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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus
You should just get under them and grapple once they grab the belt. You'll pull 'em right off if the belt meter isn't empty. I actually like that about the ladder matches for '07 and '08: the belt meter. I tried playing a HCTP ladder match the other week, and I won it in under 2 minutes on Legend after throwing my opponent out of the ring and then climbing the ladder to grab the belt. Too easy. Not like the MitB matches in '07...those are fucking impossible. Also, if anybody doesn't know how to light a table on fire, I just looked it up: Have a finisher, and then stand next to a set-up table and press your finisher button. OR, after picking up the table, hold R1 and then tap triangle when setting the table up to throw a match on it and fire it up. Obviously that's for PS2/PS3, so for 360...replace R1 with RB and triangle with Y.
I forgot about the arcade game. It's amazing in its difficulty, since you can't really get anywhere in it. The NES game was...horrible. You had to look for assignments, and then get underneath the ghosts (floating white blocks with black eyes and mouths) and tap a button to initiate the beam. If it caught the ghost, you had to keep tapping the button to drag it in and then try to move over the trap. For an old NES game it wasn't that bad, but there much better NES games (as if that needs to be said). I hope this is a lot like Ghosthunter in the sense that you have to wear down the ghosts before you can trap them. It'd be awesome if there was a co-op mode, too, because I know that's a game my girlfriend would actually WANT to play with me.
I don't even care if it's horrible. I'm getting it. I liked the original NES game, I loved the Genesis game (yes, with the big heads and all), it's my favorite movie ever, I used to read a lot of the fanfic at GB.net...must-have...**SPLOOGE**
Sooooo...yeah. I remember only mildly caring for '06, but I've been playing that one a lot more than either '07 or '08...fucking THQ...
The more I listen to 'em, the more I'm convinced Acid Bath just may be the greatest band of the last 20 years. I owe Agent a 30 for getting me into them. Also, the new Exodus album is amazing. Not even by just thrash metal standards, it's just GREAT. They've had a kick in the balls since returning, and have gotten even better when Souza left and was replaced by Rob Duke.
Ghostbusters Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze Aliens Terminator 2: Judgement Day The Guyver (I STILL love this movie, fuck you all) Jaws An American Tail: Fievel Goes West Newsies Hard Target Predator Bloodsport I can watch any of those movies and instantly remember being 3 to 9 years old and loving every minute of it.
The Tazmission (Katah Hajime, or however it's really fucking spelled) is still, for my money, the best submission finisher there is. Can it be reversed? Of course. Taz is on your back, so all you really have to do is get him off your back, which can be done either by flipping him over you or by falling backwards (and, if you're Bam Bam Bigelow, putting him through the middle of the ring). BUT...it can be applied out of anywhere. The half nelson isn't even the integral part of the move: the hand on the throat is. The thumb goes into the carotid artery, the index finger hooks onto the Adam's apple, and you SQUEEZE. That's painful as is. Now lock the arm to counter it the easiest way, pull on the shoulder and push the neck down ONTO your other hand...bam. Perfect. Let's not forget that Taz could easily suplex people with them in the hold (which I believe is how he "broke" Sabu's neck in December '98), adding another element of danger as it could be used to break you as opposed to just choking you out. I've also always loved the Dragon Sleeper, specifically Ultimo's version of it. Something has to be said about the Stump Puller and the NagataLock, too.
Nigel McGuinness diagnosed with torn biceps
Corey_Lazarus replied to Hunter's Torn Quad's topic in General Wrestling
Aye, aye. That's why I'm not 100% sure he's on some sort of juice. He might have just studied how to build a lot of muscle mass...or he might have found a distributor to give him that shit. -
I like how just about every Metallica listing has St. Anger as their worst, and it got so much hype heading into it as being "brutal" and "a return to old-school Metallica." I remember reading a preview of it being "like old Sepultura." And we got ReLoad in downtuned guitars with Lars hitting coffee cans.
You know, it's funny. I love White Zombie, and really like Rob's solo stuff, and also enjoy PM5K...but I could never REALLY get into 'em, you know? Every album is just too...different. Mega!!Kung-Fu Radio is more like a rap/rock with some funk and some hardcore here and there, but overall a weird listen. And then there's the groove-laden White Zombie-lite Tonight the Stars Revolt!, which shot PM5K into the mainstream after the success of "When Worlds Collide" and subsequently "Nobody's Real" (which, I still feel, is a really solid radio song). But then...yeah. Lineup changes, Anyone for Doomsday getting shelved due to 9/11, and we get Transform which was too different. In much the same way as Dope's Life is too different from Felons and Revolutionaries (for my money, THE best nu-metal album ever, to the point where it could actually be considered industrial metal at times) for fans of the initial sound to enjoy, Transform - while a fun mainstream rock album - wasn't good enough for the band to maintain any real status on a mainstream level. I've only heard the title track off Destroy What You Enjoy, mostly thanks to my buddy Will, but it's more of Transform, which at least shows continuity for once in their career. I'm still waiting for a good 90's band, luke-o.
Nigel McGuinness diagnosed with torn biceps
Corey_Lazarus replied to Hunter's Torn Quad's topic in General Wrestling
You do have a point. There is no way in hell Mark Briscoe isn't on some sort of steroid, be it legal supplement or otherwise, because the kid gained a ton of muscle mass in a relatively short period of time. Then again, he very well COULD have put it on via lots of exercise (since when he started in RoH I do believe he was still in high school, if not fresh out of it) that he has more time for, but yeah...something a little fishy there. Jay, though, he's always been pretty big. I doubt that McGuinness' injury is from roid use/abuse, though. I'm not saying this because I know him, or because I'm a huge fan (I've seen three of his matches, albeit I've loved all three), or even some armchair expert on roided-out bodies, but...what would he have to gain? His fans like him for his charisma and technical prowess, so why even try to get bigger than he already is when it could hinder the latter reason? -
Would anyone suggest Wrestling Society X?
Corey_Lazarus replied to LivingLegendGaryColeman's topic in General Wrestling
They're pretty fun, over-the-top (like the Def Jam games over-the-top) shows, and I do remember one or two of the musical guests actually saying something of note when they joined the commentary team. It wasn't a wrestling show, per se, but more of an insane spotfest show, and every match was clipped for TV. I'd actually like to get my hands on some of the un-clipped matches, if only to see how they are. I'd imagine almost all of Vampiro's were horrible, and that Jack Evans was even more over than the show made him seem. -
Since Czech questioned Satellite Radio...
Corey_Lazarus replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in General Chat
I don't really see much of a difference between HDTV and regular TV, to be honest. Every display I've seen of an HDTV looks almost too crisp, you know? Like...un-real crisp. I'm probably alone, but I'd rather use my little Sanyo to watch my TV than some pricey system that really doesn't offer a whole hell of a lot that my "outdated" box doesn't. -
And O&A are fucking hilarious. Especially Jim Norton, or Patrice O'Neal when he comes in (usually to over for Norton when he's on tour). I'd rather listen to something streamlined and sent out all over the country if it's funny than a local morning show just blabbering on about the Red Sox and about politics with a couple songs (usually KoRn or Papa Roach, or something equally atrocious like Tool or Radiohead) in-between pointless "rants." Then again, I get Boston stations, so during the morning commute and/or early deliveries, it's either I listen to my iPod (I have the iMonster adapter that plugs into the iPod and into the car lighter and sends out a small FM signal, so I just tune my radio to the station I set the adapter on and then can listen to my music of choice) or O&A, since listening to the "award-winning" Hillman Morning Show is an exercise in suicidal thoughts. My co-worker listens to the local hip-hop station, Jam'n 94.5, which plays the same fucking songs over and over and over and over...etc. Fuck Soulja Boy, fuck T-Pain, and fuck whatever R&B they play and try to disguise as rap. Yeah...I don't see the argument against satellite radio at all. I've listened to the Sirius and XM metal channels, and while they both play a lot of fashioncore (more It Dies Today, Chimaira, and similar MTV bands than should be played) it's better than anything I'll hear outside of my iPod and MAYBE Harder/Faster (a late-night metal show on WAAF hosted by Mike Hsu, which recently changed from heavy HEAVY metal - Mandatory Slayer to start, likely some Cannibal Corpse, Iron Maiden, and then some new shit - to more mainstream stuff - Mandatory Slayer has been changed to Mandatory Metallica, which I do believe actually cut the already-small audience down a little bit). If smaller stations want to compete, why not try playing music people want to hear instead of the same old shit? Why not hire talent and develop them into something that's entertaining rather than just reciting the name of the station, giving an update on weather, and talking about the local sports teams?
Name me one band that was formed and rose to prominence in the 90's that's really worth anything in hindsight.
Best part was Randy ACTUALLY playing guitar, and the kids making fun of him for it. Cartman: "Real guitars are for OLD people."
Nothing beats playing the original Resident Evil at my old neighbors house around midnight, and hearing the noises that the Hunters made later in the game...only for them to jump out of nowhere and rip your fucking head off. Freaked us out.
Yeah. As the music actually got a little better and was more than just awful noise, ie. actual songs, their fans started hating them. Proving, once again, that 90's bands were awful.
He stays on top as ratings lower just a little bit, and then throws a tantrum with the wrong person backstage (I'm thinking 'Taker) and gets jobbed out until he's off TV by the Rumble. What if... Raven was pushed to the WCW World title in late '98/early '99 like he probably should have been? Do DDP's reigns as champion still feel forced when he's feuding with Raven in brutal brawls like they did for the first half of '98 rather than beating superior talent like Sting or Benoit?
Who really cares? At this point, WCNA doesn't need Hall or anybody else who was a name due to an angle (face it: Hall would be nothing without the nWo) to come in and run roughshod over the main event scene. The fans shit on it, the critics shit on it, but Jarrett has it firmly placed in his head that TNA needs over-the-hill guys to carry the main event...when two of his favorites are either in such bad shape they might have a heart attack in the ring (Nash) or will likely show up hammered and put on a 20-minute shitfest (Hall). Also, the mentioning of Jarrett just reminded me. STOP. BLAMING. VINCE. RUSSO. Really, fucking stop it. Every report that has come out regarding the booking committee has all but flat-out stated that Dutch Mantel and Jeff Jarrett are the ones that are responsible for the horrible TV. Russo's no saint, but he's not this bad. He at least pushes NEW talent, not the same old guys over and over again. Also, remember this: TNA's worst period thus far has been late '03 (right after the first Ultimate X) into early '05 (when Daniels/Styles was going full-speed). Who was the head booker? DUTCH MANTEL. Russo isn't even THIS bad.
The first band I can ever remember loving, I mean absolutely loving to the point where I'd listen to them all the time, was Metallica. And from there I went into Slayer, and then The Misfits. Had a period (which most of you remember) where I sucked Shadows Fall's nards, but I can still say that The Misfits are my favorites. But originally, it was Metallica.
I may be alone as far as the other zombie-flick lovers 'round here go, but I can't stand Cemetery Man, but there's one scene I absolutely love. It's when Dellamore starts to go nuts, so a little over halfway through, and he sees "her" as a student who he spends the night with. She tells him of how she's leaving in the morning, or whatever (I know that she says she's leaving him to some extent), and then complains of being cold. He takes the space heater and puts it under the blankets to purposefully start a fire, burning her alive as she sleeps. All he says "don't worry, you'll never be cold again." BEAUTIFUL.
Balzac IS horrible. I remember them being halfway decent last time I saw them. Although the last time I saw them I was 16 and seeing the Misfits for the first time, so maybe I was just excited. So yeah. I didn't even see the fucking Misfits last night. They fucking decided that they weren't going to come out and start their set until 10:40 at night. On a fucking SUNDAY. I had to be up to get ready for work at 6:15 this morning. The Misfits' set was to last between 10:40 and midnight. That's BOLLOCKS. Everybody there either had fucking jobs in the morning, or school. Maybe even both. Why the FUCK would you schedule your set to start 50 minutes AFTER the last set ends? THERE'S NOT EVEN ANY FUCKING ELABORATE STAGE PROPS TO SET UP AND/OR TEST! YOU HAVE A FUCKING DRUMSET, TWO AMPS, AND INSTRUMENTS TO TUNE! THAT ONLY TAKES 15-20 MINUTES, TOPS, IF YOU START RIGHT AWAY!! Fucking cunts. I'm sick of getting fucked out of seeing my favorite bands. Can't go see see Slayer when they were with Manson because tickets were too pricey, couldn't go see Municipal Waste because they were playing too late when I had work the next day, and now I get fucked out of seeing my favorite band because they're a bunch of assholes who don't understand what it means to get out of their fucking dressing rooms and just play a fucking show on-time anymore. Jesus fucking Christ...I really think that the only bands from the early-to-mid 80's that have had a good amount of "success" and still been true to their fans are Slayer and GWAR. Every other band takes their sweet-ass time hitting the stage, but these bands don't fuck around. Oh well. Here's to ignoring CKY and Cradle of Filth to see Gwar in November.
Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 26-28
Corey_Lazarus replied to Youth N Asia's topic in Television & Film
Actually...the movies are pretty damn decent. Far better than your average horror fare during any time period. I'm not saying it's you in particular, Mole, but most people who hate the Saw series tend to like shitty horror movies, if any horror movies at all. I know plenty of people that completely look past the character build-up of Jigsaw and Amanda and all of the characters around them, and just see the devices as the draw. No. This ain't Final Destination or Hostel, there's an actual story here with character arcs that are not only surprising, but also decently thought-out. The future Saw entries are mostly going to be flashbacks, though, but I'm still excited for them. Saw III has been the best of the first three, so I'm looking forward to part 4.