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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Alien Box set.......

    Yes you can. Just drink plenty of Smirnoff.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who is related to the uber-prick TEDDY HART.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Smackdown! on New Year's Day

    Silly Danes. Don't you know WWE hates fans that know what good wrestling is? I doubt I'll watch anything but HHH/HBK, so I just gotta know when that match comes on.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Japanese tag team may work RAW dark match

    Why? So you can see them get jobbed to Cade and Jindrak in 5 minutes?
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Alien Box set.......

    I actually want the Alien 3 disc, as I have three versions of Aliens (VHS, SE VHS, SE DVD), and the SE of Alien can be rented. I've never seen the deleted scenes from Alien 3, and I'd love to see all of the stuff that was going on during the filming of it that made it the weakest of the series...until Resurrection, of course.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    So.....Who won the awards ??

    Not really, since from a MARK's standpoint, Shane's only kept the belt this long thanks to interference and cheating. I voted for Sabin as X-Division Wrestler of the year, because this WAS Sabin's year. Awesome title reign, carried Shane and Kazarian to numerous watchable matches, and had a TNA MOTYC with Juventud Guerrera.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Pastor's 'Camera Crusade' Targets Porn Patrons

    Or to be fisted by zombies.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Mexican accidentally killed while posing as a

  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Pastor's 'Camera Crusade' Targets Porn Patrons

    I think the guy needs a swift kick in the head, personally. You don't try to guilt somebody into attending an optional service, but that's not the kick-worthy offense. The fact that this asshole is finding out where these people live and attempting to sell them his faith is what gets me.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Guns-N-Roses Tribute Album

    Well, color me stupid.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    100 Most Important People in Popular Music

    I see an utter lack of Lemmy Kilmister, who just might be THE most underrated man in all of music. Think about it. Without Motörhead, there would be no heavy metal as we truly know it today. They introduced the punk speed before PUNK was PUNK. They were sloppy, rowdy, heavy, and actually produced music that is great 28 years after they first formed. Without Lemmy, the following inclusions on your list would not be the same, and would probably not even be on the list: Trent Reznor James Hetfield Jeff Hanneman Mike Patton Dave Mustaine John Petrucci Also, to include Hanneman without mention of King, when King is more responsible for Slayer's overall sound than Hanneman is, is slightly peculiar. To include Petrucci when Dream Theater hasn't really influenced many bands directly? Bad. A mention of Hetfield, but no mention of Ulrich or Burton? Considering Ulrich wrote every song with James (with the exception of "Motörbreath," which shows in the song's overly punk feel and the fact that it RULES), that should have been accounted, as well as Burton's influence on the band (as his death is the reason ...And Justice For All is Metallica's heaviest album, and that they have not been the same ever since).
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    So.....Who won the awards ??

    Rigged poll? And people wonder why I refer to TNA as "WWE Lite."
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Guns-N-Roses Tribute Album

    Too bad Lamb Of God is from NYC, eh? God Forbid is the Mass metal band, I do believe. I say this with a memory of somebody saying (I believe it was actually Brian Fair during the Shadows Fall set) that three of the four bands on the Worcester card for the Headbanger's Ball tour were from Massachusetts. But hey, either way, the Northeast has been cranking out greatness in metal and wrestling a lot recently.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    What was your best gift?

    As has everybody else whose middle name begins with a J, and first name begins with a D. Or whose first name begins with a D, and is named after their father.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    I burned a Megadeth comp...

    Lars is the cause of all of the world's problems. Pandora's Box? Bullshit! LARS ULRICH did it!
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    New Iced Earth video

    He might put emotion into it, but he sounds almost as goofy while singing as King Diamond...ALMOST. Oh, and if you don't think Ripper can do more than sing high, check out Judas Priest - "Blood Stained." He sings "dark" for half of the song. In fact, I don't think he goes that high at all in the tune. Awesome song, too.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Quick question...

    Ummm...we were talking about rapping abilities, not wrestling abilities. And everybody knows Cena has a long way to come in the ring. But for somebody with as little experience as him? He's fine. Easily carried, charismatic enough to have the fans not notice when he's having a truly bad match, and he hits his moves pretty good (despite the fact that the FU sucks).
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    South Park question

    Fingerbang! Finger bang, bang!
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Out of the loop

    **bumps, and then gets back up to do a bad HBK impression, just like Michael Shane would do** OR... **falls down slowly, looking like I just shit myself, just like Shane Douglas** OR... **falls down with a bad bump and sells it for 10 minutes while I realize everybody just wants to see my boobs, like Traci**
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Bizarre Moments of 2003

    Raven to get a push on Raw only to be released and show up in the NWA a week later.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    JonBenet Ramsey's Parents Sue Fox News

    Nah. Some Puerto Rican Guy killed JonBenet and OJ's chick. Don't you watch South Park? Trey and Matt are the best detectives in the world!
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    What was your best gift?

    Gave: Simpsons Road Rage (GBA) to my nephew DJ. He's been playing it all day. Received: Nothing actually stands out...a bunch of Simpsons things I don't care about (magnetic dartboard, huge Homer Pez dispenser, trivia game), few DVDs I expected, few CDs I expected...meh.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Best and Worst.

    Hey, buddy. **raises middle finger** Right here. I'll go edit that...
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO Games and etc you got for Christmas

    -Game Boy Advance -Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (GBA) -SmackDown: Here Comes The Pain (PS2) The GBA suffers from poor design and NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE THE FUCKING SCREEN. I miss the days of the Nomad, which had a solid design, and a large enough screen...
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    New Iced Earth video

    You're right, he isn't Matt Barlow. And this is good. Because Barlow's voice was the only thing that hindered Iced Earth.