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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA News From The Online Torch

    Well, another name to add to my "Fuck You" list...
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    America's Most Wanted...

    Nah. Gunn used the Fameasser (which was a faster, sloppier Rocker Dropper) and the One And Only (which was a half-assed Cobra Clutch Slam). Harris uses the Spear (which, I'll admit, he DOES do pretty good) and the Catatonic (scoop into a swinging Rock Bottom, which looks MINT). But Storm soooo carries that team.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    St. Anger = "bummer"

    Which would be hilarious, since I find most P2P users trade old-school Metallica tunes more than anything post-Black.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    The Bus Driver Was Right

    I'm waiting for it. And I'm also waiting for when the courts say "there are signs on the bus that say you can't stick anything out the windows, and the drivers continue to say this, so it was his own fault."
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Link Game....

    And Batista, much like SHELTON BENJAMIN, is a product of OVW.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Reason why Luger wrestled

    Oh no, OTP, some people recognize that Raven is one of the best workers of all-time when it comes to making a match interesting! They recognized that he books what works! They recognized that, since he realizes he's not a great WRESTLER, he uses weapons as a part of the overall match, and not just focuses on them! DAMN THEM!! But yeah, saying RVD has no heat is stupid. He has heat, but it's just not to the level of where it was, say, 2 years ago.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    America's Most Wanted...

    Which is funny, because Chris Harris is just a shorter version of Test that can run faster and throws better punches...
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Pick Trish's New Shirt?

    **tosses a PRIDE tape away from Rudo** Fetch, boy. Fetch! The difference between the "S*CK IT" shirts and this is that "S*ck It" was DX's catchphrase, DX were supposed to be lewd comedians, and DX were comedy acts most of the time. Trish is rather serious, so this makes little-to-no sense.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    The degeneration of modern music...

    So she says "all my people right here," or that whole line?
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    St. Anger = "bummer"

    It means "people didn't like that Lars replaced his drumset with coffee cans and trash bins."
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    America's Most Wanted...

    I'd agree with Harris, but not Storm. Storm, I feel, has a lot of charisma, but is so forced into this "I must be a badass because of an angle that started over a year ago and ended at the beginning of 2003" that he doesn't get any real chance to branch out. That and the fact that AMW have been booked as the HHH of TNA's tag division (ie. you know they'll get the belts back), and you get a pretty bland and boring team.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    St. Anger = "bummer"

    Good. See that? An album that was released without a major label contract and STILL gets no press, Kill 'Em All, did better than something that was hyped to hell. And I'm glad that the 4 top-selling Metallica albums are 3 of their best.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Movies or TV Shows that made you cry

    I've never understood the appeal of Field Of Dreams, much less how people could cry at it. Wow, baseball. Wow, they like it a lot. And? Then again, I do have a deep-seeded hatred for anything involving Kevin Costener, so maybe I'm just biased.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Would their leg be bent behind them, or cradled like a Fisherman's [insert move]? As for individual finishers... Blood Rush (Reverse Gory Guerrero Special Knee-Drop Pancake): Lift the opponent for a Kudo Driver/Vertebreaker (Reverse Gory Guerrero Special), and then push them backwards while falling to your knees. The opponent lands with a front bump, a la the Pedigree, while you land on your knees. USERS: I've only seen Jerry Lynn do this move, but I actually had the idea for it before I saw Lynn do it. Sunset Driver (Side Piledriver): Lift the opponent into an over-the-shoulder powerbomb position (as if to go for an Awesome Bomb), and then slide them down so that they are vertical. Hold onto their head with the same arm of the side they are on (right arm if over right shoulder, etc.), and hold their body against your shoulder with your other arm. Fall down to the side at an angle between sitting and falling backwards, driving the opponent head-first into the mat (inverted Emerald Fusion). USERS: AJ Styles does something similar, where he has the opponent in an over-the-shoulder position, and then drops them into a DDT from there.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Reason why Luger wrestled

    Thank you, Mike, for calmly saying what I would have spouted off laced with profanity about Raven being a good worker. Raven's had more EMOTIONAL matches than anybody else in TNA. He's also one of the best mic workers EVER, and is a very good booker. So, again...tell me Raven can't work. Re: ECW's bankruptcy ECW went out of business due to Paul having little knowledge of the BUSINESS aspects of running a promotion. He tried to go too far too soon, and as a result was in debt up to his receding hairline. ECW's demise had little to do with the actual product, and more to do with Paul being good as a booker and awful as a corporate guy.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    America's Most Wanted...

    It's not so much that they're THAT bad, it's just that they're bland, and have wrestled the same exact match for the past year and a half. I don't mind popping in a tape and watching a solid old-school match, but that's when it was old-school wrestlers. Honestly, the only style of wrestling I feel hasn't evolved much at all is tag wrestling. Heels beat up face, face gets hot tag, faces win after outsmarting and outwrestling the heels.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    What's the website...

    Okay, fellas. Thanks, fellas. Also check out http://www.bbw.com or something. Ever seen a whale being fucked in the ass?
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Movies or TV Shows that made you cry

    Terminator 2 Spoiler (Highlight to Read): When AHNULD is being lowered into the molten steel, and gives a thumbs-up to John as the Connors, Sarah and John, cry because they know this must be done. Donnie Darko (although this is more because I first saw the movie after hearing a friend of mine died, and "Mad World" has gotten me to choke up ever since) The episode of the new TMNT with the thief that forms a father/son bond with the nanotech machine (the thief's reaction at the end is what made me go "damn, this new series rules," and I still point to his episode asd my reasoning for saying the new TMNT is better than the old TMNT).
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Who are the most narrow minded music fans?

    ...anybody that says MORRISON and/or ROSE are ripping off EMINEM needs to be shot.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    America's Most Wanted...

    See, I wouldn't mind AMW if they grew. And they haven't grown AT ALL. I think I will add AMW to the "Fuck" list.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    America's Most Wanted...

    Agreed 100%. They've been booked almost as redundant as Triple Hulk Jarrett has to the point where it's like "wow, AMW are champions, and they're going to work the formulaic tag match...**yawn**...next!"
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Reason why Luger wrestled

    TNA NEEDS Sting? I guess he's popping big buyrates --- nope, no he's not. I'm sure he's helping them sell out their --- nope, not doing that, either. -=Mike ...He's probably churning out classics --- nope, not that, either. Yaha, OWNED! Well, OTP, I guess butter dripping down your forehead must be the equivalent of a World Series at he bottom of the 9th inning when the two teams are tied and there are 2 outs, because Sanders is pretty fucking good on the stick. Shit in the ring, but solid on the mic. See, Sanders? Charisma, mic skills, sells pretty good. Gilberti? Charisma, mic skills, is an average wrestler. Luger? Little charisma, no mic skills, is worse than Nathan Jones on an off-day in the ring. TNA doesn't need Sting. They don't need anybody that had name value 5 years ago, and don't anymore. They don't need anybody but younger wrestlers that have decent looks and can GO in the ring, hold their own on the mic, and are willing to get better and better with the promotion. They need to innovate and revolutionize, not do the things that barely worked 10 years ago with the same guys who can barely go anymore. So come up with something else we can all disprove. It's fun.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Could somebody explain to me why Team Angle/Team Lesnar was on FIRST, and we get HHH/Goldberg (which has HALF the heat, 1/4 the build-up, and 1/3 the workrate) last?
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Is Heat replayed at all during the course of the night?
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! I can't watch Heat, because my fucking parents are watching football on the only TV with PPV and a VCR... **many angry noises and deaths ensue**