TSM, besides Mario, that is closed minded musically. Sure, Agent prefers the grindcore and Thumbtack the black metal and baron the power metal and me the thrash, but we also dig classic rock, classical, and lots of "artsy," "indie" stuff. Good tunes is good tunes, I say. Rap gets a bad "rap" because of MTV. That's why. The truly good rappers aren't "pushed" (yes, I'm going to use wrestling terms) in the mainstream because their topics are either taboo or too heavy, and the ones with the push are the kind that the least common denominator (read: suburban white girls) will like. Just like how you see the worst rock bands on MTV and hear the worst rock bands on the radio, there are plenty of amazing rock bands that never get MTV or radio exposure.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO TNA 1/21/03 thread

    Order the replay?
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Lazarush on TSM

    Actually, netslob, he was flamebaiting for the past week or so by delivering personal insults to anybody that did not agree with his opinion, and was also not liked because he didn't DEFEND his opinion. Notice how Michrome's opinion on TNA is negative, whereas somebody like Slapnuts! has a rather positive outlook on the company? They can defend their opinions, and thus I don't doubt that they respect one another. The dude that was banned? Didn't defend his opinions at all, and did nothing but try to get everybody into a flame war. And I don't try to come off as a prick, I just naturally am one. Dad's a prick, mom's a prick, uncle's a prick, aunt's a prick, sister's a prick...I was going to be a prick if I wanted to or not. I sent Dames the 1/21 Lazarush, so it should be up as soon as he gets it.
  9. I'd agree to an extent. Michael Shane has been involved in both of TNA's best matches of 2004 (UX2, Ki/Daniels/Shane), and if given around around 10 minutes to work, he can go. The problem is that Mantel would book him as a pure Memphis heel who would beg off and rely on interference and do nothing but a few restholds and then bump...which isn't exciting television at all. TNA fans, by and large, want solid matches, not things we'd see from Honky Tonk Man.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    my upcoming concerts...

    I saw BLS once live. Great. Zakk Wylde got hit in the head with one of those long plastic beer things (the ones that resemble an hourglass more than a bottle). Mid-solo. He didn't miss a beat or a note or anything. ZAKK. IS. YOUR. NEW. GOD.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO TNA 1/21/03 thread

    So? What does your attending of Ring Of Honor, Combat Zone, and WWE events have to do with your saying you loved tonight's National Wrestling Alliance - Total Nonstop Action programming, while simultaneously admitting to having not seen it? Oh, and don't play the age factor with me, man. I doubt you'd even know my age if I didn't make it public I was 17. First off, I don't have ADD or ADHD, and thus do not need Ritalin. Second off, I'm not angry, just annoyed with your idiocy. Finally, ritalin does not help stress/anger but rather attention span, and thus your comment makes no sense. So you're saying that my actual LIKING of Shane Douglas' mic and in-ring work is because I'm a "mindless drone"? That my complete marking for local wrestler Verte, even though I admit he sucks, is because I'm a "mindless drone"? And what does my having to be in FHS matter, or my post-high school educational choices? It seems that I'm half way through my senior year, and I'm still smarter than you are. I guess all of that college did YOU real fine, eh? Well, first off, I'm not a "teenage dope feign," since "feign" is not a noun. And my final thoughts on last week's show were actually POSITIVE. Since most people didn't like the show NEARLY as much as I did, I'd call giving it a C would be quite positive, wouldn't you? No, of course not. You have some personal vendetta against me because you're an asshole with a dissenting opinion, and think people would rather you not frequent these boards because of said dissenting opinion, when in reality they would rather you leave because you proclaim your opinions as facts, when they are clearly not, and do not defend them in the least. You are a troll and a flamebaiter, and are not a good person to have a conversation with about wrestling. Oh, and real world experience counts when it comes to opinion, eh? Well, I suppose my dad has more real world experience than I do, seeing as how he's about 46 and I'm 17, but I'm sure everybody else in my family would come to me when the question is about movies, music, or wrestling. Age means NOTHING when it comes to opinion. Well, considering in 2002 Apolo could actually move without looking like he had a stick up his ass, a year does make a huge difference. Callis? The single most entertaining talker in pro wrestling next to Jim Mitchell? Not familiar with Paul Heyman or The Rock, are we? I see you're using wrestling references now. Well, BROTHER, this isn't wrestling, DUDE, it's just a messageboard, BRO. Don't play cute with me, because I guarantee you that my opinion has more weight around here than yours does. And that's not me blowing smoke up my own ass, that's just a statement of what I think is fairly obvious. 1. I am a geek. Thanks for acknowledging that. Although, of course, by coming onto a WRESTLING MESSAGEBOARD, you have also admitted to being a geek. 2. It's the highlight of the night because none of the matches were especially good, and that's the only backstage vignette that wasn't botch cliché and boring. 3. You're right. I am insecure. And afraid, and trouble, and all of that. But I...I think you're the fucking antichrist. Yes, a Donnie Darko quote.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    my upcoming concerts...

    The two times I saw Mudvayne live they were boring as shit. Of course, it's because the music itself is boring as shit (you can only play the same three notes so many times, fellas), and the guitarist has NO stage presence whatsoever. But yeah. Peg Aaron Lewis with something hard for me. And scream "YOU DISGRACE BOSTON." baron...GREAT SIG.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Going Forward On PPV Plans Without Hogan

    They're already dying, Buzz. They're not breaking even, barely 1/4 of the live crowd actually pays, and their core fanbase (the IWC) is pissed at them for refusing to utilize their better workers in favor of schmucks like Erik Watts and Michael Shane. Bound For Glory will fail, just as TNA is failing. Free TV is a necessity for a wrestling promotion that is attempting to gain exposure on a national level to succeed at all. Dutch books for free TV. This is PPV. The weekly PPVs are not as good as they should be, given their talent roster and the fact that we need to pay to see it each week, and an extra hour won't really change that.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO TNA 1/21/03 thread

    Wait...wait, wait, WAIT...vic, you mean to tell me you love this show WITHOUT EVEN HAVING SEEN IT?! Fuck you, man. Seriously. You're coming onto the board and calling us all idiots because we, who DID watch the show and have since 2002 (the vast majority of us, anyways), aren't digging it? Man...you're nothing but a troll, and nobody will ever, EVER take ANY of your opinions with the least bit of seriousness anymore. So, anyways...subpar show. Only matches I dug at all were Daniels/Skipper vs. New Franchise and Gathering vs. Balls/Sandman. Not going to get a good review from me at all. ...and no, OSW, I won't rip Michael Shane a new one. I'll pick on El Leon, who stunk up the ring in the main (Apolo has REALLY lost any bit of workrate he had in 2002), and Don Callis. HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT: Sonny Siaki taking a shit and Kash trying to get him to sign the contract. "Kash, just let me do my doo-doo."
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Dustin Hoffman Is A Focker™

    It'll suck. The first one was nothing special, and aside from the airport scene, I didn't find it to be funny in the least. Ben Stiller is decent-at-best, and aside from De Niro, the rest of the cast sucked. I hope Hoffman starts acting all Loman in this one, because THAT would be hilarious.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    The guy's a douche. Were it anybody on the left side, what would I say? The guy's a douche. You cannot HONESTLY expect to say something that could very well piss off a section of the school and not expect to have some malice directed towards you. To think otherwise is just idiocy. And Olympic, if this were a member of their GSA that did that, know what I'd say? The guy's (or chick's) a douche. You cannot force your values onto anybody, nor accuse somebody of being un-American simply because they have a difference in opinion. THAT, in itself, is un-American. And on that, we cue the music. I could never be your woman...I---- could never be your---- woman--...
  17. Not really. Bryan. Siaki held the belt for two months or so, and didn't have any match I'd call flat-out bad, especially considering his level of competition wasn't as great as it was when the belt was basically traded between Styles and Lynn. I re-watch the TNA tapes I have from 7/10/02 and on, and Siaki's bouts were all around ** (except for his squashing of Vaughn, which was a pure DUD, and only watchable for Vaughn's excellent bumping for the Siakolypse). Shane had Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, LowKi, and various other extremely good X-Division workers to help him put on some good matches, and he failed at that. Plus, he held the title for 4 months and never won cleanly. Definitely a worse title reign than Siaki's.
  18. OT: The lack of a fast reply part at the bottom of the board (one where you can easily type in your response instead of having to click on a button) sucks. I'll answer the questions, but be forewarned that I might not be the most accurate. 1. What did Jarrett actually do to Brian Lawler (or what did Lawler THINK Jarrett did to him)? Lawler thought that Jarrett boinked his "girlfriend," April. Jarrett told him to shut up, and that he never touched her, and that was that. Lawler's chick then went on to boink Syxx Pac, I guess, and the entire angle was terrible. After Lawler left with April one night, the angle was dropped. 2. Who was the bullet? My guess is that it was Road Dogg or whatever he's called now (BG James?) The actual man in the Bullet costume for every time but the one where the mask was taken off is unknown to me. But yes, BG James was finally revealed as the Bullet. 3. Did the Dupp Cupp end with Teo? Yes. See, Stan Dupp is afraid of midgets. The actual backstage segments with the Dupps were, I thought, hilarious, especially when Bo bumped into somebody and said "now we got a match!" Some funny stuff. However, the Dupp Cup sucked, and was TNA's awful attempt at a Hardcore division (seeing as how the only people, at the time, that could do hardcore even close to right were Jerry Lynn and...well, just Lynn, who is better served as a straight-up wrestler, I don't mind the angle being dropped). After Teo won it, Stan said he was gone because he was scared of little people. 4. Where did "Monte Brown" vanish to? Beats me, but I wish he'd return. He was green, of course, but he had this natural charisma to him that made me want to watch him more. Pretty decent power wrestler, too. 5. Ditto with Mortimer Plumtree Mortimer stayed in TNA until early 2003 as the manager of AJ Styles and (when he was there) Ace Steele. They dropped the angle rather abruptly as AJ set his sights on the World title, loosely aligning himself with SEX (Russo's faction, Sports Entertainment Xtreme) while Larry Zbysko managed him for a month and a half after defeating him in a match. 6. Finally, whatever happened with the Sonny Siaki vs Flying Elvis angle? Siaki left the Flying Elvises to become the second worst X-Division champion ever (with the worst being Michael Shane). It's not so much that his matches were bad as that he doesn't work the X-Division style of fast-paced, high-impact maneuvers. Siaki, I do believe, was defeated in a one-on-one match by Jorge Estrada after Siaki burned his Flying Elvises wardrobe in a backstage segment. The feud ended quickly, as Sonny moved onto the middle card while Jorge floundered as, for all intents and purposes, a jobber.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Diamond Dallas Page added to LOW:SHOWDOWN!

    BRET'S ON PARADE!! I'll wait to hear about the gameplay, then rent.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Oasis Cans Drummer

    Now all we need to is get rid of Liam and Noel...
  21. Funny, because I use "cunt" in the same way that kkk uses "hippie."
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Lazarush on TSM

    I'll start right from the top of this bitch's complaints... Wow, you had to take a breath? Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. Actually, the reviews are quite objective. If you'd read further, you'd realize that I even liked the show. What was I talking about? During the Callis/Jarrett/Abyss backstage promo, Abyss kept doing nothing but growling and breathing heavy, making it sound like he was shitting with massive hemorrhoids (hence the Preparation H line). It's called reviewing a backstage segment. You should try it some time. Considering Victoria is a better worker than Apolo...yes. Besides, Maven has a better dropkick than Triple H. Are you saying Triple H has a better dropkick, or does one move better, simply because he's higher on the card? What's there to be proofread? It's a grammatically correct phrase. Legend came out from the tag, but was met with a backdrop. Makes sense to me, and I'm rather sure it's a complete thought. Subject? Yep. Verb? Yep. Sensical? Yep. You a jackass? Yep. Write your own review of the show, and I'll gladly upload it for ya. Even link it off of my review.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    ACLU to help Rush Limbaugh

    Howard Dean is HARDCORE.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Chairshots to the head

    I don't think anybody swings a chair quite like Balls... My favorite chairshots ever were from ECW. The "chairshot heard round the world" is near the top, but the top is one of any number of chairshots to Masato Tanaka by Mike Awesome. Pick any of their ECW matches. Each one has a SICK chairshot that would kill any mortal man. Masato = Deity.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    How do you explain to someone

    Because I love professional wrestling. Simple as that. I'll watch the awful (late 2000 WCW, 2002 WWF/WWE) and the magnificent (2002 TNA, RoH whenever). And if somebody brings up the "it's so fake" line, I make fun of them for wearing either a JTHM or Spongebob shirt. Shuts 'em right up.