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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Headbanger's Ball Tour

    Dude...have you not seen a single post from me in the forum for the past month? I've done nothing but pimp the fact that I saw Shadows Fall live. Agent went too.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    CD Suggestions

    Helloween - Better Than Raw Iced Earth - Horror Show Both are TREMENDOUS power metal albums. Sure, Matt Barlow's (Iced Earth) vocals are annoying, but do you know what? Jon Schaeffer's excellent guitar mastery makes up for it. As for Helloween, they're a guilty pleasure. The songs are so damn cheesy you HAVE to love them. I also recommend: Green Jelly - Cereal Killer Green Jelly - 333
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    The Snow Plow is actually a poor Northern Lights Bomb that winds up more like a scoop slam to the side.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Juggalo Championship Wrestling

    It's the delivery. The constant overusage of the word "fuck" is actually warranted here, as the jokes are so BAD they're GREAT. Then again, you strike me as the type that finds Frasier actually funny, so hey... I highly recommend them, if only for the fact that the commentary is GREAT. 3D and Gueedo are the best commentators I've ever heard in my life. And, hell, Volume 2 actually has a decent ** match featuring ICP!
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    You didn't? Then I guess I imagined this "Again Russo was booking the shows then (when Foley got thrown off the cage)"? Because you're quite obviously implying Russo had something to do with it, when he had very LITTLE to do with it. I never said it didn't. But I did say that McMahon decided, not Russo. Oh no, I speak with colloquialisms, and tend to completely lambast somebody when they're being a complete idiot. HEAVEN FORBID, RIGHT? I never claimed I was Hemingway, Ellis, or any other great American writer. You're claiming you're some highly acclaimed journalist. So why don't you stick to the facts? You do know that people can worship one wrestler, and that wrestler could never main-event a promotion in his life, right? Ted DiBiase and Jake Roberts were great back in their day, and neither man wore the top belt in the promotion they were best known for. Has it ever occurred to you that people DID want Foley as champion (many people, actually), and that bookers just believed Foley didn't have the "look" of a champion? Did it also ever occur to you that other angles come first before pushing somebody into the main event? And do you know what wasn't a factor at all in Foley's success? Socko. And did they cheer to the point where he should have been a main eventer? Yes, yes they did. And was he pushed as such? No, but he was pushed as an upper-midcarder, where he excelled due to his ability to get other people over and connect with the fans. Do you want ONE bad idea? The Corporate Ministry. Another? Vince McMahon, Higher Power. One more, you say? The entire Bossman/Snow feud. Be exact? How can I be exact over something I've already stated clearly? I just told you I can't remember much from 1999 that didn't involve Mick Foley in some way, shape, or form. I just told you that most people can't remember specifics of 1999 without watching a tape of a given episode of Raw or SmackDown or of a Pay-Per-View telecast. Stop asking for me to "be exact" when you, yourself, are not being exact. You say "the tag division was solid," right? Aside from The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian and the APA, what was one team that really mattered at all during 1999? Exact? Okay. Benoit/Jericho. The feud was booked well, and gave us very good matches. The Love Triangle involving HHH, Stephanie, and Kurt Angle. The angle was booked tremendously well until the end, when HHH decided to veto the ending because it involved him losing. The aforementioned HHH/Foley feud, which put HHH over to heights previously unknown, and Russo had no say whatsoever in. Even the debut of The Radicals was handled great, as they were given an immediate feud with Degeneration X, the top stable in the WWF at the time, and were incredibly over as heels after turning on Foley. I must have forgotten how Russo's shows usually featured terrible wrestling, and overabundance of Russo himself, and pointless brawls to end the show. I must have forgotten the complete mishandling of AJ Styles, who was made to look inferior to A MAN THAT COULD BARELY WALK. I must simply be forgetting Sonny Siaki's X-Division championship reign, or the fact that Mike Sanders was actually used as an active wrestler. Oh, silly me, I didn't forget all of that shit, I just wish I had. But incorrect, as Mike has just corrected me in saying that Jimmy Hart had the idea for 3Count. STOP SUCKING RUSSO'S LONG ISLAND DICK!!!!
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    Coulda sworn Gilberti and Russo came up with 3Count... Well, now I can honestly say I haven't found anything truly good Russo did by himself. Thanks, Mike. Wait...now I have to like Jimmy Hart for more than his great rip-off themes during the end of WCW...GAAAAAAH~!~~
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    The only thing I have to comment on is this quote: Are you oblivious to anything printed by somebody that was actually backstage? How many times has Foley, HIMSELF, said that he came up with the cage bump? That McMahon decided to not continue with the Foley/Austin feud and to re-ignite the Foley/'Taker feud? Jesus H. Fucking Christ here, man...you're ignoring the actual reported facts to throw in your opinion. Not much of a journalist, now, are we? Foley became God to the average WWF fan the moment he was thrown off of the cage, and came back for more. Watch the tape, and listen to the reaction when he gets off of the stretcher to walk back to the ring. Every single person was on their feet for that. EVERY SINGLE PERSON. So don't give me any crap about "Russo MADE Foley," because FOLEY MADE FOLEY. Russo's major flaws are that his stuff, while somewhat entertaining when he has a filter to get rid of his uber-shitty ideas (which most of his stuff is), is utterly forgettable in the long run. Do you remember many of the feuds from 1999? Sure, you remember the beginning and end of 1999, because that was some quality television. But the middle? Utterly forgettable. I can only remember a few high points here and there (and, strangely, all involved MICK FOLEY, who I'd consider the WWF's MVP of '99), but 2000? You know, when Russo was GONE? Incredible television. Each week worked into the next, the workers were allowed to do more than just have interference-laden bouts, and the stupid dick jokes were kept to a minimum. Our remainder? Quality programming. Russo was good for his time. His time has past. Let it go, man. Let it go. Oh, and nobody, NOBODY disses 3Count on my watch. That gimmick was pure cheesy genius, and is one of the things I loved about the Russo/Gilberti booking era of WCW. EDIT: More fun! Really? Because the mainstream buzz on pro wrestling started with the nWo, and picked up when Austin 3:16 was growing in late 1997. Austin's popularity was impossible to get rid of, and Russo simply did what Vinnie Mac told him to by having Austin and Vince come up with a lot of what they were doing. Vince was NEVER the booker of the WWF, and he was only around to come up with some ideas and write some add-on's to angles. What has he done since Russo left? Well, I'm pretty sure you've heard of WrestleMania 17, right? You know, one of the largest live in-door attendance records for any sporting event in Canada/United States? He headlined. The awesome feud with Angle during the summer of 2001 that kept ratings slightly steady? He was a big part of it To say Russo had everything to do with Austin's success is bullshit, and you fucking know it. Steph. Politics. Vince's hiring of Gerwitz. There are WAY too many factors that have come into play to just say "a Russo-less McMahon is bad." Probably into a shit barrell, just like he took ALREADY ESTABLISHED stars like Hogan, DDP, Kevin Nash, Sting, and Bret Hart. He wasn't viewed as a main eventer because he went from a midcard program with X-Pac to a main event program with Steve Austin. And who was booking this? Russo. He was still viewed as a mid-carder, just one with the WWF Title. Hey, I love Foley to death, and he's my #2 favorite wrestler of all-time (right behind Raven and right in front of Chris Benoit), but he was never TRULY considered a main eventer until his final months with the company. The Rock/Foley feud was an upper-midcard feud, remember? Austin/McMahon still had the main event slot. Or because Pat Patterson came up with it, and Vince likes to book rookies as bland as possible. I'll give Russo his due in saying that he tries his best to get young talent over, but that's as far as I'm going. The Rock was given a push in the right direction by Russo, yes, but once he was able to start talking? ALL Rock, baby. Yes, because a catchphrase is pivotal to a wrestler's career. Sure, it helps a whole lot, but do you know what? Rock's catchphrases were old and boring even DURING Russo's reign. The one thing that TRULY made The Rock work huge, even after a feud with BILLY FUCKING GUNN, was The Rock's natural charisma and ever-increasing in-ring ability. I'm guessing you missed the awesomeness of Rock/HHH from 2000, Rock/Austin from 2001, and the short Rock feud with everybody on Raw earlier this year? All were just as good, if not better, than anything Russo booked by himself. If going "yeah, he's tough, but I'll kick his ass," and then being beaten under a minute is "gold on the mic," sure. No, which is why your reasoning of "he was a drunk" was proved invalid. The only successful drunk (and I use the term "successful" loosely here) in wrestling was The Sandman, who got over with a bunch of people that loved anybody willing to die for them. Because Austin was a blue-collar bad ass that got to beat the shit out of his boss and do other things every other blue-collar (read: AVERAGE WRESTLING FAN OVER 18) fan wanted to do. His being from Texas had LITTLE, if ANYTHING, to do with his gimmick. If by "selling out" you mean "bringing in legitimate fighters that know how to fight and not just a bunch of fucks from a bar down the road," sure. And he sucked in the ring, sucked on the mic, and couldn't generate heat. There are valid reasons why SOME people are held down and deserve to be. It's X-Pac heat. A worker doesn't want X-Pac heat. X-Pac Heat is an IWC term, coined by Scott Keith I believe, that describes the kind of heat generated when the fans simply do not like a worker at all, and want him off the card. This is BAD heat, as a true heel would get the kind of heat that says "I'd pay to see you get your ass kicked." And yet they became the most influential US promotion since Vince took over daddy's company in 1982. Interesting, no? We all know he's overrated, and THE most overrated wrestling writer on the 'net. That doesn't make his valid points any less valid, schmucky. Oh, so that wasn't an increasingly dwindling television rating I saw each week for Nitro? That wasn't lower attendance ratings for each live show? That wasn't the wrestling fan community giving WCW a collective "blah, change the channel"? I can name you a feud. That stupid circular cage match he was in with Scott Steiner. And this was back when Steiner could still remotely go if given the right opponent (Goldberg, DDP, Booker T). As for feud? You're right, I can't remember anything. But to blame that on the bookers of WCW when Russo was the booker of WCW is asinine. Story's were consistent? Maybe, but most of them were also bad. And make up your mind, pal. A minute ago you just said WCW was alive and breathing and a threat, and now you're saying they were doomed to fail anyways? Pick an opinion and stick with it. Russo's fault was that he played to the "smart" community, most of which had had enough of Russo's bullshit booking and went right to the WWF, where the matches were good, the angles were good, and the right people were getting pushes. Again, I'll give you that Russo DID push new talent...but he pushed new UNREADY talent, gave them HORRIBLE gimmicks, and expected people to buy DAVID ARQUETTE - WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION as a ratings-getter.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Caption This!

    Kid with mask: WHO FARTED?! --OR-- Hippie on right: Strike TWO!
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Fred Durst Gets His Face Busted Open

    Maybe he'll take the hint and realize nobody likes a Borland-less Bizkit?
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Horror Movie Tourney Result

    I can understand his point, and he has the right to remake it, but that doesn't (and SHOULDN'T) take away from the fact that movie is remarkable.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    A song from Rules of Attraction.....

    If you read the book (which is naturally better than the movie, but the movie captures the spirit of the book VERY well)*, the suicide scene will make more sense. I love this movie. LOVE it. Then again, I'm a huge Ellis mark, and the only movie I don't particularly like based on an Ellis novel is Less Than Zero (which, from what I hear, is his weakest work), but that movie gave us Slayer's awesome cover of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" and showed us a glimpse of the future (Robert Downey Jr. as a cokefiend), so it wasn't all bad. Anyways, pick up the book. The movie does a good amount of justice, but the book is better. As for the song, I want to get the soundtrack to this movie. Just so I can play that song from the End Of The World party when Paul goes "gay song...definitely," and then test it out on people.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Top Five Music Videos

    5. Metallica - "Unforgiven" 4. Cradle Of Filth - "From The Cradle To Enslave" 3. Rob Zombie - "Living Dead Girl" (not the one with live footage) 2. A-Ha - "Take On Me" 1. Michael Jackson - "Thriller" (ZOMBIES~!!~!~!~!!~~~) EDIT: Revised list.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE controversy, Trish on OTR and Flair overseas

    Funny, because I remember seeing Chyna kicking the shit out of every other guy on the roster not too long ago...I remember the women being treated just as fairly in the ring as men (at least the ones who can work) during inter-gender matches...and I also remember that the only time a woman was "raped" in any sense was during a stupid skit where the "woman" was really a doll in a coffin, and HHH was dressed up as Kane... I also remember back when people would actually watch the shows objectively and then criticize...oh, wait, that's never happened...
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Caption This!

    Jordan's Furniture, NUMBARE WUN!
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    YOKOZUNA played a Japanese wrestler, much like JAMIE KNOBLE once did.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Super News About TNA

    Jarrett hunting for the title made me like him...a LOT. I think Jarrett as the heel looking for his title shot was a GREAT angle, and it got him INSANELY over with the crowd. I never liked him more than during that time, because he was made to look as strong and as weak as everybody else, and was just a superb heel. Now? Triple Jeff Hogan.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    What was the best match for 11/19?

    Actually, I just noticed that they didn't wrestle. And you know what? I don't think there's any coincidence that I heavily enjoyed the show AND those pieces of shit on my Fuck list weren't in any matches.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    ROH Moves its 11/29 Venue

    Meh, I got $20. So I'll prolly see you cats there.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    An Opinion Or Two...

    Then it'd just be AC/DC and Men At Work!
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    This Weekends Movie Rentals!

    Identity was a solid film. Good acting, and I actually got the "swerve" about 20 minutes into the movie. Solid movie, good for a popcorn flick, but nothing too great. It has Clea DuVall (**splooges**) and John Cusack, which might have influenced my opinion of it in a positive manner. 28 Days Later is just a fucking great return to old-school horror.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Student Challenges Rule on Same-Sex Dates

    Yep. It's called "going with friends."
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    ROH Moves its 11/29 Venue

    **bump** RoH at-door ticket prices? Anybody?
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    New Matt Hardy Commentary

    **dances** Yay! I can score with my first Canadian! ...yeah, I plan on moving to Canada after high school...
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Student Challenges Rule on Same-Sex Dates

    Well, I can't help but say I like what this chick did. A stupid rule is being challenged, so I'm all for it.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Do you own any guns?

    I plan on buying a Winchester Rifle some time after I turn 18...