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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE signs Kenzo Suzuki

    "They all look the same anyways." -Typical non-Asian thoughts about Asians Kenzo Suckzuki is going to be stinking of my TV screen again...ugh. Well, at least it's free this time.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    Three. And they're all Converse. One pair of black high-top Chucks. One pair of white high-top Chucks. One pair of the new Converse XII's, white, which are, as I call them, "Combat Chucks."
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Who's on the injured list?

    What's this? A SMART gimmick poster?!
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Headbanger's Ball Tour

    KSE is pretty lame, really. I can't tell most of their songs apart, and the guitarists downright refuse to solo. Oh, and during Unearth's set, people on the side of the stage kept spraying one of the guitarists and the vocalist with silly string. Not as funny as when members of The Damned and The Dickies cracked eggs and poured honey over the vocalist of DI at FiendFest '03, though.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Fox Nearly Sues Itself Over Simpsons

    treble, I'd just like to add that you and Mole have my favorite sigs.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Colonel to be court martialed for...

    Iraq: The friendliest place on Earth.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Who's on the injured list?

    I'm just getting over a small (but nasty) case of bronchitis, which included severe coughs and weezing so bad I thought I was having an asthma attack. Oh, and my neck is sore from headbanging last night at Shadows Fall.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Colonel to be court martialed for...

    I agree. What he did was perfectly acceptable, and could have possibly saved hundreds of lives.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Which matches should I download?

    Michrome, considering that Styles/Ki have had three singles matches in TNA (one for Styles' X-Division title, one non-title on Week 12, and one for Styles' World title), which one blew? I liked them all.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Gold in Cena/Guerrero

    I haven't pinned Jericho. ...I made him tap.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Man drops phone into toilet...

    I don't know, I don't want to know, and Ian McKellen shirtless frightens the hell out of me. But, on the upside, it does look like Alan is dropping a duce...
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Which matches should I download?

    XXX vs. F'N Amazing (Lynn/Red) Solid ****1/4 match. I don't think anything else TNA has done, not including the 3-way between Lynn, Styles, and LowKi anyways, has even come close.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Details on the X division...um...thing

    bps, you sure? I seem to remember Collyer being on PPV once during one of the many X-Division clusterfucks...
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    The Five Worst TNA Shows..

    Actually, Russo's influence didn't start to show until he joined the company. I forget where, but there's actually an interview when Russo, in regards to Puppet beating off in a trashcan and the Dupp Cup, said "I knew that the internet was going to say that was my fault when I wasn't even with TNA yet."
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Match October 29

    Kash/Abyss. Every other match bored me.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Straight Edge

    Think what? That they're fed up with the fact that they are supposed to feel bad because of what some white people did years ago that probably aren't even related to them? I guess that makes me a white supremacist if I think people need to stop talking about their fucking skin color as if it's a handicap. I know racism exists, and it's an ugly thing, but the only way to kill something like that - and not give people reasons for believing in it - is to not care. Apathy: My defense. I've known people that have died from drugs, cigarette smoking, alcohol, and know people with STDs. That doesn't stop me from having the occasional toke with my friends, finishing a pack of Reds in a week, drink now and then, and fuck my woman. If you're going to go sXe, go ahead. But nobody's forcing you to take drugs or not, so stop acting like getting high on weed and shooting up black tar heroin are the same thing. I know enough sXe kids that think that, and I blow my cig smoke in their face.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden's Greatest WTF Moment

    See, the Blaze songs were good...but they don't fit. There's something "off" about them. Like, they wrote the music as if Bruce was going to sing to it, but Blaze doesn't sound like Bruce. Remember how Priest made the music darker and heavier when Ripper replaced Halford? I think Maiden should have done that.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Jagermeister Tour 2003

    Why the hate for Agent and not for Laz, when Laz saw the same tour earlier?
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Traffic Chaos as Hearse Ejects Corpse

    I don't know why news about current events are ever moved to the General Chat folder. I mean, so what if they don't have anything to do with politics or the fate of the world? If they're current, and they happened, they're current events.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    The Five Worst TNA Shows..

    I actually didn't mind the show when SEX dressed in camo. For one thing, a hot angle that everybody was interested in was advanced. Now? Bad matches and boring angles that few care about. There's a difference. I don't know about the others (although Week 16 was rather pitiful, as were a good portion of the shows during the SEX vs. Tradition angle), but 10/29/03 (this past week's show) is the worst.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Read the Diatribe...

    How can you say the worst X-Division champion was Waltman when he had two matches with the title, both of which were ***? I've NEVER seen Shane come close to even a **1/2 match when he wasn't being obviously carried, and Waltman held his own in his matches with Styles. As for Ace Steel...I haven't seen his Wildside work, which I do hear is good, but his TNA work was the drizzling shits.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden's Greatest WTF Moment

    Hey, they've written songs about Vikings, a whore, and Satan's child ("Invaders," "22 Acacia Avenue," and "The Number Of The Beast," respectively), so let them write a song about Steve's track days.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only South Park thread

    Yeah...every time they want to act like something didn't happen, it involves ice cream. Although, really, Kenny should have stayed gone. I would've probably preferred that. If only because the gang trying to find a new friend was hilarious.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Read the Diatribe...

    I've seen the Street Fight in question...and it sucked. Seriously. Paul London carried Shane kicking and screaming to a ** match (and those ** are just for London being great). It says something when you can't even have a fun match using WEAPONS (which are the standard go-to's for bad workers). Dames, you were EASY on this show. Hell, I gave every match but Kash/Abyss between DUD and *3/4 (for Kash/Abyss, I gave it **1/2, because I thought it was very fun, the two had good chemistry, and both men bumped like hell for each other).