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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    1/14/04 TNA Preview

    I'm not against marks in the original sense of the term. Being a fan that believes in kayfabe is something I envy oftentimes, and liking something so much that you praise it constantly is also something quite cool. However, saying there's nothing wrong with the promotion when there are quite a few glarring errors in management and booking is something different than saying you love the promotion. For example: I am an ECW mark. I have been since I saw the promotion, and always will be. To me, ECW was the epitome of what an entertaining promotion should be, as it was the only wrestling company I could sit down and watch the whole show of without complaining. But I admit that they pushed Justin Credible too far too soon, Heyman sucks at accounting, and rushing to TV and PPV and video game deals did nothing but close the coffin more and more.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Lazarush on TSM

    I make fun of everybody, so fat people are included. No, but neither is my reviewing of the show. I don't doubt that he does. Just like I don't doubt Pat Patterson gets enough shit for being gay, Jeff Hardy for being a cokefiend, or HHH for being on steroids. It's part of what being a prick is all about: find a flaw and nail it. As for the review, I've been told there's too much cursing. And I'd like you all to come up with the words I should put in place of these curses. The curses in question I'd like to replace are: Fuck Cunt Shit I'd prefer it not be something expected, like replacing "fuck" with "shag," or "shit" with "poo."
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    GTA3 Morale Question

    ...it's a fucking game, dude.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Can anyone suggest to me some good...

    Uhhhh...Puya is a Puerto Rican nu-metal band that had a minor radio hit with "Oasis" a few years back. Not too bad, as the breakdowns have all these Spanish instruments and stuff. The music's still pretty generic nu-metal for mid-90's (thus better than the nu-metal we've been subjected to lately, like Trapt and such), but they're not TOO bad.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Rock's Hollywood Career in Question

    Hmmmm... The Scorpion King takes place in barbarian times in Egypt. Conan The Barbarian and Red Sonja take place in barbarian times in, uhhh...Mongolia, or something. The Rundown is a cheesily fun action flick where the main character spouts off one-liners a mile a minute. Commando is a cheesily fun action flick where the main character spouts off one-liners a mile a minute. The Rock came from professional wrestling. Arnold Schwarzenegger came from professional bodybuilding. I can see some similarities between the two... And RRR, use Bruce Dickinson as Dynamo (lead singer of Iron Maiden, former opera singer), Tyler Mane as Buzzsaw (Sabretooth in X-Men), and Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction, Dawn Of The Dead '04) as Fireball. I'd love to see that scrawny Brit Dickinson kick some ass.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Are TNA fans...

    You'd be surprised, Mole. When I went to the NECW show last Saturday in Framingham, a few people older than 40 were yelling at the referee post-match about some heel tactics the heels used to win the match. It's both refreshing, and also somewhat agonizing, that the older fans still hold onto kayfabe in the age of the internet.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Official Press Release on Jonny Fairplay

    What? David Arquette is coming to TNA?! Well, this is the equivalent. Plus, at least the thinking with Arquette was that since he'd been in a few hit movies (the Scream trilogy) as a major character, but this dude? Those who have not watched Survivor have no idea who he is. I predict very little mainstream attention, as TNA is just another "wrasslin' company" to the mainstream media.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Freddy VS Jason

    Then Dam, you don't know enough ninjas.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    That's the first time I've ever seen Shane use that move. I think it's a modified full-nelson Camel Clutch. Oh...and check out my TNA review. Please?
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    The sick moments

    Foley. Rock. Rumble 99. Foley. 'Taker. KOTR 98. Foley. HHH. No Way Out 00. Sabu. Funk. Born To Be Wired.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Needs Spanky!

    I think Spanky could put on some damn fine matches in TNA, but a long-term commitment is highly unlikely, as he has the same deal as LowKi.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    1/14/04 TNA Preview

    **zzzzzzzzzz** Oh, sorry, was vicvenomjr talking? vic, are you familiar with the expression "owned"? It means "schooled." It's a slang term meaning that you have been defeated in a debate/argument, or have been insulted to such a good extent that you cannot defend yourself without embarassment. And you have been owned before on the topic of what is good and bad about TNA. Not just by myself, but by every other poster here. You are nothing but a troll that thinks they are taking a viewpoint the rest of the IWC takes in being pro-TNA and pro-Russo, when about half of the IWC takes the EXACT SAME VIEWPOINT. Being a blind follower for TNA, in other words a mark for TNA, is something to be ashamed of, I believe. When you take everything as being awesome, like you seem to do, you insult my intelligence, as I find the majority of what counts as a "quality product" these days to be utter shit. As for what I said earlier...I'm eating my words. I watched the tape of TNA (wow, vic, how do I know all of these things I've stated about TNA editions BEFORE LAST NIGHT'S) last night, and I enjoyed the show. Expect a review up anytime soon. And vic, seriously. Stop being a Russo mark and actually go away when you say you will.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Live notesq

    See, I could understand being pissed that they're throwing beer bottles into the ring. Are these the glass kind you can buy at the store down the street, or the plastic kind they sell at concerts and such? If it's the plastic kind, then I don't see too much of a problem, as it means the fans are genuinely angry with the heels. If they're the glass kind, I can see being angry, because anybody that throws glass at somebody in the ring that just performed for you is an idiot and doesn't deserve to see wrestling live.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    1/14/04 TNA Preview

    I woke up during spurts (fell asleep just before AMW/Redshirts, woke after Triple Threat, fell asleep two minutes into Simon/Young, woke up at 10:17), but the few of the show I saw wasn't too good. Simon's deteriorated a whole lot since ECW.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Reese and Hershey's Swoops

    I got two boxes of 'em for X-Mas candy. I hate them. They taste nothing like peanut butter cups, and smell like peanut butter cups that have been deep fried in shit.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    1/14/04 TNA Preview

    Well, I fell asleep and missed tonight's show. I'm glad I taped it, so I can watch it tomorrow. vicvenomjr, didn't you leave? Oh, right. Why would a SP0RTZ 3NT3RT@1NM3NT~! mark like yourself respect such a statement as "I'm leaving"? But that's besides the point. Can I be sure these matches were good? No, no I cannot. And I watch the shows to see good matches, which TNA rarely delivers anymore. Instead, I get about an hour's worth of Jeff Jarrett on my TV in angles I don't give two flying fucks about, seeing some really good younger stars get pushed in such a manner that it bores me, and see a whoooooole shitload of matches that are just that: shit. So next time, motherfucker, you choose to try to egg me on in a flamewar, pick something that's worth flaming over, like maybe SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T BEEN COMPLETELY OWNED OVER BEFORE, and take it to Hardcore Discussion. Now good day, fucky. So I take it the show was decent?
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    People do like NWATNA

    Actually, the reason TNA doesn't get as many viewers as it could is a combination of a few reasons. The more important ones, in my eyes, are advertising (TNA practically has none) and quality of the product (which has lowered drastically since TNA began airing).
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Spanky quits WWE

    Michrome, I wholeheartedly agree with you about TNA. Blind TNA marks bash WWE for certain reasons when TNA makes the same exact mistakes, but cannot afford to due to the fact that WWE still has money it can afford to lose, whereas TNA is not generating a profit at all.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Freddy VS Jason

    I cheer for awesome deaths.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Moron celebs

    Actually, the funnier thing is that the site is quite funny (I have one comic where they have two people fearing government criticism get their "patriotism" vaccines, or something, hung up in my locker because I found it hilarious), but aside from Al Franken's comments, none of these were funny.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Freddy VS Jason

    None of you would be bitching about the whole water thing had you known what the unconscious mind is as opposed to the conscious mind. Basically, Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Jason fears the water in his dream - which is controlled by his unconscious mind - because he (almost?) drowned as a child. His conscious mind - when he is wide awake - has no recollection of this fear, as all he can think of is "MURDER, DEATH, KILL" towards those little fucks. I MUST go out tonight before TNA and buy this movie. MUST, MUST, MUST.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Are TNA fans...

    The kids there are a hoot, aren't they? -=Mike Aside from ki and Novo, nobody really knows what the hell they're talking about. And Amdub (AMWRULES) is such a fucking mark for the promotion that he's too blind to realize its obvious, glaring faults.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    Harry Slash? In which case, Harry...RELEASE THESE SONGS, FUCKER! Corino's theme was pretty fucking cool.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    New Jack vs. The Dudley Boyz

    What's the song lyric in question?
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Trying to decide my future

    Try to develop a new form of weed that not only gives you a completely mellow high, but also freshens your breath and helps you lose weight.