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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    ROH 11/28/03 results!

    I can't wait for tonight's show. Again, anybody else going to the Framingham show?
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    The problem with match endings in the WWE.

    raza, you forgot the Houston Hangover. I'd like to see the wrestlers in WWE have more finishers. With the ban on head-dropping maneuvers, this would limit the amount of different moves one could use, but could also make the ones that are allowed to include a head-drop maneuver seem that much more badass. For example, I'll talk Kurt Angle. Kurt has the Angle Slam and the AnkleLock. He hasn't won without either of them in any given match, and most matches are won with the AnkleLock, as the Angle Slam is a set-up for it. What if Kurt had a wildcard move? Say, a normal, everyday piledriver? Or perhaps a type of leglock, such as the NagataLock? Maybe a NagataLock while he has an AnkleLock on the OTHER leg? It would add more excitement to a match if he were to require to bust out more and more maneuvers as the time went on to try and win the match. But, like you said, with the WWE style being as constrictive as it is, adding more finishers to a worker's repertoire probably won't happen anytime soon.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Not sure if this fits

    Right-wing posters: "Nuked 'em all. They're scum and always have been, and always will be." Left-wing posters: "Clinton did the right thing by choosing a side and sticking to it." Moderate posters: "Where's my fucking pizza? It's been almost an hour..."
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    The Alien Quadrilogy

    I have the original VHS edition of Aliens, the Special Edition VHS of Aliens, the Special Edition DVD of Aliens, and the original VHS editions of Alien and Alien 3. Fuck Resurrection in its stupid ass.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    iTunes Hacked

    I dunno...I once let some drunk guy on the streets of Worcester see my wang for free, just because I was in an exhibitionist mood...
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    What is thanksgiving?

    No, Zsasz, Bill Pullman was NOT the founder of Thanksgiving. As far as I can tell, Thanksgiving is about fighting with your relatives while eating turkey that's either too dry or overcooked, and the young'uns of the family run around driving you crazy while the elder males watch football, which you could care less about because all you really wanna do is go up to your room, lock the door, and beat off before and after playing WWF No Mercy for Nintendo 64 while listening to some White Zombie and some George Thorogood, but of course you can't do that because you have to talk to your family, the same family that does nothing but ridicule you for whatever hairstyle you're sporting this year and the kinds of haircuts you've had prior, including that one embarassing mullet that grew when you tried to get a rat's tail in 4th grade because they were all the rage amongst your pre-pubescent friends, but of course it didn't work because your barber sucks and he thought you said "shave everything but the top and back," but your dad tipped him anyways because that same barber used to cut your dad's hair when he was a kid and still does, thus explaining daddy-o's awful fucking doo, and then you wish that your mother would stop complaining over the fucking green bean casserole and that your sister knew how to manage her 3 children without your constant help, and your girlfriend calls you but you don't want to talk to her because you're angry and tired and you know that if you piss her off again she'll put you on abstinence for punishment, so you pretend to be happy, but she sees right through it, calls you on it, and then hangs up on your sorry ass right before that song that always reminds you of your dead grandfather begins playing and all you want to do is break down and cry, but you have to be a tough guy because your family will never stop making fun of you for it, so you go for a 90-minute walk while smoking a handful of cigarettes to calm down, and come back when the streetlights turn on, your family is gone, and all you can do is sit in your favorite desk chair, turn the computer on, and download the latest Asian and/or German porn clip while listening to Michael Jackson's old 80's singles, back when he truly was the King Of Pop. ...**DEEP BREATH**...
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Who would win this fight?

    Hey, guys, get the fuck back on track. FUCK THE WACHOWSKI'S.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    The Alien Quadrilogy

    You best be-fucking-lieve I'm getting after. After all of my replies in the "Who would win in this fight?" thread? FUCKIN-A!
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Random Puroresu Themes

    Just because somebody uses a song by a group whose gimmick is that they're underage lesbians doesn't that the wrestler in question is using a homosexual gimmick as well.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Emerald Frozion

    If it's the move I'm thinking of (titled in most US wrestling games as Emerald Fusion, but Dace would know better than I would), it's a piledriver variation with the opponent over the shoulder of the performer, facing towards the performer. The performer then falls to the side into a semi-seated/semi-lying position, and drives the opponent down on their upper back.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Who would win this fight?

    All three series this thread is about > ANYTHING Matrix Fuck the Wachowski's.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Who would win this fight?

    Actually, I was referring to if a Predator were to destroy a T-101. In the Predator's universe, Dutch Schaeffer (Arnold's character from the original film) goes on to help a Russian special forces agent (Lisa Kurovich, maybe; something along those lines; she was the chick in the AvP arcade side-scroller beat 'em up) investigate a Predator sighting somewhere, and they both get entered into an all-out war between the Aliens and the Predators (which is the storyline of the AvP arcade game, and doesn't make sense with the rest of the AvP collective storylines).
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Who would win this fight?

    Actually, I barely put any thought into this. I grew up on the three movies, and own every issue of the first series of Aliens comic books (which are, in my eyes, the greatest graphic books ever published), as well as many issues of several of the Aliens vs. Predator series, so it's just common knowledge to me. True, while the Skynet machines DO run off cold fusion cells, the overall heat generated by the mere energy running through the machine would make it more than able to be seen by the Predator. Not to mention the fact that the Predator can see more than thermal (Plunderin, rent Predator 2 just to see this, as the overall idea of Predator in the Asphalt Jungle is rather good and with a decent enough execution), and AH-NULD finally gets killed by that "ugly motherfucker." And no, I shouldn't write the Aliens vs. Predator movie. I wouldn't be able to handle the big conglomerate bullshit about having to appeal to the modern day youth, which has been found to both date a movie in the years to come AND lower possible profits (notice how the highest grossing movies of the past few years have not had characters that do extreme sports and listen to rap, but are rather just common every day folk?). If I were to do anything involving AvP, I'd make a mini-series (preferably 10 hours long, with 10 one hour episodes) based off of the HUUUGE story arc of the Aliens vs. Predator: Duel, Aliens: Berserker, and Aliens vs. Predator: War series. EDIT: Fuck, now I have a huge urge to watch every movie in each series (and I almost rented Terminator 3 and the PS2 AvP strategy game today, but I forgot my wallet), and read the three books I mentioned. Too bad I got all of those back when I had no fucking idea how to treat non-Marvel comics, and they're all over the place...
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Who would win this fight?

    A Predator would own all of those Mighty Duck Fucks. Machines give off heat due to the movement of the insides and the exterior (and a T-101 has living flesh over a metal endoskeleton) coating, so there goes the whole "the Predator couldn't see him with thermal" argument. Another reason the Predator could still spot the Terminator is because, as seen in Predator 2, they can see with more than thermal. How else could they find the Aliens, which have been proven to not show up on thermal (thanks to the comment "maybe they don't show up on infrared at all," said by Dietrich in Aliens moments before biting the dust)? The Aliens, while great in packs, cannot take down a Predator at a distance. The Predators also hunt the Aliens as a ritualistic form of passage into adulthood. If kiddy Predators can hunt and kill Aliens all over the universe, why couldn't one fully grown one take out 5-7 of them, especially with the shoulder cannon, spear, claw, and throwing disc? Predators Uber Alles.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO NWA-TNA 27/11 Thread

    Hogan > Jarrett. At the time, Austin's popularity was on the rise. Now, Jarrett's popularity is on the decline, and Hogan's is still on its steady decline (thus he still has some name value, but not much left). And yes, you are the only one that likes Michael Shane. The only one we respect, at least.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    WHY do you enjoy Nwa Tna ???

    Yes there is, Mike. A disgrace to not only wrestling fans, but also wrestlers, God, and everything in between. I can honestly say that the match in question was worse than any New Jack match I've witnessed (as at least New Jack could BUMP, unlike Luger). Oh, and I wear wrestling shirts in public. But I think it's been proven I have very little self-respect, and the shirts in question are actually GOOD shirts (the only one made past 2000 is the first WWE Rob Van Dam one).* * = I own the following wrestling shirts: Austin 3:16 - original Degeneration X - original ("S*CK IT") Taz - Survive If I Let You (with the "synonyms" for Taz on the back) Raven - Quote The Raven... (black and white silhouette) Triple Threat - Bigelow, Douglas, Candido (black with yellow) ECW - Join The Revolution original ECW - Surgeon General's Warning HHH - Game Over?! (although I can't find this one, and it's pissing me off because that shirt was very cool)
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    If Angle can't have Bret give him....

    JELL-OWNED! Although, to be honest, I'm sure many of them do a kip-up and just say that doing a kip-up after taking a shit kicking is impossible.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO NWA-TNA 27/11 Thread

    Not to mention you've flat-out insulted the TNA folder's collective intelligence by telling people to be exact in their points, while you, yourself, are not.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Best TNA matches....

    I just rewatched the Truth/Jarrett World title match (the first one), and it was going very good until the in-crowd brawling. Why does TNA have to mirror WWE in the sense that the main event shall only be for brawls?
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Trish heads to Hollywood

    Indeed, but has there been any confirmation of Trish? Not that I know of.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    If Angle can't have Bret give him....

    The kip-up, when done in the sense of Michaels hitting a last-chance move and then going for a few more, and then he goes back to "fucked" but has worked the opponent over enough for them to be at "fucked" as well, makes perfect sense. Stop trying to pretend it doesn't. When the kip-up occurs for no real reason? THEN it makes no sense. For the most part, however, I've seen the kip-up make all the sense in the world, at least when HBK does it. As for another first-hand account of adrenaline: You know how in high school you have to run the mile during gym now and then as part of the National Fitness Testing, or whatever? I've never, EVER done good on the mile. But the best I've ever done was when I was dead tired, out of shape, and after smoking a couple of cigarettes. Why? Adrenaline. At my school, if you get 12 minutes or over, you have to run the mile again. There was maybe a minute left, and I still had a lap to go. So I booked it, and got in at 11:55. I was dead tired before that, and dead tired after that. The only reason I really was able to book it was through adrenaline. So stop trying to discount adrenaline, you stupid McFucks. It's more powerful than any man-made drug, and has been known to seemingly give people the strength of 10 men (the entire "mother trying to save child" syndrome).
  22. If you like squash matches, that is...
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Trish heads to Hollywood

    The first MK is entertaining action. The second is a manic-depressive's reason for killing themself. I haven't enjoyed a single MK game since MK3, when Cage died. I always played as Cage, so I was like "bah, fuck this" and went to play another game. Enter Tekken, but hey, wrong folder. IMDB.com also says that Undertaker will be in Phantasm's End, but that movie hasn't even been bought by a company yet, and a rough draft of the script is all that's done.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Whos been hurt most having to wrestle WWE style

    Yeah, Coffey hit the nail...in the...coffin... Yes, you can kill me now. Choken, have you taken your Midol today? You're in an unusually pissy mood.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    "Homosexuality Should Be Outlawed"

    And cigarettes are guaranteed to lower the life expectancy of its users, yet are perfectly legal, as they should be. When something is up to one person's own conscious decision, after they have thought (if even for only a second or less) about the positive and negative outcomes, then it should be legal. Of course, I'm not saying heroin, cocaine, crack, etc. should be legal, but I am saying that calling homosexuality a possible cause of death is ludacris, and to deny somebody the right to lower their own life expectancy is immoral.