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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Sotuh Park 12/3/03

    So far, TREMENDOUS delivery. If none of you are watching this, you're probably missing the best South Park this season. Vampire Dude: Eat this cupcake. Cartman: Ummm...no thanks, I'm not hungry. Vampire Dude: But you want to eat this cupcake. It has SPRINKLES!
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Kash at least has the proper heel mannerisms down to have an entertaining bout with somebody of obvious greater (or lesser) talent than he does. Shane? He has no idea what his gimmick is supposed to be (nor does anybody else, apparently), and he can't do anything that an untrained backyarder can't do better. As for hating RHK if Ki can't pull a good match out of him? How about hating RHK in advance because you know the match will end in some screwy fashion (either by interference or the ever-popular PULLING THE TIGHTS~! that is so fucking stupid)?
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Okay, the Resthold Kid Hate Club gathers every Wednesday at 8PM. I'm the President, and to join, you must swear that you will forever hate RHK for as long as he continues to NOT PUT ON GOOD MATCHES YET BE PUSHED DOWN OUR FUCKING THROATS STILL.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Well, there's Watts being taken out post-interference. And here comes Julio/Punk...OH WOW! JULIO/PUNK vs. RED SHIRTS NEXT WEEK!! SMELL THE BUYRATES!! Jesus Fuck, man...AMW here to get rid of Abyss...and they're trading punches...REF BUMP!!! I KNEW IT WAS COMING!!! Small package out of a Figure-4 attempt. Jarret floats over from a suplex, and gordbuster onto the top turnbuckle. Jarret and Styles up to, and Styles hits Jarret off. Spiral Tap? Hmmm? Jimmy Hart in the ring, and he's the new referee...? Ha! AJ fell off the top rope, superkick to Jarrett...AJ does the SPRINGBOARD...uhhh...Spiral Tap... 1...2...Kid Kash pulls Jimmy hart out. Kash with the guitar, misses Styles, and AJ hits Kash with the Styles Clash. Jarrett with the guitar, ref's back, 1...2...3. Well, I can say that the booking at the end was good, but the match? Mediocre at best. Jarrett completely killed ANY flow this match had once he decided to take it outside. Kash is with Jarrett. THE FUCK?! Yeah, that's all Jarrett needs to get some heat: ANOTHER UNOVER HEEL ON HIS SIDE. Hey, I like the K-I-D, but he's now involved in the main event, which is BAD. Raven promo from Raven's lair in the back, and he sets up a match next week against Abyss. "I've got 2 words for you: INTERNAL HEMORRHAGING." Credits roll, voila. Decent show, but again, Mantel needs to learn that each show needs to deliver. Tonight's show BARELY delivered, as the only positive was the actual start of the Ki/Daniels feud, and Jarrett needing interference to beat AJ. Everything else pretty much sucked angle-wise. Match-wise? Very bland. Nothing on this show was any better than your average SmackDown match, only they were given twice the amount of time. Fucking Mantel's notion of "Old-School" might have worked in Puerto Rico, where everybody seems to brawl anyways, but TNA has too many flyers to focus on brawling and the 5 MOVES OF DOOM~! Again...FUCK MANTEL.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Hey...think this match will stop being a boring piece of fucking shit anytime soon? I liked the matwork at the start, but the moment they started brawling, it became SHIT. Fuck...just like EVERY Jarrett match...FUCK.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

  7. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Michael Shane = Xavier - Talent + Influential Relative RHK is an unover champion whose only heat comes from the fact that the fans, be it in attendance or online, don't fucking care about him, and don't want such a bland worker as the champion. I think I've figured the problem with much of TNA. The workers are either nothing special and are put in big angles, or are extremely good and not used properly. Also, it seems nobody has a really distinct character, not even Raven (who has become a generic babyface, it seems). Dark, brooding promos have been replaced with standard "sing along with the catchphrase" face promos. All-out in-ring violence has been replaced by your standard "heel beats him up, then he makes a comeback" match formulas. Who was once an innovator in hardcore brawling is now just another user of the style. Oh, and AMW's path to the Tag belts sucks too, as is obvious (my opinion, at least) by their addition to my "Fuck" list. AMW are the new #1 contenders to the NWA World Tag Team titles. Next week is AMW vs. 3LK, which should prove to be teh sux0rz whenever Truth isn't in the ring.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    The existence of the IMC?

    Only one was a wrestler, and the other was a guitarist that happened to know a few pentatonic scales. Oh, and did I mention Led Zeppelin never were, are, or will be metal? Thanks. Raven->Type O (specifically Peter Steele) is good. Very good. Killswitch Engage->America's Most Wanted Most of their work is watchable, but they get way too much praise than they should ever be worth. Their work, while usually acceptable, is bland and vanilla, with many of their songs/matches sounding/looking the same most of the time. They have occasional bouts of utter greatness (KsE's "Element Of One"; AMW's cage match with XXX), but, for the most part, they're rather cookie-cutter, and you'll never understand their appeal to some people.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Decent so far, but it's ALL Sabin/Dutt.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    And Sabin's music still sucks. Ultimate X 2? Yeah, because the first one didn't suck enough, right?
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    They also announced some X-Division Triple Threat, but I dunno the workers involved. And I think it's been proven that with Mantel at the helm, even matches that SHOULD be "HOLY FUCK~!" exciting (LowKi/Daniels from a few weeks ago) turn into a better-than-average SD/Raw bout.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    The 10 Most Dangerous Cities

    Columbus is the only one that strikes me as odd...
  13. The Hater: At least they aren't gay and rubbing each other's naked bodies in their underwear. The Fan: I don't know about you, but I see two men engaging in simulated hand-to-hand combat. The fact that you see something sexual about such a practice, when wrestling itself is one of the world's oldest sports, then maybe you need to re-think your sexual identity. Heh..."who's supposed to win"...haha... I always thought a wrestling game where the point was to put on the best matches possible, instead of just winning, would be cool. Like, a "smark" wrestling game, if you will. And I remember I started yelling at my TV because Michael Shane was about to win and keep the X-Division title. My mother came down and said "if something's happening you don't like, change the channel." My mother started yelling at the TV because the Patriots pulled a succession of stupid plays, and could lose the game. I enter the room and say "if something's happening you don't like, change the channel."
  14. And yet no mention of XXX vs. Lynn/Red, or XXX vs. Lynn/Red vs. Cross/Shark vs. Storm/Sabin, which were probably THE best TNA matches this year.
  15. Superstar: Raven Who else has been as consistently entertaining? Tag Team: XXX Daniels/Skipper, Skipper/Ki, Ki/Daniels. All three combinations were great (with Daniels/Skipper being the best), and pulled the best matches out of AMW I've ever seen. Match: Raven vs. Jeff Jarrett Aside from the TERRIBLE finish, the match itself was insanely good. X: Chris Sabin Most consistent, as he's appeared nearly every week since his debut, and has had very fun matches. Finisher: Styles Clash The rest are either too stupid or haven't been built enough. I hate the Stroke, I hate the Death Sentence (which might as well be called the Let Me Rub My Crotch Against His BUTT While You Take Forever To Hit A Shitty-Looking Leg Drop), the Black Hole Slam isn't that good, and the Raven Effect hasn't been built up enough (nor can anybody really sell it that well). Babe: Trinity Only one with an OUNCE of wrestling talent. Memorable: AJ Styles wins World title It basically DID shatter the notion that cruisers couldn't hang with the heavies, if only until he began being booked as a pussy. Who to watch: Punk/Julio I firmly believe that CM Punk will be in the World title hunt by this time next year, should TNA remain open. Julio could form a tag team with another undercarder, and have a good series of matches with another team (Simon/Swinger, AMW, New Church).
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Top 100 Metal albums

    Nevermore's s/t is one of my favorite CDs, period. All nine tracks stand out to me in their own way, especially the lone ballad ("Hurting Words") I like "The Sanity Assassin" and "Timothy Leary" the best, actually...
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Columnist says Fab Five are "useless."

    Kids I know actually joke about how much the show does to stereotype gays more than gays themselves...which is probably because I live in MA...
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Top 100 Metal albums

    Everything Nevermore has ever recorded, even Nevermore (8 tracks of rather generic power/thrash, before Nevermore REALLY found their own voice; back when Warrell tried to go TOO high too often), is better than anything Overkill could possibly record. And I'd like to reiterate that the fact that nothing done by Opeth is on this list, or even Cradle Of Filth (and I know many hate them, but they are the only black metal band to crack the Billboard 200, and thus have SOME value, if only as a gateway band to the better stuff...like Absu) at the least, voids it of any validity.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    The existence of the IMC?

    I wouldn't mind the references of Linkin, Van Halen, or hair bands...if they were metal. Props to Agent's Crowbar->Crowbar, and I agree with the Shadows Fall->rising indy star (most likely AJ Styles). I'm trying to think of some for Exodus and maybe even some Raven (but they don't go together at all). I'll give each a shot... Exodus->Curt Hennig Both were very, very talented in their respective fields, and influenced performers to come for ages. After nearly disappearing off of the radar for a while, both returned with great fanfare in their respective professions before their untimely death (Paul Baloff's passing; Hennig's passing). Their influence, although minor, is still felt today, and both are fondly remembered by those in the know. ...still can't think of one for Raven...
  20. Corey_Lazarus


    Anybody else stuck with family they wish they didn't have, annoying youngsters, and an eating time that continues to get pushed back? Yeah. Happy fucking Thanksgiving. Ugh...one more month until X-Mas...which is even worse...
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who ran SMW, a promotion that featured such stars as CHRIS CANDIDO...
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    The existence of the IMC?

    ^Better point than I or Agent could make.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    RED and SAT to open a wrestling school

    It all depends on the student. If the teacher can teach them certain elements of pro wrestling, and the student uses those elements and goes off in their own direction, then the student could become great.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    The existence of the IMC?

    The problem with many of the comparisons (KISS->Hogan, Linkin->Goldberg, etc.) is that the bands are being compared to people that ARE professional wrestlers, but just aren't good ones, whereas the bands themselves are NOT metal. Besides, Hogan->Ozzy would be a better comparison. Both were never really that great, but got massive amounts of media attention due to a shitload of charisma. They were always carried (Hogan by his opponents and Savage, Ozzy by Tony and then Randy and then Zakk), and are so pathetic to watch these days it's sad. And Agent, from an elitist, Berkley perspective, power metal is better music than death, if only because it's heavy on harmony and is, at many times, just classical music played on electric instruments.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    The whole Bash at the Beach thing

    Actually, this folder goes through as many cycles as TNA does. When TNA is being great again, this folder has threads apoppin' and replies aplenty. Now that TNA is at another lull, one that doesn't seem to be disappearing anytime soon, fans are turning away. And yes, Mike, Hart COULD write some annoyingly catchy stuff. As far as rip-off songs, he's the best. How many awesome WCW themes were just rip-off's of already awesome tunes? So many people used a rip-off of "The Zoo" that I can't even count, but you know what? "The Zoo," in ANY form, is a great song, so fuck it. And I'm in the vast minority that liked Tank Abbot as 3Count's abusive manager.