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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Regarding Name Changes

    Can you please change my name from CoreyLazarus416 to Corey_Lazarus? I don't need the 416 part anymore, since everybody just calls me Laz.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    As is Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee), who shares a last name with HULK HOGAN.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Album of Albums

    Follow The Leader. The band finally figured out how to write a song, and what do the fans do? Hate on them for it. What? Do you WANT more generic "dun dun CHA-CHUNK" guitar riffs while Fieldy pretends to be able to play bass and Jon whines about his life? At least Follow The Leader showed some basic musicianship skills.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA News from the 1/05 Observer

    Dude, Vampiro is a huge prick that sucks in the ring...but he's a funny prick. The "Jeff Jarrett Hour" comment had me laughing.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Ask The Professor

    So either they don't post any negative feedback, or people that mail in are blind marks with questions that either don't pertain to TNA, or aren't of any importance.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Holy Crap

    Try shaving your pubes after not touching them for 3 months (when before that you had them neatly trimmed). YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT REAL PAIN IS.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Kevin Nahs officially gone from the WWE!

    No, no it doesn't.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Limp Bizkit, Creed Worst Bands of Year

    No, I'd definitely say one of the worst rock songs released in the last 25 years. Generic guitar playing from Mark Tremonti, the video has Stapp looking like an angel while flying over the crowd, and the song is just petty bullshit. The music sucks, the lyrics suck, and the vocals suck. I think only Good Charlotte is a worse band. The Creed hate comes from the fact that Stapp thinks the band is worth more than they are, Mark Tremonti's cock being sucked by a bunch of guitar magazines (despite his shit, and yes it is SHIT, being overly simplistic and redunant, ie. if you've heard the layout for one Creed song then you've heard the layout for all of them: slow, moderately heavy, slow, moderately heavy, fade), and no attention being paid to the only person in the entire band with any sort of talent (the drummer). That and Stapp wants so bad to be Jim Morrison, SO BAD, while preaching his Christian faith (not an interview goes by where he doesn't mention God and Jesus) and trying to make himself seem better than his fanbase, so we just gotta hate him. Basically, the hate for Creed comes down to Stapp thinking he's a great frontman when he sounds like a poor man's Eddie Vedder, can't write good lyrics, and is just a bitch.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Sounds of the Beast: The History Of Heavy Metal.

    ...I'm never throwing another "devil" hand symbol again...FUCK DIO! FUCK YOU, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS! ROLL A 20 AND THEN KISS MY ASS!
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    The Ultimate Cheezy/Bad movie Marithon

    To this day, me and my friends still contemplate just HOW the three seashells work...
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Worst Movie of All time..

    Island Of Death, people. Awful acting, awful dubbing, awful special effects, and it's all one big horrible plot to try to fit in as many original death scenes as possible (although I think death by watered limestone IS a cool death, everything else about the movie sucks, and it is one of the four movies I've had to stop watching because it was so bad)*. Also, HALF of these movies have at least the "so cheesy it's fun" factor. A truly AWFUL movie is one you can't enjoy because there ARE no redeeming qualities. With Ed Wood's films, you can at least sit back and go "well, at least he tried," and once you actually think about the movie, you realize just what a good PLOT the movie is. If not for Plan 9, there'd be no Toxic Avenger, so I can't rightfully say anything by Ed Wood is the WORST movie ever. Now, Bruno Mattei...THERE is a shitty director.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Would they do it?

    Mike, by saying South Park is well written and then to say ICP wouldn't know entertainment if it farted on them is kinda stupid, but I digress. It's the same sense of humor, although South Park has the advantage of being able to broadcast for 20 minutes each week, whereas your average ICP song is 4 minutes in length.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Who do you think will win Ultimate X 2?

    So? I think it's been proven a couple of times that when Dutch swerves people, it's because the conclusion most have come to would have been, you know, good booking. DUTCH. CAN'T. BOOK.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Would they do it?

    I'd have to agree, Coffey. I don't see how people can love South Park and hate ICP when the sense of humor is, usually, not too different. Cynical comedy about social and political problems is South Park these days, right? That's been the bulk of ICP's work since the Inner City days (pre-clown schtick), only with more cursing and gay jokes. As for the Dead Pool stable...I wouldn't mind it. Hell, I wouldn't mind a JCW Invasion again, as long as Muta and Demon aren't involved.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands That Have Improved As They Went

    Stuck Mojo. Honestly, each album is better than the last, as the band grew musically (mostly due to Ward writing better songs), and although it can be argued which was the better studio album between Declaration Of A Headhunter and Rising, those were the band's final two studio efforts (3 years in between them, which saw the release of the live album HVY1, and after they broke up they released a collection of b-sides and demo's called Violate this, but I consider Declaration to be their final album), it's not easily argued that they didn't get better with each album.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    The existence of the IMC?

    If it comes down to choosing Maiden or Metallica...bye bye 'tallica. And trust me, AndrewTS, Ozzy is VERY hated by much of the IMC. While he may be a large figurehead of the old scene, everybody knows there were better bands than him around then, and aside from a handful of songs, his work is greatly overrated and poor.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Two free programs for those of you with Comcast

    Yeah. The match sucked.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Is Foley the Greatest?

    My top 5 for emotion (in no particular order): Raven Tommy Dreamer Mick Foley Ric Flair Shawn Michaels
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Why the names of wrestling games suck

    Ya know, Karnage, I never thought of that before...
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Favourite Weird Al Parody?

    I voted for "Amish Paradise," if only for the "we sell quilts at discount price" line. Oh, and DrainYou...BANG YOUR HEAD!
  21. Julia Roberts. I can't fucking stand her, and yet a lot of people seem to think she's this great actress just because she has big teeth, or something.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Is Foley the Greatest?

    Definitely one of. Perhaps in the Top 5 of men that could display such great emotion in their matches.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Jericho Interview

    Imagine the amount of bitching. You over WWE, me over TNA... Damn, that block would be the most negative place on the world. Hey...WE COULD MAKE A SITCOM OUT OF IT! All we'd need is CanadianChick to belly-dance, and...yeah... ...it'd be better than Friends! Not saying much, but hey...
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE weekend show previews...

    The SAT sucks. Bad. Half of their spots are botched, Joel tries to do countless flying maneuvers when he can barely jump, and Jose makes every move look like shit. I don't see what's so good about them either.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    No Mercy

    But I don't think it should take an hour and fifteen minutes just to make a complete CAW, and then be forced to play a whole ~64 match season just to upgrade your stats a little bit. And, like I said earlier, the lack of a "weak" and "strong" grapple system is somewhat annoying, as you're then forced to mix your stronger grapples with your weaker ones.