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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Examples of Milking a Franchise After It's Lifespan Ended

    Oh, be fair...XGB wasn't THAT bad of a cartoon. In some aspects it actually owned the original's. I liked the re-done theme, I found the Eduardo/Kylie relationship to be some decent writing that actually grew throughout the show's existence, and the re-imagining of the gear was nifty. Plus, the effects given when the blasters are going off (with the changes in color and such) was a nice touch. Of course, the character design was lame and the plots weren't usually as good (but there were some damn fine ones), but hey. I wish it'd been on longer and not in syndication, but rather on a network that didn't suck like UPN (at least that's where we got it up in MA). Milking a dead franchise...I'ma have to say Police Academy. Oh yeah, I went there. And every Revenge of the Nerds sequel after Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise. 3 and 4 were the drizzling shits.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO 12/7 Impact Thread

    I got my girlfriend to watch tonight. She liked Eric Young and thought AJ Styles threw some convincing punches and elbows during the pull-away with Rhino. Hopefully she'll start watching with me. Williams/Homicide was decent, but the ending felt botched. I would've preferred even a botched run-in from LAX leading to Williams pinning Homicide with the CD'er, but that wouldn't've furthered the angle much. Williams has certainly come a long way from his debut in TNA at the X-Cup back in March '04.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    New Year's Eve

    Hopefully getting drunk at my pal Adam's house - just like last year - and bringing another ladyfriend to bed along with Steph - just like last year. Only this time I hope I don't wake up with the freezing windowsill up my ass.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    1. Nothing metal at all about Nirvana. 2. Yes. "Breed" fucking rules it.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    artists you don't get

    Two of the last three original albums have been good driving music (listen to the decent groove going for half of ReLoad and you'll see what I mean), but...yeah, fucking punch your friends in the head. Hard. Repeatedly. With brass knuckles, if at all possible. Children of Bodom. I don't mind 'em, but I have quite a few friends simply jizzing themselves over them. I'll admit that Follow The Reaper is a fucking awesome album, and I liked their combination of death, black, and power metal (more so like power metal with the minor ambience of black metal and the vocals of death metal)...but Alexi plays the same fucking thing over and over again in each song. It's paint-by-numbers, really, and his lyrics are pretty much KoRn lyrics only growled.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Tuesday Night Wars - MTV to air WSX against ECW

    What is this "ECW"? Didn't it go out of business in January 2001?
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Zombi has a new one out? How is it?
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    When The Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts

    But that's the point. It was advertised as being about how Columbine occurred and why there aren't school shootings in other nations, and then switched halfway into some crazy rant about gun control that didn't solve the issue at hand. Or was Moore trying to say that Columbine occurred not because the two kids were legitimate psychopaths but because of racism via lame-ass flash cartoon? I'm still trying to figure out the message of the film, because it starts off so damn well...but then Moore goes on some tear-jerking tangent about some 6-year-old that got shot because a classmate brought a gun to school, and it all goes fucking nuts until Charlton Heston walks out of his interview due to Moore just being a prick.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Box Office Report

    I think the movie would've made more bank direct-to-video, honestly. Then there wouldn't have been the humbling box office bomb thing.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Favorite Gaming Moments

    Finally kicking Roper's ass in Battletoads/Double Dragon. I owned it for years for Genesis and played it the other day at my friend Dee's house on her SNES, and finally learned the trick to whipping EVERYBODY'S ass: jumpkicks as one of the Lee brothers. Do 'em constantly, maybe pick the guy up if you're close enough to toss 'em, and then more jumpkicks. Cheap and effective.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    I want to punch James Blunt right in the fucking face

    I thought I represented all that was wrong with TSM?
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Controversy Creates Cash - Eric Bischoff

    After knocking an opponent down, usually with either a dropkick or a clothesline of some sort, Sanders would crouch down and then jump to his feet with his arms spread out and yell "HEY!" The Heel Section at the old Asylum (10x better than the fucking Impact Zone, if only for atmosphere) would then yell "HEY!" back at him. Sanders was a case of a great talker who should have been either utilized as a color commentator or as a mouthpiece. He was a piss-poor worker whose only in-ring strongpoint was that he could sell individual moves like he was getting murdered, but his mic skills were outlandish for somebody with his level of inexperience. A Sanders/heel Styles teaming would've been great, IMO. I may be the only one, but when WCW was in its dying days after Russo left the second time (October 2000 or so), I really enjoyed WCW the most out of any of the Big 3 (and I'm a diehard ECW - true ECW - mutant). O'Haire/Palumbo squashing Buff/Luger in less than 5 minutes is still one of my favorite moments in wrestling history.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Box Office Report

    Wouldn't surprise me. It was a surprisingly sweet movie. Fucking awful, but surprisingly sweet (though the message was incredibly obvious). Saw Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny last night. Funny, but if you don't like overuse of the word "fuck" and dick/fart jokes, you'll hate it. The music was good, and the appearance of Satan was great (especially the song he plays). Destined to be a cult classic because it's not great, and only appeals to fans of Tenacious D.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    You know, it's funny...I can't think of many bands as legendary as The Misfits where the bulk of their material are in EP format. They released, technically, only around 2 LPs, neither of which featured their two most famous songs ("Die, Die My Darling" and "Last Caress"), and yet the Crimson Ghost is seen everywhere. I remember seeing this dude on the cover of a rap magazine wearing a Misfits tee (of course, it had me furious since the skull was green and there was bling all over it, including the eyes), and even Justin Timberlake has worn a Misfits shirt a few times at appearances.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    Sorta...just in the sense that the Pedigree and the Tiger Driver are in the same vein.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    To be fair, the Tomikaze isn't the same move as the Cop Killa/Kudo Driver/Vertebreaker. It's Christian's Unprettier. One's a powerbomb/piledriver-like move with a reverse double underhook, and the other is a facebuster/flapjack-like move with a reverse double overhook.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Eh, I can see where he's coming from. For as much a hyped album as A Matter of Life and Death was, it isn't all that monumental or great. It's good. That's...it. Bruce Dickinson's solo work, especially Accident of Birth, owns it. Following the whole "favorite song on the album" route... PANTERA Cowboys From Hell: "Cemetery Gates" Vulgar Display of Power: "Fucking Hostile" Far Beyond Driven: "Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills" The Great Southern Trendkill: "Drag the Waters" Reinventing the Steel: "Revolution is my Name" Pantera did a good job of making some of their best songs their singles, apparently. SLAYER Show No Mercy: "The Antichrist" Hell Awaits: "Hell Awaits" Reign in Blood: "Angel of Death" South of Heaven: "Mandatory Suicide" Seasons in the Abyss: A tie between "Spirit in Black" and "Skeletons of Society" Divine Intervention: N/A (only heard "Dittohead," actually, and don't care for it too much) Undisputed Attitude: "I Hate You" (heard half of it via my pal Petone owning the Soundtrack to the Apocalypse set) Diabolous in Musica: N/A God Hates Us All: "Payback" Christ Illusion: "Cult" THE MISFITS (hard to do, since the bulk of their Danzig-era material were EPs and whatnot) Walk Among Us: "All Hell Breaks Loose" Earth AD/Wolfsblood: "Death Comes Ripping" Legacy of Brutality: "TV Casualty" Static Age: "Attitude" Collection I: "Die, Die My Darling" Collection II: "Last Caress" American Psycho: "The Crimson Ghost" Famous Monsters: "Scream" Cuts From the Crypt: "Bruiser" Project 1950: "Great Balls of Fire"
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    I don't have all of Maiden's, so I'll stick to the ones I do have and the Metallica ones (which I do have all of). Metallica Kill 'Em All: "The Four Horsemen" Ride the Lightning: "Creeping Death" Master of Puppets: "Disposeable Heroes" ...And Justice For All: "Dyers Eve" Metallica: "My Friend of Misery" Load: "The Outlaw Torn" ReLoad: "Prince Charming" St. Anger: "Frantic" (the only listenable song on the whole album)
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    I'm a big fan of "Damage, Inc." and "Disposeable Heroes," myself. But yes. "Hallowed Be Thy Name" > "One," as baron so eloquently put it.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Christmas Music

    There's this new wave-y song that used to play at Bob's the first/last/only X-Mas I worked there, and I dunno what the fuck it is. It was also one of the few songs played at Bob's (generic pop/rock bullshit that's grating to anybody with even a slight hint of musical taste) I didn't hate, and dare I say I actually kinda liked it. The chorus goes something like this:
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Roddy Piper has lymphoma cancer

    I just recalled a recurring theme in his autobiography. "California, I'm Roddy Piper, and I'm going to kick your ass!" And "Portland, I'm Roddy Piper, and I'm going to kick your ass!" The Hot Rod mark in me hopes he's saying "Lymphoma Cancer, I'm Roddy Piper, and I'm going to kick your ass!" If he can get Hogan to do the J-O-B clean, he can kick cancer's ass. Just when cancer thinks it has all the answers, Piper's going to change the questions.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Christmas Music

    Type O Negative's "Red Water" is a favorite of mine. Depressing, moody, and beautiful in the way that only Type O can make grating drones of noise be.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Sci Fi Updates Wizard of Oz

    Even odder to think of talking hens and how none of the familiar characters looked like themselves...
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Christmas Music

    "Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight)" by The Ramones I saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra this past Saturday afternoon. Good stuff...until they had a singer. Then it got boring fast.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Sci Fi Updates Wizard of Oz

    I dunno, it's sounds fun in a sorta trainwreck way. Sci-Fi original series have been pretty damn solid (the few eps of Eureka I've caught were good, and Battlestar Galactica is practically worshipped by a few critics), the complete opposite for their "movies," so...I dunno. Jury's out. Could be really fun, could be utter shyte.