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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus
The poster above you (forum edition)
Corey_Lazarus replied to TheFranchise's topic in No Holds Barred
Didn't watch the last WWE PPV during the live chat. -
One of the downright coolest cutter variations I've ever seen...mostly because I've been using something like that as an eFed finisher since '99.
The poster above you (forum edition)
Corey_Lazarus replied to TheFranchise's topic in No Holds Barred
^Is a TNA-hating goth, much like myself. -
This ain't the Hart Foundation, it's more BOTCHAMANIA~! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztW9PQch_1c Around 1:34 is the funniest thing I've seen in a LONG time.
In all honesty, I want Sting to just tell TNA that he won't work for them unless they calm the shows down (meaning the pacing) and/or focus on some of the lesser-known guys that have the ability to be bigger than they already are but keep finding themselves held down. Either that, or go to WWE by 'Mania 25 so an all-encompassing career DVD can be made.
The poster above you (forum edition)
Corey_Lazarus replied to TheFranchise's topic in No Holds Barred
Makes me realize just how fine Molly Holly really was. -
...this may be the first time I've ever actually seen the nominees for this category all play metal... That said, there's no way Shadows Fall aren't getting this. They just left the #2 metal label (Century Media) for Atlantic, Threads of Life got some decent press and advertising (even though it's a driveling pile of shit, especially compared to their last full-on original album, The War Within), and "Final Six" I can't even remember from Christ Illusion...which came out late summer '06. That said, of all of the solid releases this year - Municipal Waste's Art of Partying, the new Black Dahlia album Nocturnal, the new Motörhead, and not to mention any number of cheesy overblown melodic black metal releases this year that got great reviews for sounding like complete ass, they pick fucking KING DIAMOND? I like King Diamond in a comedic way, and every review I've read said the new album was good, but really...there was no other new release that deserved an award? Not even Killswitch Engage's newest, which isn't half-bad from what I've heard of it (the cover of "Holy Diver," and accompanying video, are great)? Shit... Oh well. Hopefully Unearth wins it the next time they release a disc, because if III: In the Eyes of Fire didn't get the deuce, then they'll only get better.
The closer it gets, the more excited I am. Fuck, my girl's even excited, and she didn't see the first AVP, or any of the movies since she was, like, 13-14. We're going to try to make it on XMas day, if not the day after. There's a nice article in Fango (the one with The Mist as the cover story, IIRC) about AVP:R, and it seems like this new team of directors are actually decent-sized fanboys, so this COULD be very good...
To go along with what most have been saying, and to add to the "black market assault rifles" convo higher up in the replies, anybody remember that 2-3 hour stand-off in California in the mid-90's? Two or three men covered in head-to-toe body armor with assault rifles robbed a bank, the silent alarm went off, and they held off the police for a few hours just by having superior firepower. Think about that: CRIMINALS have superior firepower than LAW ENFORCEMENT. Illegally obtained, true, but then the police went to a gunshop around the corner and found matching weapons, and that's how it ended. So tell me how we should restrict legal weaponry when all of the high-powered shit that most of these fucks end up using are illegal anyway?
The poster above you (forum edition)
Corey_Lazarus replied to TheFranchise's topic in No Holds Barred
Can't spell the word "twisted." Or he's too "edgy" and "hip" to bother using an old-fashioned, outdated "s" rather than the cool, modern, eXXXXXXtreme~~~~~~~~~~! "Z"! -
You know, I've read "Who Goes There?" Outside of the things about blood and testing it and the self-reliable cells of the alien...it's actually pretty lame. The whole thing about anti-gravity packs and ray guns and atomic power cells made out of tractor parts...it's easy to see that it was written in the 40's/50's.
So people saying that they like something is hurting the business? If anything, Disco's example is one of ego, not the fans, hurting the industry. True, the IWC is a small margin of the fans (I doubt it's only 1% though), so why should our opinions be cast aside when we ARE the customer? That's like saying that the movie geeks who visit Star Wars fansites and shit don't count because they're a smaller portion of the general fanbase. It's a ludicrous thought process, overly egotistical, and - again - for somebody who has neither been the focal point of vast IWC hatred nor been praised for in-ring work (IIRC, many believe he was entertaining, but average or sub-par in the ring) it seems odd that he would be the one attempting to "bring the hate." I can see where Glenn is coming from, but at the same time, he needs to see that what sells is what sells. I love certain wrestlers (Jerry Lynn, Bryan Danielson, Eddie Edwards) but at the same time can see why lesser-quality talent (Sean Waltman, Batista, Cody Rhodes) have made more of an impact on the industry in roughly the same time span: oftentimes they have a good look or a certain in-ring presence that draws people to them despite their flaws as workers, but even more often it's due to bias. Nobody will argue effectively that almost anybody that has held or been close to the WWE's top belts (WWE Title and World Heavyweight title) in the last three years is as good in the ring as Bryan Danielson or even KENTA, but they do offer certain elements that attract a wider fanbase, be it visually (Cena, Orton, and Batista have the right LOOK to be wrestlers), audibly (Michaels, Edge, and Kennedy have been cutting some damn solid promo's in the last few years), or...politically. To downweigh the effect of politics in a business where everybody and their mother KNOWS there's bound to be some (since every business has politics up the ass) is as preposterous as saying that a growing group of fans - the same people that once helped pad your pockets - don't know anything about something they've watched intently for years. Basically, every good point Gilberti brings up - fans clamoring over people that wouldn't make it as huge stars on a mainstream level, wanting one thing and then complaining about when we get it, and not appreciating certain workers' ring psychology - is counteracted by his mistakes. First he says that the WWE main event is a perfect example of ring psychology, when somebody who has a basic understanding of it should know that when Orton's leg is worked over for a solid 15 minutes he shouldn't be able to jump up and just run like nothing ever happened. Then he says that most matches go from Wrestler A doing spots to Wrestler B doing spots and shrugging moves off like they're nothing and that they should go back to one wrestler controlling the flow of the bulk of the match, when the reason some fans (including myself) like the idea of trading offense rather than one man controlling the match is because most matches we've watched growing up followed that same basic and tired formula. Switching it up now and then is exciting. And, of course, there's the lingering aura of somebody who hasn't been in that many good matches criticizing the work of others. Sounds like somebody's mad that he's not getting any attention from the fans.
MC Lars - "Internet Relationships (Are Not Real Relationships)" Though I have Unearth's "Big Bear and the Hour of Chaos" stuck in my head...
5 favorite metal albums of the 80's: 5. Sepultura - Schizophrenia 4. Stormtroopers of Death - Speak English or Die 3. Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind 2. Slayer - Reign in Blood 1. Metallica - Master of Puppets ...of the 90's: 5. Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss 4. Pantera - Far Beyond Driven 3. Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding 2. Acid Bath - Paegan Terrorism Tactics 1. White Zombie - Astro-Creep 2000 ...of the 00's (as of today): 5. Summer's End - Summer's End 4. Municipal Waste - The Art of Partying 3. Exodus - The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A 2. Unearth - III: In the Eyes of Fire 1. Municipal Waste - Hazardous Mutation
"Bound to the Floor" is a song that I always have to crank when it's on the radio. And "High-Fivin' Motherfucker" is class. You know what it's like to audition for a band that describes itself as "hardcore metal" only to find out that every heavy band you're into they've either never heard of or haven't heard much of? And I don't mean obscure, like Send More Paramedics or Amputated, I mean more well-known, like Exodus and Cannibal Corpse and SOD. It's weird, because the stuff we've jammed out sounds like parts of Roots-era Sepultura and parts of some 80's crossover stuff.
I'd say it's a tie for which film I think is his best: In the Mouth of Madness and The Thing. EVERYTHING about both movies is spot-on perfect. How things spiral out of control in ...Madness, leading to the main character's own insanity, is amazing, as are all of the obvious Lovecraftian themes and homages (IIRC, the hotel clerks' last names are "Pickman," which is obviously from the Lovecraft tale "The Pickman's Model"). Also, Sam Neil OWNS ASS in that movie, and the ending is so bleak it's beautiful. And The Thing, hot DAMN was that great. It's too bad that it bombed in the box office when it came out, because it beats the shit out of any non-zombie horror flick from the 80's I've ever seen.
I still remember Heat Wave '98. RVD would be talking about how he's going to completely own Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki (*sneeze*HAKUSHI! and Fonzie goes "bless you!"), and then Sabu would get angry that he's talking all arrogant, and RVD would just hold up a hand and go "oh, and, uh...you too, Sabu." MONEY.
Because the original wasn't shitty enough, eh?
Dusty Rhodes. You knew it was coming. One of my favorite Rhodes promo's was actually in TNA during his feud with Brian Lawler/David Flair/Erik Watts. Lawler was cutting an AWFUL promo against Dusty from the ramp while Dusty was in the ring, and said "You know, Dusty Rhodes, you're not just an OLD man...you're an old FAT man!" To which the Amayeruhcane Dweem replied "Oh Lordy, oh no, you called me fat!" Dusty no-selling, and then verbally burying Brian Lawler, was amazing.
Seriously people. You shouldn't be so literal. So, let's rephrase the question, "If your house were "hypothetically" involved in a fire, and you could only grab 3 of your favorite DVD's/VHS and/or Beta/Reel-to-Reel/etc. that held wrestling content on them, and they weren't in a box, or if they were in a box, the box wasn't by your bed/living/kitchen/bath/game/jacuzzi/garage/laundry/parlour/pool room window and the wrestling tape fairy told you to grab your 3 favorites without any of your family members risking death (pets included), which would you choose?" Ah, fuck it. Who cares? Let's just forget the question and talk about why Chris Daniels is so great. Chris Daniels is great because if his house were on fire, he'd grab a fire extinguisher. Chris Daniels is also great because if he were to have a fire extinguisher, it would be the BEST. EXTINGUISHER. EVER.
The Internet is Hurting The Business: Part 1
Corey_Lazarus replied to JPopStarKami's topic in General Wrestling
If you make that point, can you really criticize Disco Inferno for never having a good match if YOU'VE never had a good match? Yes, I can. Because I've spent money on PPVs featuring Glen Gilberti. I'm a paying customer. I have helped him pay his bills, however microscopic of a percentage of a dollar I have inadvertantly given to him. He has never once spent a dime on me, or anything I have been involved in (unless you really want to stretch and talk about the money invested into wrestling school). I actually enjoyed his run in TNA in 2003. Not his matches, but every angle he was involved in at the time I found highly entertaining. But there have been two matches focusing on Disco that I've enjoyed at all, and one was because of Saturn, and the other was because it was an in-the-stands brawl that turned out better than anybody expected. EDIT: That, and I'm not telling him how to do his job. If he were to suddenly come into my office and my warehouse and tell me how to cut 300 feet of 100-pair cat 3 plenum, then I'd criticize how bland his matches are. The business has changed, and for somebody who never succeeded beyond lower-midcard comedy sidekick to rant against people that ARE making names for themselves is humorous to me. That would be like Vin Diesel telling Christian Bale he's a bad actor because he goes to various lengths to get in character rather than do the same old thing every movie: preposterous considering one is very much so better than the other. -
That's a shitty fucking contract. On one hand, I can see why Spike official wouldn't search the net before Impact began airing there for opinions on TNA, considering often the IWC is cast in a negative light by people in the industry (especially those who are bashed by the IWC for not putting on good matches and just generally being boring and/or detrimental to the product), but I think it would have actually served Spike some good to have checked out the general consensus of Jarrett by fans of the product, since most TNA fans can't stand him.
Jearan is the greatest poster ever. I still wasn't 100% sure it was a work until I read "A suspence we haven't seen since WCW days!!!" That, my friends, is how you parody members of the IWC. Either that, or he's a rube from the old TotalNonStop board that MikeSC and I would tear apart.
The Internet is Hurting The Business: Part 1
Corey_Lazarus replied to JPopStarKami's topic in General Wrestling
I just think it's funny that a guy who has never had a match worth really watching can criticize workers for not knowing how to have a good match. A wrestling match is like a movie, and in that sense you can go several different routes: you can do a kung-fu flick (LowKi vs. The Amazing Red), a horror movie (Undertaker vs. Hulk Hogan at SurSer '91, where 'Taker just kept coming), a balls-out action flick (pick any spotfest ever), a comedy (most Santino Marella matches), a very solid thriller (Michaels vs. Jericho, WM19), a "Rocky" type (doesn't even need an example), etc. etc. To say that there is one way to work is wrong, since there are many ways to do any type of art (and yes, wrestling IS an artform). Different types speak to different people, and there are always going to be types that speak to more people than others do. Get over it. -
You know, I didn't like this one as much as I liked Driven. Aries/Richards seemed pretty bland to me, but then again I've never really been too high on Aries. Every match of his I've seen (all of his TNA work, three of his matches upon returning to RoH, and a couple from before Generation Next) has been alright but not that great, and some his hand gestures actually take me out of the match. It's a weird complaint, and not even a big one, but just like how somebody who throws weak-looking offense but is technically sound bores me to death (and somebody who throws solid offense but is rough around the edges I can mark for), it's still there. Also, is it me, or does Matt Cross seem like he's about 7 years too late? He has the kind of offense that would have made him a huge star when ECW was still around, or when RoH and TNA were just starting to get off the ground, but he's just too showy with his flippity-floppity style to really matter that much anymore when most wrestlers have moved on from the pseudo-lucha style and into more of a hard-hitting pseudo-puro style. The opening 4-Way Survival was fun, but at times (specifically early in the match) it seemed like Nigel was lost, which is very odd to say considering how high I am on him. The match was also further proof that if Chris Hero ever got bigger (physically, meaning much more muscle-mass) that he'd be a HUGE star in WWE. He's extremely charismatic, has the entire prick heel schtick DOWN, and is a very solid worker to boot. Hopefully he has a long career without having to resort to any "enhancements," because even if he never makes it to the national stage he's already going to be something of a legend. Claudo was the MAN in this match, and this has easily been the best match I've seen him in outside of the Cage of Death from Death Before Dishonor IV. Third Claudio match I've seen, and the best showing HE'S done yet (in my limited-viewing-of-RoH eyes). Marufuji was...there. The superkick he gave to Nigel when Nigel was crouching, though, was VICIOUS. The finish built perfectly to further the Claudio/Hero feud, as Hero cost Claudio the match via illegal tactics (Hero convincing the ref that he tripped over the rope instead of intentionally landing on him was GREAT, as was Claudio's face when he realized what happened), and then that led to Nigel hitting the rebound Lariat onto Claudio for the win. I liked the idea of the NRC-Resilience Singles Challenge, but the matches, as I said earlier, were kinda...there. The best match of the three was definitely the last, and the last few minutes of Aries/Richards was very good (although I was bored by most of the buildup). Erick Stevens, for some reason, just feels like he has "it," you know? Unique look, solid offense, and is in the beginning of his career. Roderick Strong was BADASS with the different ways he'd stretch Stevens and work the back leading to the Gibson Driver. The top-rope Crucifix Powerbomb was FANTASTIC, as was Strong stretching Stevens around the ringpost pretty early in the match. Danielson/Morishima was better the second time I watched it. I'm starting to see why everybody's all over AmDrag's balls, when before I just thought he was kinda overrated. Between this match and the one with Nigel at Driven...oh my. Danielson = money. And Morishima was PERFECT showing frustration after TWO Backdrop Drivers before going for AmDrag's eye. I also love how built-up Danielson's small package is, considering how basic of a move it is. And the combination of the Triangle Choke and the MMA elbows (which do look pretty weak, you have to admit, but would be too dangerous to do otherwise) was beautiful. This match was just great, no if's, and's, or but's. Not as great as Nigel/AmDrag from Driven, but close. And then the MotN, Briscoes vs. Steenerico. Kevin Steen is just a brutal asshole, Generico is such a bump-monkey, and the Briscoes are just so damn solid all-around...it was near-perfect. There was only two spots that took me out of it, which is low for a ladder match where contrived spots are the norm: one was when Generico was going for the belts and Jay set up the ladder between the corner and the HUGE ladder (after Steen hit the Package Piledriver on Mark on the other ladder set up in the other corner), it took Jay a little too long to set it up, and Generico - to his credit - played up all of the wear-and-tear from the prior 20-minutes by constantly grabbing his back, but it did seem like it took a little too long; the other was, of course, the TNA moment where the belts were stuck, but Steen covered by climbing back up after taking the bump onto the broken ladder a minute earlier. Those two detractions didn't hurt much, because the greatness of everything else was THAT GREAT. THIS is how you do a violent ladder match, TNA: you don't need a million table spots (this had ONE, and it was very basic, and one of the few lowlights of the match), you don't need a ton of blood (I do believe only Jay was bleeding, and it looked like it happened hardway on the side of his head), you just need a few over people that can bust their asses and deliver. The introduction of Age of the Fall was solid, too. Tyler Black's Small Package Driver is a SICK variation on the Fisherman's Buster, and Jacobs using his cane to just smack the shit out of Mark and Jay was good. The hanging of one of them by the apparatus they hang the belts with was EVIL, and a great way to end the show. Also, Adam Pearce cuts solid, almost Raven-like promo's. And Delirious rules.