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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    The existence of the IMC?

    Still no Angela...or Christina...or **sigh** Fallon...
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Parental care gets out of hand

    No. Dammit, don't listen to Agent! Listen to me! I'm you're friend, God Dammit! PUTH ER THROUGH A TABLE! PUT HER THROUGH A FUCKIN' TABLE! I want you to reach down, punch into her chest, and when you hold her heart high above your head, a combination of your blood and sweat as well as hers covering your body, only then will you get a title shot! And why? Why must I make you do this? I'll tell you. BECAUSE I'M COREY Mc-FUCKING-LAZARUS, DAMMIT! YOU'RRRRRRREE FIIRRRRRRED!!!!
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Parental care gets out of hand

    Thank you, thank you. I've been making references like that all day. Yeah, they suck, but it could be worse. I could bring back "TOSS MY SALAD, HO~!"
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Kerry uses swear word, offends Chief of Staff

    Shane fuckin' Douglas for fuckin' President! ...actually...imagine the foreign affairs if "The Franchise" was president...we'd be nuked back into the stone age while ol' Shane flashes the Triple Threat symbol...
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Bound for Glory Postponed Again...

    When you lay out an open challenge to somebody, and never officially say they'll be on the card, you can do the "too chicken to show up" angle and be completely guilt-free. I disagreed entirely with the thought of negotiating with Hogan about possibly signing from the start, because it went against everything TNA originally stood for. TNA was supposed to be the company that took the past and present of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING and made the future of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. Sports Entertainment was the enemy, and Hogan embodies pre-Russo Sports Entertainment.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Kerry uses swear word, offends Chief of Staff

    I think Kerry brought it up this time as a way of saying "while people that never served in combat send soldiers into it, I've served in combat, and I don't think combat should be thought of so quickly." I kinda agree with him. Wow, he said "fuck." WHOOP-DEE-FUCKING-DOO. "There are so damn few words in the English language everybody knows that you might as well use all of them." - Inherit The Wind
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Early Buyrate For WWE Survivor Series

    You mean a recent WWE PPV hasn't done as good a buy as they'd hoped? REALLY?! Maybe these people NOT buying the PPV should be forced into a "Loser Buys The PPV" match, and then be screwed into a loss.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Parental care gets out of hand

    I'd say call her out into the middle of the ring, sweet talk her, and then begin to chastize her before piledriving her. After that, run when the glass shatters and "316" comes up on your pager, because SHIT IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    41 more sued over music downloads

    There should be a RAAA, or Recording Artists' Association of America. The RA3 would be about getting the ARTIST, not the company that fucks the artist over, their justly due money. And somebody should really just point out to the RIAA that if they signed bands with staying power, piracy would be lower.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Forgot about these guys

    Probably because Kenzo fucking sucks the dead donkey wang. I'd like to see "MoFo" Steve Bradley brought in. He's a pretty good worker, has some natural heel charisma, and he's a pretty big guy (looks like a cartoonish body builder, similar to X's overall figure, but with braids). If only for a match or two, anyways.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Here's how I would book TNA right now

    Considering the giant magnet attracts fucking morons to everything on this planet...yes.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Here's how I would book TNA right now

    Hey, I got my own fat to deal with. Being 5'11" and weighing 230 ain't so cool when it's mostly thighs, shoulders, and you have a gut. It's funny, though, because I've been eating healthier for the past 3 months than ever.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Here's how I would book TNA right now

    If Samoe Joe was brought in, I'd suggest putting a shirt on him. While I do think that his fat hanging over the front of his tights is kinda disgusting, I also know that he's a damn fine wrestler, and when let loose against somebody that can go anywhere near his level (read: AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, maybe Abyss, LowKi), then we'd get some damn fine matches. Fuck, I'm surprised WWE hasn't signed him, considering Vince has always loved Samoans. Wait...stiff...good wrestler...decent look...decent mic skills...yep, no time soon.
  14. I'm going with Tekken, if only because it seems like each game got better (haven't played Tekken 4 yet, mostly because I've been in a "unless it's GTA, a FPS, or a wrestling game, I won't play it" mood in recent years...with the exception of the PS2 TMNT). I would have gone with SF, but two games in the franchise made me pick Tekken over it... Street Fighter: The Movie Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Funniest people of all time

    Re: Robin Williams I think his latest stand-up special was HILARIOUS. It might not be funny itself, but his delivery makes it genius.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Abercrombie & Fitch Problems

    Ummm....I've worn the same clothes for the past three years. Until the jeans are tearing apart too much at the crotch, or the shirt seems more like it should belong on a little kid, I'm wearing it. And in the off chance I do need to buy clothes, I just get some low-cost brand at JC Penney (you'd be surprised how little Levi's and Arizona cost, like $20).
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Funniest people of all time

    I think Trey Parker might be one of the funniest people in all of history. His overall movements and delivery in BASEketball make it a classic, and the fact that he and Matt usually do most of the writing for South Park is genius.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Here's how I would book TNA right now

    And you're also proving you have NO idea what to do by saying you could turn TNA around, and yet not sharing how.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Here's how I would book TNA right now

    Coffey, dude, calm down. But yeah, this isn't booking. This is just a roster. Now make something of this roster, skippy.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Long-haired guys

    I currently have moderately long hair (down to about my mouth, a little higher). My hair USED to be nearly two feet long (I'll upload a picture of myself extending my hair upon request), and I'm growing it all back out. Mohawks and Laz were good together, but not "Laz," if ya know what I mean.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    My thoughts on TNA

    Then why is apathy amongst TNA fans at an all-time high? Why was AJ Styles booked as a lame duck champion between Jarrett's reigns, one that needed AN OUT-OF-SHAPE LONG ISLAND NATIVE WITH A BROOKLYN ACCENT to defeat an OUT-OF-SHAPE OLD MAN THAT COULD BARELY MOVE? Then why are most fans in the Asylum papered and not responsive? I think those three pretty much show TNA is doing something wrong. When the fanbase says the product is boring, then you need to spice it up. And TNA is about as bland as turkey right now.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Resident Evil: Apocalypse

    Re: Movie not same as game At the end of the movie, the same Umbrella Iso-Suit that says "put the other survivor in the Nemesis project" says the following lines (and this was just on the other day): Send another team in. We're re-opening the Red Queen. Thus, this could take place before Bravo team even.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling moves...

    My friend did a backdrop to me that didn't hurt at all. I landed flat on my back on the ground, too. Decent looking bump (yes, we taped it; it's for a school project). However, he did hit me with a bad belly-to-belly overhead, where he held on WAAAAY too tight for WAAAAY too long, so I had to roll my body sideways just to make sure I didn't land on my head.
  24. Corey_Lazarus


    Week 5. July 17, 2002.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    The existence of the IMC?

    Hence why I love Roddy Piper. It's just too bad Queensryche's music sucked a nut, because their lyrics WERE good.