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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    The One And Only Band Name Idea Thread

    Acid Bukkake Your Entrails This Evening (play on "entrees" and a waiter's mentioning of them) Not As Bad As {insert band you hate} (I kind of took this from my friend Kurt's parody-emo group Chadmeister, as their - well, HIS - only CD was called Hey, At Least We're Not As Bad As At The Drive-In, which I found hilarious) Big Twinkie (a cookie to who gets the reference)
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    I need your help

    Christ...thread's been around 2 months and I just noticed it? Fuckballs! Dybbuk (a dead spirit that can possess the body of a living being) Luminous Aether (I forget where it comes from, but it has something to do with science and light) Wendigo's Secret (a Wendigo is a Native American spirit that took the form of an upright deer or the wind, but was very vengeful for all of those that committed crimes against the planet)
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Question regarding Shadows Fall

    Depends who you ask, really. I like the cover, but it's really not like the original.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Best macth of 10/1?

    Go ahead and vote. I didn't feel any match stood out as being particularly too good, so I went with Ekmo/Siaki vs. Shark/Mikey because of the SAMOAN DEATH DROP~!
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Great Acts of Stupidity

    Applying for a job at Ames a week before the "Going Out Of Business" sales started.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    What the hell happened to solos?

    Funny how your example of a Metallica album that can be directly linked to a nu-metal album is the album Metallica put out to cash in on the nu-metal craze, eh? That would be like saying grunge bands have a direct link to Motley Crue because the Crue put out a grungier album in Generation Swine. 60's bands, such as The MC5 and Jimi Hendrix Experience, listed blues and jazz musicians primarily, as well as Elvis Presley. 70's bands listed The Beatles, Elvis, and many 60's bands. 80's bands listed Elvis, The Beatles, and many 70's bands. 90's bands listed Elvis, The Beatles, many 60's bands, and a few 70's and 80's bands. It's a generational thing. The preceding eras of music influence the following eras. Elvis begat The Beatles, The Beatles begat Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath begat metal, and metal begat hair metal, hair metal begat Grunge (as a "fuck you" to hair metal), and grunge/hair metal begat nu-metal. As for Metal Maniac's comments... You forget that there were PLENTY of bands before 1980 that bands from 1980 and on could have listened to for inspiration, especially hair bands. New York Dolls, Ramones, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The MC5, and The Beatles and Elvis Presley. As for saying Metallica is to blame because that's the particular 80's metal band that the nu-metallers point out, I want to say that Metallica was one of the only 80's underground metal acts to break through to the mainstream without having to use aquanet and excessive amounts of makeup and spandex. So it definitely makes sense for newer bands to point to a band that (**GASP!**) broke into the mainstream when they were forming their own opinions on music as a major influence. Much like how, if I were to start a band, and that band were to become big, I would list Shadows Fall as a huge influence (as it is QUITE obvious they are going to become big).
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Question regarding Shadows Fall

    Agreed. However, my PERSONAL favorites (I'll give you three from each album) are... Somber Eyes To The Sky "Purity" "Lead Me Home" "Somber Angel" Of One Blood "Of One Blood" "The First Noble Truth" "To Ashes" The Art Of Balance "Stepping Outside The Circle" "The Art Of Balance" "A Fire In Babylon"
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Starting a fed

    Massachusetts. Yes, I know, but me and a few friends of mine have made comments here and there about opening our own promotion in a few years.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    EA Sports Is Doing The Videogame

    **dances in the street to that mint-but-not David Bowie/Mick Jagger tune**
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    3 Hr PPV Name

    I think "A Night To Remember" would be pretty good...
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    i just had 2 kick ass matches in.......

    I had one wicked kickass match the other day using 2 CAWs of mine (Cliff Young and Corey Lazarus, and I played as the L-A-Z). Went on for 19:16 (yes, I remember the time), and it was such great back-and-forth action. I remember playing it and going "this is the greatest match I've ever played." I wish I'd recorded it. Better than 3/4 of what we get from WWE every month. Probably a decent ***3/4 rating, maybe ****.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Poster Tournament II: THE FINAL~!

    Malibu. MASSHOLES (even if you are a Rholander, since you all wanna be Massholes wicked bad) REPRESENT!
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Series of Matches

    Raven/Dreamer Raven/DDP in WCW (I loved it, despite the matches being pretty crap) Raven/Saturn vs. Benoit/Malenko RVD/Lynn Lynn/Styles AMW/New Church AMW/XXX Benoit/Angle Hayabusa/Gannosuke Foley/HHH Foley/Austin Foley/Rock
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    What the hell happened to solos?

    I'll give you that the newer bands were all influenced by Metallica, but you know what? It's a generation thing. The members of glam acts like Ratt and Poison, whose solo's were generic and non-memorable, and the music itself incredibly awful? They all listed Zeppelin and Sabbath as influences. So it really is an extremely generational thing. As for saying Ryknow (bassist of Mudvayne) plays like he's trying to be Cliff Burton, that's nitpicking, and pretty wrong. Cliff was popular because he made his bass sound like a guitar when doing bass solo's, used his fingers, and headbanged like a motherfucker. Ryknow is popular because he's a really good slap-bass player, has a freakishly large bass (to go along with his 6'4" height, I believe), and plays his bass on his stomach. They're really quite different. (NOTE: I only know this about Ryknow because my friend Drew would go on and on and ON about how much he loved Mudvayne a year ago.) But yeah, your argument of Metallica "starting" nu-metal isn't really TOO valid (but you do have a very true statement that Metallica influenced today's bands), because it's a generation thing.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Beyond Re-Animator

    I loved it. I sat in my buddy Jason's living room, we watched it while eating pizza and making jokes about it. Totally MST3K'd it. But you know what? It was all in good fun, as this movie ruled. Ah, JMA is a fellow Lovecraft fan, eh? Then I suppose you know that the West character in the short story "Herbert West - Re-Animator" dies, right? I want a serious version of "Herbert West - Re-Animator" to come out. I really do.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    3 Hr PPV Name

    Why not "Starrcade," since that was the NWA flagship event?
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Hogan to work TNA on 11/30

    See, but the udnercard is bound to have some decent matches that will be given (**GASP!**) time to be good, so I'll watch for those. Then I'll go to the only TNA forum the TNA people check (TotalNonStop) and make it known that Hogan sucks.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I have an SYM question... How do you get commentary? Do you have to turn it on? I rent the game occasionally, and play it a lot when I do rent it (the engine has improved drastically from the original SD), but I get no commentary.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Dio's garden attacks him

    **sniffles** Nobody got my D&D joke...
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    What the hell happened to solos?

    1. Agent, who do you blame? Because if you say "Metallica," which is my prediction, then how did Metallica create nu-metal? Nu-metal is a direct descendant of glam and alternative, neither of which Metallica ever were (Load's a hard rock/bluesy album, NOT alternative). If you're going to place the blame on anybody from the 80's metal scenes, blame Faith No More. Their music had a lot of rapping and funk to it, which lead to Rage Against The Machine, which then lead to Limp Bizkit, and then the little fucktard mallfucks began whining because of Korn. 2. Brian, I agree completely with the "bearded drunken shoulders" comment towards Zakk Wylde. Dude needs to lay off the Sam Adams...
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    The One And Only Band Name Idea Thread

    Dybbuk Zhorn Sound Like The Hu-Man (my friend's grind/funk/metal band...Agent, you might like them, they're decent enough, but the vocals suck; and the name is a quote from the classic b-movie Robot Monster) The Family Crow (or insert any other name) Cuntface Shenanigans Society Taught Destruction Preparation H Bomb Phagz Dahmer's Messiah
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Hogan to work TNA on 11/30

    I don't think Hogan coming in is awesome news. Think about it. Did Hogan increase the ratings for the WWF/WWE when he came back? No. Buyrates? No. Fans these days don't care much about Hogan. And I can't say I blame them. Sure, he'll always be over. ALWAYS. But there's nothing about him that makes you want to tune in week after week to watch him. Russo, for all of his hack ideas, understood this. And he phased Hogan out within 3 or so months to push the younger talent, to try to give WCW a fighting chance again. I'll be ordering the 11/30 show, as any good TNA fan will, but I'm saying that Hogan joining TNA won't do as much good as most of you think it will. The XWF didn't draw, and it's main focus was Hogan and other known stars. The best way to get TNA more exposure would be a TV deal, and although I agree that Hogan MIGHT help secure a TV deal, I still don't agree with Hogan being brought in. As for the obvious double-turn coming up...I can't wait. JJ is one of my favorite heels (and I despise him as a face), and AJ is just great at everything. Hopefully AJ retains, and then goes on to feud with wrestlers that aren't, you know, pretty bland (I love JJ's heel schtick, but I find his ring work to be rather boring).
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    hulk hogan's tna debut

    I say have Hogan come in for a ONE MONTH DEAL, doing only 4 dates. Saves money, limits the possibility of Hogan getting any real power, and doesn't make the main event clogged up with has-been's and never-were's like it could be. Sorry, but I fucking hate, hate, HATE Hogan.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    News From The 10/6 Observer

    I always kinda liked Marc Mero, so I wouldn't mind seeing him back on TV.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Best macth of 10/1?

    My own personal name for the move Ekmo and Siaki did to finish off Mad Mikey. Ekmo lifts the opponent up for a Gorilla Press Slam, and then tosses them as Siaki leaps up and catches them with a SWEET Diamond Cutter.