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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Fuzz leaves Disturbed

    What did Fuzz play?
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Question about the "high-flying" style

    He's talking ring-style. In which case, the only difference is that RVD, 90% of the time, doesn't botch everything, and has only had one big injury in his entire 10+ year career. I'm not bagging spotfests. I loved the SAT/Red/Divine Storm vs. Special K Scramble from RoH Scramble Madness (although that was mainly because Joel decided to just be a powerhouse motherfucker, and Special K rules), as well as many RVD and Hayabusa matches. But the SATs, on average, suck.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Match 11/5

    Jarrett/Sting. Funny, because I wouldn't consider any of the matches to be above **, yet I enjoyed this show immensely. Maybe my premature comments of "Fuck Dutch Mantel" need to be retracted...well, let's see how well he books next week, with two possibly great matches (Ki/Daniels and Sabin/Collyer) on the card, and then I'll see if I need to retract my comments.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    11/12/03 card

    Surprisingly enough, I like Don Harris. There, I said it. I'll never forget the promo that the Harris Bros. did with Disqo back in WCW, where Disqo was looking to hire them as muscle, and they went "okay, we'll do it...but we don't want your money...we want sandwiches and beer." That had me laughing. And Heavy D had two or three decent brawls with Malice back in the early months, so I can't hate him fully. I'm looking forward to this show, if only for Ki/Daniels and Sabin/Collyer.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    What's the deal?

    Exactly. Having a power wrestler in the X-Division, as long as he's fast (since the X-Style is about fast-paced, hard-hitting action) about it, would be a decent change. They started going this route with Chris Sabin, whose matches focused more on working over the opponent's back and/or neck to set up for the Future Shock. Dammit...PUT THE BELT BACK ON SABIN! GIVE HIM MIC TIME! DAH!
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    From the Inside

    The women of TNA will be shooting a swimsuit calendar... ...what women? There's Trinity and Athena...two women does not a good calendar make. Anyways, I'm liking this new "monthly package" idea. Saves me $5 a month, and I might even get one show for free compared to the original price (3/04).
  7. Styles and Killings will be huge one day. Mark my words. -Both have the talent. Killings might not be a great worker by any means, but he's incredibly charismatic, and I've yet to see him in a bad match in TNA. I've enjoyed everything he's done on some level, and the way he adds the corkscrews while falling down after his kicks is SWEET. Ron Killings just needs a nice long feud to take him to the next level, and some lessons from superior workers on how to expand his already acceptable in-ring abilities. And he can't cut a promo? Fuck you. Go watch the promo where he first called himself "The Truth." Best promo of 2002, hands-down. -AJ is right on the fringe, and he could actually play the "Southern accent" card as part of his character. A wrestler from Georgia that wants to get rid of the connotation that all Southerners are hicks with two teeth in their head and fat wives. AJ has a great look, has excellent workrate, and is a damn solid worker. He's got charisma up the wazoo, and a solid feud would get him back over. As for others that could help out along the way... CM Punk, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, Abyss (add some reasons as to why he's easily influenced by others to do their bidding, though), and Raven. I know Raven's already had his time, but he's pivotal in making TNA bigger. He has name appeal, and knows enough about the storytelling aspect of the industry to make even the worst match, as far as workrate is concerned, seem like a classic. Know what I'd love to see? Killings/Styles and Killings/Raven.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling Essay

    I'll modify the last line for you...
  9. Corey_Lazarus


    Sting is NOT the most over person in TNA, deancoles. That title goes to Raven. I was surprised by how good Sting was after all this time away from the ring. Better than his last appearance, definitely.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    What's the deal?

    "X" is Carl Oulette, who was a part of The Quebecers (The Pirate). He looked like he dropped a duce in his short-shorts this past week, but he used the Package Piledriver (which, again, I swear I invented when wrestling with a couple friends in my room 5 years ago), which owns 29,852 different kinds of ass. It's to put X over. Besides, as long as somebody takes the belt off of Michael Shane, I'm happy.
  11. Corey_Lazarus


    I thought the movie was genius in its pure stupidity. These are the kinds of movies I have to love, because they're purposefully being idiotic and simplistic to parody movies that are idiotic and simplistic.
  12. I'd like to say that I ate roughly half a pound of these "sentient beings" today by ordering 2 double-cheeseburgers from Wendy's. PETA needs to shut up. Seriously. It's one thing to talk about vegetarianism/veganism, and about how we should protect the animals and the planet, but PETA is at a near-terrorist level about it. Didn't they threaten the lives of Ted Nugent's children because The Nuge happened to be an avid hunter?
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    FOZZY tour dates and news

    No MA dates...FUCKERS!
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Are TNA making a video game?

    Well, I doubt it's Acclaim, due to the fact they have the LOW series. Well, that and if TNA had a fucking clue (which I hope they do), they'd know to say "suck my asshole" to Acclaim for their history of shitty wrestling games that fans and gamers alike hate.
  15. Corey_Lazarus


    What, no love for the Red Dancing Shoes?
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Crash Holly passes away

    He's now running away from Hardcore title contenders in the sky...
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    New California

  18. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only South Park thread

    Yep. Once the AARP entered the fray, it was one huge Red Dawn parody. Which is incredibly fantastic, because Red Dawn rules ass.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Why Luger is good for TNA

    I can understand thinking Hogan is good for TNA in the long run, because he is (as far as securing a TV deal is concerned). I can understanding thinking Sting is good for TNA in the long run, because he is (as far as securing a TV deal is concerned). But Luger? Fuck no. He hasn't been a draw in over a decade, and has also not put on a good match in just as long. I also don't think "hey, the guy that killed Miss Elizabeth is in TNA" is good publicity at all.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Ben Moody Walks Out of Evanescence

    Well, I'll give Ben two things: 1. He left Evanescense, possibly sensing that he knew the band would never be seen as more than nu-metal's Stryper. 2. He obviously likes the Evil Dead series, and nobody that likes those movies can be ALL bad.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO NWATNA thread for 11/5

    If the manufacturer of a gun can be blamed for the murder of somebody due to the shooter using their particularly brand/model of firearm, then Luger can be blamed for Liz's death.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO NWATNA thread for 11/5

    Like TNA has really anything that was great during Russo's booking around anymore, anyways...
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO NWATNA thread for 11/5

    They had me at the ending. Hook, line, and sinker. I was actually PUMPED THE FUCK UP for next week's show. That is, until... Jeff Jarrett: "Sting and AJ Styles against Jeff Jarrett...and 'The Total Package' Lex Luger!" Then I let out a big "FUCK!" Well, looks like I have one more person to add to my "FUCK YOU" list...
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Interesting Jarrett article from Keller at Torch

    Which is funny, because tonight's match (Sting/Jarrett) has pretty much proved that Sting has very little left, and Jarrett ISN'T a top tier player.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO NWATNA thread for 11/5

    Sooo...yeah. Lazz sucks, and homophobic gay gimmicks are shit, so why did they bring him back in after he was practically boo'd out of the building the last time (vs. Mikey at the Super X tourney)? Kash/Lazz vs. The Gathering was pretty good, mostly because of Kash and Julio/Punk. Well, completely because of Kash and Julio/Punk. I'm interested in seeing where this Abyss/Callis thing could go. But I saw something kinda funny...Black Shirts were trying to pull Abyss off of the Red Shirts on the outside. I know it's a minor thing, but why would they do that when the Red Shirts have injured two of their own? Sandman/Douglas sucked, but that was expected. Who the fuck is that chick, and why is she the "big surprise" member of the New Franchise? A huge letdown. And the first male member better NOT be Michael Shane... Overall, very solid show. Nothing too bad, not like last week's, but nothing overly impressive either. But I will say that the angles so far have been captivating and sensical. Mmm...Piper promo...**marks**