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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Yeti's Lair found

    Mr. Bigfoot can only get it up once in a blue moon. Hey...there's an abundance of blue moons this year...OH NO! BIGFOOT INVASION! ...RUN MARTY!
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Two-Player Games

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles That Crash Bandicoot kart game And, uhhh...SmackDown?
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    What were your favorite bloopers / fluck-ups

    In Psycho (the original) when the sheriff, or whoever, is at home and talking on the phone...you can see where the top of the set ends.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    Too bad you got the lyrics wrong, eh? It's "RE...SPECT...WALK", hence the song title. Hey, nobody ever said Pantera wrote GOOD lyrics... And also of note, Rob used an ECW mix of Rhode Island hard rock band Kilgore's cover of it that appeared on the ECW Extreme Music album from mid/late 1998 until ECW's closing in early 2001. genius, thou shalt not insult Fear Factory! Jerry Lynn's ECW theme was "Scapegoat" by Fear Factory, and despite ECW's awful production values (ie. not being able to hear a damn thing in the song), the song is GREAT for entrance music. Man, all this talking about ECW's music makes me wanna pop in Extreme Music and Anarchy Rocks (yes, I bought that TERRIBLE second album, which features even more awful covers of great tunes). You know, I want to know what song was used by The Unholy Alliance (Mikey Whipwreck, Yoshihiro Tajiri, and the Sinister Minister). It's not One Minute Silence's "Holy Man," as I've Buy Now...Saved Later (the album it's from) since it was released, and the two themes sound nothing alike. I'd also like to know what Steve Corino's theme was.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Gimmicks That Never Got Over

    Too bad I'm hung like a Cthulhu's tentacles.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    WWX: Rumble Rose

    If it's similar to the HCTP engine, I'll dig it. While HCTP has glaring flaws, the controls are rather easy, and there are enough moves to keep me satisfied.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Freddy VS Jason

    I hope to convince my mother to drive me to Newbury Comics tonight right after work to buy it. I have nearly $100 in gift certificates for Newbury Comics, so why not spend in on something I'll love (like so-bad-it's-great movies)?
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Fozzy News!

    I'm the king of the nighttime world... And you're...my...midnight queen! Yes, Laz owns Destroyer, and plays it like a motherfucker. This seems pretty cool. I wanna see how many pinch harmonics Rich Ward can add to it, and how many times Bud Fontsere will break down and do double-bass (since that's pretty much all he can do). One question I have is why they picked something during the makeup days, when Jericho prefer the non-makeup days musically (this information is known to anybody that has read Jericho's short-lived article for Metal Edge, which was just about the only thing worth reading in that magazine besides Paul Gargano's bashing of Creed)?
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    RRR, if you ever get a job in any promotion as booker, I will loyally follow that company.
  10. Corey_Lazarus


    Actually, Russo didn't do the booking until towards the end of 2002. The Dupp Cup, "Ryan Shamrock: Prostitute or Loanshark?", and various other terrible angles were Jerry's ideas. And Slapnuts, he just finished Week 4, which was when the Lynn/Styles feud started. It's also a simply awesome week with a really good main event.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    1/14/04 TNA Preview

    This is going to be a PAINFUL show to review...**cries**
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Review of 1/7/04

    January 7, 2004 Feedback me and stuff. Poor and basic and ugly HTML, I know, but I whipped it up while watching the tape out of the corner of my eye.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    WWX: Rumble Rose

    So how do we know this game won't have a decent engine? I'll give it a try first.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    DVD Releases

    Fuck everything else. FREDDY VS. JASON is a MUST-FUCKING-OWN. MUST. FUCKING. OWN. GOT IT?!
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Bush Planned Iraq Invasion Before 9/11

    Again, Izzard said that Stalin and Polpot (sp.?) weren't touched because they killed their own people. Hitler killed his neighbors, and we took him out (but only AFTER he declared war on the US).
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Funny WWE Headlines

    Dude...you insulted us, TSM, Kit, David Hassellhoff (AKA Saddam Hussein), AND Gary Coleman in one post. Touché!
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Good AFI songs?

    See, the thing I have with AFI is that the music is good...but I cannot STAND the vocals. Nails on a chalkboard, man.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Anybody in the New England area been to...

    Expect anywhere from $3 to $7. Used CDs are cheaper for the customer, and I wouldn't expect a whole lot. Natick, eh? We're not too far from each other. The Newbury Comics I go to is in Bellingham.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Funny WWE Headlines

    Booker T To Change Catchphrase Booker T's "Can you dig it, sucka?" catchphrase has been called "too stale" by backstage representatives. "This catchphrase has both been used for far too long, and for no real reason. It's not funny, it's not menacing, and it doesn't have much to do with Booker T's character," said one WWE spokesperson. The new proposed catchphrase? Spoiler (Highlight to Read): "Yuuz gotz mah monay, NIGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?" I know that this could offend some people, but it does tie in somewhat to the racist booking of WWE.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Hey, I'm not talking "Orange Goblin" tan, but something healthy. Have you SEEN her belly? Sexy and nice and smooth and tasty and...uhhh, was that a zipper? Heh, nevermind me...umm...LOOK! A MONKEY WITH CYMBALS! **jumps out the window**
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Not so much skin color, babay, as we're both white, strapping young people. But, seriously...salon's DO have tanning beds in Canada, right? Aw, Chick...you know I love you...without you around, I'd have to buy a nightlight!
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    What would we do, CanadianChick? Huh? What would we do?! I'LL TELL YOU WHAT WE'D DO! We'd get naked, just the two of us, and dance to Fozzy's new album this summer on a beach, both at noon and at midnight, so that way we could beth get some much-needed (although moreso for you) tans.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Funny WWE Headlines

    TSM Poster Corey Lazarus Finds Interesting New Way To Use Tongue Longtime TSM poster, and bandanna fan, Corey Lazarus has discovered something new to do with his tongue while bored. "I was just bored to fuck while reading this stupid cunting thread, and I started doing it, and it felt good," said Corey, whose technique is sure to became the latest self-pleasuring maneuver to sweep the world. The tongue moving, which involves opening the mouth one quarter of an inch wide and sticking a flexed tongue halfway out before moving it quickly from left to right, has not only increased Corey's lapping speed on his girlfriend's vagina, but has also caused his lips to chap even more. More on this story as it develops... Source: www.thehun.com
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Are TNA fans...

    No, because the ECW fans of 1998 at least knew that the matches weren't the BEST matches, and they had a real reason to stand behind their company: ECW was an alternative to the still rather cartoonish WWF, and "our roster is mostly a bunch of has-been's" WCW. TNA is just like WWE, only with one less show, and lesser-known workers.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Steve Buscemi joins the cast of The Sopranos

    I may have to watch the show now, just to see Buscemi.