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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Lazarush on TSM

    Well, considering I only spend about 20 minutes more than the length of the show (since I figure pausing after matches to make sure I can describe the finish accurately adds up), it's not really hours off of my life. Besides, I dig doing it, and I've gotten feedback from just about every TNA forum frequenter here, as well as quite a few people from TNS and e-feds I'm in. So I guess you're the idiot for trying to put down somebody for writing about something they want to. Get a hobby, get a girl, and get smokes. Why? Because smoking makes you cool.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Zack Malibu: The Movie

    Have a random Laz "TOSS MY SALAD, HO~!" comment. Trust me. The weaker minds of the class will laugh.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Songs defined by a certain spot......

    Shadows Fall - "A Fire In Babylon" That song is MADE by the fast part after the acoustic breakdown. It's hard to explain it, but I'll do my best typed acapella: DA-DUN, dadadadadadada, DUN-DUN, dadadadadadada, etc. Slayer - "Angel Of Death" Groove breakdown. 'Nuff said.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Who the hell is John Henson and...

    Behind the potato salad.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Lazarush on TSM

    For what? Taking suggestions to replace my most overused curse words because I've been told that I should cut down on the swearing? For making references to Pat Patterson's sexuality and HHH's fairly obvious steroid problems? You're an idiot for not being able to use the proper form of "you're."
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Why is it they never made a sequel to

    Well, uh, both movies kinda sucked...Scorpion King is only tolerable if you're into uber-cheese (like myself and several others at the board), but ISKWYDLS? You need to be drugged to find something enjoyable in that piece of shit. "Benson. BEN'S SON. I'm Ben's son!"
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Jason vs. Michael Myers......

    I won't, for the very fact that the entire match would be entirely in Jason's favor. Myers may be smarter than he appears to be, but he is a mortal man. Jason is a zombified serial killer with super-human strength.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    So...How Many Songs Are On Your KaZaA

    You sure it'll play in any CD player?
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Most Anticipated Movies of 2004

    The following movies that are to be released in 2004 have my interest: Glamorama Aliens vs. Predator Spider-Man 2 Resident Evil: Apocalypse Dawn Of The Dead '04
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    ACLU to help Rush Limbaugh

  11. Corey_Lazarus

    GTA3 Morale Question

    I hate people with annoying voices. LAZ SMASH~!
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Aliens vs Predator

    Dutch, you've read SD Perry's novelizations as well? I haven't touched AVP: Prey yet, but I read the three books he did on Aliens (Earth Hive, Nightmare Asylum, and The Female War) because they're all based on the first three series of Aliens comics from Dark Horse (Aliens, Aliens: Book II, Aliens: Earth War). Awesome stuff, man. The only thing I didn't like was the adding (and seemingly subtracting) of characters, but hey...General Spears is still a prick, so it's all good. Frigid, I think I might have said that Dutch survived the first one, but in the comics his BROTHER (whose name is SCHAEF SCHAEFFER...originality rules) is looking for him and winds up discovering quite a few Predators along the way. Some other good Predator comics are the uber-cool "Batman Vs. Predator" graphic novels (there are two of them, but the first one is the superior one), and AVP: War is also good (as, like I said in the PvAvT thread, it ties three series of Aliens and AvP comics into one series). EDIT: Oh, and the reason I know all of this about the Aliens is because my childhood (from the age of 3 until the age of 11) consisted of Ghostbusters, Aliens, and Terminator. No wonder I'm so fucked, eh?
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Made Up Compilation Albums

    Aye, Metal Maniac. Aye. And Thumbtack, check out Absu if you've never heard 'em before. Decent black metal band from either Texas or Scotland, not sure which.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    So...How Many Songs Are On Your KaZaA

    How does one put MP3s onto a CD-R? I have to convert to WAV format using my fucking Adaptec burner... I have 432 songs in my WinAmp playlist, but 433 songs altogether. One song is a RealPlayer only file, and I haven't gotten around to converting it to MP3 yet. FUNNY NOTE: 73 of the 433 tracks are from bands from my homestate of Massachusetts, 15 of which are from bands I know at least one member of.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Made Up Compilation Albums

    The version with the samples from Johnny Got His Gun. The album version doesn't have it, the video version does, but it's the full length of the album version (whereas the video version is shorter by two minutes).
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Going Forward On PPV Plans Without Hogan

    Uhh...Michrome, Brian...you two realize that May is three and a half months away, right? Any feuds they have going now can EASILY be blown off in about half that time, and new ones start. Besides, Michrome, ANY card from TNA wouldn't really draw shit, when you think about it.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Going Forward On PPV Plans Without Hogan

    FUCK THAT. Just do it in May, guys. Seriously. Fuck Hogan.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    So what's the story behind your loggin name?

    E-fed name. Like the name "Corey," wanted something "KEWL" sounding, so I chose "Lazarus" as the last name. Also my most successful (and fun) e-fed character to use.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    CM Punk story

    And then the lawsuits would come out, as no physical altercation took place until the cop struck first. Funny story, though.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    1/21/04 TNA official preview

    Abyss needs two things to change: his music and his ring attire. Sorry, but wearing a faux-Mankind mask while dressing like a garbage man and coming out to music that sounds like something you'd hear at a circus is BAD for a worker whose gimmick is supposed to be the BAD-ASS BIG UNSTOPPABLE GUY. I don't think Apolo is too bad. Decent brawler, but it seems that when he tries to do more than punch/kick is when he sucks. His match with Jeff Jarrett around Week 6 or 7 wasn't too shabby. EDIT: Oh, and thanks to TNA for admitting a huge booking flaw: Now, Callis threatening to quit if the decision was overturned is okay. In fact, I dug it a bit. But WATTS threatening to quit if the decision was overturned? THE STIPULATIONS FOR THE MATCH SAID THAT IF JARRETT/ABYSS WON, ERIK WATTS WOULD BE FORCED TO RESIGN. So how the FUCK does Watts think him threatening to quit would put pressure to NOT overturn the decision?
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA on the Sunshine Network in Feb

    Yes, syxx, I ridicule every fucking promotion, especially the ones that deserve ridicule. I, too, do not get the Sunshine Network, nor do I get WGN.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    GTA3 Morale Question

    I do believe he's the owner of the casino on the second island.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    my upcoming concerts...

    I've seen Soil live when they opened for the Merry Mayhem '01 tour. They're decent at best. Expect nothing but generic nu-metal. Staind is AWFUL live. AWFUL. Not only do they fucking suck on the album, but they're FIVE TIMES WORSE live. Aaron Lewis does nothing but hold his gut like he's about to spew and then he does...well, spews forth incessant whining about his dad never giving him a pony, or something. The only band more boring than Staind live is Mudvayne.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Freddy VS Jason

    Just tell me what the ending is, because I still need to buy the fucking DVD.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Aliens vs Predator

    I don't recall ever saying such a thing, so if I have, please point out the quote, because this is wrong. In the beginning of the second one, nobody but members of the El Scorpio gang, as well as some cops that we like to call "fodder," are killed. I'd also like to say that the opening two minutes or so of Predator 2 are some awesome filmmaking examples. In the first one, it took place in a jungle in Central America. In the second, it takes place in the concrete jungle of Los Angeles. They display this by first showing jungle-like vegetation, and then panning up to show LA. I'm glad you asked. It's very simple, really. The Aliens draw the Predators in, and use their number advantage to, well...their advantage. Aliens can also disguise themselves in the walls of the Hive, and can attack without being seen. They are fast, attack in well-planned manners (much like insects), and for every one Predator, there are approximately six Aliens. The same way a beehive can defend itself against a human with a can of bugspray, really: swarm. As proven in Aliens, all the technology cannot stop them, but merely aid in possibly allowing you to survive. Basically, it all boils down to numbers. They have more, the Predators have less.