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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Okay, this is it, no bullshit, finally...

    Alien vs. Dog Soldiers An American Werewolf in London vs. Night of the Living Dead (1990) (zombies always win) Army of Darkness vs. Serpent and the Rainbow Black Christmas vs. Demons Blair Witch Project vs. The Beyond Candyman vs. Fright Night Cemetary Man vs. The Fly (1986) Child's Play vs. In the Mouth of Madness Creepshow vs. Zombie Dawn of the Dead vs. Silver Bullet Dead Alive vs. The Wicker Man Evil Dead vs. Amityville Horror Evil Dead 2 vs. It's Alive! (Biggest...Squash...EVER) The Exorcist vs. Misery Friday the 13th (choice) vs. Puppet Master Halloween (choice) vs. Silent Night, Deadly Night Hills Have Eyes vs. The Thing Lost Boys vs. The Howling Near Dark vs. Day of the Dead Night of the Living Dead (1968) vs. April Fools Day (hey, blame Zach Malibu) Nightmare on Elm Street (choice) vs. Lair of the White Worm The Omen vs. Bride of Chucky Pet Sematary vs. From Dusk Til Dawn Phantasm vs. The Fog (though Phantasm II is MUCH better) Psycho(1960) vs. Psycho 2 Re-Animator vs. Carrie Return of the Living Dead vs. When a Stranger Calls Rosemary's Baby vs. Nosferatu: The Vampyre (1979) Scream vs. Event Horizon The Shining vs. Bram Stoker's Dracula Suspiria vs. Last House on the Left Texas Chainsaw Massacre vs. From Beyond
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Build your own indy fed

    NAME Front Line Wrestling (FLW) ROSTER Matt Cross Josh Prohibition Trent Acid Johnny Kashmere Homicide Chris Sabin David Young Abyss Violent J Shaggy 2 Dope Evil Dead Raven Deranged Slim J Izzy Delirious American Dragon Johnny Webb Teddy Hart Jerry Lynn Pimp Diddy Skotch (friend) The Irish Icon (friend) Andrew Crow (me) Thunderwolf (friend) Nosawa Super Akuma GQ Money Kid Kaos Tony Mamaluke EZ Money Kid Romeo Messiah MANAGERS/VALETS Joel Gertner Bill E. Bill Mortimer Plumtree TITLES FLW Battlefield (equivalent to World) FLW Kamikaze (equivalent to X-Division) FLW Duo's (equivalent to Tag Team) FIRST TITLE HOLDERS Battlefield = American Dragon Kamikaze = Matt Cross Duo's = Insane Clown Posse (Violent J/Shaggy 2 Dope) EVENTS One big monthly event towards the start of each month, broken down into 4/5 (depending on how long the month is) episodes of TV. TV No Man's Land (featuring usually 2-3 matches of solid length, and the rest is promo's and recaps and advertising) HOME Northeast. New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut. Occasional shows in Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, and North Carolina.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    This talk about TNA Expansion

    TNA started as a blend of where ECW and WCW were headed, direction-wise. Now? It's mini-WCW. There's something oddly frightening about this.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Here's The Bound For Glory Logo

    "TNA" is easier to say/write than "NWA-TNA" is. Also, the fans chant "T-N-A," not "N-dub-A-T-N-A." The promotion is the TNA branch of the NWA. Just like most people will refer to NWA Wildside and just "Wildside." But yeah. Nice logo.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Something to think about..

    I have no doubt that Taker/Brock will be at least a watchable, somewhat entertaining brawl. I watched the HIAC match from last year between those two on Thursday (my first time seeing it, mind you), and I liked it. No ***** classic, probably right around *** (if that), but I liked it.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Taker in a movie too

    I would laugh. In other news... THEY NEED TO MAKE THIS FUCKING MOVIE. OblIVion had such a horrible ending that this series NEEDS to have a solid ending. I don't even care if we never find out how the Tall Man came to be. I just want him to win or lose. No more of this "swerve" bullshit. It worked in the overall sense of the series, but 20 years later, I think it might be time to stop it.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Well, He's Asking For It

    Where's Del Wilkes when we need him?
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Dawn of the Dead: The trailer has been released...

    The sequels? Yes. Horrible films (although the 3rd was tolerable, because it did take a SOMEWHAT different stance on it, and the chick was uber-hot). But the original is probably the best zombie flick I've ever seen. It has suspense, humor, gore...everything that horror movies usually TRY to aim for, and fail horribly at hitting. And the Infected in 28 Days Later were just that: Infected humans. They would have no reason to not run as fast, as everything in their mind but "KILL ALL NORMALS" was gone. I don't like the idea of running zombies. Zombies are in a trance-like state where the mind is running on only the most basic of impulses (fire bad, need food), so stumbling around while looking for food is the most sensical of movement for zombies. With the exception of "Bud" from Day Of The Dead, zombies cannot think too coherently, and instead rely upon finding live food. I forget who said it (in this thread), but zombies are not infected with anything, really. There is just some force bringing them back from the dead. Of course, in Romero's trilogy, the explanation of bacteria from a Venus probe covering the planet was acceptable (and still would be today), and Fulci's classic Zombie had no explanation (which worked in its own right), and Return Of The Living Dead used the chemical Trioxin 245.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Metallica = Movie Stars

    "Why would they pay just to boo us?"
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    How many people ...

    What the fuck is the Glastonbury Festival?
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Earhart's Grave Found?

    Of course. She stopped for directions. And ever since then, men everywhere have learned to never ask for directions.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Devils, UFO's and 9/11

    I think the UFO pics aren't fake, actually. I'd bet that the one where it shows something flying out of the Towers (the final pic) was just debris from inside that office (desks, cubicle walls, etc.). The far away "UFO," the white one, was probably another plane taking off from a nearby airport, or perhaps a blimp. And the one that flies by and is diagrammed in the first "UFO" picture? Probably a fighter jet taking surveilance photographs of the Towers.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    A soundtrack not mainstream friendly

    Coulda sworn Art Of Balance was in the Top 100...I know it received a lot of hype (as much hype as a middleground metal band could get, anyways)...
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Should saturnmark see Killing Joke?

    Killing Joke ain't too bad a band. Nothing special, but not offensive. "Drug" is a pretty bitchin tune, too.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Metallica = Movie Stars

    I shall cry during this movie. Twice. Once during the talks about Cliff's death (especially if they have a re-enactment). And once during the recording sessions of St. Anger.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    If Rob were to be let go, he'd be fine. Why? Well, I'll answer that with an example: Raven. Raven left WWE, and has made more money, wrestled his own schedule, and gotten in the best shape he's been in in years. He's almost as happy with his career now as he was during his first ECW run. And Rob Van Dam is a bigger name right now than Raven is. Imagine the attention RoH and/or TNA would get if RVD worked shows for them? He'd be able to name his own price, book his own shows, and make enough money to live comfortably (providing he doesn't pull a Heyman with it and be forced to file Chapter 11).
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    A soundtrack not mainstream friendly

    Turn on a rock station. You're bound to hear the new Static-X single (which sounds like KoRn and Dope collaborated on a song, which means Static-X went from "tolerable" to "ultra shitty" in one album), and WILL hear a Seether song, within 2 hours. I'd call that mainstream. As to whoever said something about record sales... Shadows Fall's The Art Of Balance was in the Top 100 (and atop the Metal charts) for a decent bit of time, I believe. Which is incredibly pleasing, as the album was only known to SF fans (and the numbers grow with each live show, might I add). True, I wouldn't say Morbid Angel are mainstream. I'd say they're middleground (well-known, but not in the Top 100). But can you honestly tell me that you didn't hear of Pantera, Mushroomhead, Soil (whose song "Halo" was a big Top 10 rock single), Static-X, or Seether before this soundtrack? Thus mainstream friendly. A soundtrack that is not mainstream friendly would have, maybe, 1 to 3 bands that are mainstream/middleground. The soundtrack for The Crow is a fairly good example, as most of the bands weren't mainstream when the soundtrack came out.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    What movies are coming out...

    Y'all seem to be forgetting Glamorama, which is the film adaptation of Ellis's novel. Victor Ward (the same Victor Johnson from The Rules Of Attraction, only he changed his name) is the current "it" guy of the modeling world, which comes crashing down. He becomes entangled in international espionage, and begins hallucinating constantly.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Freedy vs. Jason II : Here is some information...

    Personally, I think that's a horrible idea.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    A soundtrack not mainstream friendly

    So? If it gets MAINSTREAM play, it's a mainstream tune. Fuck, even Slayer are mainstream, and they're only on metal shows that SOME mainstream radio stations have. And as for prefacing the comments, you need to. This is a heavy music soundtrack. If it was an all rap soundtrack, featuring rappers I'd never heard of but were "big" at the time with videos all over MTV and songs all over rap radio stations, I wouldn't know a damn thing about it being mainstream or not.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    What were some concert events you attended

    Megadeth/Sevendust (WAAF Holiday Rage 2000) Sevendust is AMAZING live. Just AMAZING. No pyro, nothing too special of a stage set-up. Just two trampolines for the guitarists/bassist to jump off of, and just TONS of energy. And Megadeth needed to turn the mic up, and just work on their overall sound. I thought the setlist was outstanding, but I could barely make out more than maybe three songs. And they didn't play "Peace Sells" or "Hangar 18," which pissed the FUCK out of me. Slayer (Extreme Steel Tour 2001) My first Slayer show. Of course, they were on right after Static-X and right before Pantera, so most people that didn't know of Slayer were just using this set as a "chill" set. It still astounded me and my buddy Steve-O, who were already getting to Slayer enough as-is, to go out and literally become the biggest Slayer fans in our town for a while. Rob Zombie (Merry Mayhem/WAAF Holiday Rage 2001) As my buddy Steve-O pointed out: "All that and a bunch o' tits." Sure, the band wasn't too great live, but the stage show was INSANE. Robots, kaiju, zombies, demons, monster, horror and porno clips on a projector in the background...great show, overall. Even covered a few old White Zombie tunes ("Super Charger Heaven," "Thunderkiss '65," and "More Human Than Human" of course). Slayer (H82K2) After having to suffer through Soulfly's shittiness, and be pleased through In Flames' awesomeness, the band I came to see performed. Great show, man. GREAT SHOW. Flipp/Black Label Society/Disturbed (WAAF LocoBazooka 2002) These were only 3 of the 40 or so bands performing that day. And they were the 3 best. Flipp is GREAT. Great tunes, great show, and great charisma. I'm amazed Flipp aren't huge, since party rock seems to be back, and Flipp are, essentially, a blend of the Sex Pistols and KISS. The live show consisted of mostly just some Flipp tunes, but a few audience members were chosen to participate in playing tunes (including a cover of "Iron Man" that wasn't too bad). Black Label Society...'nuff said. I was actually applauded by a few middle aged men covered in beer for yelling at the radio DJ that was buying time for Zakk and co. to get the fuck off the stage. "Demise Of Sanity" was AWESOME live. Zakk got pegged in the face with one of those long plastic bottles of beer (the kind that are, practically, a yard long) during the middle of a solo, and didn't miss a note. NOT A SINGLE NOTE. Zakk is my idol. Disturbed were great live, too. They headlined Loco '02, and I wasn't too thrilled to see them, but this show made me a fan. Then "Prayer" came out in early '03, I believe, and I'm a Disturbed fan now. Misfits (Misfits World Tour 2002) Jerry, Dez, and Marky rule. Jerry's a horrible vocalist, but he has SO MUCH fucking energy onstage that you can't HELP but love 'em live. The PA system fucked up for the first third of the set, so after concluding a bunch of Black Flag, Ramones, and Sex Pistols covers as the final third of the set, Jerry apologized for the PA, and the band played the ENTIRE first third of the set over again. He signed autographs for anybody that came up to him afterwards, and chatted with everybody. Shadows Fall and Nevermore (New England Hardcore & Metal Festival 2003, Night 1) We were late for the show. By the time me, Suzy, and her brother Burak arrived, Shadows Fall had just began their first song ("A Fire In Babylon," FYI). I'm glad I didn't miss their set, as they were the reason I showed up (surprised, eh?). They ended the set with "Of One Blood," and I was a little peeved at the fact that there was no "Stepping Outside The Circle" or "The Art Of Balance," considering "Stepping..." was the first song to get attention for the new album, and "Balance" was the title track of the new album. Nevermore tore the fucking house down. Metallica (Summer Sanitarium 2003) It's Metallica. 'Nuff said. Motörhead, Iron Maiden (forget the name of the tour, 2003) Lemmy is God. That should be enough to cover Motörhead. It was funny, because right before "Ace Of Spades," Lemmy went "I'll bet this is the only song you people fucking know, eh?" Maiden was...great. I'm lost as to finding a word to truly describe how amazing they are live. Bruce is the best frontman EVER in ANY band, and the rest of the band was great live. During "The Highlander," Nicko did a Riverdance behind his drumset during the intro. 'Twas funny. Bruce even ranted on how Lars Ulrich is a pussy for saying he cares about P2P servers, and how Dance Of Death was coming out soon. He went on to suggest buying it, but if you want to download tunes to check it out, feel free. But please, buy it. Haha, Bruce RULES! The Dickies, Misfits (FiendFest '03) The Dickies...hilarious. That's all I can say about them. I couldn't hear a fucking word Leonard said during the songs, but his stand-up routine in-between songs was funnier than almost any modern stand-up comedian around. During the final song, he had a hand-puppet of a penis that he would sing with. And, of course, Jerry and Dez and Marky owned ass again. I got my ticket stub signed by Jerry (whose signature looks like "49," oddly enough), and my buddy Jason got his Chucks signed by Jerry. Good times were had by all. I got a bloodied lip, and chatted for a little bit with a TNA fan (who I noticed by his TNA Raven "Flock You" shirt). On Friday, I'm seeing Slayer (with Hatebreed, Dry Kill Logic, and ARCH FUCKING ENEMY). On Halloween, if I can find a ride, I'm seeing Unearth, Lamb Of God, Killswitch Engage (who I'm listening to right now), and SHADOWS FALL as part of the Headbanger's Ball Tour.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    One And Only TNA 10/15 Thread

    Best show since the Super X Cup.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Worst. Band. EVER. Thread

    I'm a big fan of "Happenstance" and "Crucify Yourself."
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Buy- Good CDs for $6.99

    ...**flaunts obvious opinion**...