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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus
I'd like to see TNA get rid of Mantel and Russo and give D'Amore the book again. He had the book in '05/'06, right? That was some good shit until they got rid of him. Not spectacular, but good enough to actually watch. As for Kong/Angle...it's a similar concept to a main event NECW had back in '04. Mercedes Martinez was THE most dominant woman on the roster, and frequently competed with men. Considering she's a very solid worker and made everything look believable (IIRC, she was VERY stiff, or at least was great at making everything look like it fucking KILLED), it worked. She went against the NECW Heavyweight champion, Maverick Wild, and the two had a very solid 15-minute match. Most of it was standard wrestling fare, mutual respect and such, and Maverick was hesitant to get too rough until Mercedes really pissed him off. Wham, wham, wham, it turned into a nice fight. The match wasn't too good, but I blame Maverick's WWE-style and Mercedes was still kinda green, and since Angle and Kong are both far superior to Maverick and Mercedes...it could work. Then again, Sheldon Goldberg's a much better booker than Russo and Mantel and Jarrett, but alas, it COULD work.
WWE General Discussion - January 2008
Corey_Lazarus replied to Prophet of Mike Zagurski's topic in The WWE Folder
I would agree that Austin isn't on the same level as Hogan, but only due to how long Hogan was on top. If Austin's neck hadn't been broken again at SSlam '97, he'd have had a few more years on top, including all (or at least most) of 2000, and probably most of '03 and some of '04. If he had more time, I think it'd pretty much guarantee that he'd be on the same level, as far as "icons" go, as Hogan. Not as iconic, but much more entertaining in every which way. Plus, he never gave his sun beer which (in)directly lead to him crashing his car and putting his best friend in a coma. -
I stopped trimming/shaving my nether regions. Just becomes too much of a hassle, and my girl doesn't mind my mane because it's not that thick. If it gets outta control, though, it's down to a #2, and that's as low as I'll go. When it comes to my face, I do a 3/8" attachment (a #3) on my clippers for my sideburns, don't touch my goatee, and then use a Mach 3 every few days on the rest of my face. I share Jingus's problem of not being able to grow much facial hair very fast, it's very "patchy," and goes from just above my collarbone to less than inch below my eyes. It's pretty ridiculous when I haven't shaved in a week and a half, because it looks horrible, but there's a large area it vaguely covers. That's primarily why I shave: because it looks stupid. If it grew in thick, I'd have had a full beard since high school. But alas, it sucks, so I keep what does grow in halfway decent and skin the rest.
Wow. If they ever fuck you over you could nail 'em pretty hard with that shit.
Unjustly Imprisoned Man Must Repay "Room, Board" While in Pr
Corey_Lazarus replied to milliondollarchamp's topic in Current Events
Uh, I'd say it's well beyond that. You can PROVE that the chick was never pregnant somewhat easily. No evidence of miscarriage, no bill from Planned Parenthood, no scars from self-abortion attempts, NO BABY...but proving that you didn't rape somebody after already being convicted is a little harder to do, man, and much more severe, considering it's pretty well-known that a general code of conduct amongst prisoners is to attack sex offenders. -
And fans could also say "you know, none of the WWE Divas are this good, so maybe there's something to these Japanese bitches." Because outside of Trish and Mickie James, what WWE Divas do the fans know are GOOD wrestlers? Fans can tell the difference between great, good, passable, and bad in-ring work. That's why they cheer somebody like a CM Punk, who is good, and either boo the shit out of or don't make any noise for a Boogeyman match, who is bad. Joshi talent could get over in the States with the right pushes, and considering how well TNA's Knockouts have been booked thus far? I think one or two of them could come in and own some ass. It's not that often you see American women wrestlers bust out a plethora of suplexes and stiff moves. Only US-based women's wrestlers I can think of that match that description would be Mercedes Martinez and Awesome Kong, actually...
Okay, the ruse is up. She's got to be a tranny, right? RIGHT?!
Meh. When I see the names "Glenn Danzig" and "Henry Rollins" mentioned in connection with steroids or other illegal pharmaceuticals, then I'll care. Though it is funny that Tyler Perry was mentioned, considering he doesn't need to touch a damn thing.
I'll never get the love for Spider-Man 2. Everything about it annoyed me. Raimi hasn't been the same since he started making real money off of his movies. His best shit was the Evil Dead trilogy and Darkman. Wow...that sounds like generic fanboy talk...but it's oh too true. I really can't wait for Dark Knight. I wanna watch Batman Begins a ton before going to see it, just so I can get into how Nolan views Batman.
It shouldn't matter at all if Raimi himself doesn't care for Venom. The FANS do. The people that give you their money to see a semi-truthful adaptation of something they love in a different medium wanted Venom. They didn't get him as he should have been. That's whipping out your cock and pissing in your oatmeal because you didn't like the kind of spoon you had to eat it with.
RE: Cthulhu pronunciation. The commonly accepted pronunciation is "kuh-two-loo," though "kuh-thoo-loo" works too. However, according to an interview with Lovecraft himself (referenced in one of the Lovecraft collections I have, I do believe entitled "More Annotated HP Lovecraft"), there is no proper pronunciation for "Cthulhu," as it is merely man putting unearthly, unhuman noises into rough verbiage for our own ears. The most accurate way to say it would be to start with the "C" sound, "kuh," and then cough out a "thoo" noise, making it almost guttural, and then almost weeze out a "loo" sound. It's hard to put to words, but it makes much more sense if you sound it out. I still go by "kuh-two-loo," since it's easier on the throat and flows much better. If I could find a copy of the silent Call of Cthulhu to rent and see if I dig, or if it was on OnDemand or even online, but I'm not buying it without seeing it first.
So Edwards loses in his hometown of Boston...again? What the fuck? The kid's got talent and a bright future. I know he's not an RoH mainstay, but c'mon.
WWE General Discussion - January 2008
Corey_Lazarus replied to Prophet of Mike Zagurski's topic in The WWE Folder
Why isn't more of an uproar made about Mickie James appearing in some pseudo-hardcore shoots? -
Holy fuck. I thought my girl's .33 after we got kicked out of an In Flames concert due to her downing a fifth of Goldschlager was fucking impressive!
I couldn't name one song of either, but I've heard of them. At least a lot of the bands you're complaining about have had some radio airplay, or some other hint of fame. Imagine trying to explain that your band sounds like a cross between One Man Army & The Undead Quartet with hints of Demolition Hammer and an overall power-groove feeling. There's maybe only one other person here that's heard of either of these bands, and it's either going to be Agent or Slayer. Maybe Steviekick, too.
Marge: Grandpa, how did you take off your underwear without taking off your pants? Grandpa: I DON'T KNOW!
WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - January 2008
Corey_Lazarus replied to DrVenkman PhD's topic in WWE Multimedia
Anybody who either has the Ladder DVD or watched it on 24/7, what do you think of the 3Count-v-Jung Dragons-v-Knoble/Karagias Ladder match? We've had a ton of ladder matches in the last 8 years, especially in the WWF in '01 (Rumble had Benoit/Jericho, Mania had TLC II, a SmackDown in May or so had TLC III, and there were a few during the InVasion angle, most notably Edge/Christian at SurSer) and in TNA in '02/'03 before they came up with Ultimate X, but this one...this one has had spots that I actually haven't seen before, and it's a little over 7 years old. Setting up the ladders like a scaffold between one ladder and the middle rope (and Karagias subsequently hitting a powerslam on Hayashi, who attempted a springboard clothesline while Karagias was standing on that ladder-scaffold) was genius, as was making a ladder a scaffold between two set up ladders on one side, and one larger set-up ladder on the other. And then Moore hitting a skin-the-cat headscissors on Yang off of that...shit. I really think that the feud between 3Count and the Jung Dragons, and all the feuds it mutated into, really helped bring the Cruiserweight division back in late 2000 WCW. The finish to the match was anti-climactic, but ultimately the right decision to do to put over both Helms and Moore, which would then lead to Helms' face-turn during the build-up to the Cruiserweight title match against Chavo at Sin, and cementing him as the top Cruiser upon being booted out of 3Count by Moore in favor of getting Karagias back. If WWE were smart, in order to show up the X-Division, THIS is how they'd book the Cruiserweight division on SmackDown. -
Awkward moments involving roommates.
Corey_Lazarus replied to Giuseppe Zangara's topic in No Holds Barred
Outside of my girl right now, I've never had a roommate. But a few friends of mine used to all rent out a house in Watertown, and I've heard some stories... 34) You and your roommates have a party. A close friend to one of your roommates - henceforth referred to as the proverbial "that guy" at any party - decides to go upstairs. Minutes later, you hear a loud crash. You run out of the kitchen, putting your game of Beirut on hold, and find your roommate's close friend lying nearly unconscious on the floor, the railing of the top of the stairs broken all around him, and a couch leaning against the wall that used to be upstairs by the same railing. -
Currently at RoHwrestling.com, they're having a pretty damn solid sale. A plethora of DVDs from The Era of Honor Begins to Final Battle '06 are on sale for $10 each, plus 10% off any total sale. So, this begs the question...what should I get? I have Death Before Dishonor IV, and a couple of mixtapes of their first year, so I'm really looking for some classic stuff (maybe not the Punk/Joe wars, since I honestly find Punk to be a bit overrated). Right now I'm leaning towards Hell Freezes Over and either Glory By Honor V Night 2 or Honor Reclaims Boston. Anybody got an idea of what's their better shows from '03-'06?
Nope. Just the Whisper from the top. Though part of me was wishing he'd jump off the top with a crossbody to Orton on the outside.
Are you mental? The pinfall/submission in the cage rule is much better than the escape. It doesn't make sense for something designed to keep you in be able to be escaped on a regular basis.
Does anybody else just LOVE Umaga's entrance music?
Terribly inaccurate wrestling predictions you made
Corey_Lazarus replied to King Kamala's topic in General Wrestling
In all truth, Test coming out during the Six-Pack Challenge to beat HHH and win the championship would have been the most sensical booking of '99. In hindsight, 'tis a good thing it didn't happen. -
Is ASE III the one with the Joe/Punk that only goes, like, 20 minutes? I do wanna check out the Joe/Punk series, double ditto for the Punk/Raven series, but I'm sorta cautioned because everything I've seen from Punk has made me feel that he's talented, but not nearly as talented as people make him seem to be. So I'm probably getting GBH V Night 2 and Hell Freezes Over. Thanks for the help, though.
Nah, it'd just disappear randomly like every thread I ever have mild interest in does. Considering they haven't done much but tour for the last 2 years or so, I don't think it'd be worth it, especially since they have three albums (not counting their s/t, which I think is just b-sides and such), and while each has its own identity (Remissions is heavy as fuck, Leviathan is excellent obscure storytelling, and Blood Mountain goes from straight-forward sludge metal into these huge proggy landscapes), they're nothing to create an entire thread over. Maybe just a sludge/swamp thread, if anything, would do.