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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    Dude, I played Slam Masters ONCE and loved it. Too bad my SNES sucks. If I can find a Genesis version somewhere, I'll play it on my Nomad.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Whose last WrestleMania match was with THE ROCK.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs

    Spike, Joseph Sylvia was my grandfather, and he passed away on 4/25/03. Needless to say, I was extremely close to him, and his death came as something of a shock to me, as he was just about to be discharged from the hospital before his heart gave out. I'd appreciate it if you would no longer bring the topic up, as it's still an overly touchy subject that I do not even discuss with the closest of family members (read: my sister). As for Zeppelin/Halen/etc., I've already said they could be classified in the loose (VERY loose) style of "proto-metal," meaning work they did helped build the archetype for metal in the later years (ESPECIALLY with Van Halen's affinity for tapping during the solo's), but were not metal themselves. If one were to recommend albums that could help them understand metal, I wouldn't care if these were listed, but when talking about the best songs of metal the non-metal songs CANNOT be listed. Speaking of non-metal songs... NP: Thin Lizzy - "Whiskey In The Jar"
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only South Park Thread

    Dude...this season rules ass.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    2 TIDBITS: AMW win Apter Award and...

    Fuck, Cena/Benoit from that one night were better than AMW their entire tag career...
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA news for this week

    I'm an addict. Like I said, I can't get enough wrestling, so I'll watch anything I can.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Interesting New WWE Figures

    LOL LMAO OMG LOL BRB TTYL ROFL ...no, I mean his head. Ever seen the movie Puppet Master? There's a puppet named Pinhead, and THAT is what this old-school Hunter figure reminds me of.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Weird Things you collect

    I keep my concert stubs and live wrestling event stubs pinned to my doorway. I also collect things my ex-girlfriends have given me (in a nice "EX-GIRLFRIEND" pile in my room somewhere). But my favorite collection of all is SoBe bottle caps. The witty sayings, the random additions of letters that started not too long ago, whatever. Whenever I find one I don't think I have, I bring it home and put it into the bag. I have nearly 25, I reckon.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who originally stalked the superhero known as THE HURRICANE.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Hurricane gets "Stern Talking to" Backstage

    Let him use a Sunset Powerbomb. It's not too unbelievable, since the move is more about momentum than it is strength... ...dammit, I want somebody in WWE to use the Sunset Powerbomb on a regular basis!
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Gay marriage

    If they wanna call themselves a married couple, so be it. Who the fuck is anybody else to not allow a guy to do something just because he likes dick, or a chick to do something just because she likes to munch rug now and then?
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    On now...

    Is this the one where he's an escaped con that was wrongfully convicted and searching for those who framed him? I think I've seen half of it. But it's a Piper movie, so it HAS to rule!
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs

    Who would be a better source for what is and isn't metal: Robert Plant, the frontman of Led Zeppelin (a band many falsely identify as metal, who anybody that listens to metal wouldn't call metal) -or- CoreyLazarus, a kid that's been an avid fan of the style since he started listening to music, and has done a few research papers on it for school assignments. Hmmm...frontman of non-metal band, or kid that's listened to the music for years... That'd be like taking Neve Campbell's opinion on horror seriously, just because she was the star of Scream. And, like I've said, I consider Crue to be a "borderline" band, as they were overall not metal, but have a few songs I'd consider metal (with "Shout At The Devil" being prominent).
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    2 TIDBITS: AMW win Apter Award and...

    Well, to be fair, a PPV-only promotion is pretty innovative...
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA news for this week

    Or somebody that just loves wrestling. Hell, I love wrestling so much I even buy the BYW tapes just to see more of it (can't get more dedicated than buying the best AND the worst).
  16. Good opening "earlier today" segment. David Young/Glenn Gilberti are actually a funny pair. CM Punk sounds like a teenage kid... Kash/Heavy D is on right now...Red Shirts attacked Harris pre-match... Yeah, this looks to be ANOTHER throwaway show.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Armageddon Match Ratings and Results

    What? A Raw-brand only PPV sucked? NOOOOOO!!!!
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Face Paint

    Modern real goths: Know who the fuck Theatre Of Tragedy and VNV Nation are. Modern fake goths: YAY MARILYN MANSON~! YAY LINKIN PARK~!
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Europeans are worse than cockroaches

    ^ Exactly. What's the point of having the word "nothing" if it's impossible for NOTHING to be happening?
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    JOHN CENA, that's who.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Interesting New WWE Figures

    The best ones are the HBK and Warrior ones. The Old-School 'Taker looks fucking deformed, and the Old-School Hunter's head is too small.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA news for this week

    Wow, one letter. Get over it, fucky.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs

    Wow, quoting an interview with the singer from THE most overrated band in all of music history (since bands, as creators of music and not just the players, began popping up) to say "we can't classify something." Tell scientists we can't classify things. If not for (slightly in-depth) classifications, how the fuck would we even find the bands we like? Would you rather have this conversation: Joe: Hey, what's this band Iron Maiden sound like? Larry: Ah, they're some rock n' roll band. Joe: Like Elvis? I love Elvis... Larry: No, they're kinda different... Joe: How so? Larry: It's hard to explain really... Or THIS conversation: Joe: Hey, what's this band Iron Maiden sound like? Larry: They're a power metal band. Joe: Oh, then I guess I wouldn't like them. I'm more a fan of classic rock n' roll, like Elvis. Larry: Well, I guess not. One would require in-depth exploration of how the music sounds, and the other requires a small phrase to explain the differences between Iron Maiden and Elvis. EDIT: I just read the quoted portion of the interview in full. What mystery does playing the same two riffs for five minutes have? There's very little emotion to Led Zeppelin's MUSIC, so how can there be mystery if there's barely any feeling? Aside from the fact that using "mystery" to talk about the way music sounds is fucking stupid, Robert Plant needs a good kick in the head. Maybe two. Okay, okay. Three and a knee!
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who was a WCW Jobber, just like SCOTT ARMSTRONG.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA news for this week

    If it weren't for Raven and AJ Styles, I wouldn't watch every week. EDIT: That, and I'm first and foremost a WRESTLING fan. The way I see it, the very fact that I do buy each show and critique makes me more of a fan than many. Why? Because any schmuck can buy it a couple weeks on and off and say "hey, it's pretty good, but I wouldn't buy it every week." Any fan can buy every show because "it's an alternative to WWE" (and yes, this is a BIG reason as to why many TNA fans watch). Personally, I think a real fan will stick with the company through the good and the bad, and say what they're doing wrong with the hopes that they'll improve. Of course, this was before TNA became WWE Lite and stopped giving two fucks about the IWC (you know, their core fanbase?), and I've just been a fan of wrestling since I was three years old, so what do I know?