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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    How much does Michael Shane suck?

    Well, that and Shane is incredibly boring on the mic and in the ring. At least Christian has charisma and mic skills.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    What ten guys would you pick for the cover of a...

    For E C FUCKIN' W Raven Tommy Dreamer Taz Sabu "The Franchise" Shane Douglas Rob Van Dam Justin Credible Steve Corino Terry Funk Cactus Jack WCW Ric Flair Chris Benoit Vader "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan Kevin Nash Scott Hall Goldberg DDP Sting Rey Mysterio Jr.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Austin Interview

    Steve Austin. DDP. Zakk Wylde. ...throw in Foley and Raven, and I would kill to hang with 'em all.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    What ten guys would you pick for the cover of a...

    Vince McMahon Jr. Bruno Sammartino "Superstar" Billy Graham Hulk Hogan Shawn Michaels Bret "The Hitman" Hart Mick Foley "Stone Cold" Steve Austin The Rock The Undertaker (deadman) I mostly included workers from the past 15 years or so because the company was never as profitable or as popular as when those workers were huge.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Headbanger's Ball Tour

    Still, I don't think it's right for a band with more than one guitarist to not solo.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Headbanger's Ball Tour

    So me and my girlfriend are dropped off by my dad (neither of us have our license yet) around 6:55, 5 minutes before the doors open. We both smoke a BUTT in the line, and then enter. We stand around for nearly a fucking hour before Unearth decides to come out. But, before Unearth came out, they were introduced by somebody famous. Somebody that has sold out lounges in Las Vegas more times than Frank Sinatra. Somebody that made even Andy Kauffman step back and say "wow" due to his showmanship. This man was Tony Clifton. Tony introduces Unearth, and they're pretty damn good. The end of their set was better than the beginning, as the songs towards the end were more death/thrash than the first songs were (which seemed to try to be a bad Gothenburg cover band). Unearth's set is over, and they plug their new album. Tony then came out before Killswitch Engage, but me and Heather left the floor because I needed to piss and she needed water. About halfway through KSE's set we bought some merchandise (I bought a Shadows Fall hoodie, she bought a Shadows Fall hoodie and beanie {and to let you know, I plan on stealing the beanie one day}), and then went back to the floor after KSE closed their set. The final tune was "My Last Serenade," and the vocalist (I forget the new one's name) didn't feel like singing, so he let the crowd sing the entire song. Fun stuff. Me and Heather got back on the floor when people were leaving en masse to use the bathrooms, buy merchandise, and get drinks. Tony was back onstage, and introduced Lamb Of God. This set made me a Lamb Of God fan. It was insane, and the music was just perfect. A huge circle pit started halfway through the set, and the vocalist came on stage during the first song wearing this inflatable cowboy costume (which made me laugh, seeing a man dressed in an inflatable cowboy suit growling and all). Brian from Shadows Fall and the vocalist from Today Is The Day came out for a couple of songs, and then Lamb Of God ended the set. And next...THE band everybody came to see. S H A D O W S F A L L . I forget the order of the songs, but they played the following tunes: "Of One Blood," "Fleshold," "Revel In My Loss," "A Fire In Babylon," "Stepping Outside The Circle," "The Idiot Box," "Destroyer Of Senses" (GAH!), and "Crushing Belial." For the encore, they played "Thoughts Without Words" and "I'm Alive" (Motley Crue cover). A circle pit started during "Idle Hands" and "Crushing Belial," and I joined in both times. GOOD, GOOD, GOOD, GOOD SHOW. Unfortunately, no "First Noble Truth" or "Art Of Balance," which was a downside, but Brian came out dressed like a skeleton king, or something (skull mask with a crown of bones, skull shoulders pads, and a belt with a medallion of a bone and a skull on it; Brian referred to the belt as the "Metal World championship," which made me mark). All in all, out of 10, 9.5/10. And the .5 deducted is just because "The First Noble Truth" and "The Art Of Balance" weren't played. Everything else about the show was INSANE. If any of you get the chance to see this tour...GO, DAMMIT, GO.
  7. Corey_Lazarus


    And I'm sure others have noticed that I have a lot to add when the situation calls for it, am not so opinionated it becomes pure bias, and am one of the top posters in the Music folder. Besides, every thread goes off-topic at some point anyways. And what's wrong with lightening the mood by making fun of Dames' bad handwriting skills? OH!
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Ice-T, Simmons Put Hip-Hop Stamp on Energy Drinks

    Ya know, Agent, you just reminded me of that episode of "Penn & Teller's BULLSHIT" when they exposed how most "spring water" can't be differentiated from tap water, and it's all about persuasive advertising. That said, SoBe owns every other beverage on the market, regardless of type (alcoholic, fruit, soda, etc.), based purely on flavor. I honestly haven't had ONE SoBe that I've found truly not tasty. I have my preferred flavors (Liz Blizz, Orange Creme, Green Tea, Orange Carrot), but I'll drink any of 'em.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Headbanger's Ball Tour

    Yeah. I heard Lamb Of God's first album, and wasn't impressed at all. But they played a lot of stuff off of As The Palace Burns, and I loved it. **adds to X-Mas list** A big gripe I have KSE is that they're, like, the most mainstream "acceptable" of the Mass Metal biggies. At times, I think I'm listening to the latest nu-metal album when a track from Alive Or Just Breathing comes on during my playlist. And the lack of solo's hurts them a lot, since its INEXCUSEABLE for a metal band to have more than one guitarist and no solo's.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Box Office Report for 10/31-11/2...

    Me too, actually. The story was better, the acting was better, the fight scenes were better...I just thought it was a completely superior film. I can't wait to see how they fucking end it, though, because I think the Wachowski's fucked themselves in the ass by Spoiler (Highlight to Read): having The Architect say that there have been so many Neo's and Zion has been destroyed so many times that all Neo needs to do is "destroy" The Matrix so it can all repeat again.
  11. Corey_Lazarus


    Agreed. Maybe we should start calling him "THE DAME"?
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Match October 29

    Nah. Raven carrying Vampiro to a DUD-* may not have been a pretty sight, but it was still better than seeing HHH/Nash or HHH/Steiner.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Headbanger's Ball Tour

    Too bad you guys don't get the added bonus of it being Halloween, so most of the bands dressed up. One guitarist of Unearth dressed like a mid-80's glam rocker (with HUUUGE feathered mullet wig), and the other guitarist dressed like a witch (complete with hood, hat, broom between legs, and he skated around on a skateboard to look like he was flying). Howard of KSE dressed like a cop, one guitarist dressed like a KKK member, and the other dressed like a witch (which was fun to see headbang). The bassist dressed as something too, but I forget. And I already mentioned Lamb Of God's vocalist in the inflatable cowboy suit (which was VERY cool to see him growling in that), as well as Brian Fair looking like a more metal Skeletor.
  14. Corey_Lazarus


    I know it's script. And a script "m" has three bumps, not two. That says D-A-N-E-S.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Raven interview and TNA news from the Torch

    Once again, Ravens proves why I mark for him: he's not afraid to tell it like it fucking is.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Can SOMEONE Answer This Question?

    Because calling it a "Last Blood Chair On A Pole" match would just sound silly.
  17. Corey_Lazarus


    In which case, I retract my comments. Oh, and Dames, your sig pic says "The Danes."
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    The Five Worst TNA Shows..

    But at least that helped further an interesting angle. Last week's featured bad matches and little angle advancement.
  19. Corey_Lazarus


    Still, I think what you did was a huge fucking scumbaggy move, and I think you should be smacked hard for it.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Headbanger's Ball Tour

    KSE's not even in the same ballpark as Shadows Fall, sorry. For one thing, not every Shadows Fall song sounds the same.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Horror Movie Tourney

    Funny you say that, cabbage, because all of TCM bores me until the final 20 minutes... Dawn of the Dead vs. Psycho (1960) The Exorcist vs. The Shining Halloween (choice) vs. Friday the 13th (choice) (the lesser of two evils) Night of the Living Dead (1968) vs. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Tremendous ROH Rant I found...

    Hey, Phoenix Fury, you fucktard...wrestling didn't become about angles and such until that reporter made the drunken blunder of posting the following night's results in the newspaper, and everybody finally knew it was rigged. So that was about 30-40 years of basing professional wrestling purely on simulate athletic competition. And why have a promotion that does what every other fucking promotion does, and base their matches on angles about who fucked whose mother, when they can both make the championship mean something by having every wrestler want it, AND put on superb matches of all styles each event? I've never seen a Wildside show, even a Wildside match. But I've seen RoH shows and matches. And with the way some of those Wildside marks act about it, I don't think I want to.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Just Think

    Actually, I've found SmackDown and Raw over the past two weeks to be rather entertaining. At least the booking is going somewhere, right? That's a step forward. And TNA is set for another boom period of creativity and quality. They've just come off the standard down period after a streak of good-great shows, so they're due for another good show anytime now. Although the main event will always tarnish the show, since JEFF JARRETT FUCKING SUCKS.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Details on the X division...um...thing

    Which is why many people here look down upon you, honestly. Different strokes for different folks, myself, and I can see where you'd say he's boring (as I have to FF through some of his matches to get away from the standard "feeling out" portion of a match). I've heard AmDrag was actually extremely spotty back in his TWA days, and even worked a few WWE Style matches for Velocity. That said, I hope it IS AmDrag, as TNA was going for a more high-impact, hard-hitting fast wrestling style with Sabin as champion as opposed to incredible amounts of high spots, and AmDrag can do that style easily.
  25. Corey_Lazarus


    Wasn't Tim banned? And I can't say I disagree with what you're saying about AMW. I'm a fan of theirs when their matches aren't your typical RnR Express formula tag match, but otherwise, they're pretty bland.