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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Bad Covers

    It's not that we hate Our Lady Peace...it's just that they're not good. =) Megadeth's cover of Alice Cooper's "No More Mr. Nice Guy" should be mentioned. Musically, it's not bad at all. But the video is so fucking awful it's hilarious. Take a look for yourself: http://youtube.com/watch?v=xTlGA1Hg-Do
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    According to various sources, the reason Angle left WWE for TNA last year was not Angle's doing. He had a problem with common wrestling drugs, I forget which ones (I believe painkillers and 'roids), and Vince offered Angle the same thing he did Guerrero: contractual release, and rehab paid for by WWE. Angle didn't want either, so he was opted out of his contract, took some down time, and then showed up in TNA.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Why isn't TNA getting it?

    I'd like to see a return to the way TNA was in early '03, where it was a blend of episodic, crash-TV booking and solid wrestling matches that lasted more than a few minutes. It also helped that the wrestlers had more defined personalities back then, but alas...
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    Your typing style is sporadic and jumbled, like the words of somebody on too many amphetamines. While I agree that a lot of the Cena hate is just a trend, much like the bulk of the HHHate a few years ago, or the FJJ trend for TNA folder, don't forget that there are those that genuinely are not entertained by him in the least. The one match of his I could watch fully was vs. 'Taker at Vengeance '03. But he does sell merch (which, really, why the fuck should we care if he sells merch when we care about the quality of the product itself), he is over with a large portion of the fanbase, and he does seem to lack an attitude backstage. As an aside, was Credible's reign as ECW champ in 2000 really THAT bad? He had solid matches against Dreamer, Storm, Corino, and Lynn. It was certainly much better, match-wise, than Douglas' last run with the belt since Credible actually worked through it instead of sitting on the sidelines injured, and had more decent matches during it than the reigns of Lynn or Corino (though that's due to time constraints). It was the worst of the more-than-a-week runs during the TNN era (Taz, Awesome, Tanaka, Credible, thus discounting Dreamer), but it wasn't the worst ever.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Book recommendations

    Almost done with Ellis's The Informers. Decent, but the worst of the three Ellis that I read to become a fan of his (Rules of Attraction, American Psycho, and Glamorama). Next up is Ellis's Lunar Park, which sounds like an interesting premise (Ellis sticking himself into one of his novels, almost sounds like a blend of Rules and Glamorama, which are my two favorites of his, with Rules being my fave). The Informers has a lot going for it. Ellis doesn't stick to one character for too long, which helps freshen things up, but all of the characters are exactly the same, save for Bryan Metro (a rock star on tour in Japan with a bad coke/drinking habit, and a penchant for brutally raping and beating his groupies), and you're never quite sure which one you're reading about because, thus far (I have maybe a hundred pages to go, just over halfway done), four of the characters are related to each other by blood, and two are friends of theirs. There's a part where it's a collection of letters sent to somebody named Sean at Ellis's fictional NH liberal arts school Camden University, presumably Sean Bateman (and I'm also assuming that the writer of said letters is the girl who sends him love letters at Camden), which is very refreshing, but the really interesting parts are few and far between. It's as if Ellis took the formula he had for Psycho, where the first half of the book is spent conditioning the reader to the drone of his character's life, but then forgot about the part where things of interest occur. In fact...that sounds like his style exactly. The first half of Glamorama is much the same, save for some hints here and there of what's to come, and the first half of Rules is nothing but introducing the characters and establishing that they are, in fact, intertwining with each other. Can't wait to finish Informers and start up Lunar Park. After that, it's off to non-fiction with Lords of Chaos, which is about the underground black metal scene in early 90's Europe that spawned murders, suicides, and the fabled church burnings.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Transformers The Movie

    Good flick, very enjoyable. My only real gripes are that...SPOILERS AHEAD... -There wasn't enough development of the Decepticons (or even any Autobot outside of Prime and Bumblebee), so outside of "they're fucking evil," I didn't really hate on them. -Michael Bay's directing during action sequences. Yeah, you like fast cuts and shaking the camera so that it feels like something you'd actually be watching. I dig it occasionally. But there's a reason why the last half hour, or so, of Hot Fuzz was utterly fucking hilarious (outside of the whole "common village folk owning automatic weapons" and the Point Break reference): they spoofed your directing style dead-on. It works in small doses, but I'm sick of every film you do having that style of directing during the action. I want to SEE what's happening, not feel like I'm watching Blair Witch with robots that turn into trucks. -For half of the movie, I thought I was watching Independence Day. I'm glad to see that millenia-old Cybertron inhabitants are Mac compatible...just like the alien locusts with superior technology...though the whole "every technological achievement since Megatron's discovery has been us working backwards from him" sorta makes that sensical. END SPOILERS But despite those, it's still a very, very good movie. Perfect summer flick, great action film, and John Turtorro needs to team up with Shia more often. I could actually see the two of 'em producing some funny shit.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    American Gangster

    ...I love how people hate on the awesomeness that is Virtuosity...
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Does anyone here know Thursday?

    I'd chime in with my generic "emo kids fuck off" comments...but the few Thursday tunes I've heard I didn't hate. Singer's voice annoyed me, but it actually fits the music and isn't over-produced to be the focal point of every song, so there. "Understanding in a Car Crash," or whatever the song is titled (somebody will know what I mean just by my misnomer), is fucking great.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Is your dislike for a artist due to them or their fans?

    I thought it was already common respect and shit to not wear a tour shirt unless you were at the tour. Much like how you shouldn't wear the shirt of the band you're going to see (though that's a toss-up: if there are many other bands, you're allowed, as you're wearing the shirt of the band you most want to see; if it's just the band and one or two opening acts, no).
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite commentary track(s)

    Any of the Avenging Conscience crew's flicks (Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Dian Bachar, etc.). Cannibal! is great, but I feel that Orgazmo tops it, especially when they explain why they made Dian into Choda Boy. I like the commentary for Aliens Special Edition, specifically from the Quadrilogy set, when the cast (Bill Paxton, Michael Biehn, Carrie Henn, and Janine Goldstein) are the ones doing it. Biehn sounds like he doesn't really want to be there, as if he's sick of being called Hicks; Goldstein brings up some favorite memories on the set; Carrie makes fun of her one movie role (and what a memorable role it was), including her friends making fun of her for the "they mostly come out at night...mostly" line; but the best is Paxton. He brings up all of the times he was drunk during shooting, and how much he loves working for James Cameron since he wouldn't have had a film career without him (Bill was working as a roofer for Cameron when he was casting The Terminator, and was asked to be in it; and then he was in just about every Cameron project from then on), and just generally jokes around with everybody. I think the one time Biehn actually sounds like he's having fun during the commentary is when he's trying not to laugh after Bill makes a joke at his expense.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO 7/5 Impact Thread

    What, you don't get it, Matt? Nobody watches Impact here anymore.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Knocked Up

    The one ep I remember of Undeclared had one of the characters (I think it might be the same actor as the bearded guy in Knocked Up, but he really reminds me of the dude who played Shaggy during Jay's trip in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back) get a Japanese girlfriend who didn't speak any English, so they had these translator devices that the girl's father built and got rich off of. It was hilarious.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    Without reading anything posted before this aside from the initial post, my problems with Cena are as follows (and are likely shared by the majority of people that dislike him): -His gimmick. It started off the right way: he was a complete and utter poseur. He did the rap, he did slowed-down battles so that fans unfamiliar with hip hop and battle-raps could keep up, but the fans saw him as a suburban white boy trying to pass himself off as a hardcore thug. Now it's the complete opposite of what it was meant to be: he's being taken serious. Sorry, but in order for ANY white person to be taken seriously as a hip hop act is to not only be good, but to not be fake and actually rap about what they know. Why should I believe that Cena is from the streets? Why should I believe that he's hardcore? This isn't even because I'm a metalhead, it's just a lame gimmick. If they were serious at all about pushing an "urban" gimmick, they'd hire Ron Killings, who not only LOOKS like a thug, but I'm willing to bet was at one point in his life. -His matches. I found HBK/Cena from WM23 to be fucking awful, and not all of this can be placed on Cena. A lot of it I'm aiming at HBK, but Cena was no help at all. The entire story of the match was that HBK was DESTROYING Cena's leg. Now, while the legwork was a bit boring (okay, I get it, you stomp on it a lot, cool), which is HBK's fault, the miraculous comeback where all of the legwork was forgotten didn't make sense to me. Even a shaking of the leg when Cena had Michaels up for the FU, which, IIRC, didn't occur, would have helped greatly. As it was, Cena's limited offense, pretty bland in-ring charisma, and sporadic selling hurt the match a lot. And it's not just this match, it's every "great" Cena match I've seen. The one match with Cena I can honestly say I liked was Cena/'Taker from Vengeance '03, and a lot of that had to do with 'Taker. -His push. Cool, he's the new face of WWE. Good for him. I don't care. One of the big reasons I stopped watching Raw when I still lived with my folks and had cable was because of the push. There'd be a challenger built up that I'd hope would take the title from Cena, and then they'd lose in a mediocre match. When Edge won it following NYR in '06? I watched the next night. And the week after that, and the week after that. I watched until he dropped the belt. When RVD won it at ONS II? I watched the next night. Then I stopped because the whole show was awful, but I digress. Cena losing made me watch, and not because I wanted to see him get the belt back, but because I hoped he wouldn't. And when he did? I stopped. I agree that Cena going over Michaels was the right thing to do. Ditto Khali, Umaga, etc. etc. And I also agree that when he finally drops the belt, with the only thing being that he needs to do it relatively cleanly, the new champion will get a decent rub should they not be already very over (so no HHH, HBK, etc.). His push just doesn't work considering how cut-and-paste his feuds have become. Heroes who never fail aren't interesting. Heroes who succumb to the odds once in a while are.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    It's funny, because it's obvious by both his name and the whole sXe thing about his character (not just his personal life) that he's into hardcore punk. That just goes without saying. They should take a look at shirts for hardcore punk bands and go "okay...now replace this band logo with the words 'CM PUNK,' replace this grainy black & white picture with one of him," and then maybe change the tour dates on the back to dates of his victories thus far in the company. Fuck, I think I could come up with a better CM Punk shirt just ripping off a Hatebreed shirt, or even the classic Crimson Ghost Misfits shirt (I think that'd actually be pretty cool). A simple black tee, white silhouette of Punk's face and the arms doing the X, voila: CM Punk merch. ...for what it's worth, the second shirt is the least awful.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Bad Covers

    And, conversely, their cover of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" is amazing.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Is your dislike for a artist due to them or their fans?

    Big-time for me here. There was actually a kid a class below mine in high school that had the generic Misfits shirt (black, white Crimson Ghost on the front, "MISFITS" on back), and when I asked him if he preferred Graves or Danzig (I never got how most Fiends could say that the Graves-era was entirely bad, considering how awesome tunes like "The Crimson Ghost" and "Dig Up Her Bones" are), he just looked at me blankly (well, he had a minor form of Tourette's [sic] Syndrome that caused his eyes to blink several times every few seconds, so it's more like he looked at me blinkly) and asked what I mean. He bought the shirt because he wanted to look cool in front of the metalheads and the punks in our high school. Back on topic... "Metalheads" that like nothing but Lamb of God, Devildriver, and other nu-metal acts that learned how to play guitar leads. Also, hardcore kids suck balls, for the most part. Especially die-hard Hatebreed fans. I like a few Hatebreed tunes, which surprises most people given how often I bash them in most instances (not to the degree that I bash Tool, but not too far off either), but I don't understand at all how somebody can base their lifestyle off of a style of music that has been bastardized like hardcore has. Fuck, what passes off as hardcore these days isn't even fucking PUNK, which is what hardcore is meant to be, but rather a watered-down version of metal. At least fucking call it crossover, which is what it is, if you're going to love it so much.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Personally, I like the variation of "it takes three miracles to be a saint, but only one dick to be a cocksucker."
  18. Corey_Lazarus


    It's the sorta time when you don't really want to be a fan anymore, but you realize you pretty much always will be.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    In light of recent evidence becoming public...Benoit's blank stare in the bulk of the photos used of him when he was a young'un, and the quotes of his parents as saying he was always a "quiet, well-behaved child" seem rather ominous now...
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Ultimate Vengeance

    WWE Title Steve Austin vs. The Rock ©, WrestleMania X-7 World Heavyweight Title HHH © vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit, WrestleMania XX Intercontinental Title HHH vs. The Rock ©, Ladder Match, SummerSlam '98 United States Title DDP © vs. Raven vs. Chris Benoit, Raven's Rules, Uncensored '98 WWE Tag Team Titles The World's Greatest Tag Team © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr./Billy Kidman, Vengeance '03 World Tag Team Titles Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie vs. New Age Outlaws ©, WrestleMania 14 Cruiserweight Title Cruiserweight Battle Royale -> Winner (Dean Malenko as "El Ciclope") vs. Chris Jericho ©, Slamboree '98 I consider this one long match, especially considering it's still my favorite wrestling moment, regardless of the current Benoit situation I still preferred this to his title win at WMXX Women's Title Trish Stratus © vs. Mickie James, WrestleMania 22 ECW World Title Taz vs. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas ©, Guilty as Charged '00 Hardcore Title Raven vs. Rhyno ©, Backlash '01
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    No. OJ just allegedly beat his wife on several occasions, murdered her, and then slit her lover's neck to the point where he was nearly decapitated. Oh, as for 9/11 jokes...nah, wrong place. I'm hoping so damn much that Benoit wasn't responsible, even though I know he likely is. If that makes any sense whatsoever. I really, REALLY hope - as morbid of a hope it is - that he wasn't the one to kill the kid. The wife is one thing, but not the kid.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Bad Covers

    This thread really begins and ends with Six Feet Under doing Back in Black. Yes. The ENTIRE album. They called it Graveyard Classics II. It's not even laughably bad like the bulk of the covers on the first Graveyard Classics, with standouts (be they horrible - which is a given, considering it's SFU - or remotely solid) like Savatage's "Holocaust," AC/DC's "TNT," and The Scorpions' "Blackout" (no mention of Hendrix's "Purple Haze" is done purposefully). It's just flat-out horrible. Regardless of what you think of AC/DC since God knows most people dislike them now (it's funny, because the bulk of my friends hate them, but will listen to similar fare from the same era that has even less musical relevance then or now), a z-grade death metal band covering a classic album like Back in Black and then not even releasing it under its proper name is a crime in and of itself.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO Vengeance PPV Thread

    If they're going to push Nitro as anything other than a transitional champ, though, giving him some wins over established talent during inter-brand matches could help a lot. That's an instant mega-push, really: jobber gets fluke shot at title, wins, and then proves himself over and over again by winning constantly. Again, assuming it's not a transitional reign, which it likely is, I'd like to see Nitro be an Edge-type heel: not necessarily overtly cheating to win and keep the belt, but being smart and sneaky enough to retain the title in extremely cheap ways.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Blasts from the Past

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=Zbf1RVArIxM Amazing show. I still have tapes from when I was a kid. http://youtube.com/watch?v=JO2aAfqyR60 I remember watching this show and wondering how they could get away with the amount of violence when I was little. http://youtube.com/watch?v=UMRZyxltArc Greatest theme song to a cartoon ever. http://youtube.com/watch?v=3dmucx-c9ig A GREAT fucking cartoon that easily should have continued and been more popular than it was. And finally, my favorite action cartoon ever, and one that still holds up today... http://youtube.com/watch?v=HHPO7_DL8YQ
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Hostel 2

    But that's what drives the bulk of horror flicks: death and/or pain. Nothing is more feared than death in most cultures, save for maybe torture, so...there. My problem with most "grindhouse throwbacks" is that the bulk of them LACK the grindhouse feel. Most of them feel too polished, not real enough. Texas Chainsaw Massacre worked because it LOOKED REAL. The film was grainy (even for the standards at the time), the characters were your average group of rock n' roll-loving teens without much development, and the story was just weird and brutal enough that it managed to be considered a Video Nasty when it has LESS VIOLENCE AND GORE in it than even fucking Jaws. If you're going to make a brutal, horrific flick that deals primarily with torture and the shock value that the camera isn't turning away, then you need to go all-out and say "fuck the budget," or else it will just come across as relatively lame.