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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus
Yeah. You deserve to be humiliated for asking for the latest WRESTLING GAME when there are quite a few wrestling games out there. That'd be like going up to the desk and asking "do you have the newest game involving guns?"
You need to see John Waters movies.
Nah, I got it. Halloween Constipation. Or A Nightmare On Elm Street 7: Candyland. Or maybe Jason Takes McDonald's.
Hmmm...well, I think I'll find where you love, AS, and move in next door. If your neighbors suddenly die, well...
^Actually, I don't mind ICP in the ring, I think their commentary is hilarious, and I heavily enjoy their music. Plus their movie, Big Money Hu$tla$, is one of the funniest pieces of shit I've ever seen in my life. So you might as well consider me a partial Juggalo. But this isn't a good idea. Now ICP can say they've wrestled for every national promotion there is in the United States.
School. I lost all motivation about halfway through sophomore year when I just sat back and realized very little of what we were learning would ever matter in the end, so I just kinda skimmed by doing the bare minimum. I can still run roughshod over somebody in a debate over many historical issues of the past 200 years, though. Being a gentlemen. I have some manners, such as opening the door for ladies and other guests, and shaking hands, but I burp constantly, curse too often, and won't offer to pay for somebody else's purchases unless they plan on returning the favor in some close proximity of time. Playing guitar. I think of myself as the only guitarist in a metal band that CAN'T solo for shit at all, and can ONLY play fast and make it sound good. Keeping commitments. I constantly, CONSTANTLY say I'll do something, but forget about it (usually due to a lack of motivation) or just don't do it because I don't want to. Yeeeeaaaaahhhh...but I'm good at being a prick!
The Styles Clash is in HCTP. It's listed as the Landing Pin. Weird, because I thought I unlocked (and checked out) every move there is. Then again, I was expecting it to be labeled as the "Crash Landing," so hey.
"Holy Wars...The Punishment Due" is overrated, in my eyes. I think "Foreclosure Of A Dream" is actually a better track overall, and that seems to never get any love.
Too bad Pet Sematary 2 fucking sucked, eh?
I live in a town filled with cops and upper-class yuppie fuckheads (so all we get is weed and ecstasy), and am under 21. Plus, all the pizza places were closed.
Actually, Rick, I said something just like that last night while walking around town (for an hour and a fucking half looking for booze and/or pizza) to my buddy Jay.
Which is why, NM, I hated Tool for so long. Then I actually sat down and LISTENED to it. Still one of THE most overrated bands of the past decade, but very, VERY good. And baron, Slayer helped THRASH more than Megadeth did. While Megadeth was a middleground between the two prevailing styles of thrash (Metallica's more classical sounding version, and Slayer's pure balls-out sloppy version), Slayer did more for the pure speed and heavy aspect of thrash metal than Megadeth did. Rust In Peace, if only for the first three tracks. The rest are very good, with "Rust In Peace...Polaris" being a tremendous closer, but the first three are CLASSICS.
Tears For Fears > Disturbed. Also check out "Mad World," which just plain rules.
I do not know what this word "reflextive" means. Is it a Canadian proverb, like "one time I bought some beer, and wondered what it was all aboot, buddy"?
Remember hearing that story about how the PPV company was telling them to cut down on the profanity? Well, prepare to see a enough profanity to make any redneck blush...
Hey, Chick, I'm sorry. I love you! For three reasons, honestly. 1. You're a Canadian, and aside from Test, no Canadian is truly bad. 2. You like Fozzy! I like Fozzy! WE LIKE FOZZY! And three... ...well, I know that if I were to sleep with you, I'd never need a nightlight. **ba dum PSHT!**
I don't argue this at all. It'd be an interesting concept...for two weeks. Then it'd be played out. Why Steiner? RVD could be carried by them all, and have some fun matches with the cruisers, but WHY Steiner? Also, are you trying to eliminate the tag division entirely on SmackDown? Why? SmackDown has the better teams, overall, of the two shows, and you're trying to limit it to just Spanky/London, WGTT, and Los Guerreros (who will break up soon anyways)? They took the Vertebreaker away because it has a high risk for injury. While I dig the move and I don't think they should ban moves simply because there's a risk for injury (since then all we'd have is two men sitting down and actually playing chess), they got rid of for an acceptable reason. Would be good, but won't ever happen. Remember, despite Rey Mysterio Jr's popularity with the fans, and the fact that Steve Austin drew like a motherfucker, Vince thinks nobody under 6'3" is a draw (Austin is 6'2", or 6'1", methinks). Nova is in OVW, but the rest? Yes. The fact that WWE isn't doing jackshit with them sucks, as Ultimo could be marketed to the kids (the mask would sell), as could Hurricane, and a few backstage skits with Spanky and London being goofballs could help get them over. That, and if only they weren't under a one year contract to NWA-TNA (Kash, Elix, and Sharkboy are; I'm sure of Kash, but not too sure about Sharkboy and Elix), or weren't making a good living on the indy circuit (American Dragon is one of the bigger names on the US independent circuit, and tours Japan and the UK enough to make decent money). So, basically, you want them to get rid of everybody in TNA worth watching that isn't named Christopher Daniels, LowKi, CM Punk, or Raven, eh? Well... Kid Kash - 1-year contract to TNA. Trinity - 1-year contract to TNA. Amazing Red - Suffered a knee injury on a tour of Japan, didn't let it heal and it worsened, will be out for a year. Sonny Siaki - 1-year contract to TNA. Jerry Lynn - Tried it, didn't work. He won't get over with the fans to the point where he'll be anyhing more than an over midcarder since WWE fans are, for the most part, not fans of people that are simply good wrestlers. Ron Killings - 1-year contract to TNA. Doring/Roadkill - I don't know why they'd want them, really. Danny's boring, and Roadkill sucks. Sting - Doesn't care for a full-time schedule anymore. AJ Styles - 1-year contract to TNA. Because Vince doesn't want Eddie getting over by himself, despite the fact that the two biggest stars since Hogan in the 80's, Steve Austin and The Rock, got over by themselves. So firing Nowinski, who could be a great heel one day (competent worker for his level of inexperience, very good talker, has heel mannerisms DOWN), is a good idea because he's injured? Has Bischoff taught you nothing? Henry cannot be fired due to his contract. He still has 3 years left on it. Unless WWE wants to buy out his contract, which would cost the rest of his contract's worth in a shorter amount of time, he's here. Maven I agree with. Billy Gunn will never be gone due to the fact that he's always been loyal to Vince. Faarooq and Bradshaw are well-liked backstage by management, or something, so they're here for a bit. If Gowen is released, he'll file a discrimination lawsuit based on his handicap (although I'm sure it could be overruled by showing evidence that he wasn't worth the money he was being paid, was a prick backstage, etc.).
This dude's right. If we stop being so overprotective, maybe less will go wrong.
**TOXIC NARCOTIC!** And I'm a human racist Because people fucking suck **BHC!**
I don't see how HALF of these movies can be considered "worst ever," since they have some semblance of quality to them. And by "semblance of quality," I mean "you can watch it to see how bad it is." Island Of Death is FAR worse than anything listed thus far, as are The Zombie Chronicles and Piranha 2: The Spawning. Just because a movie has very little plot, that doesn't make it a bad movie. If there's something truly redeeming of it, such as cheesiness (which IS a redeeming quality when talking bad movies) or comedy (when it's not intentional), then it can never be considered a "worst movie ever." And on that note, hit The Sixth Sense (whose only redeeming factor was Bruce Willis being his usual awesome self, and the pretty good direction; the script was boring, predictable, and overly feel-good until the end).
WHY I THINK NO MERCY'S CAW IS BETTER: While the ability to edit in-depth your CAW's face and body is very good, it is overly time consuming. If I'm looking to make a CAW of, say, Raven, I don't want to have to go in and spend 10 minutes trying to get his body proportional. I'd rather pick a pre-made body type and build off of that. No Mercy's attires were also better, as the pants didn't look like shit. Seriously. Go into HCTP's CAW, check out the pants in the Attire category. They all suck. None of them look like anything anybody would ever wear (and have of them are "fat pants," so to speak), so why would I put one of those on my CAW? Another thing about the CAW is the overall lack of long hair. Sure, there are a few selections for long hair, but I find myself reverting back to the same 2 or 3 hair selections because the rest are way too goofy looking. Seriously...CLOUD'S HAIR IS IN THE GAME. CLOUD'S. And yet long, straight hair isn't. While the length editor of tights and shirts is a good idea, there are far too many designs that don't look good at all, and you find yourself wading through the crap (about the first 10 or so pages of designs for tights) to find a decent design. But I'll lay off of the APPEARANCE part for right now, and go to the moves. Yes, there are a wider variety of actual moves to select from...as long as you're choosing a finisher. Too many of the moves are simple things, like an armdrag, that I don't think should belong in any of my CAW's movesets. So I find myself using the same moves, over and over again, just because they're slightly effective, and I don't have the multi-level grappling system that No Mercy has. For instance, you had a selection of moves that you could choose from for "Weak Grapple." These moves generally did less damage than "Strong Grapple" moves, and were faster in delivery. When you got to the "Strong Grapple" moves, in came the pain (no pun intended). These were moves you'd expect wrestlers to be able to pull off to set up a finish. While there aren't as many corner grapples as there are in HCTP (which I feel HCTP has drastically improved upon), putting somebody in the Tree Of Woe didn't take up a move space. And once the opponent was in a Tree Of Woe, you had a specific list of strikes (standing, strong, and running) you could perform on them. While we're in the corner, let's talk about flying. In No Mercy, you had one flying move to a standing opponent in the ring, one flying move to a standing opponent on the outside, one to a down opponent in the ring, one to a down opponent outside, one special in the ring, and one special outside. That's six flying moves, altogether. You get five in HCTP (two standing, three down); six if one of your CAW's SmackDown is from the top rope. Also, in No Mercy, each worker had a different length they could jump: Shortest, Short, Medium, Long, and Longest. The lighter workers could jump Long and Longest distances, whereas the heavier ones jumped Short and Shortest distance. This was realistic, as a man that was big, such as Albert, could not jump as far as a man that was light, such as Jeff Hardy. In HCTP, everybody jumps the same distances, hosses and cruisers alike. AndrewTS pointed this out, and you completely ignored it, for the most part. Shall we move on to Specials? Okay, I think we will. In HCTP, you get two SmackDown's. TWO. In No Mercy, you get seven special. SEVEN. One Front Grapple, one Rear Grapple, one Running Grapple (when the opponent is running), one Front Corner Grapple, one Rear Corner Grapple, one Flying Inside The Ring, and one Flying Outside The Ring. Mighty impressive over HCTP's two Specials, don't you agree? While some moves were added to HCTP that I love (such as the 99 Crusher {Ki Krusher '99}, Tiger Bomb 1 {Tiger Driver '91}, and Super Star Press {Split-Legged Moonsault}), ones that were in No Mercy that made me take notice seemed to have been eliminated (T-Bone DDT {Exploder '98}, Samoan Neckbreaker {TKO}, Fire Thunder Driver, Phoenix Splash, Hangman's DDT {Sheer-Drop Vertical Powerbomb}). Also, a small issue I have with HCTP is the inclusion of the Ki Krusher '99, but no Styles Clash, despite Crash Holly using the Styles Clash as his finisher during the end of his WWE tenure. But, as I said, a small issue. Those, not to mention that you actually stood a chance as Christian against HHH, are reasons why I feel No Mercy is the superior game.
I'm having great visions of "Frantic" and "St. Anger" being met with jeers, so Metallica stops playing them and goes into "Seek And Destroy."
Guitar World readers tend to be right on the money with the "What bands sucked" category, but everything else is usually crap (sorry, but St. Anger is an abomination to music PERIOD; not just rock, not just metal, but to ALL of music; the worst album I've heard this year, by far). But hey, BLS is getting some fucking recognition, so it's not ALL bad.
Actually, as the X-Division title has been defended at non-TNA shows, I think it's now considered an NWA title. I remember it being announced a few times as the "NWA World X-Division championship." I dig these ideas, because it would help the NWA as a whole. It would also aid in differentiating TNA from WWE, which is becoming harder and harder it seems due to the pissing off of the fanbase.
Dude, North so ruled! How come everybody hates that movie?