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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus
Wait...Impact already aired? And on a Wednesday?
Ehhhh...he's alright. I like his post-Misfits stuff (well...Gotham Road and the one track he did with Summers End) better than his Misfits stuff (aside from the obvious exceptions of "Dig Up Her Bones," "The Crimson Ghost" which is a fucking MINT song, "Scream," "Saturday Night," and "Helena"). It's actually pretty funny...because the frontman for Summers End, Reverend Moorcroft, HATES Michale Graves and that entire era of The Misfits, but Graves was the guest singer for their song "Headwound" (which is actually their best overall tune). Though I'm pretty sure that their first album was recorded before Moorcroft joined the band... Really, though...Graves-era Misfits gets such a bad rap. Most of it really isn't that bad. Not that good, but not horrible. Jerry owns Danzig's ass, by the way
Considering I have the Crimson Ghost and the cover from November Coming Fire tattooed into one of my sleeves - yes, actually I am quite familiar with Glenn Danzig and Samhain. I was just stating that their style of makeup is more akin to what Graves used to do when he was fronting the (shitty version of the) Misfits - a more or less "airbrushed" look (there is more bleeding in the edging of the face paint that what you'd see normally) that I didn't start seeing until Graves started doing it. Well then, point made, and agreed upon. I thought initially you just meant the overall look of painting a skull on one's face. Re: Flyleaf It's fucking Avril LaVigne with generic nu-metal riffs so bad that the Deftones didn't even bother using them in the background. How somebody can find that style of singing - whiny, ear-piercing noise with bad attempts at the southern twang style - anything but annoying and suicide-inducing is beyond me. And yeah, Matt, most of the bands I listen to don't require a lot of vocal ability. That's not me being sarcastic, that's me actually agreeing with you. Municipal Waste, Send More Paramedics, Zombie Apocalypse, S.O.D...their frontmen (Tony Foresta, B'Hellmouth, Ronen K & Eric, and Billy Milano respectively) just scream or talk, which doesn't take a lot of talent (but a lot of throat losingers). But I will say this: try to growl like Corpsegrinder (Cannibal Corpse, Vile to present) or the boys from Nile or Skinless and then try to talk normally. A good growl, in itself, takes a lot of vocal talent.
Ah, Hatesphere...damn solid Euro thrash metal. I just put The Sickness Within on my iPod, actually. S.O.D. - "Milano Mosh" (from Live at Budokan)
The Misfits - "She" (Coffin Set Disc 1 version, AKA Caroline Collection I)
Maybe their moniker is fucking lame then? Really...how many of us like the fact that the company whose product we watch, purchase, and support is called "Total Nonstop Action Wrestling"? It's a fucking terrible name. And not having any break whatsoever in the shows is HURTING the product as a whole. If there's a breakneck pace and three matches each week that clock in at a total of 15 minutes altogether...that leaves 30 minutes air-time to develop angles and talent via interview/promo/video packages. Unfortunately, they're not doing that good of a job at that, and the one thing they've proven they can do a good job in - the matches themselves and their quality - are being hampered by Russo's booking.
I can only listen to Sublime in the summer. I find myself wanting to listen to more Wednesday 13 and other horrorpunk/horror rock acts around Halloween. X-Mas time is all about Trans-Siberian Orchestra and other great melodic metal. I find January to be my month of "creepy" music. And, of course, year-round I'm all about thrash and death metal.
I've been watching TNA since its fourth show in June of 2002. And I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that this era we're in right now is the most exciting TNA has been since their phenomenal first 18 months. But it doesn't even touch that first 18 months in any which way but the match quality from Joe. Joe/Styles from Sacrifice for the X-Division title is, IMO, their best singles match (I still feel that the 4-team X-Division tag match from April '03 is their best match altogether), but outside of the Joe/Styles/Daniels feud from '05 and '06? TNA doesn't have much of anything to really make me wanna buy a PPV (and I didn't then only due to monetary constraints). The thing that really made the first 18 months work was not only that there was a few old-school voices in the back (Jerry Jarrett, Dusty Rhodes, other elders of the business), but also a few newer voices (Jeff Jarrett, Vince Russo giving ideas to Jerry until he was hired in September/October of '02, and a lot of the younger guys). TNA was great because everybody in the company had something to prove. The X-Division stars needed to prove that they could excel with WCW dead since WWE didn't have a Cruiser division worth watching (never has, and never really will), the younger heavyweights and tag team wrestlers needed to prove that they were able to go toe-to-toe with anybody on the WWE roster and put on matches just as good (if not better), and the older workers needed to prove that they still had it. Jerry Lynn needed to prove that although he was in his late 30's/early 40's, he still had it in him to fly around at breakneck speeds and put on great matches. Jeff Jarrett needed to prove that he could be a believable main eventer (which, ya know, was true for 9 out of those 18 months). And Russo and Jerry needed to prove that despite not having many impacts on the industry after their heydays, they could still write quality television. And there was the key: talent with something to prove. Now? Few in TNA have anything left to prove. The TNA diehards already know what AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jerry Lynn, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Harris, James Storm, and all of the WWE cast-off's are capable of. We already know what Vince Russo can do and has done for the companies he's worked for. There's almost no passion anymore. And when there's somebody that could easily be made into a viable main event personality (ie. Ron Killings), they're pushed to the wayside. So...what's left? IMO, Russo can do a lot of good for TNA. They just need to put a filter on him, and explain to him that he needs one. They (TNA management, Dixie, etc.) need to explain to Russo - in full detail, if need be - that he has a lot of good ideas and his heart is usually in the right place, but he just doesn't have the overall abilities to make truly compelling television. A list of ideas from the L-A-Z on how TNA can improve their current situation: Drop the PPV-a-month route. One of the things that made every ECW PPV special was that they had 2 months in between each show to build to them. That not only cuts losses from having to pay for those 3+ hours of work everybody has to do on a PPV day (12 times a year to 6), but also gives more time to build to each PPV instead of rushing to get a worthy angle or match into each show. This format could have also made the rushed Joe/Angle feud take up 6 months time instead of the 3, and allowed more time for undercard feuds to boil and mean something. Right now, Russo is writing exactly how he'd write in WWE if he was there, and exactly how he wrote in WCW: throw everything out there, and see what sticks. The problem is, though, that nothing is sticking too good, and that's because there's little meat to the shit that's being thrown at the wall. I know there's an angle where Eric Young is on the verge of being fired, and I know Bobby Roode and Traci Brooks have been looking to exploit that to their advantage ever since Young defeated Roode over a month or two ago...but why should I give a fuck? Sabin's disrespecting Lynn, who was once a role model of sorts for him during the World X-Cup back in '04, but why is he disrespecting him? WHY the change in attitude? I finished reading Eric Bischoff's Controversy Creates Cash a couple of weeks ago, and one of the things I really liked about it was his method to creating believable and money-making storylines: SARSA (Story, Action, Reality, Surprise, Anticipation). Whether or not you agree with the rest of the book is inconsequential (I myself find most of it to be a bulk of self-serving bullshits, but hey). But using SARSA, it wouldn't be too hard to give at LEAST the titles some decent money-making feuds. I'm not going to give an example as to what (but it would involve Ron Killings kicking Lance Hoyt's ass and sending him into the hospital following a very one-sided beatdown courtesy of some new friends Truth has, then making a quick 4-month run into the main event before getting the title - CLEANLY - off whoever the champ is). Overall, I think the presentation of the show needs to be revamped. Right now, it's as if there's nothing but chaos going on in the Impact Zone. That element worked when SEX took over TNA for a month or two back in '03. That element worked especially well during the nWo/WCW feud of '96 and '97. That element doesn't work now, and that element is only there because Russo's pacing is way too fast. This harkens back somewhat to prior statements about how Russo needs a filter, but I digress. IMO, what would truly set TNA apart from WWE would be a reworking of one of Russo's most notorious ideas, and also a little bit stolen from what Bischoff's idea for the revamped Fusient-owned WCW would be: turn TNA into reality TV. Hear me out. I don't mean reality TV like Survivor or any other game show-style. I mean like the Real World (although the Surreal Life would be a more apt comparison). Have there be "hidden cameras" all throughout the back so that nobody can say anything without it being aired on TV. Have there be a huge fine/suspension should any worker disrupt the hidden cameras or the cameramen. Also, much like Real World, don't let the workers see any of what's going on. Only have it be visible by the commentators, the people in the truck, the viewers at home, and maybe even people in the gorilla position. This can work to further feuds simply by having somebody walk by the gorilla position and see their partner talking shit about them behind their back, their upcoming opponent, etc. Have a room in the back for interviews (a blend of Real World and old-school wrestling), and have everything that can be explained done so. This could work if further elaborated on, but it could also bomb horribly. STOP HAVING THE OUTSIDE TALENT WALK OVER THE HOMEGROWN STARS. Joe/Angle worked because Joe underestimated Angle the first time, the second time Angle underestimated Joe, and the third time we all found out that if the match gone on for just a few more seconds then Joe would have proven himself to be Angle's equal and/or made Angle his bitch. Team 3D destroying The Naturals? In hindsight it was okay because Douglas and Stevens never went anywhere, but at the time it was horrible, maybe because they never went anywhere due to not being given a true chance until it was too late. The biggest stars in the company right now - save for Joe, Styles, Sting, and Daniels - are all former WWE stars. BG James, Kip James, Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Tomko, Rhino...they're all still looked at as WWE stars (though Rhino, I feel, has both been in TNA long enough and has been a big enough part of it where he can be considered true TNA talent). Now, I'm not saying let the homegrown boys walk over them, because that's just stupid. But I'm also not saying push them over the homegrown guys just because they're more well-known, because that can do a huge disservice to the company if continued. Angle they did the right way, IMO, because he's already known as a top wrestler (if his gloried 6 1/2 year run with WWE didn't give it away, his Olympic gold medals did), and TNA had one of their best able to go toe-to-toe with him. But why was Christian so easily able to break into TNA and go to the World title? Why wasn't anybody on the roster besides Jeff Jarrett and his crew against Christian? It would've made more sense to even have guys like Styles, Lynn, Killings, and other TNA faces be weary of Cage due to him being an outsider. If somebody turns Impact on and sees Tomko laying waste to an X-Division wrestler in a one-sided squash match, chances are they're not even going to remember who the fuck Tomko is. But if they see Christian doing the same? Two thoughts are going to go through their heads: the first being why Christian isn't with WWE anymore, and the second being that this X-Division guy must suck if somebody with as bad a win/loss record in WWE as Christian (at least his last year or so with the company) is owning him. And that's WRONG. Been said before, and needs to be said again: push for Spike to make the show two hours long. Gift us TNA fans with a live Impact now and again. Not every Impact, that'd be preposterous, but once every couple of months a live on would be great. Don't get rid of Tenay and West, but do add a heel commentator. The face/face dynamic is pretty lame, so get somebody in there that not only is great on the stick but also is good at being a heel. Remember when Mike Sanders wanted to stop WRESTLING and just do commentary? This job would've been perfect for him. So...yeah. I started this off with some solid, thought-out ideas...and I just sorta swirled it down in a heaping pile of chili.
Not familiar with the terms "Glenn Danzig," "Samhain," "45 Grave," "Dinah Cancer," or any other classic horrorpunk/ghoul rock bands/performers, are you?
INFLUENCES... ...Plasmatics...Misfits...DI...Buddy Holly...can't say I hate a single band on their list of influences, though Weezer and Manowar can be grating at times... Overall...sounds halfway decent. Her singing isn't nearly as horrible as what passes off as "good singing" like on American Idol and such. Half of those bitches only do the diva shit because they actually can't hold a single note for more than a second or two. At least she's better than the singer of Flyleaf, that's for sure. That song "All There Is" sounds like something that'd be on the Empire Records soundtrack, or playing in the background of a Kevin Smith flick, or even a Troma film.
Similarly, taking Sepultura's Chaos AD and Roots and making them one... Refuse/Resist Slave New World Kaiowas Propaganda Biotech is Godzilla Manifest The Hunt (New Model Army cover) Roots Bloody Roots Cut-Throat Ratamahatta Straighthate Ambush Endangered Species Dictatorshit 14 tracks, the best (IMO) songs from each album. Now, for the inverse, making a pair of EPs and a compilation track into an LP... Zombie Apocalypse Welcome to the Jungle Prologue: Forthcoming Apocalypse Just Meat Morti Viventi Red, Black, and Blue God I Hope the Data is Lying The Dead in the Queue Breaking Off Fingers BastardShitBastard Murder Be a Lady Tonight Every Horror Every Day This Day is a Spark of Life Fill My Mouth With Dirt March On to Victory Epilogue: Legions of Dead Prepare for War Tale Told by a Dead Man
This movie has been marketed entirely wrong. It's marketed as a slasher/horror film. If, however, it was marketed as an action pic - which it really seems to be - then I might have SOME minute interest in seeing it. As is? Fuck it. It's like Papparazzi: sounds like a decent concept, but you know the execution is going to be 100% fucking horrible because of the cast and how it's marketed.
I'm agreeing with the episode of House when he gets shot. That's still a mindfuck to watch. I either missed "Euphoria, Pt. II" or I'm not remembering it at all (either one is entirely possible), and I don't remember Foreman, Chase, Cameron, Cuddy, and/or Wilson being in any ep I've seen of season 3 without House there moreso.
Acid Bath - Paegan Terrorism Acts Have yet to give a listen to this or any of the other CDs I bought today with my Newbury Comics giftcard, but I'm sure it'll be good. The first Acid Bath track I ever heard, "13 Fingers," is off of this album, and I love that song. IIRC, I asked Agent once if he preferred this or When the Kite String Pops, and his response was that he leaned towards the former. Still, can't wait to give it a full listen. Sepultura - Arise Placed in the top 10 of Terrorizer's "Top 50 Death Metal albums," and I actually trust that mag's opinions and credibility. Plus, it's when Sepultura was still a nice wham-bam of death and thrash metal, so I'm happy. I need this, Beneath the Remains, and Bestial Devastation if I could find it, and then I believe I'll have all of the Max-era (ie. the good era) Sepultura stuff. Slayer - Show No Mercy It's really kinda sad that I've been a big Slayer fan for the last 6 years now without owning the first album, eh? I just need Divine Intervention, Undisputed Attitude, and Diabolous in Musica before I'm complete. Oh, and the Haunting the Chapel EP. I already know most of the songs on here thanks to a Slayer tribute album I have, as well as Decade of Aggression: Slayer Live on the second disc primarily. Not expecting much, as Slayer didn't show many signs of being anything other than a run-of-the-mill metal band until Hell Awaits, and then Reign in Blood ruled the fucking metal world. Hell at Last: A Tribute to Slayer Yeah...I'm a sucker for tribute albums to bands I love. Have 3 Metallica tributes (the so-so Metallic Assault, which is all mix-n-match collaborations from various people of different bands; the dreadful A Punk Tribute... which is only worth listening to for Sloppy Seconds' awesome cover of "Motörbreath"; and A Tribute to the Four Horsemen, which has a few damned solid covers, including Anthrax's cover of "Phantom Lord" originally for the first ECW CD), a Misfits tribute album but a Misfits tribute band (Ms. Fits), and another Slayer tribute album that's really a pair of them put together (Post Mortem: The Slayer Tribute, which has a few good covers but mostly boring generic death). I'm waiting for a tribute album to S.O.D. though, dammit!
Send More Paramedics - "I Can Feel Myself Rotting"
Including the two CDs for X-Mas... The Haunted - The Haunted The self-titled debut of one of the modern kings of thrash metal. In all honesty, I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, just a few songs (I put it all on my new iPod, and since I keep that on random...yeah), and...wow. I always made the joke of saying that The Haunted are Europe's modern-day answer to Slayer...and this album proves it. Peter Dolving's voice sounds nearly identical - IDENTICAL - to Tom Araya's, and it's such a nice departure from At The Gates for the bandmembers themselves (not that At The Gates were bad, just not really my forté) that it works. I prefer Dolving's vocals on rEVOLVEr over these, but he's still better than the other frontman they had for Made Me Do It and One Kill Wonder (I forget his name). Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark It's sad that of the pre-Blaze days, the only two albums I had before X-Mas were The Number of the Beast and Piece of Mind. True, I had Best of the Beast, but it's not the same, now is it? Fear of the Dark opens decently enough with "Be Quick or Be Dead," and then closes with the title track (one of Maiden's best, in my eyes), but in-between is...meh. It's generic Maiden, cut-copy-paste, but I'd take this over A Matter of Life and Death any day, really. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Greatest Hits It's weird. Tom Petty is one of the few singers/bands that both myself and my mother (complete opposite end of the music spectrum from me) can both enjoy, alongside Lynyrd Skynyrd, George Thorogood, Billy Joel, The Beatles, and AC/DC. I've never owned an album of his, and it was my girlfriend of all people that bought me it. I can't get "Mary Jane's Last Dance" out of my head, not even when listening to Zombie Apocalypse or Sepultura. I love this collection, and I can't wait to get my ass out there and buy some full albums. Send More Paramedics - The Hallowed and the Heathen I love thrash. I love zombies. I love listening to thrash songs about zombies. And I love it when the thrash itself isn't unintelligible screaming or remotely catchy (even in the pseudo-creepy sense, like some ZA tunes). SMP are a thrash band that worships the ground George A. Romero walks on (3 of the 4 members are dressed as zombies, the other - the drummer - is a fat luchadore that more closely resembles the Sexy Stud from Clerks II with a lucha mask than he does a wrestler) and writes some catchy fucking tunes. That's...it. It's simple, it's loud, it's fast, it's actually pretty lame...and I wouldn't want them to be any other way. Whereas Zombie Apocalypse go for the chaotic feel of thrash and use zombies as a metaphor for both the hardcore scene's unity and the crumbling of civilization, Send More Paramedics are just there to have fun with the brain-eating nonsense. They are the Return of the Living Dead to ZA's Dawn of the Dead (original). I can't wait until I find a copy of their second album that came out late last year, A Feast for the Fallen, because if it's half as fun as this one is I'll love it. Other albums bought since my last post in this thread: Johnny Cash - American IV: The Man Comes Around Johnny Cash - American V: A Hundred Highways And I'm soon going to get Gwar's Violence Has Arrived. I remember snubbing my nose at it when it came out a few years ago because I loved We Kill Everything and it was such a departure from that sound, but now that I've gotten into OLD Gwar...yeah, I need it. Especially since "Immortal Corruptor" owns your asses.
You know what? I don't mind it that much. I hate the way they've chosen to make their instruments sound (the guitar has always sounded awful, just from tone and whatnot), but Opiate wasn't a completely offensive EP. It wasn't pretentious, drawn-out, or even offensive. It was full of songs of the right length, and they felt like they were the right length.
Slayer - "Catatonic"
No, it's not just that I hate Tool and prefer metal. It's that I firmly believe Tool to be one of the worst bands since the creation and popularization of rock n' roll. You know those bands where you hear just a few seconds of one of their songs, and you cringe and want to violently end the audible pain being brought to you by an 18-gauge 2-pair cable? That's Tool. It's my nails on a chalkboard. And it doesn't help when every radio station up here (since my warehouse only has a radio, not a tape player or a CD player or anything I can plug my iPod into) plays Tool ad nauseum, or that every single person I associate myself with wets themselves with glee when somebody even mentions the name "Maynard." 10,000 Days is something I was forced to listen to constantly due to not having any imaginable control of the stereo while with my girlfriend and our friends. We all have our own little personal favorites, and we have bands that we all commonly like/tolerate (Sublime, 80's Metallica, etc.). But then there's bands they nut for and I can't understand why. Tool. Children of Bodom (good, but not as great as people make 'em out to be). Frozen Eternity (essentially a Bodom cover band). Choking Victim. Immortal Technique. When you are forced to choose either between listening to an abundance of music you intensely dislike, or even hate, or not spend time with your best friends, it's easy to see why you hate the music you hate so much. Not to mention the technical aspects of Tool. Wow, they play in weird time signatures. So do Mastodon, Pink Floyd, Dillinger Escape Plan, Frank Zappa, King Crimson...fuck, even Mudvayne. They use some strange philosophy in their lyrics. Ever read any Dax Riggs tunes? That dude makes you fucking freak out trying to rationalize everything. Ditto pre-solo Rob Zombie (seriously: check out the lyrics to half of Astro-Creep 2000 and then try to decipher their meaning, since he's never blunt about anything). Uhhh...they use weird, mindfucking art? Cool, good for them...so does a plethora of black metal bands. Their live show...wow, they stand still and play longer versions of their songs without even the musical competence to take the themes of their tunes and progress them musically (a la jam bands) but rather drone out the same incessant noise on and on and on... "Dammit, Corey, I'm sick of you talking about how much you hate Tool, {whatever band the L-A-Z loves} sucks." Not that anybody's said that yet, but I doubt it won't come up in some way, shape, or form. We're all entitled to opinions, but when an opinion is criticized, a reasoning is due. Tool is the equivalent of me farting onto my Warlock for 7 minutes while changing between holding down the 6th and 5th strings at odd time intervals and then calling it music. There's nothing artistic about using no emotion whatsoever to please an audience primarily composed of stoners and non-musicians who just don't understand why you're horrible. If that were the case...well then, my high school band The Wesux would've been selling platinum albums by now.
The original Best of the X-Division owns every other DVD out there yet. Joe's comes close, but for sheer magnitude of great first-year TNA stuff (still their best period, IMO), that's where to luck. The original Best Title Matches and Best of the X-Division DVDs are great, and work together almost perfectly.
Did most people in this thread not realize that the shooting star legdrop was Jason Cross' finisher in '02/'03, or did I miss somebody saying that?
Best movies that didn't actually exist
Corey_Lazarus replied to Atticus Chaos's topic in Television & Film
I'm still waiting on Phantasm's End with a cameo by Bruce Campbell and The Undertaker as an army sergeant. Conan The Librarian -
Up here in Mass, Toucher and Rich make fun of Hinder, Nickelback, Creed, Default, and other BUTT rock bands on an almost daily basis. Of course, they praise Dio incessantly and bash RHCP whenever they can (not that there's anything wrong with bashing RHCP, mind you), but hey. Hrmmm...my top 10 worst of '06: 10. Body Count - "Relationships" - Murder 4 Hire Ice-T needs to stick to acting. The first Body Count album was perfect: generic punk/hardcore riffs played by inner-city thugs who would otherwise be expected to rap. It was angry and it was simple. It was gangsta rap with catchy guitar riffs and good gangchants. This...is atrocious. 9. My Chemical Romance - "The Black Parade" - The Black Parade I'm sick of fucking hearing this song. I didn't mind shit like "I'm Not OK" and "Helena," since those were just stupid catchy songs...but now they're trying to act like real musicians, and it just doesn't work. Shut up, you're not John Lennon, so go kill yourself. 8. Lamb of God - "Redneck" - Sacrament Yeah, try to be some hardcore badass metal band...and play some of the most generic radio-friendly "heavy" music since KoRn's Follow the Leader. Keep posin', you redneck pieces of shit. 7. Wicked Wisdom - "Something Inside Me" - Wicked Wisdom At least Kittie had the whole "angry teenage lesbian" angle to go on. You're the wife of one of the richest men in Hollywood. You have a decent acting career yourself. So...yeah. You're being angry for the sake of being angry. Fuck off. 6. Bleeding Through - "Love in Slow Motion" - The Truth Portrait of the Goddess was good, disposeable metalcore with a decent gothic ambience to it now and again. This is Love, This is Murderous is a metalcore masterpiece (if you hate the style you'll hate it, but if you like it at all then this album is a must-have). So how do they follow their popularity that was gained by This is Love...? With a piece of shit that has good riffs and a pair of good video's that are connected and tell a story. Brandon's voice on This is Love... was great: he only did clean vocals when the song called for it, and otherwise sticked to screams, growls, and spoken word. Every song on The Truth has clean vocals, and it exposes how well the poor production (yes, deliberate contradiction) on This is Love... enhanced every aspect of the band. Listen to the chorus of this song, and then sit back and wonder how they'd keep somebody with no discernable singing ability at the front of their band. 5. Tool - "Jambi" 4. Tool - "Lost Keys (Blame Hoffman)" 3. Tool - "Rosetta Stoned" 2. Tool - "Vicarious" 1. Tool - "The Pot" - 10,000 Days Worst album of the year. Worst band of the year. Worst single of the year. Worst concert of the year. Worst song of the year. Wow...Maynard sure should kill himself and tell Adam and Justin to follow suit quickly.
But most people say Tool are influential as if it were a positive way. There has yet to be a single band with a heavy Tool influence that is anything but boring rubbish. gary, is the new Zombi better than, as good as, or worse than Cosmos?
This isn't me being a prick and attacking you personally, it's just I always hear from Tool fans how influential they are. Okay...name me some bands Tool have influenced that aren't completely fucking horrible. Every band I can think of (Chevelle's a biggy, since their first album is pretty much a Tool album) is horrible.