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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Who are the most narrow minded music fans?

    I dunno. I like to think of myself as a dumbass savant...
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    School drug raid causes uproar

    If anything, I think this would increase the amount of drug usage. I mean, you're psyched out and fucked and need to relax, right?
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    The Skin

    I will never forgive Fox for cancelling Titus. NEVER. YOU HEAR ME, RUPERT?! NEVER!!!!!
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Who are the most narrow minded music fans?

    And your adventures with your sister while trying to find her some Modest Mouse tickets, who she apparently likes because she thinks they're hot, has to do with narrow-mindedness how? I can see some possible reasoning there, such as "I hate people that just like a band/artist because they're attractive," but otherwise...nope, not feelin' it. Fred has a mohawk? I now feel dirty for ever having a mohawk...
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite songs under a minute.

    Sound Like The Hu-Man - "Grind Funk" Grindcore/funk. Only song under a minute I can really stand.* * = And that's because many DS13 songs are exactly one minute long.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Heavy Metal Fans Are Such Bitches

    So your liking of many different genre's (a trait most of us here share) makes the entire genre classification pointless? I fail to see the logic in such reasoning.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Best match for 11/12/03?

    Daniels/Ki, which is also the best match TNA has produced since Super X.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?

  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Heavy Metal Fans Are Such Bitches

    Yes, because "Phantom Lord" sounds like "For Whom The Bell Tolls," which sounds just like "Orion," which sounds identical to "Blackened." This comment REEKS of ignorance, man. Anybody can listen to those four albums and realize they're all different. Hell, the only two albums with similar song structures were Lightning and Puppets. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Zakk is better than Randy Rhoades. True, Rhodes did write many classic riffs, but BLS' 1919 Eternal is one of the greatest albums I've ever had the privilege of hearing, and beats the shit out of anything Rhodes could have ever dreamed of writing before his death.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    [email protected] "If you saw the event, let us know what you thought of the event with a 1-10 score and picks for best and worst matches. Also, let us know if you usually order it and if not, whether Luger influenced your decision to order it. Also, if you didn't order the event but usually do, was it because of Luger. Let us know that, also."
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Sabin out tonight

    You didn't miss much, Haraga.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Daniels vs Low Ki

    This is either the greatest bit of sarcasm ever, or the saddest statement of current affairs ever.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Who are the most narrow minded music fans?

    Most narrow-minded? Poseurs.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    While this certainly wasn't the worst TNA show, it's up there. The main event gets a * rating from me, and that's ALL for AJ. The fact that I'd only give one match over *3/4 is BAD. Dutch, while he may be good at booking solid angles, sucks when it comes to making GOOD MATCHES. And what have TNA fans always preferred, old-school Memphis angles or good matches despite SE booking? The latter, as has been shown since their peak of interest so far was during the SEX feud.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    Well...allow me to say, from all of us here at TSM, and those who could not make it tonight due to technical difficulties or whatnot... FUCK YOU, DUTCH MANTEL!
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    You mean "the right vitamins, minerals, and amount of exercise."
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    The Stroke would be good as a set-up move, or if he applied a full-nelson...but NOOOOOOOO... Aside from all those uber-dangerous head-dropping maneuvers, I can't think of any cool finishers that Jarrett could replace The Stroke with.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    Coffey, I'd check out Ki/Daniels just for fun. It was a pretty good match, and there was a lot of good psychology (as stated prior, Ki stayed after Daniels' arm, while Daniels worked on Ki's midsection), but it just felt like it was lacking something. And X slowly lurking out with his hot pants and his soiled diaper post-match to lay a mid-90's WWF-style beatdown on Daniels soured my thoughts on TNA as a whole.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    The words "good" and "main event" in TNA haven't belonged together since Raven/Jarrett, which was back in...what? April? And here comes the only thing I adamantly hate about TNA: Jeff Jarrett.
  20. Corey_Lazarus


    To beat Agent to the chase, Nile. Check out some Murder Squad, too. Decent brutal band, with enough riff changes in their works to keep it from being boring. I don't listen to "BRUTAL" music too much, because most of it sounds the same to me. It's usually just blast beats with Drop-D or Drop-C (in some cases Drop-A) guitars and bass while some jackass growls about something that you can't understand. There are a few bands that can do it nice and brutal while being technically proficient (Nile comes to mind, although I only own their first LP, which is a heaping pile of excrement), but most suck at it excruciatingly bad.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Fuzz leaves Disturbed

    I think the lyrics are usually well thought-out (at least on Believe, because "Stupified" is one of the worst fucking songs I've EVER heard), the song structures are good, the instruments sound unique compared to most other bands, and Dramain's voice just WORKS. You can't sell out, in ANYTHING, if you're doing what you want to do, and just happen to be getting paid for it. I feel it's fairly obvious that Believe was the next step of Disturbed's musical evolution, and the inclusion of a slower song (a "ballad," if you will) is nothing new when talking about a band's sophomore release. By the time a second album comes out, the band has grown as musicians, and want to take their work in certain directions. One big thing I like about Disturbed is that you can easily identify their songs not only by Dramain's vocals, but also by the sound of the music itself. That attribute, having a fairly unique overall sound, is so lacking in today's music (whatever style you prefer) that when it comes along it should be praised.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Heavy Metal Fans Are Such Bitches

    Oh. I retract all possible insulting comments...well, most. And yes, I do take my favorite bands very seriously. As should anybody with their own favorite bands. I think that's a huge sign of respect to the band members when you take them extremely seriously, as it shows a connection on some plane with their work.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    Ya know, you CAN do something with a broken limb. Considering I've known people that have finished football games with broken limbs before, I doubt a moonsault would be hard to do on one leg, since Gowen does 'em all the time (and the move only REQUIRES one leg).
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    Ron Killings won the Tag Gauntlet. Next week, it's 3 Live Kru vs. Simon/Swinger. Christopher Daniels d. LowKi, and then was promptly destroyed by X (who is a walking piece of shit) while LowKi looked on from the ramp. Sonjay Dutt d. Chad Collyer in a pathetic match that WAS all due to Collyer. I don't think Dutt has been too impressive so far in TNA, but he sold the leg like it WAS broken, and Collyer's moves look so fucking WEAK, and he has a Test pre-misogynist level of charisma... Abyss d. Don Harris. I took a shit during most of this match (started when The Interrogators came on), so I'm guessing I missed what I got rid of. AJ kicking Abyss' ass post-match was great, though. And now, Raven/Sandman vs. Red Shirts. I called Sandman as the partner from a mile away. ...I miss Russo...at least his booking could produce some, ya know, good matches.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

    Well, tonight has been exceptionally boring, eh? Daniels/Ki I'd put at *** in a GENEROUS mood. Nice psychology, and it was cool to see Ki bust out tons of armbars...but the match should have been a bit faster-paced. X FUCKING SUCKS. AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!