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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    I burned a Megadeth comp...

    ReLoad, hands down. "Crush Em" and "Breadline" > "Fuel" and "The Memory Remains."
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Guns-N-Roses Tribute Album

  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Gimmicks That Never Got Over

    Uh, BorneAgain...3Count was over. Not to the extent I wish they would have been (due to the Tank Abbott feud, mostly), but definitely over. 3Count was the highspot of 2000 WCW for me. Well, aside from Nash jobbing CLEAN to Booker T at Fall Brawl, and Hogan being bitched out on national PPV...
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    La Parka arrested!!!

    For some reason, I can see La Parka going to prison for 2 years on assault charges, or some stupid reason, and wearing his mask the whole time. Imagine a riot where La Parka was the ringleader? Quebradas and chairshots everywhere...
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Out of the loop

    How sad that none of them can do much more than things your average backyarder can do a million times better...
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Preview for TNA 12/24/03

    Why shouldn't we, Devin? The Lynn/Juvi matches were nothing special, Super Crazy was incredibly out of shape, and the entire "feud" just made Lynn own each and every Luchadore. Not much of an angle if it's one-sided...
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Best and Worst.

    I own the following: WWF Raw (SNES) WCW vs. nWo World Tour (N64) WCW vs. The World (PS) WCW Nitro (PS) WCW Thunder (PS) WCW/nWo Revenge (N64) WWF WarZone (N64) WWF Attitude (PS) ECW Hardcore Revolution (N64) ECW Anarchy Rulz (PS) WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game (PS) WWF SmackDown (PS) WWF WrestleMania 2000 (N64) WWF No Mercy (N64) Def Jam Vendetta (PS2) Legends Of Wrestling (PS2) BEST: WWF No Mercy (N64). Excellent gameplay, great CAW, and a Story Mode where each victory/loss affects the following match(es). Had Def Jam Vendetta featured a better Story Mode and a CAW (maybe a CAT: Create-A-Thug) and not everybody had the same running moves, I'd pick that. Faster gameplay than No Mercy, fun matches, and easy-to-master controls. WORST: WCW Thunder (PS). Nitro with different characters and a Cage match. When Rey Mysterio Jr. can powerbomb The Giant with just a touch of a button, something's wrong. Not to mention that the moves were nearly impossible to pull off.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Preview for TNA 12/24/03

    Which is sad, Bryan, especially since the X-Division Special last year, which was only the 12th aired TNA program (with the 12th week of original programming airing the following week) had about 6 or 7 highlighted bouts*. And by the end of 2002, the X-Division was still the best thing TNA had going for them. * = The matches, as I recall, that were highlighted were: -Flying Elvises vs. LowKi/AJ Styles/Jerry Lynn -AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn vs. LowKi vs. Psicosis -LowKi vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kid Romeo vs. Shark Boy (?) vs. Tony Mamaluke vs. Jerry Lynn -AJ Styles vs. LowKi -LowKi vs. The Amazing Red -LowKi vs. Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles -Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles -Jerry Lynn vs. LowKi vs. AJ Styles (Ladder) That's 8 matches, 2 short of the noteworthy ones of 2003, within 11 weeks.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    The countdown to the show starts at 7:30. Shall I do PBP for tonight, or no?
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    New Raven Column

    Not familiar with Ki/AmDrag from RoH Round Robin Challenge, are we? Of course, you could always reply with "Dragon carried Ki," but that's a blatant lie, since the match was incredibly even in who did what amount of work. Anyways, I'm pretty sure a crowd is more responsive to a spotfest between two unknowns than a punch/kick encounter between two unknowns, so gimme another one.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Attendance

    Don't even suggest that. TNA allegedly DOES read the internet, so you might not want to give JJJ and Dirty Dutch ideas!
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    New Years suggestions for TNA

    Well, considering "fanboy" is usually a synonym for "mark," and Michrome's pretty down-the-middle when it comes to what he finds good and bad...
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Out of the loop

    Styles is being wasted away, drifting between the tag team division and the World title division. The champions are currently: World Heavyweight - Jeff Jarrett World X-Division - Michael Shane World Tag Team - 3 Live Kru AMW is currently feuding with both Simon/Swinger and 3LK, Team Jarrett is trying to get Simon/Swinger to join (although nothing is official), and the X-Division would be great were it not for Michael Shane. Punk/Julio JUST turned on Raven, and Julio turning on him makes little sense, considering that Julio never got aggrivated with Raven, while Punk did constantly post-"releasing" of The Gathering. Did I mention how much I hate, hate, HATE Michael Shane?
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    South Park question

    More fun stereotypes! All black people can play bass. Every gay man is a CRAB PERSON. Barbra Streisand is pure evil. Well, that last one IS true, but...
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA deal with WGN very likely

    Lemme guess...Callis reforms THE NETWORK...
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    what special edition dvd do you want to see

    Ginger Snaps I hear the Canadian DVD has commentary and stuff, but the American DVD is barebones. An independent horror film of this high caliber deserves the special edition treatment, dammit! Especially since the two sequels are coming out soon.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    The Rundown

    I heard the movie was really good, so who cares? Looks like any other action coverart...
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    WrestleMania sdfasfd (I forget which one), Piper's Pit w/ Morton Downey. Piper: I told you to put out the cigarette, and to stop blowing the smoke in my face. I won't tell ya again. **Morton Downey blows smoke in Piper's face again. Piper backs up as the fans begin chanting for him to do something. Piper scratches his chin.** Piper: Ya know, Morty...ya know, I think I just might want one of those cigarettes, now that I think about it! Yeah, I'll take one of those cigarettes of yours, and I'll smoke it in this ring with ya! **Morton stands up to check his pockets for his pack, as Piper moves a podium to reveal a fire extinguisher. Morton turns around, and Piper sprays him in the face with the fire extinguisher.**
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Rank 2003's PPVs

    The Rumble was the first WWE PPV I'd bought since KOTR '02, and it didn't really disappoint, what with Benoit/Angle on it and all.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Rank 2003's PPVs

    1. Vengeance 2. WrestleMania XIX 3. Survivor Series 4. Royal Rumble 5. SummerSlam ...only ones I bought this year...
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    The fighting game character tournament 2k4

    Heihachi (Tekken) King (Tekken 3) Guile (Street Figher 2) Hayabusa (Dead Or Alive)
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    New Raven Column

    I'll edit in my full reply to the article that I posted at the TotalNonStop TNA folder, as it pretty much displayed every reason I find fault with this rant, and stance. Basically, what it comes down to is the older guard will always tell the newer guard to slow it down, mostly due to the fact that the old guard realizes the newer guard is getting a better reaction during their matches.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Who do you think will win Ultimate X 2?

    But they're justified, as Shane sucks, and Kazarian botched a move that even the Harris Bros. could take properly.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Preview for TNA 12/24/03

    I think the sad thing is how not a single match is from after the Super X tourney. This means the company recognizes that the X-Division hasn't been much since September 3rd.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Attendance

    Because they haven't done anything "small" yet (besides their attracting of a fanbase, **ba dum PSHT** thank you).