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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Dutch Mantell SUCKS

    I've moved from thinking that Raven's being "buried" to Raven's being "completely and utterly undervalued, underused and wasted" THAT I have nothing against, because Raven's been underutilized and misused since the job to Jarrett.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Horror Movie Tourney

    Replace "Exorcist" with "Evil Dead," and I agree. Well...replace "Psycho" with "Night Of The Living Dead," too. I love Psycho, but it's more suspense/mystery than it is horror.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Dutch Mantell SUCKS

    If you dropped the "Raven's being buried" bullshit, I don't think half the people would have a problem with you. Now, last night's show was terrible. Anybody that says otherwise is fooling themselves. Bad matches (when the best match involves a HOSS, you know something's wrong)*, boring angles, and nothing on the show was too great. * = I'm not trying to take away from Abyss. I've liked everything I've seen from him so far in TNA. His gimmick is like a hybrid of 1998 Kane and 1996 Mankind, which are two of the best gimmicks to date in wrestling. Plus, for a big man, he can MOVE.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    If somebody can give me a good reason to order tonight, I will.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    I'll admit to actually enjoying Duggan from a mark's perspective. There's something about the guy I like, and I'll readily admit that. However, when booking for the main event, two things need to be the top reasons for booking a feud/angle: 1. The heat generated, and 2. The quality of the matches. Duggan would not generate heat at a main event level, regardless of whatever promotion he'd go to. And his matches have sucked since before my birth (5/31/86, for those wondering), so he won't put on quality matches. -1 + -1 = -2. Duggan should not be booked anywhere near the main event. That said, next week's show DOES look good. I'm interested to see what the fuck this "Triple Chance" tournament is (I'm guessing triple elimination, or just constant triple threat matches), what will happen during Raven/Mitchell, and Jarrett/Sting. Plus, I wanna hear that bitchin' ripoff of "Seek And Destroy" when Sting comes out.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Paper for Psychology

    Or, more specifically, the reasons people react to certain matches/workers/angles. Any ideas to help out, guys?
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Yep. And when Hogan comes to TNA, we get the dinosaur shit. As Jeff Goldblum, in Ian Malcolm mode, would say...
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Horror Movie Tourney

    I don't know how NOES got this far, considering those movies, for the most part, are terrible... Evil Dead vs. Dawn of the Dead (!!!!) AGH! WHY THIS EARLY?! I only chose ED because Dawn Of The Dead has some awful zombie makeup, and drags now and then. The Exorcist vs. The Omen Friday the 13th (choice) vs. From Dusk Til Dawn Halloween (choice) vs. Evil Dead 2 Night of the Living Dead (1968) vs. Suspiria Nightmare on Elm Street (choice) vs. The Shining Psycho (1960) vs. An American Werewolf in London Texas Chainsaw Massacre vs. Alien
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Fox Nearly Sues Itself Over Simpsons

    I'd laugh my ass off if, one day, Groening says "fuck it" and takes The Simpsons to a different network.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    The point is, though, that they're wasting money and time on those hacks (who weren't even too good in their "prime" to begin with) when the younger talent could be getting that same amount of time and push.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    WCW 1994: A Column

    TNA was on their usual slump after a string of excellent shows. I'm used to TNA being even more cyclical than the industry itself. But bringing in Hogan, getting rid of Russo COMPLETELY, and having Mantel book the shows like it's Memphis in 1985? No, sorry. Not a draw. The live crowd was DEAD tonight, as they have been for the past month or so. Even at TotalNonStop, THE most pro-TNA place I've encountered, many were voicing their disgust with last week's product and this week's preview, and did not order. They were lucky, for they didn't have the addiction I do.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    For about one minute, Black Tiger. And, honestly, I think they stole the show. They started cutting a promo about how they'll take out AMW in a straight-up match, and then Gilberti interrupted saying that they can't do that, and Simon kept going "yes we can, just let us go at 'em!"
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Devin, come this way so I may kill you for making fun of my addiction...
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    And then Jarrett buried Duggan...YAY! The one time I like Jarrett's politics. So then Rick Steiner came out...and was promptly buried by JJJ again. YAY! Next week, it's JJJ vs. Sting. And Sting has some nice rip-off of "Seek And Destroy" as his theme.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Ekmo/Siaki d. Doring/Roadkill Raven d. Vampiro in a pretty blah match (all thanks to Vampiro, who was sluggish and didn't bump half-decent at all) Hart's surprise is...HOOOOOOOO!!! ...yep, could possibly be the worst edition of TNA I've ever seen...
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Next week, tpww7, is supposed to have some sort of "Triple Chance" X-Division tournament/match, so we might get to see something that makes us remember how good the X-Division used to be/could be, thus further pissing off the fanbase because RHK is champion.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    The Gallows match is up now. It's been pretty good so far. Kash/Abyss was, so far, the best match of the night at *** (my rating, based on workrate and pure enjoyment). Abyss was busted open when he speared a chair in the corner head-first (Kash moved out of the way). Abyss then went nuts, hit that Torture Rack Backbreaker on the ref, hit one member of security with the Black Hole Slam, and chokeslammed another member of security onto a steel chair (spot of the night, as the security member arched his back upwards after landing on it for at LEAST 10 seconds).
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    I don't think it works like that, Choken. Besides, I paid $10, and I'll be damned if I just change the channel. Hell no. I paid, so I'm going to sit through the whole thing.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Well, at least Vampiro LOOKS cool when he dressed like Jerry Only...
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Talk about "cop out." Last week they said that the new "Franchise" would be revealed this week. They didn't reveal shit.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    I'm an addict. Pray for me? Please?
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    No, sorry. I don't have time for shitty "WHOA, THIS KID'S OUTTA CONTROL~!" Fox drama's about pretty white kids with problems.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Well, a lot of shit (literally) is happening that makes Raw look like a competent program in comparison. So far, we've had a boring match from AMW against a decent team (Gilberti is average in the ring, and David Young is good) where AMW seemed to botch every spot but the Death Sentence; possibly the worst X-Division match not involving Jorge Estrada I've seen yet (seriously, Michael Shane is probably the worst wrestler on the TNA roster right now); A surprisingly good match-up involving 4 workers who make A-Train look like Billy Kidman; a promo that made me want to buy a plane ticket to Nashville for next Wednesday so I can sit with the Heel Section and chant "boring" whenever Triple J is in the ring; and an average tag match between the Samoan Militia (my name for Ekmo/Siaki) and Doring/Roadkill. So...yeah. Aside from Trinity's ass, nothing so far has been worth watching. Just like I thought. Why the fuck did I waste $10 on tonight again?
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    True...and to see whether my theory on Shane Douglas bringing in somebody new to be the new "Franchise" is correct, or TNA will completely say "FUCK YOU, HAHA!" to its fans and have the obvious Michael Shane decision... But the possibility of Brutus Beefcake being in the main event is just sickening...
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Jagermeister Tour 2003

    Agent, did you see the video clips of things happening like Jackass? The guy that lost part of his head when a window pane fell?