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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus


    Seeing it tonight at a drive-in double feature with Knocked Up. Fucking BOOYAH!
  2. Rented Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls the other day for my girlfriend, who has some weird love for it, and it truly is an amazing experience to watch a movie meant to be hilarious without once even cracking a smile. I find myself hating everything Jim Carrey lately when I used to love everything BUT When Nature Calls.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Cena's title reign

    I still don't get the love for Cena's matches. All I see from him is fairly weak brawling, decent power moves, and mediocre-at-best short-term selling. I will, however, agree that keeping him on top is practically a genius move, since, like others have said several times before me, you either love him or hate him. Some tune out because he's on, but more tune in when there's a solid CHANCE that he might drop the belt. THAT is good booking.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Guilty Pleasures

    It's hard to dislike them. At least the REAL KISS (Peter, Gene, Paul, and Ace).
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    5 albums of 2007 I'm excited to get: 5. Dying Fetus - War of Attrition 4. Darkest Hour - Deliver Us (out already) 3. The Black Dahlia Murder - Nocturnal (out already) 2. White Zombie box set (set to be released later this year) 1. Dethklok - Dethalbum (out 9/25)
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Guilty Pleasures

    My fucking girlfriend will randomly break out into Wiggles songs because she watches it now and then at work (she works at a daycare with infants and toddlers). I don't really have guilty pleasures per se, but there is shit that is out of the ordinary and unexpected of me to listen to. I love Tom Petty, go nuts every time I hear "Scatman" (that cheesy club song from the mid-90's), and don't mind Muse too much (that one single they had not too long ago that sounded like Nintendo music until near the end when it breaks out into nothing but singing, and then a monstrous groove riff), or even The Strokes. Oh, there's one band I'm not too open about listening to: Helloween. They're everything I dislike about power metal, but not to the nth degree that shit bands like Dragonforce are. "Falling Higher" and "Lavdate Dominvm" are just great tunes, man.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    I can see how they justify keeping Sting near the top. He's a good worker, he's very over with the fans, and he's willing to help younger talent. He's one of the few veterans that understands how the elders of the business are meant to act. I could see them keeping Sting strong and near the top, maybe not necessarily ON top, for the next few months/years until he's ready to hang up his boots save for the here-and-there "out of retirement" matches. Then he puts over somebody young who could use the rub.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    101 reasons why

    Matt Hardy's stupid mask was much cooler-looking than Undertaker's stupid mask.
  9. Corey_Lazarus


    You know, I almost want to get an XBox 360 just to play this and the other two Halo games. I've spent hours at friends' places who have XBox just playing Halo.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Examples of a Wrestler TRULY Being Put Over

    That, and I think Heyman knew that Credible wouldn't leave. He felt fucked over by McMahon with the whole "Aldo Montoya" bullshit, not to mention getting his salary cut in half when they sent him back down to developmental before releasing him, and it was doubtful he'd go to WCW because...I don't know why, but I don't think he wanted to. That, and Credible was actually a pretty hardy worker in the ring, but his schtick wasn't meant to get over in the main event. He was upper-mid at best, really. He had really good matches against Jerry Lynn (which, according to interviews with both men, weren't just Lynn carrying Credible), and then some decent ones with Tommy Dreamer, but...yeah. He's essentially a tag wrestler whose only tag team was broken up too soon. At least that's my perception of him. I will say that I marked HARD when he debuted on Raw, even if he fucked up the interference by having trouble getting into the ring.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Not yet, but it's on my list. Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk I once owned the double-disc live album, Infernal Eternal, many moons ago. I then traded it with a (then) friend for his copy of Morbid Angel's Domination, as he was more into black metal and I was more into death metal. But I've recently been listening to black metal with an open ear. I'm halfway through Lords of Chaos, and due to a lack of availablity I have not been able to find REAL Mayhem albums, or even any Burzum besides the newer "darkwave"-ish style that Varg's been into since going to prison. So I found Marduk again, and I knew all but two of the songs on the album from Infernal, so I picked it up. Lovely. I was looking for Nightwing, which has "Dreams of Blood and Iron" on it, but I forgot the name of the song and thus couldn't find it. I plan on going to the nearest Newbury Comics to look for it this afternoon. Lovely, Christraping black metal. Skinless - From Sacrifice to Survival I own Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead and love it. I'd credit Skinless with really getting me into the more brutal aspects of death metal, along with Amputated and (of course) Cannibal Corpse. I was looking for Foreshadowing Our Demise or Progressions Towards Evil, the former featuring "The Optimist" (which begins with a clip of Vince McMahon shouting "life sucks, and then you die") and the latter featuring my personal favorite "Tampon Lollipops" ("She didn't have legs!"), but this was all they had. Decent album, pretty far inferior to Trample, but a nice slab of American death. And on the music DVD front... GWAR - Blood, Bath, And Beyond This is a nice piece of Gwar-chandise that chronicles their 20+ years offending and entertaining. There's rare footage of a Gwar show where Dave Brockie's idea of Oderus Urungus had yet to include the mask, fake brain, or massive ugly phallus, and there's also plenty of footage of Tekno Destructo taking on Gwar. Brockie's humor shines through in spades during the "presentation" he and Sleazy P. Martini partake in during the introductions of clips, and it's nice to be able to tell that even after doing the same thing for 20 years he still enjoys it and makes the most out of it. The sound quality is a little muffled, due to the low budget of just about everything Gwar has ever been a part of, but there's enough rare footage and Gwar-tastic humor (remember, PUNS ARE METAL) to keep any fan interested for at least a little bit. Next up on the Gwar DVD front is the music video DVD, which I hear is much better (it contains all of Gwar's music videos from Hell-O! until Violence Has Arrived).
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Music in advertisements.

    Well, I'd hold a death feud with somebody too if they were once considered my best friend, and then they stole everything that could be considered my legacy out from underneath me and made tons of money off of it.
  13. Milky, I saw The Host. It reminded me a lot of why I dislike most "progressive" rock/metal: just when it starts hitting a stride, it decides to change its pace and style. I'm not asking for a simple monster movie, because outside of a handful of Godzilla flicks I can't stand simple monster flicks. But I am asking for some common sense, and the movie wasn't sure if it wanted to be a comedy, a horror, a melodrama, or an action flick. And unlike what we've received from other flicks across the ponds (Britain's Shaun of the Dead, which I think actually set the bar way too high for horror/comedy/etc. crossover flicks, for one), there was never enough of what was good before they changed the pace entirely. I was watching a weird film version of an Opeth album: there'd be a good lick to build something up, then a monstrous riff would come in, and then it would go in another direction altogether...only for the monstrous riff to return, and then change into some awkward jazz-like breakdown. Maybe not the best metaphor/simile/comparison, but it made sense in my head, and might make sense to you after a read or two. I decided to grab DVDs of Carpenter's The Thing and In the Mouth of Madness not too long ago, trying to get all of his Apocalypse trilogy, but then I forgot what the other film was. I want to say that it was Escape From New York, but I'm not 100% sure. Either way, I need to make my girlfriend watch In the Mouth of Madness if she wants to see how a psychological horror is done 100% correctly. Also, Bateman has a reason to kill. It's not a sympathetic reason, like Jason Voorhees or Leatherface, but it is a reason nonetheless: the world he lives in has drained him of all human emotion, made him into a caricature of himself, and in his struggle to fit in with the power elite he has lost his humanity, causing him to dig into further depths of sexual depravity and sadistic, murderous lust. He's the only 100% unsympathetic character Ellis has created, as even Clay (Less Than Zero), the trio of Sean, Paul, and Lauren (Rules of Attraction), Victor (Glamorama), and the fictional hyperbole of himself (Lunar Park) have emotional feelings. The only character close to Bateman in Ellis's universe is Bryan Metro, a rock star from a short story in The Informers. Then again, this doesn't warrant a post here, but I got onto an Ellis tangent.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Examples of a Wrestler TRULY Being Put Over

    I can't think of anybody that put over more people than Tommy Dreamer did. Nowadays, a win over Dreamer doesn't mean shit. But in the glory days of ECW, a win over Dreamer meant that you were going to be a big name in ECW. Yes, I know that they were already monster heels, but would the Dudley Boyz have been nearly as effective had they not broken Beulah's neck and subsequently laid Dreamer out? Would CW Anderson have meant anything AT ALL in the company's last few months were it not for the win over Dreamer? Would Lance Storm have been looked at as a legit threat to the World title if he didn't beat Dreamer at Hardcore Heaven '99? And Justin Credible...yeah...nevermind. A great example of putting somebody over without losing is RVD/Lynn from Living Dangerously '99. Much better than the Hardcore Heaven '99 match that everybody seems to cream themselves over when talking about the Lynn/RVD feud, and it helped Lynn get over that much more than HHeaven did. The time limit draw. Alfonso's constant interference. Molineaux getting ready to award the belt to Lynn, only for Lynn to demand 5 more minutes to prove he could pin Van Dam. Hell, RVD even did something out of character (as far as his then-ECW character of the laid-back cocky guy) and said that Jerry gave him the best run for his money he's had yet as TV champ. It's because of that feud that Lynn is even remembered as anything more than an above-average cruiserweight.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Facial peircings

    Girlfriend has nose, labret, and tongue, and was considering getting an eyebrow done. I can live without 'em, but I do admit that they help bring out her prettiness. But, like, multiple eyebrow rings and shit? Unnecessary. She wants ME to get my eyebrow, nose, or lip pierced...yeah. Never happening.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Music in advertisements.

    Or the classic use of Springsteen's "Born in the USA" for Reagan's re-election in '84. If it's a song, it's a song. Use it up. But only when the people who wrote the song agree with it. Like all the use of Beatles tunes because Jackson licenses them out to keep his little ranch open...that's bull. What actually gets me more is when companies like Target get some awful-sounding jingle played by a fake band to promote their horrible fall fashions...that's much more annoying.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Murder on Spike TV

    I haven't seen this, but it sounds like a decent-enough premise. Just like Fox's old reality show "Murder in Small Town X," which should have lasted more than one season since it was fucking awesome, but alas.
  18. Corey_Lazarus


    See, people said that about the new TMNT cartoon (not the queer "Flash Forward" series that's on right now) and movie. Both turned out much better than expected, with the new cartoon kicking the original 'toon's ass entirely (not as funny, but the animation was more fluid, more action, and the stories were STRAIGHT from the comic), and the new movie being better than both live-action sequels (if not, then on par with Secret of the Ooze). I think, with the right people, even a CGI GB3 could work. As far as GB fanboys go, I tracked down the four issues of the "Legion" comic mini-series for THREE YEARS before finding it a couple of months ago. I'm getting "ZUUL" inked across my stomach (like Rey Mysterio has "Mexican" across his). For Halloween my sophomore year of high school, I bought a jumpsuit and made a proton pack out of styrofoam, wood, line cord (for telephones), cardboard, and paint. I still own one of the original Ghost-Trap toys, and a bunch of the GB action figures (as well as a good portion of the EGB figures, while having every EGB ep on tape).
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Dying Fetus - Killing on Adrenaline Been getting really into the death/grind stuff, mostly thanks to a growing love of Cannibal Corpse, and decided to give Fetus a try when I heard the song "One Shot, One Kill," which was lovely. Bought Stop at Nothing, and now I get the only other album with a song on it that I actually know, that being "Kill Your Mother/Rape Your Dog." Fun death/grind, and the annoying burp-like vocals have grown on me. Exodus - Pleasures of the Flesh I'm en route to naming Exodus as my favorite thrash metal band after Slayer, since Bonded by Blood, Fabulous Disaster, and the recent Shovel-Headed Kill Machine are all tremendous thrashterpieces (haha, awful puns are metal)...but outside of "Brain Dead," this doesn't have a whole lot for me. Fabulous has three solid tunes on it ("Toxic Waltz," the proof that metal is blues-based with "Cajun Hell," and a laughable cover of "Low Rider"), but this...eh.
  20. THE SUCK: An awesome song, one of Nevermore's best (IMO), ruined by an atrocious video that strays (poorly) into the "artsy" and "live" styles. THE AWESOME: So outlandishly awful it's great. It's a complete embodiment of Municipal Waste themselves: over-the-top, b-grade quality, but for some reason its awful humor works on all cylinders, and you can't help but enjoy it. It's not even the best song on the album, far from it (I'm a fan of "Born to Party," personally), but it works as a single.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Just because I spent the last 4 hours at a bar discussing it...

    The Misfits, '83 or so, just before Danzig broke the band up. You've got everything of theirs worth a damn to hear live (outside of the few good Graves tunes), plus the inclusion of their later, more hardcore/thrash-y stuff. Slayer...wait, I've already seen them plenty of times, and each set has been amazing. I got it. S.O.D. during the taping of Live at Budokan. It's a great live album, and it's fucking S.O.D.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Aliens v Predator 2

    And that the producers kept changing the script on him, and that 20th Century Fox kept interfering and thus preventing him from making the movie he wanted to make. And that the script was changed more than a few times, with the plot changing ever-so-slightly each time to make it different. I really think that Fox should've gotten Mark Verheiden (who wrote the scripts of the first three Aliens comics, which are the only ones really worth reading) to do a nice little rendition of Earth Hive, or even a combo of Earth Hive and Nightmare Asylum, or even a rushed combo of all three series (finishing it off with Earth War, or "Female War" if you go by revisionist Dark Horse history...or the SD Perry novelizations).
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    Well, they've been hyping Raw tonight on the radio up here by advertising HHH's Raw return...AND a WWE Title match between Cena and Orton. That initially lead me to believe Orton would be winning last night, but that didn't happen, so maybe (hopefully) tonight? I'm watching just to see if my buddy Chris G makes the airwaves, as he's in the audience by the ramp with a HHH sign (decent design, too; "THE KING" on the top, with HHH in the middle and Hunter's pic behind the middle H, "OF KINGS" on the bottom, and the DX "frequency"-style X going across it), so I hope Orton walks out with the title.
  24. But the headlocks made sense in the context of the match. Leading up to SSlam, Orton attacked Cena's head, trying to give him a concussion (ESPECIALLY the RKO on the chair at SNME). It didn't work, but it did hurt Cena. Orton found the opening. So he goes after Cena's head in every way possible: headlocks, chinlocks, stomps, knees, DDTs...it all made sense for Orton to work the head. The rear naked choke he did was VICIOUS, so I don't know why everybody's giving him shit. It was a simple match, and both men worked it well (and I fucking hate Cena, but I'll agree he worked well). Orton working the head at the beginning of the match still had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand, and his body language and facial expressions when he was in control made the holds more than just restholds, but rather actual elements to the story. The three moves he's used as finishers - the RKO, hangman's DDT, and the recent addition of the Concussion Kick - work on the head, so why not soften Cena's head up to make it work better?
  25. You know...I like how Orton's chinlocks are nothing more than restholds, but HBK's legwork at 'Mania is "beautiful psychology." To rate the HBK/Cena WM match higher than this one is pure ignorance, plain and simple, and I have a feeling most people will do that.