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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Konnan files lawsuit against TNA

    Be even more awesome if LAX got a huge push out of this, and/or certain members of the office were released due to it and replaced by people who know how to book shows without rushing forward 100 mph.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Does anyone here -play- music?

    Been a guitarist for the last 8 years or so. I'm pretty solid, considering all I learned to play was metal by learning to read/write tablature and then playing Slayer and Metallica tunes, and I do a lot of fast picking and tremolo shit. I'm currently in a band that plays a groove-laden blend of hardcore and thrash metal...which comes down to use sounding a lot like Roots-era Sepultura meets Stop at Nothing-era Dying Fetus. Excyde No tunes up yet, but should be up in the next few weeks. Yeah.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Dumb Injuries

    Nothing too cool, really, but the first bloody nose I ever got was sorta self-inflicted. I was wrestling when I was 11 or so with a friend and went for an inverted DDT, but he raised his knee and I fell forward, so I smashed my face off of his knee. Uhhhh...yeah. A scar on my upper lip from me running into the end of a toy gun I had when I was a kid, but nothing MAJOR...
  4. Mik...I really thought I was the only one. This happens EVERY time I puke, because I strain myself when I'm throwing up. It never used to be that way, though, until I started drinking routinely. I don't mean I'll have a drink and puke, I mean when I puke at all in the last year and a half my eyes become swollen and I burst a ton of blood vessels in my face right around my eyes. It's gotten to the point where my girlfriend bought me those masks that you keep in the fridge/freezer and put over your eyes to reduce the swelling. The next time I puke, and it happens, I'm taking pictures.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    If only DRI would get back together and do shows with MW...you'd never know when each set would end!
  6. Well, let's look at the pro's and con's of the other two soundtracks: And the sequel... Both soundtracks suck a major wad. There are only a handful of real metal band represented on both (Black Sabbath, Pantera, Machine Head, and I'll even accept the stretch for System of a Down), and c'mon...FUCKING ICP AND TWIZTID?! ON A SOUNDTRACK CALLED HEAVY METAL?! The first one had the excuse of there not being much TRUE metal to choose from, as the name was pretty much attached to any form of rock n' roll that wasn't southern fried and had some doom-n'-gloom elements to it, but by 2000 there was nearly 20 years of shit to pick and choose from...ugh... Who SHOULD be on the soundtrack? Mastodon, Fear Factory, a few power metal bands (since it's right up their alley), and probably Dimmu Borgir and Children of Bodom since they're attached to everything remotely metal these days. Who WILL be on the soundtrack? Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage (including a music video with each member of the band playing a role in the movie), Rob Zombie, Seemless, and a whole bunch of KoRn-meets-Disturbed LITE bands.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Whats the first pay per view you saw live?

    First PPV I ordered was Badd Blood '97. Never been to one live, though I may be going to TNA LockDown, since it's in Lowell, but I doubt it.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    So, turns out one of my friends

    Uhhhhh...I got nothing. Sketchiest thing I got is a friend of a friend once running a methlab out of his apartment, which happens to be downstairs in the building my apartment is in. He moved out a long time ago, but still...fucking methlab in my building.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Right Said Thread/I'm Board Da Ba Dee Da Ba Di

    Eh, I honestly don't mind Everclear too much. That said, they could easily have never existed and nobody would have cared. I think they're decent at what they do, happy-go-lucky pop with pretty damn depressing sing-along lyrics, but they're not amazing or legendary or anything like that. The video that got me into death metal: Cannibal Corpse - "Devoured by Vermin"
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Let's Talk About..........The Natural Born Thrillers

    Eh, to be fair? The Rock Bottom was being used by DDP and Wrath as early as mid-97, when the Rock still used the Maivia Hurricane DDT and the Crossbody Block. That, and I think that the Book End is the superior version, as it looks like Booker actually SLAMMED the guy down to the mat, not just lifted them and let them fall. It's like comparing any similar moves: some people do them better than others. The NBT is actually one of my all-time favorite stables, if only because they were a huge breath of fresh air. WCW during that period was horrible, but it was still entertaining, and by the time the Magnificent 7 came into play I think the product as a whole was actually better than the WWF. I at least found it more entertaining, anyway.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Milky, Gwar's "Surf of Syn" is decent. Off of a lame album (Ragnarok, which I'd say is equally as bad as Carnival of Chaos), but it's sorta surf-y. Otherwise the only thing I can think of would be Psychobilly bands, so yeah...no help there. Also, fucking GREAT tour this summer: SUICIDAL FINAL TOUR 2008 At The Gates Darkest Hour Municipal Waste I'm SO fucking there. I love Darkest Hour, ADORE TO THE EXTREME Municipal Waste, and At The Gates are legendary.
  12. I don't particularly care for it, but I don't see how it's wrong, especially since the bulk of the time it's from the woman antagonizing the man. I remember trying to explain this view at a forum I used to frequent all the time when I got the 'net in late '99, and people were calling me misogynistic. Now? I'd say I'm more about equality than anything else: if the women want to get physically involved with the men, then they'll be treated as complete equals. That means anything two men would do to each other (wrestling moves, chairshots, table spots, etc.) can be done to the woman, and vice versa. Matters not to me so long as it's entertaining.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Observer Awards: Wrestlemania Style!

    Class A (Your Top Three Choices) Lou Thesz/Ric Flair Award This award is given to the professional wrestlers who have the ability to carry an entire promotion (Wrestlemania) by themselves. 1. Shawn Michaels 2. Steve Austin 3. The Rock Most Outstanding Wrestler 1. Shawn Michaels 2. Kurt Angle 3. Chris Benoit Best Box Office Draw 1. Steve Austin 2. The Rock 3. Hulk Hogan Best Feud 1. Austin/Rock 2. Foley/Edge 3. Angle/Benoit Best Tag Team 1. Hardy Boyz 2. Dudley Boyz 3. Edge & Christian Most Improved 1. Randy Orton 2. The Undertaker 3. The Rock Best on Interviews 1. The Rock 2. Shawn Michaels 3. Mick Foley Most Charismatic 1. The Rock 2. Hulk Hogan 3. Roddy Piper Best Technical Wrestler 1. Chris Benoit 2. Bret Hart 3. Kurt Angle Best Brawler 1. Mick Foley 2. Steve Austin 3. Roddy Piper Best Flying Wrestler 1. Jeff Hardy 2. Rey Mysterio Jr. 3. TAKA Michinoku Most Overrated (Overpushed) 1. John Cena 2. HHH 3. The Undertaker Most Underrated (Underpushed) 1. The Big Show 2. Kane 3. Shelton Benjamin Best Match 1. Mick Foley vs. Edge - WM22 2. Steve Austin vs. The Rock - WM17 3. HHH vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit - WM20 Best Non-Wrestler 1. Sunny 2. Jimmy Hart 3. Pete Rose Best Announcer 1. Jim Ross 2. Bobby Heenan 3. Paul Heyman Worst Announcer 1. Michael Cole 2. Jerry Lawler 3. ...Michael Cole Best Major Show 1. WM17 2. WM20 3. WM14 Class B (Pick One) Worst Major Show: WM18 Best Wrestling Maneuver: Kurt Angle's Crucifix AnkleLock Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic: "Linda's in a coma, and Vince makes out with Trish in front of her!" Worst Match: Undertaker vs. Big Bossman - HIAC - WM15 Worst Feud: Jericho/HHH - WM18 Best Gimmick: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin Worst Gimmick: Doink Best Wrestlemania DVD: N/A (never bought one) Best Babyface: Hulk Hogan Best Heel: Roddy Piper Best Manager: Bobby Heenan Worst Wrestler: Giant Gonzales Worst Tag Team: Head Cheese Worst Manager: Chester McCheesyton Most Embarassing Wrestler: Boogeyman Worst Non-Wrestling Personality: Harvey Whippleman
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Webster Hall Show

    Ditto. It was one provider in Canada that only had 19 buys for one of ROH's shows. There hasn't been a number released yet for overall PPV buys.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    It's a statement based on Kennedy being bad luck. Cena, Edge...both injured either during a match or shortly after having a match with Kennedy. I believe HBK, too.
  16. Corey_Lazarus


    Put me in this camp. Easily my favorite 50's monster flick from the US.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Standup anyone?

    Never done stand-up, but I always feel that my favorite jokes are ones that bomb, so it'd be horrible for me to even try. Just gonna stick to playing guitar. But my favorite stand-up comedians are Jim Norton (specifically his self-depricating and his more aggressive side, because when he tries to do Britney jokes it's pretty lame), Brian Posehn (total metal nerd, and his jokes about trying to quit pot are great), Eddie Izzard (if you have even the slightest amount of knowledge of World History, he's fucking hilarious), and the great George Carlin.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    It has come to my attention that Terrorizer, my favorite metal mag, loves black metal way more than I'd care for. In their top 40 albums of 2007, there were only 3 thrash albums (and considering '07 was the year of thrash's return, that's a fucking crime), and maybe 7 doom albums (the English love them some doom). A handful of death albums, but I'd say at least 50% of the top 40 releases were black metal. Considering black metal hasn't really meant shit since the days of the Black Circle, that's kinda sad. It was nice to see Municipal Waste in the top 20, though (The Art of Partying was at #17, IIRC). And they had reader poll awards, and Dimmu Borgir was in the top 5 for every single award save for "Exposed" (they're way of saying "you're really a bunch of poseurs") and "Most Shaggable." Best Album, Worst Album, Best Live Act, Worst Live Act, Want More, Want Less...fucking funny, actually.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Worst Show You've Ever Been To

    Only if Summer Sanitarium '03 counts...everything until Metallica was 100% shit. Though it was great to hear people boo'ing the St. Anger tunes they played ("St. Anger" and "Frantic," FWIW). EDIT: I actually had a chance to go to Woodstock '99. My folks wouldn't let me because I was only 13 and my girlfriend at the time was a skeeze (dear God, what the fuck was I thinking), so I missed it. In hindsight it was a great idea. Rioting, overpriced water...and I can only imagine the different drugs I'd have taken and then probably flipped out on.
  20. Fucking awesome episode. So fuckin' funny... "When you arrested these two, did you call their lawyer? No, because I'M their lawyer. Did you call their parents? No, because I'M their parents." And then a nice rant about how the cops in that area didn't do anything legally, and if they wanted to pursue charges then Phil would have their badges due to racism and all that. Good episode. Also, I love the one where Will gets shot. Still fucking solid, especially when Will finds out Carlton is carrying a gun with him. "No, you owe me your life, man, NOW GIVE ME THE GUN!" Then Carlton leaves, Will empties the chambers into his lap and just slumps over, balling his eyes out. I always wanted to know what happened to the Rippers after they kicked Jesse out. I don't think they ever actually said anything about that, or whether or not Gia's mom and Danny ever spoke again.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Let's see...thanking somebody whose legacy helped change the industry in the eyes of many fans and took 2 lives vs. thanking somebody who plotted an attack and killed nearly 3 FUCKING THOUSAND PEOPLE. Weigh it out.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Webster Hall Show

    Keep this in mind: TNA were doing more PPV buys during the first year of the weekly PPVs than they are now. Now that they have free TV, now that they have a moderate amount of mainstream exposure, and now that they have a huge financial backer and an even better talent pool...they're getting less people to pay for the product than they did before. Why? Because the product back then was that much better than it is now. It had the Sports Entertainment qualities of episodic storytelling with some swerves and some raunchiness, and it also had a quality in-ring product. If TNA stayed booking shows like they were then (August '02 to June '03) with the assets they have at their disposal now? Ratings would be better, buyrates would be better, and morale (reportedly very, very low) would be better.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Worst Show You've Ever Been To

    I guess I'm the lesser friend, because none of my friends ever wanted to go see TDR...they better see my current band (Excyde), because we're mosh-tastic!
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Webster Hall Show

    Honestly? The last time I found anything intentionally funny from TNA to be so was...shit, I can't even remember. Maybe when Puppet the Midget Killer pulled a gun on Jarrett? And that was awful. TNA are best at having solid matches, not comedy. Eric Young and AJ Styles are the funniest parts of the program.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Worst Show You've Ever Been To

    I like some of their songs, but overall? Horrible. "I Will Be Heard" (ESPECIALLY the Hulk-Breed video on YouTube) is solid, as are "Defeatist" (best Hatebreed tune) and "Before Dishonor." I respect 'em for doing what they do for as long as they've been doing it, and not compromising for more commercial success, but really...they suck.